
成功連線至藍牙後 每部裝置 CANNOT TRANSLATE BluetoothSocket。您現在可以 可在裝置間分享資訊。使用 BluetoothSocket 時,系統會採用 轉移資料的程序如下:

  1. 取得 InputStream 和 處理傳輸作業的 OutputStream 經由通訊端 getInputStream()getOutputStream()、 。

  2. 使用下列指令將資料讀取及寫入串流 read(byte[])write(byte[])

當然,還有實作細節需要考量。我們特別準備 使用專屬執行緒從串流讀取及寫入資料。 這一點非常重要,因為 read(byte[])write(byte[]) 方法皆有 就會發出封鎖呼叫。read(byte[]) 方法會遭到封鎖,直到有元件出現為止 從串流中讀取資料write(byte[]) 方法通常不會封鎖,但這會導致 可以禁止遠端裝置未呼叫 read(byte[]) 時使用流量控制 並讓中繼緩衝區變滿因此 應在執行緒中分配主要迴圈,以便從 InputStream 讀取。 您可以在執行緒中使用獨立的公開方法,開始寫入 OutputStream


以下範例說明如何在兩個裝置之間轉移資料 已透過藍牙連線:


private const val TAG = "MY_APP_DEBUG_TAG"

// Defines several constants used when transmitting messages between the
// service and the UI.
const val MESSAGE_READ: Int = 0
const val MESSAGE_WRITE: Int = 1
const val MESSAGE_TOAST: Int = 2
// ... (Add other message types here as needed.)

class MyBluetoothService(
       // handler that gets info from Bluetooth service
       private val handler: Handler) {

   private inner class ConnectedThread(private val mmSocket: BluetoothSocket) : Thread() {

       private val mmInStream: InputStream = mmSocket.inputStream
       private val mmOutStream: OutputStream = mmSocket.outputStream
       private val mmBuffer: ByteArray = ByteArray(1024) // mmBuffer store for the stream

       override fun run() {
           var numBytes: Int // bytes returned from read()

           // Keep listening to the InputStream until an exception occurs.
           while (true) {
               // Read from the InputStream.
               numBytes = try {
               } catch (e: IOException) {
                   Log.d(TAG, "Input stream was disconnected", e)

               // Send the obtained bytes to the UI activity.
               val readMsg = handler.obtainMessage(
                       MESSAGE_READ, numBytes, -1,

       // Call this from the main activity to send data to the remote device.
       fun write(bytes: ByteArray) {
           try {
           } catch (e: IOException) {
               Log.e(TAG, "Error occurred when sending data", e)

               // Send a failure message back to the activity.
               val writeErrorMsg = handler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TOAST)
               val bundle = Bundle().apply {
                   putString("toast", "Couldn't send data to the other device")
               writeErrorMsg.data = bundle

           // Share the sent message with the UI activity.
           val writtenMsg = handler.obtainMessage(
                   MESSAGE_WRITE, -1, -1, mmBuffer)

       // Call this method from the main activity to shut down the connection.
       fun cancel() {
           try {
           } catch (e: IOException) {
               Log.e(TAG, "Could not close the connect socket", e)


public class MyBluetoothService {
   private static final String TAG = "MY_APP_DEBUG_TAG";
   private Handler handler; // handler that gets info from Bluetooth service

   // Defines several constants used when transmitting messages between the
   // service and the UI.
   private interface MessageConstants {
       public static final int MESSAGE_READ = 0;
       public static final int MESSAGE_WRITE = 1;
       public static final int MESSAGE_TOAST = 2;

       // ... (Add other message types here as needed.)

   private class ConnectedThread extends Thread {
       private final BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
       private final InputStream mmInStream;
       private final OutputStream mmOutStream;
       private byte[] mmBuffer; // mmBuffer store for the stream

       public ConnectedThread(BluetoothSocket socket) {
           mmSocket = socket;
           InputStream tmpIn = null;
           OutputStream tmpOut = null;

           // Get the input and output streams; using temp objects because
           // member streams are final.
           try {
               tmpIn = socket.getInputStream();
           } catch (IOException e) {
               Log.e(TAG, "Error occurred when creating input stream", e);
           try {
               tmpOut = socket.getOutputStream();
           } catch (IOException e) {
               Log.e(TAG, "Error occurred when creating output stream", e);

           mmInStream = tmpIn;
           mmOutStream = tmpOut;

       public void run() {
           mmBuffer = new byte[1024];
           int numBytes; // bytes returned from read()

           // Keep listening to the InputStream until an exception occurs.
           while (true) {
               try {
                   // Read from the InputStream.
                   numBytes = mmInStream.read(mmBuffer);
                   // Send the obtained bytes to the UI activity.
                   Message readMsg = handler.obtainMessage(
                           MessageConstants.MESSAGE_READ, numBytes, -1,
               } catch (IOException e) {
                   Log.d(TAG, "Input stream was disconnected", e);

       // Call this from the main activity to send data to the remote device.
       public void write(byte[] bytes) {
           try {

               // Share the sent message with the UI activity.
               Message writtenMsg = handler.obtainMessage(
                       MessageConstants.MESSAGE_WRITE, -1, -1, mmBuffer);
           } catch (IOException e) {
               Log.e(TAG, "Error occurred when sending data", e);

               // Send a failure message back to the activity.
               Message writeErrorMsg =
               Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                       "Couldn't send data to the other device");

       // Call this method from the main activity to shut down the connection.
       public void cancel() {
           try {
           } catch (IOException e) {
               Log.e(TAG, "Could not close the connect socket", e);

建構函式取得必要的串流後,執行緒會等待資料 通過 InputStream。當 read(byte[]) 傳回下列來源的資料時 在串流中,資料會透過成員傳送到主要活動 父項類別中的 Handler。討論串 然後等待從 InputStream 讀取更多位元組。

如要傳送傳出資料,您需要從主執行緒呼叫執行緒的 write() 方法 活動並傳入要傳送的位元組。這個方法會呼叫 write(byte[]) 來 傳送資料到遠端裝置。如果 呼叫時擲回 IOException write(byte[]),執行緒會傳送浮動式訊息至主要活動,說明 裝置無法將指定位元組傳送至另一端的使用者 (已連線) 裝置。

執行緒的 cancel() 方法可讓您隨時終止連線 關閉 BluetoothSocket。完成後一律呼叫這個方法 並且使用藍牙連線

如需藍牙 API 的使用示範,請參閱 Bluetooth Chat 範例 應用程式