Последнее обновление | Стабильный выпуск | Кандидат на выпуск | Бета-версия | Альфа-релиз |
12 марта 2025 г. | 2.8.9 | - | - | 2.9.0-альфа08 |
Объявление зависимостей
Чтобы добавить зависимость от навигации, необходимо добавить в свой проект репозиторий Google Maven. Для получения дополнительной информации прочтите репозиторий Google Maven .
Добавьте зависимости для нужных вам артефактов в файл build.gradle
для вашего приложения или модуля:
plugins { // Kotlin serialization plugin for type safe routes and navigation arguments id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version '2.0.21' } dependencies { def nav_version = "2.8.9" // Jetpack Compose Integration implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$nav_version" // Views/Fragments Integration implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:$nav_version" implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui:$nav_version" // Feature module support for Fragments implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-dynamic-features-fragment:$nav_version" // Testing Navigation androidTestImplementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-testing:$nav_version" // JSON serialization library, works with the Kotlin serialization plugin. implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.7.3" }
plugins { // Kotlin serialization plugin for type safe routes and navigation arguments kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "2.0.21" } dependencies { val nav_version = "2.8.9" // Jetpack Compose integration implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$nav_version") // Views/Fragments integration implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:$nav_version") implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-ui:$nav_version") // Feature module support for Fragments implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-dynamic-features-fragment:$nav_version") // Testing Navigation androidTestImplementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-testing:$nav_version") // JSON serialization library, works with the Kotlin serialization plugin implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.7.3") }
Безопасные аргументы
Чтобы добавить Safe Args в свой проект, включите следующий classpath
в файл build.gradle
верхнего уровня:
buildscript { repositories { google() } dependencies { def nav_version = "2.8.9" classpath "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:$nav_version" } }
buildscript { repositories { google() } dependencies { val nav_version = "2.8.9" classpath("androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:$nav_version") } }
Вам также необходимо применить один из двух доступных плагинов.
Чтобы сгенерировать код языка Java, подходящий для Java или смешанных модулей Java и Kotlin, добавьте эту строку в файл build.gradle
вашего приложения или модуля :
plugins { id 'androidx.navigation.safeargs' }
plugins { id("androidx.navigation.safeargs") }
В качестве альтернативы, чтобы сгенерировать код Kotlin, подходящий для модулей только Kotlin, добавьте:
plugins { id 'androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin' }
plugins { id("androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin") }
У вас должно быть android.useAndroidX=true
в файле gradle.properties
в соответствии с переходом на AndroidX .
Информацию об использовании расширений Kotlin смотрите в документации ktx .
Дополнительные сведения о зависимостях см. в разделе Добавление зависимостей сборки .
Обратная связь
Ваши отзывы помогают сделать Jetpack лучше. Дайте нам знать, если вы обнаружите новые проблемы или у вас есть идеи по улучшению этой библиотеки. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с существующими проблемами в этой библиотеке, прежде чем создавать новую. Вы можете добавить свой голос к существующей проблеме, нажав кнопку со звездочкой.
Дополнительную информацию см. в документации по системе отслеживания проблем .
Версия 2.9
Версия 2.9.0-альфа08
12 марта 2025 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.9.0-alpha08
. Версия 2.9.0-alpha08 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Из навигации
: исправлена регрессия, обнаруженная в навигации 2.8.8 , которая требовала, чтобы глубокая ссылка точно соответствовала всем полям запроса или намерения глубокой ссылки, чтобы считаться совпадением. Это привело к тому, что глубокие ссылки, которые содержали частичные совпадения полей и не позволяли другим, переставали работать. ( Ie5e36 , б/399826566 )
Внешний вклад
- Новая общая функция синтаксического анализатора для создания
. Спасибо Константин Цховребов! ( Если0а6а )
Версия 2.9.0-альфа07
26 февраля 2025 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.9.0-alpha07
. Версия 2.9.0-alpha07 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой попытка
с неинклюзивным pop приводила к нулевому значению saveState, что могло привести к сбою при восстановлении. ( I9f3e8 , б/395091644 ) - Из навигации 2.8.8 : исправлено сопоставление
, при котором глубокая ссылка и запрос на глубокую ссылку должны точно совпадать по uri, действию и mime. Сопоставление больше не допускается, если совпадают только одно или два поля. ( I3b029 , б/395712033 ) - Из навигации 2.8.8 : исправлена ошибка, из-за которой маршруты с подстановочными путями не совпадают с добавленной глубокой ссылкой ( I7ea92 , b/389970341 ).
Внешний вклад
- Извлеките API общей навигации, среды выполнения навигации и API создания навигации на общую платформу. Спасибо Константин Цховребов! ( I1e626 , Ica76f , Idf479 )
Известные проблемы
- Из-за работы над адресом b/395712033 глубокие ссылки неправильно должны иметь все те же поля, что и запрос диплинка и/или
. Глубокие ссылки должны соответствовать только имеющимся у них полям, а невключенные поля следует игнорировать. Это было исправлено в более позднем выпуске как часть b/399826566 .
Версия 2.9.0-альфа06
12 февраля 2025 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.9.0-alpha06
. Версия 2.9.0-alpha06 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Действия Navigation Safe Args теперь генерируются с аннотацией
, чтобы гарантировать их использование. ( I14d4c , б/356323084 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена ошибка в
, из-за которой состояния backStack неправильно пытались восстановить в массив, когда они были сохранены в списке. ( Idfb9b ) - Начиная с версии Navigation
: Navigation Safe Args теперь обеспечивает поддержку составных пунктов назначения. ( I35320 , б/362791955 )
Версия 2.9.0-альфа05
29 января 2025 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.9.0-alpha05
. Версия 2.9.0-alpha05 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, приводившая к неожиданному масштабированию анимации при использовании Navigation Compose. ( I480f4 , б/353294030 )
- Из навигации
: меткиNavDestination
, предоставленные через XML, будут анализироваться черезNavType.get
, чтобы гарантировать соблюдение пользовательской логикиNavType
. ( I7ec2f , б/388100796 ) - Из навигации
: при переходе к действию с помощьюdataPattern
теперь попытается закодировать значение arg с помощьюNavType
аргумента. ( I16376 , б/383616432 ) - Из навигации
: исправлена проблема, приводившая к неожиданному масштабированию анимации при использовании Navigation Compose и вызове навигации в том же кадре, где заканчивается текущая анимация. ( I26cb1 , б/353294030 )
Версия 2.9.0-альфа04
11 декабря 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.9.0-alpha04
. Версия 2.9.0-alpha04 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Типобезопасные API , которые раньше были доступны только через
методы , например , composablecomposable<YourScreen>
теперь имеют нереифицированные версии , которые напрямую принимают экземплярKClass
. , If56a5 , Icf969 , I67644 , I6f788 , b/382094941 , b/366291612 , b/381938808 )
В таблице ниже представлены API-интерфейсы reified и KClass.
материализованный | ККласс |
composable<TestClass> { } | composable(TestClass::class) { } |
navigation<NestedGraph>(startDestination = TestClass::class) | navigation(route = NestedGraph::class, startDestination = TestClass::class) |
dialog<TestClass> {} | dialog(TestClass::class) {} |
navDeepLink<TestClass>(baseUri) | navDeepLink(TestClass::class, baseUri) |
NavDeepLink.Builder.setUriPattern<TestClass>(baseUri) | NavDeepLink.Builder.setUriPattern(TestClass::class, baseUri) |
NavDestinationBuilder.deepLink<TestDeepLink>(baseUri) { } | NavDestinationBuilder.deepLink(TestDeepLink::class, baseUri) { } |
navController.getBackStackEntry<TestClass>() | navController.getBackStackEntry(TestClass::class) |
navController.popBackStack<TestClass>(true) | navController.popBackStack(TestClass::class, true) |
navController.clearBackStack<TestClass>() | navController.clearBackStack(TestClass::class) |
NavOptions.setPopUpTo<TestClass>() | NavOptions.setPopUpTo(TestClass::class) |
navOptions { popUpTo<TestClass> {...} } | navOptions { popUpTo(TestClass::class) {...} } |
NavGraph.setStartDestination<TestClass>() | NavGraph.setStartDestination(TestClass::class) |
NavGraph.findNode<TestClass>() | NavGraph.findNode(TestClass::class) |
backStackEntry.toRoute<TestClass>() | backStackEntry.toRoute(TestClass::class) |
savedStateHandle.toRoute<TestClass>() | savedStateHandle.toRoute(TestClass::class) |
Изменения API
- Перегрузка
, специфичная для Kotlin, для обеспечения безопасности типов скрыта из исходных кодов Java. ( Ic640c , б/364634035 )
Исправления ошибок
- Из навигации
: исправлена проблема, из-за которойNavHost
мог выдать исключение внутриPredictiveBackHandler
, если задний стек выталкивается до 1 записи и в том же кадре запускается системный возврат. ( I1a429 , б/375343407 ) - Из навигации
: исправлено исключениеNavDestination
при обновленииstartDestination
графика. ( I99421 , б/361560785 )
Внешний вклад
- Из навигации
: безопасность типа навигации теперь поддерживаетList<Enum>
в качестве типа аргумента маршрута без необходимости использования какого-либо специальногоNavType
. Спасибо Чаба Козак ! ( GH-725 , б/375559962 )
Версия 2.9.0-альфа03
13 ноября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.9.0-alpha03
. Версия 2.9.0-alpha03 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Безопасность типа навигации теперь поддерживает классы значений в качестве маршрута или типа аргумента маршрута. ( I9344a , б/374347483 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлено исключение
, которое могло возникнуть, когдаLifecycleObserver
, прикрепленный кNavBackStackEntry
инициирует изменение обратного стека, когда хостLifecycleOwner
, такой как содержащее действие или фрагмент, меняет состояние своего жизненного цикла. ( Ia9494 )
Версия 2.9.0-альфа02
30 октября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.9.0-alpha02
. Версия 2.9.0-alpha02 содержит эти коммиты .
Внешний вклад
- Новый общий метод
NavController.handleDeepLink(request: NavDeepLinkRequest)
. Спасибо Константин Цховребов! ( I3e228 )
Версия 2.9.0-альфа01
16 октября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.9.0-alpha01
. Версия 2.9.0-alpha01 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Пользовательские навигаторы теперь могут помечать свои пункты назначения как реализацию интерфейса
, который указываетNavController
, что эти пункты назначения будут отображаться рядом с другими пунктами назначения. Используя этот интерфейс, например, можноRESUMED
нескольких пунктов назначения одновременно. ( Ид5559 ) - Из навигации
: добавлены новые проверки для модулейnavigation-common
которые помогают идентифицировать любые типобезопасные маршруты, которые неправильно аннотированы с помощью@Serializable
. Эта проверка применяется ко всем функциям расширенияNavGraphBuilder
. ( I4a259 , I95402 , Ie601a , Id8c6e , I28bda , b/362725816 ) - Из навигации
: добавлены новые проверки для модулейnavigation-common
которые помогают идентифицировать любые типобезопасные маршруты с аргументами Enum, которые неправильно аннотированы@Keep
. Эта проверка применяется ко всем функциям расширенияNavGraphBuilder
. ( I4a259 , I95402 , Ie601a , Id8c6e , I2b46f , b/358687142 )
Изменения поведения
- Попытка использовать
, который ранее былDESTROYED
теперь вызовет исключениеIllegalStateException
. ( I520da , б/369616172 )
Исправления ошибок
- Обновите исключение класса Enum не найдено, чтобы предложить использовать аннотацию
в случае, если класс Enum будет удален в мини-сборках. ( I90e79 , б/358137294 )
Известные проблемы
- Существует проблема с новыми правилами проверки, добавленными в
Navigation 2.8.*
, которая вызывает ошибкуObsolete custom lint check
при попытке запустить проверку с помощью плагина Android Gradle 8.4+. ( б/368070326 , б/371463741 )
Версия 2.8
Версия 2.8.9
12 марта 2025 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.9
. Версия 2.8.9 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена регрессия, обнаруженная в навигации 2.8.8 , которая требовала, чтобы глубокая ссылка точно соответствовала всем полям запроса или намерения глубокой ссылки, чтобы считаться совпадением. Это привело к тому, что глубокие ссылки, которые содержали частичные совпадения полей и не позволяли другим, переставали работать. ( Ie5e36 , б/399826566 )
Версия 2.8.8
26 февраля 2025 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.8
. Версия 2.8.8 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой маршруты с подстановочными путями не соответствовали добавленной глубокой ссылке. ( I7ea92 , б/389970341 )
- Исправлено сопоставление
, при котором глубокая ссылка и запрос на глубокую ссылку должны точно совпадать по uri, действию и mime. Сопоставление больше не допускается, если совпадают только одно или два поля. ( I3227f , б / 395712033 )
Известные проблемы
- Из-за работы над адресом b/395712033 глубокие ссылки неправильно должны иметь все те же поля, что и запрос диплинка и/или
. Глубокие ссылки должны соответствовать только имеющимся у них полям, а невключенные поля следует игнорировать. Это было исправлено в более позднем выпуске как часть b/399826566 .
Версия 2.8.7
12 февраля 2025 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.7
. Версия 2.8.7 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation Safe Args теперь обеспечивает поддержку составных пунктов назначения. ( I35320 , б/362791955 )
Версия 2.8.6
29 января 2025 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.6
. Версия 2.8.6 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Метки
, предоставленные через XML, будут анализироваться черезNavType.get
, чтобы гарантировать соблюдение пользовательской логикиNavType
. ( Id366d , б/388100796 ) - При переходе к действию с помощью
теперь попытается закодировать значение arg с помощьюNavType
аргумента. ( I1a71d , б/383616432 )
Версия 2.8.5
11 декабря 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.5
. Версия 2.8.5 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой
мог выдать исключение внутриPredictiveBackHandler
, если задний стек выталкивается до 1 записи и в том же кадре запускается системный возврат. ( I1a429 , б/375343407 ) - Исправлено исключение
при обновленииstartDestination
графа. ( I99421 , б/361560785 ) - Исправлена проблема, приводившая к неожиданному масштабированию анимации при использовании Navigation Compose и вызове навигации в том же кадре, где заканчивается текущая анимация. ( I26cb1 , б/353294030 )
- Исправлено исключение
, которое могло возникнуть, когдаLifecycleObserver
, прикрепленный кNavBackStackEntry
инициирует изменение обратного стека, когда хостLifecycleOwner
, такой как содержащее действие или фрагмент, меняет состояние своего жизненного цикла. ( Ia9494 )
Внешний вклад
- Безопасность типа навигации теперь поддерживает
в качестве типа аргумента маршрута без необходимости использования какого-либо специальногоNavType
. Спасибо Чаба Козак ! ( GH-725 , б/375559962 )
Версия 2.8.4
13 ноября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.4
. Версия 2.8.4 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Из навигации
: безопасность типа навигации теперь поддерживает класс значения как маршрут или как тип аргумента маршрута ( I9344a , b/374347483 ).
Исправления ошибок
- Из навигации
: попытка использоватьNavController
, который ранее былDESTROYED
теперь будет вызывать исключениеIllegalStateException
. ( I520da , б/369616172 )
Версия 2.8.3
16 октября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.3
. Версия 2.8.3 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Добавлены новые проверки lint для модулей
которые помогают идентифицировать любые типобезопасные маршруты, которые неправильно аннотированы с помощью@Serializable
. Эта проверка применяется ко всем функциям расширенияNavGraphBuilder
. ( I4a259 , I95402 , Ie601a , Id8c6e , I28bda , b/362725816 ) - Добавлены новые проверки lint для модулей
которые помогают идентифицировать любые типобезопасные маршруты с аргументами Enum, которые неправильно аннотированы@Keep
. Эта проверка применяется ко всем функциям расширенияNavGraphBuilder
. ( I4a259 , I95402 , Ie601a , Id8c6e , I2b46f , b/358687142 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой новые правила проверки, добавленные в
Navigation 2.8.*
, вызывали ошибкуObsolete custom lint check
при попытке запустить проверку с помощью плагина Android Gradle 8.4+. ( I1be3d , б/368070326 , б/371463741 )
Известные проблемы
- Навигационный lint выдаст ошибку проверки устаревшего пользовательского lint при попытке запустить lint с помощью Lint 16 (AGP 8.7) или выше. ( б/371926651 )
Версия 2.8.2
2 октября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.2
. Версия 2.8.2 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Безопасность типов навигации теперь поддерживает сериализуемые классы, которые включают
без необходимости использования какого-либо специальногоNavType
. ( I570eb , Ibc4c0 , I37461 , I5bed4 , b/359245753 )
Исправления ошибок
- Улучшено сообщение об ошибке: когда навигации не удается сопоставить аргумент маршрута с
, новое сообщение об ошибке будет содержать имя аргумента, полное имя аргумента и полное имя маршрута. ( Id8416 , б/346264232 )
Версия 2.8.1
18 сентября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.1
. Версия 2.8.1 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Добавлено новое правило проверки, гарантирующее использование функции
, которая принимает конкретный тип класса при попыткеpopBackStack
с использованием типобезопасных API. ( Ief161 , б/358095343 )
Исправления ошибок
- Для навигации теперь требуется, чтобы маршрут, передаваемый в
, содержал значения для всех обязательных аргументов, включая аргументы, которые не допускают значения NULL и не имеют значения по умолчанию. ( I18e74 , б/362594265 ) - В аргументах навигационной безопасности добавлена поддержка строк, не допускающих значения NULL, так что значения «null» будут анализироваться и сохраняться в пакете как есть. Это отличается от существующего поведения, при котором «нулевые» значения анализируются в нулевой объект. Это изменение применимо только к строковым типам, не допускающим значения NULL. Строки, допускающие значение NULL, остаются неизменными. ( I08b4a , б/348936238 )
больше не может иметь глубокую ссылку, кроме как через глубокую ссылку, которая была явно добавлена к месту назначения. Это также означает, что вы можете перейти к маршруту пункта назначения только с помощью перегруженной функции навигации, которая принимает строковый маршрут. Это устраняет уязвимость, которая позволяла создать глубокую ссылку на потенциально защищенный пункт назначения. ( Ie30e6 )
Обновление зависимостей
- Navigation Safe Args теперь зависит от Kotlin 1.9.24, а не от Kotlin 2.X, что гарантирует, что разработчикам не придется обновляться. ( а4129а )
- Навигация Compose теперь зависит от Compose
Версия 2.8.0
4 сентября 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0
. Версия 2.8.0 содержит эти коммиты .
Важные изменения с версии 2.7.0
Навигация: Типовая безопасность Kotlin DSL
- Навигация теперь обеспечивает типобезопасность для Kotlin DSL (используемого Navigation Compose) с использованием сериализации Kotlin, что позволяет вам определять пункты назначения в навигационном графе с помощью типобезопасных объектов и классов данных:
// Define a home destination that doesn't take any arguments
object Home
// Define a profile destination that takes an ID
data class Profile(val id: String)
// Now define your NavHost using type safe objects
NavHost(navController, startDestination = Home) {
composable<Home> {
HomeScreen(onNavigateToProfile = { id ->
composable<Profile> { backStackEntry ->
val profile: Profile = backStackEntry.toRoute()
Дополнительную информацию см. в блоге «Навигация по компоновке и безопасности типов» .
Навигация. Составление прогноза. Назад.
- Navigation Compose теперь обеспечивает поддержку Predictive внутри приложения через новые API-интерфейсы
из compose-animation. Это позволяет вам использовать жест назад, чтобы увидеть предыдущий пункт назначения с вашим пользовательским переходом, прежде чем принять решение либо подтвердить транзакцию с помощью завершенного жеста, либо отменить ее.
Составной фрагмент навигации
- Добавлен новый артефакт
, который включает альтернативуNavHostFragment
, которая позволяет добавлять составные пункты назначения в XML-файлы навигации. Каждоеcomposable
назначение должно быть выражено как метод@Composable
верхнего уровня без аргументов, полное имя которого используется в качестве атрибутаandroid:name
в каждом пункте назначения. При переходе к одному из этих пунктов назначения создается содержащий фрагмент для отображения составного содержимого.
// In HomeScreen.kt
fun HomeScreen() {
// Your Composable content here
// In your navigation.xml
android:name="com.example.HomeScreenKt\$HomeScreen" />
Другие изменения
- Навигация Compose теперь зависит от Compose 1.7.0.
- Навигация теперь предоставляет новый класс
, подклассNavType<T>
для аргументов на основе коллекций, таких как списки, массивы, карты. Все массивыNavType
по умолчанию (IntArrayType
) теперь наследуются от этого нового класса. -
теперь имеет встроенную поддержку списков Int, String, Boolean, Float и Long.
Версия 2.8.0-rc01
21 августа 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-rc01
. Версия 2.8.0-rc01 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлен сбой навигации при передаче классов Enum верхнего уровня в качестве типобезопасных аргументов. ( I0ba76 , б/358137294 )
- Навигация 2.8 теперь корректно работает с SDK 34 и не будет переключаться на SDK 35 до выхода версии 2.9 вместе с остальными библиотеками AndroidX. ( б/358798728 )
Версия 2.8.0-бета07
7 августа 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-beta07
. Версия 2.8.0-beta07 содержит эти коммиты .
Известные проблемы
- Из-за b/358137294 по умолчанию поддерживаются только Enums, вложенные в другой класс. Перечисления верхнего уровня будут поддерживаться в следующем выпуске.
Исправления ошибок
- При навигации к повторяющимся или общим пунктам назначения приоритет отдается переходу к ближайшему совпадающему пункту назначения из текущего местоположения на графике. ( Ic89a4 , б/352006850 )
- Для навигации по безопасным аргументам теперь добавлен новый
. Это означает, что типыEnum
больше не требуют пользовательскихNavType
. Обратите внимание, чтоSerialName
должно быть полным именем по умолчанию. ( I66d22 , б/346475493 ) - В навигацию по безопасным аргументам добавлена встроенная поддержка типов аргументов, допускающих значение NULL, включая
. ( I32d13 , I1c580 , Ifba66 , I978b0 , Ide076 , b/351994237 ) -
теперь будет использовать значения аргументов по умолчанию, если маршрутstartDestination
, переданный вNavGraph
, в точности равенstartDestination.route
. ( I13762 , б/354046047 )
Версия 2.8.0-бета06
24 июля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-beta06
. Версия 2.8.0-beta06 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой проверки
не проверяли объекты Companion в переданном типе класса, из-за чего lint не мог обнаружить ошибку. ( I92b09 )
Версия 2.8.0-бета05
10 июля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-beta05
. Версия 2.8.0-beta05 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлен сбой навигации
, когда вложенныеNavGraphs
используют один и тот же маршрутstartDestination
. ( I17b94 , б/294408596 )
Версия 2.8.0-бета04
26 июня 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-beta04
. Версия 2.8.0-beta04 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Навигация теперь поддерживает навигацию с пустыми строками в аргументах пути. ( Ic5dbd , б/339481310 )
- Улучшите сообщение об ошибке для пользовательских сериализаторов, объявленных непосредственно в полях класса через
@Serializable(with =...)
чтобы уточнить, что в настоящее время эта функция не поддерживается. ( I052b0 , б/341319151 ) - API-интерфейс теста
теперь можно использовать в тестах, отличных от Android, но для поддержки анализа аргументов с помощью Bundles потребуется Robolectric. ( I76cdc , б/340966212 ) - Исправлен сбой при восстановлении состояния при возобновлении работы приложения после смерти процесса с использованием типобезопасной навигации в Compose. ( Ia8f38 , б/341801005 )
- Исправлена проблема в Navigation Compose, из-за которой после отмены прогнозируемого жеста возврата элемент
, к которому возвращается пользователь, никогда не возвращается в состояниеRESUMED
жизненного цикла. Это также гарантирует, что возвращающийся пункт назначения правильно анимируется, а не фиксируется на месте после броска. ( I97a0c , б/346608857 ) - При использовании функции Predictive Back с функцией Navigation Compose отображаемый пункт назначения теперь будет иметь правильный z-порядок и правильно анимироваться поверх входящего пункта назначения. ( I2077b , б/345993681 )
Версия 2.8.0-бета03
12 июня 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-beta03
. Версия 2.8.0-beta03 содержит эти коммиты .
Изменения API
имеет новый абстрактный методemptyCollection()
. Переопределите это, чтобы обрабатывать пустую коллекцию, переданную в качестве аргумента. ( Ie4d84 , б/341723133 )
Исправления ошибок
- Добавлена документация по
, чтобы подчеркнуть, что окончательные выходные данные должны быть закодированы Uri. ( Ида6бд , б/344943214 ) - Исправлен сбой при вызове
с нулевым аргументомCollectionNavType
. При навигации с нулевым значениемCollectionNavType
выходным аргументом будет значение по умолчанию, объявленное в вашем классе Serializable, или возвращаемое значениеemptyCollection()
если значение по умолчанию отсутствует. ( I84158 , Id630f , б/342672856 )
Версия 2.8.0-бета02
29 мая 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-beta02
. Версия 2.8.0-beta02 содержит эти коммиты .
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлен сбой
при использованииNavBackStackEntry.toRoute
с пользовательскимNavType
, допускающим значение NULL. ( I1c29b , б/342239473 ) - Исправлены проблемы с восстановлением состояния обратного стека навигации, возникающие при попытке восстановить запись обратного стека, которая недоступна по идентификатору из текущего пункта назначения. Поскольку маршруты поддерживаются идентификаторами, это также затронуло пункты назначения, построенные с использованием маршрутов. Это также устраняет сбой, вызванный вызовом
, который имел ту же основную проблему. ( I423c3 , б/339908057 )
Версия 2.8.0-бета01
14 мая 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-beta01
. Версия 2.8.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты .
Изменения API
теперь принимает параметрtypeMap
для пользовательских типов аргументов. ( Ie39fb , б/339026523 ) - В
добавлен тестовый API для созданияSavedStateHandle
из сериализуемого объекта Kotlin. ( Id4867 , б/339080702 )
Исправления ошибок
- Добавлены недостающие документы по параметрам для функций Navigation Kotlin DSL. ( I26a36 )
Версия 2.8.0-альфа08
1 мая 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-alpha08
. Версия 2.8.0-alpha08 содержит эти коммиты .
Безопасные аргументы в навигации
- Работа по поддержке безопасности типов во время компиляции для Navigation Compose и пользователей Navigation Kotlin DSL на основе сериализации Kotlin завершена, и ранее экспериментальные API теперь стабильны. ( Iea94d , I0eb0d , I873b7 , I3a64b , I6c3a2 , I11f0b , Ic3032 , I8d394 , I95710 , Ice060 , Id0e55 , I45f8b , Idcdaf , If5380 , I08b23 , Ia5c59 , б/188693139 )
Эта функция использует сериализацию Kotlin, чтобы вы могли определять пункты назначения в графе навигации с помощью типобезопасных объектов и классов данных:
// Define a home destination that doesn't take any arguments
object Home
// Define a profile destination that takes an ID
data class Profile(val id: String)
// Now define your NavHost using type safe objects
NavHost(navController, startDestination = Home) {
composable<Home> {
HomeScreen(onNavigateToProfile = { id ->
composable<Profile> { backStackEntry ->
val profile: Profile = backStackEntry.toRoute()
Дополнительную информацию см. в блоге «Навигация по компоновке и безопасности типов» .
Новые возможности
- Артефакт
теперь предоставляет композициюLocalFragment
, локальную для составных методов внутриComposableFragment
. ( Если35e5 ) -
теперь имеет встроенную поддержку списков Int, String, Boolean, Float и Long. ( I4b6dd , Ia914c , b/188693139 )
Версия 2.8.0-альфа07
17 апреля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-alpha07
. Версия 2.8.0-alpha07 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
Добавляет новый артефакт
, который включает альтернативуNavHostFragment
, которая позволяет добавлятьcomposable
пункты назначения в XML-файлы навигации. Каждоеcomposable
назначение должно быть выражено как метод@Composable
верхнего уровня без аргументов, полное имя которого используется в качестве атрибутаandroid:name
в каждом пункте назначения. При переходе к одному из этих пунктов назначения создается содержащий фрагмент для отображения составного содержимого. ( I0ef2e , б/265480755 )// In HomeScreen.kt @Composable fun HomeScreen() { // Your Composable content here }
// In your navigation.xml <composable android:id="@+id/home_screen" android:name="com.example.HomeScreenKt\$HomeScreen" />
Изменения API
- Продолжалась поддержка Safe Args в Navigation Compose с использованием подхода, основанного на сериализации Kotlin. Эти API еще не завершены и отмечены аннотацией
. Эта аннотация будет удалена, когда вся поверхность API будет завершена в будущем выпуске. ( Iefd95 , I409c8 , I5b5ac , I7e753 , I960f8 , I3eabd , I8ed5a , Ied2c9 , I9b73c , I554db , Ib3aba , Ia668d , b/188693139 )
Версия 2.8.0-альфа06
3 апреля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-alpha06
. Версия 2.8.0-alpha06 содержит эти коммиты .
Изменения API
- Началась поддержка Safe Args в Navigation Compose с использованием подхода, основанного на сериализации Kotlin. Эти API еще не завершены и отмечены аннотацией
. Эта аннотация будет удалена, когда вся поверхность API будет завершена в будущем выпуске. ( I644e7 , I98896 , I2a1c5 , I43a51 , I836a1 , Ic5eec , I39407 , I24e41 , If9e14 , Ibb13e , If44d3 , Icb70f , I8972f , I1d432 , Icf32b , I20a14 , I262aa , I7de99 , I35990 , I1033d , b/188693139 )
Исправления ошибок
теперь использовалAlignment.TopStart
в качестве аргумента contentAlignment по умолчанию. Это приводит его в соответствие со значением по умолчанию дляAnimatedContent
и исправляет некоторые случаи неожиданного масштабирования при переходе по центру. ( I09e72 , б/330111602 ) - При нажатии интеллектуального жеста назад во время использования Navigation Compose
теперь правильно завершает пользовательский переход, а не немедленно завершает его. ( I99017 , б/327292110 )
Версия 2.8.0-альфа05
20 марта 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-alpha05
. Версия 2.8.0-alpha05 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Теперь вы можете передавать аргументы в
непосредственно в маршрутеstartDestination
, не полагаясь наdefaultValue
. Это также относится и к вложеннымstartDestinations
. ( I0e0b5 , б/109505019 , б/188693139 )
Изменения API
- Добавлен новый абстрактный класс
, подклассNavType<T>
для аргументов на основе коллекций, таких как списки, массивы, карты. ( Ic6d63 , б/188693139 ) - Все массивы
по умолчанию (IntArrayType
) теперь относятся к типуCollectionNavType
( Idcf79 , b/188693139 ). -
теперь предоставляет новый открытый APIvalueEquals
, который определяет, равны ли два значения одного типа друг другу. ( I6cb97 , б/327229511 )
Исправления ошибок
- Параметры запроса в глубоких ссылках теперь допускают значения в форме фигурных скобок вокруг имени аргумента (т. е.
) в качестве допустимых значений для строковыхNavTypes
. Это устраняет проблему, из-за которой такое значение считалось недействительным (или отсутствовало значение) для всех типов. ( I18302 , б/327274038 ) - Функции
, поддерживающие такие маршруты, какnavigate
, теперь могут правильно сопоставлять маршруты, заполненные аргументами ArrayNavTypes
. ( Iea805 , б/327229511 )
Версия 2.8.0-альфа04
6 марта 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-alpha04
. Версия 2.8.0-alpha04 содержит эти коммиты .
Новые возможности
- Теперь вы можете указать
для своих переходов в Navigation Compose, определив их как часть инициализацииcomposable
функций. ( I91062 , б / 296912651 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой
в функции «Создать навигацию» не отображал должным образом переход при использовании «Назад к системе» без жестов. ( Iceeae , б/325998468 )
Версия 2.8.0-альфа03
21 февраля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-alpha03
. Версия 2.8.0-alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
теперь помечен как@MainThread
, поскольку он в любом случае использует код, который в любом случае должен находиться в основном потоке. ( Ibb988 , б/299523245 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема в навигации, из-за которой модели представления
слишком рано, посколькуViewModel
связанной записи не была частью сохраненного состояния. ( Ib6bb7 , б/317581849 )
Обновление зависимостей
- Навигация Compose теперь зависит от Compose 1.7.0-alpha03 .
Версия 2.8.0-альфа02
7 февраля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-alpha02
. Версия 2.8.0-alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Navigation Compose теперь обеспечивает поддержку Predictive в приложении через новые API-интерфейсы
из compose-animation. Это позволяет вам использовать жест назад, чтобы увидеть предыдущий пункт назначения с вашим пользовательским переходом, прежде чем принять решение либо подтвердить транзакцию с помощью завершенного жеста, либо отменить ее. ( I8b8e9 )
Версия 2.8.0-альфа01
24 января 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.8.0-alpha01
. Версия 2.8.0-alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена утечка
, из-за которой несколько вызововsaveState
в пункте назначения приводили к сохранению нескольких состояний, но восстановить можно было только первое. ( I598b0 , б/309559751 ) - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой аргументы, отличные от String, не отображались должным образом при использовании помощников
для заполнения заголовков панелей приложений. ( #636 , б/316676794 )
Обновление зависимостей
- Навигация Compose теперь зависит от Compose
исправляющего проблему, которая могла привести к неожиданному масштабированию анимации. ( б/297258205 )
Внешний вклад
- Спасибо SimonMarquis за исправление проблемы с отображением нестроковых аргументов при использовании помощников
для заполнения заголовков панелей приложений.
Версия 2.7.7
Версия 2.7.7
7 февраля 2024 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.7.7
. Версия 2.7.7 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Перенесено из навигации
: исправлена утечкаBackStackState
, из-за которой несколько вызововsaveState()
для одногоNavBackStackEntry
приводили к сохранению нескольких состояний, но восстановить можно было только первое сохраненное состояние. ( I598b0 , б/309559751 ) - Перенесено из навигации
: исправлена проблема, из-за которой нестроковые аргументы не отображались должным образом при использовании помощниковNavigationUI
для заполнения заголовков панелей приложений. ( #636 , б/316676794 )
Внешний вклад
- Спасибо SimonMarquis за исправление проблемы с отображением нестроковых аргументов при использовании помощников
для заполнения заголовков панелей приложений.
Версия 2.7.6
Версия 2.7.6
13 декабря 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.7.6
. Версия 2.7.6 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Функция
теперь корректно учитывает узлы другого графа, а не только вызывающего. Это гарантирует, что графы с узлами с разными идентификаторами больше не будут считаться равными ( I401cb , b/311414915 ).
Версия 2.7.5
Версия 2.7.5
1 ноября 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.7.5
. Версия 2.7.5 содержит эти коммиты.
Улучшения производительности
- Значительно улучшена производительность (как по времени, так и по количеству выделений) при сравнении двух графиков. Это означает, что такие вызовы, как
, которые внутренне сравнивают новый граф с существующим, выполняются намного быстрее и приводят к меньшему количеству пропущенных кадров. Спасибо Михалу З за тщательный анализ, который привел к этому улучшению. ( I6ad62 ) -
теперь будет отображать начальный пункт назначения на первом проходе композиции вместо того, чтобы ждать второго прохода для чтения обновленного состояния. ( I439a7 , б/304852206 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой ваш задний стек выскакивал, если вы вызывали
более одного раза с одним и тем же графом, только если в вашем графике был пункт назначения, содержащий действие, связывающее два пункта назначения. ( Ieaed7 ) - Диалоги, к которым быстро переходили и закрывали, больше не будут просачиваться в список
. ( I67586 , б / 287969970 ) - Когда запись извлекается с последующим изменением конфигурации,
записи теперь будет очищаться правильно, еслиsaveState
имеет значение false. ( Idf242 , б/298164648 ) - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой
мог обрабатывать одну и ту же глубокую ссылку более одного раза, если задний стек был полностью пуст до изменения конфигурации или вызоваsetGraph
, только когда для входящего намерения был установлен флагFLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
. ( I73c7f )
Обновления зависимостей
- Навигация с помощью фрагментов теперь зависит от Fragment 1.6.2 , что устраняет проблему, из-за которой экземпляры
вложенных фрагментов не очищались приclearBackStack
Версия 2.7.4
Версия 2.7.4
4 октября 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.7.4
. Версия 2.7.4 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Добавлена поддержка
для использования маршрутов с аргументами, позволяющих вернуться к определенной записи, которая использует именно эти аргументы, что соответствует поддержке, найденной вpopBackStack
. ( I731f4 , б / 299255572 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой прерывание навигации с помощью другой навигации с помощью
приводило к сбоюFragmentNavigator
. ( I3c848 , б/301887045 ) - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой нажатие системы назад приводило к неправильному обновлению
в соответствии с отображаемым фрагментом. ( Id0d6c , б/289877514 ) - Жизненный цикл
теперь корректно переходит в состояниеRESUMED
, когда диалоговое окно над ним закрывается. ( I88f0d , б/301811387 )
Версия 2.7.3
Версия 2.7.3
20 сентября 2023 г.
Выпущен androidx.navigation:navigation-*:2.7.3
. Версия 2.7.3 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема в навигации с фрагментами, которые привели к тому, что список
содержат неправильные записи. ( I5caa9 , b/288520638 ) - Исправлена проблема, из -за которой место для плавающего окна (т.е.
и т. Д.) Никогда не получилиRESUMED
обратный вызов жизненного цикла. ( I3b866 , b/287505132 )
Версия 2.7.2
Версия 2.7.2
6 сентября 2023 года
выпущена. Версия 2.7.2 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Навигация в настоящее время зависит от жизненного цикла
, исправляя взаимодействие междуrememberSaveable
и навигационным навигационнымNavHost
, которое вызвало быrememberSaveable
о состоянии назначения и любых экземпляровViewModel
, принадлежащихSavedStateHandle
от правильного восстановления после смерти процесса и развлечения. ( B/298059596 , B/289436035 ) - Исправлена проблема при отображении нескольких диалогов в навигации, составленной одновременно, где частично скрытые диалоги (например, не самый верхний диалог) будут в
состоянии жизненного цикла, а не вSTARTED
состоянии. ( AOSP/2728520 , B/289257213 ) - Исправлена проблема, показывая несколько диалогов в навигации, составляя одновременно, когда увольнение самого верхнего диалога приведет к застенчивому в
жизненном цикле, а неRESUMED
. ( AOSP/2629401 , B/286371387 ) - Safe Args навигации больше не создает с нетерпением, если она на самом деле не выполняется. ( I0E385 , B/260322841 )
Обновление зависимости
- Навигационная композиция теперь зависит от составления 1.5.1.
Версия 2.7.1
Версия 2.7.1
23 августа 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.7.1 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблемы в навигации с композицией, где при использовании
можно было получить ошибку для попытки получить доступ кLifecycle.State.DESTROYED
. ( I1dc11 , b/268422136 )
Версия 2.7.0
Версия 2.7.0
9 августа 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.7.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Важные изменения с 2,6,0
Анимации от аккомпаниата
Теперь, когда AnimatedContent
стабилен, мы смогли перенести код из анимации навигации в сопровождении обратно в навигацию.
Это означает, что вся поддержка для установки пользовательских переходов, которые существовали в AnimatedNavHost
, напрямую поддерживается в NavHost
Не будет внесено никаких дополнительных изменений в сопровождении анимации навигации, и мы в ближайшее время формируем ее, наряду с руководством о том, как перейти обратно в навигацию, но это будет обратным руководством по миграции без других изменений API, если вы уже используете новейший аккомпаунный альфа ( 0.31.2-alpha
). ( B/197140101 )
Исправления ошибок
- Navhost в навигации теперь правильно перехватывает системные вызовы даже после того, как деятельность была остановлена и возобновлена. ( ICB6DE , B/2791184447 )
Обновления зависимости
- Навигация теперь зависит от составления
вверх по сравнению с1.1.0
Версия 2.7.0-RC01
26 июля 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.7.0-RC01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, в которой
лямбдас, созданные как частьNavHost
, потенциально могут оставаться в памяти даже после того, какNavHost
будет удален из композиции. ( I893d0 )
Известные проблемы
- Существует проблема из навигации 2.6.x, что при навигации с Popupto можно вызвать
. Возможно, что этого исключения можно избежать путем реструктуризации вашего графика, аналогично советам, предложенным здесь . ( B/287133013 )
Версия 2.7.0-beta02
28 июня 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.7.0-beta02 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation Compose теперь имеет правильный Z-order для пользовательских переходов, которые используют навигацию с опцией
. ( /IB1C3A , B /285153947 )
Версия 2.7.0-beta01
7 июня 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.7.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
в навигации теперь правильно перехватывает системные вызовы даже после того, какActivity
. ( ICB6DE , B/2791184447 )
Версия 2.7.0-Alpha01
24 мая 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.7.0-Alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Анимации от аккомпаниата
Теперь, когда AnimatedContent
стабилен, мы смогли перенести код из анимации навигации в сопровождении обратно в навигацию.
Это означает, что вся поддержка для установки пользовательских переходов, которые существовали в AnimatedNavHost
, напрямую поддерживается в NavHost
Не будет внесено никаких дополнительных изменений в сопровождении анимации навигации, и мы в ближайшее время формируем ее, наряду с руководством о том, как перейти обратно в навигацию, но это будет обратным руководством по миграции без других изменений API, если вы уже используете новейший аккомпаунный альфа ( 0.31.2-alpha
). ( B/197140101 )
Исправления ошибок
- Из навигации
: Исправлена проблема с навигацией в фрагментах, где навигация сpopUpTo
и выталкивание фрагмента из заднего стека без воссоздания его представления приведет к тому, что система остановит работу. ( IEB8D4 , B/281726455 )
Обновления зависимости
- Навигация теперь зависит от Compose
Версия 2.6.0
Версия 2.6.0
7 июня 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Важные изменения в навигации с 2.5.0
, переданные вOnDestinationChangedListener
теперь являются лишь копией неизменных аргументов, которые были созданы, когда вы перемещались в пункт назначения. Это означает, что любые изменения, внесенные в эти пучки, не будут отражены в последующих доступах кarguments
или другим экземплярамOnDestinationChangedListener
. -
теперь поддерживает значения по умолчанию для массивов, что позволяет поддержать повторные параметры запроса, которые будут отображаться в типе массива аргумента.NavType
также теперь включает метод по умолчанию, который можно переопределить, чтобы объединить два проанализированных значения. - Пользовательские подклассы
теперь могут переопределятьserializeAsValue
, чтобы сериализовать значение в строку, позволяя как сериализацию, так и десериализацию (черезparseValue
) полностью инкапсулировать в классNavType
теперь переопределяет этот метод, чтобы вызватьUri.encode
на даннойString
Важные изменения в навигационном составе с 2.5.0
- При предварительном просмотре композиции с
теперь он будет показыватьstartDestination
NavGraph по умолчанию. -
- Попытка создать пустой
с использованием DSLnavDeepLink
Kotlin, теперь приведет к тому, что предупреждение о ворсе, указывающее на то, что глубокая ссылка нуждается в URI, действие и/или миметипе, чтобы быть действительным.
Важные изменения в навигации с фрагментами с 2.5.0
больше не перехватывает саму кнопку «Система». Это позволяет базовомуFragmentManager
манага обрабатывать систему обратно. Это позволяет фрагменту1.7.0-alpha01
и выше обеспечивать анимацию в приложении на устройствах Android U. - При использовании навигации с фрагментами попытка вручную выполнить транзакцию
, которое добавляет фрагмент в задний стекFragmentManager
, теперь броситIllegalArgumentException
. Вы всегда должны добавлять фрагменты через APInavigate()
. - При использовании точной строки
в качестве заполнителя вapp:data
в элементе деятельности файла навигации XML -файла, заполнитель будет автоматически заполнен с помощьюpackageName
контекста при инфляции. -
теперь использует API -интерфейсы перехода при навигации и выпчавеNavBackStackEntries
. Это означает, чтоLifecycle
теперь будет ждать, пока вступление и выйдет на фрагментные спецэффекты, прежде чем перемещать свой последнийLifecycle.State
. -
теперь использует API -интерфейсы перехода при навигации и всплескеNavBackStackEntries
. Это означает, чтоLifecycle
теперь будет ждать, покаLifecycle
перейти кDESTROYED
, прежде чем перейти кDESTROYED
. -
теперь позволяет вам получитьNavController
, как толькоNavHostFragment
прикрепляется кFragmentManager
, а не только послеonCreate()
. - Поддержка Navigation для динамических функциональных модулей теперь зависит от библиотеки доставки гранулированных игр.
- Safe ARG навигации теперь зависит от плагина Android Gradle Версия 7.3.0. Это означает, что теперь он совместим только с версиями 7.3.0+.
Важные изменения в NavigationUI с 2.5.0
- При передаче идентификатора навигационного графика в
(например, черезMenu
теперь рассматривает только начальное место назначения этого навигационного графа как пункт назначения верхнего уровня, а не неправильно отмечает каждое место назначения в графике как пункт назначения верхнего уровня. Поведение прохождения идентификатора отдельного назначения не изменилось. Эта же функциональность доступна для вашего собственного кода через новую функциюisTopLevelDestination
. - Интеграции
для работы с Top Bar Bar теперь будут анализировать значенияR.string
для аргументовReferenceType
, найденных в вашемandroid:label
в их строковые значения вместо того, чтобы выводить целое число ресурсов, сгенерированное автоматическим ресурсом. -
теперь предоставляет журналы, когда не может навигации по выбраннойMenuItem
Версия 2.6.0-RC02
24 мая 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-RC02 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема с навигацией в фрагментах, на которой навигация с
и вытаскивание фрагмента из заднего стека, не воссоздавая его представление, приведет к тому, что Система остановит работу. ( IEB8D4 , B/281726455 )
Версия 2.6.0-RC01
10 мая 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-RC01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема в навигации с фрагментами, в которых удаление фрагмента посредством навигации с
в его обратном вызове жизненного циклаonResume()
может вызватьIllegalStateException
. ( I21884 , B/2796444470 )
Версия 2.6.0-BETA01
19 апреля 2023 года
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
теперь предоставляет пользовательскую реализациюtoString
. ( IFF00B )
Исправления ошибок
- При использовании навигации с фрагментами попытка вручную выполнить транзакцию
, которое добавляет фрагмент в задний стекFragmentManager
, теперь броситIllegalArgumentException
. Вы всегда должны добавлять фрагменты через APInavigate()
. ( I6d38e ) - Когда есть
, которая добавляет запись, иpopBackStack
, который удаляет ее в той же кадре, полученная верхняя запись в заднем стеке теперь последовательно вернется кRESUMED
. ( ID8067 , B/276495952 )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha09
5 апреля 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha09 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Фиксированные проверки на недопустимый маршрут, так что, если
содержит не нулевойNavArgument
, маршрут этого пункта назначения должен содержать заполнители для ARG, названных так же, как и не нулевойNavArgument
. ( IC62BF , B/274697949 ) - DeepLink Navigations, основанные на
теперь не пройдут, если навигационной операции не хватает не нулевогоNavArgument
требуемого в соответствии сNavDestination
, с которым совпадаетAction/MimeType
. ( IBFA17 , B/271777424 ) - Когда
устанавливает график с тем же маршрутом и направлениями, что и предыдущий график, теперь он правильно заменяет свои текущие узлы графика и назначения спинковых стеков новыми экземплярами. Это исправляет сбой при использованииonLaunchSingleTop
без сохранения состояния в навигационной композиции. Это также исправляет ошибку, при которой навигация в пункты назначения, связанные со строительством корневого графа, и неверный задний стек. ( I5bc58 , b/275258161 , b/275407804 )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha08
22 марта 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha08 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
теперь позволяет вам получитьNavController
, как толькоNavHostFragment
прикрепляется кFragmentManager
, а не только послеonCreate()
. ( IC6382 , B/220186282 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена
при выпуске вложенного графика, который включает не нулевой аргумент. ( 6B3581 , B/249988437 ) - При использовании системы обратно после перемещения с
, состояниеNavController
будет выдвинуть в правильную запись. ( I3a8ec , b/2704447657 ) -
теперь будет должным образом вспять записи, когда задний стек выпадает через систему назад илиpopBackStack()
и использует ли транзакция эффекты для фрагмента. ( I81bdf ) - Добавление фрагментов к
использования навигации больше не вызовет аварии. ( B17204 , B/274167493 )
Обновления зависимости
- Навигация теперь зависит от жизненного цикла
. ( 586Fe7 ) - Навигация теперь зависит от SavedState
. ( 078e4e ) - Навигация теперь зависит от ProfileInstaller
. ( 512f0c )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha07
8 марта 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha07 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
, варианты APIclearBackStack
, которые принимают маршруты, теперь принимают шаблоны маршрута с нулевыми аргументами и нулевыми параметрами запроса ( I22294 , B/269302500 ) - Исправлена проблема, в которой вызов
не очистил бы сохраненное состояние в управляющем фрагментами, связанным со стеком очистки. ( IC1CCE , B/271190202 ) - Исправлена регрессия в 2.6.0-Alpha06, которая вызвала подставку неверного
при использовании системы обратно между вкладками. ( I634F6 , B/2704447657 ) - Фиксированная регрессия в 2.6.0-alpha06, которая заставила
S не перемещаться в возобновляемое состояние при использованииAnimation
S. ( IB3589 , B/269646882 )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha06
22 февраля 2023 года
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha06 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- При предварительном просмотре композиции с
теперь он будет показыватьstartDestination
NavGraph по умолчанию. ( I2b89f )
Изменения API
- Все перегрузки
теперь аннотируются с@MainThread
, чтобы убедиться, что они вызываются в главном потоке. ( I2c0b0 , b/263427111 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена сбой при попытке навигации при использовании динамической навигации фрагментов. ( I3ee29 , b/268360479 )
- Исправлена ошибка, при которой навигация к другому фрагменту через системную кнопку обратной стороны не обновляет нижнюю панель до правильного выбранного элемента ( IF559F , b/2690444426 )
Известные проблемы
- При использовании навигации с фрагментами жизненный цикл
не может достигатьRESUMED
при использовании API -интерфейсовAnimation
. ( B/269646882 ) - При использовании навигации с фрагментами и навигацией с
, если вы пытаетесь восстановить задний стек с несколькими записями,BottomMenuItem
не обновляется правильно. ( B/270447657 ) - При использовании навигации с фрагментами, после восстановления состояния
его фрагмента. ( B/270610768 )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha05
8 февраля 2023 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha05 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
( IEBD28 , IC678C , I3B37B , B/257514373 ) -
теперь использует API -интерфейсы перехода при навигации и выпчавеNavBackStackEntries
. Это означает, чтоLifecycle
теперь будет ждать, пока вступление и выйдет на фрагментные спецэффекты, прежде чем перемещать свой последнийLifecycle.State
. ( I3cb19 , b/238686802 ) -
теперь использует API -интерфейсы перехода при навигации и всплескеNavBackStackEntries
. Это означает, чтоLifecycle
теперь будет ждать, покаLifecycle
перейти кDESTROYED
, прежде чем перейти кDESTROYED
. ( I53ee5 , b/261213893 )
Изменения API
теперь предоставляет APIprepareForTransition
, позволяющийNavigator
S перемещатьNavBackStackEntries
в промежуточныйLifecycle.State
. ( I42c21 , b/238686802 ) - Теперь вы можете получить доступ к задней части, связанного с
через свойствоbackstack
также теперь выявляет обратный вызовonTransitionComplete()
, чтобы отметитьNavBackStackEntry
, который выполнил операцию навигации илиpopBackStack
как завершенное. ( I02062 , i718db , b/257519195 )
Исправления ошибок
- Навигатор теперь не будет op при использовании API
, и запись уже обрабатывается. ( IADBFA , B/261213893 ) - При использовании
с вложеннымNavGraph
все направления, начиная с оригинального назначения до егоstartDestination
будут только должным образом добавлены в верхнюю часть задней части. ( Id4bea , b/253256629 ) - Навигация теперь должным образом заменит экземпляр
при навигации в тот же пункт назначения, когда флагlaunchSingleTop
установлен на True. ( I45b5a , b/149572817 ) - Навигационные Safeargs больше не будут вызывать ошибку компиляции при использовании аргументов, которые стоят ровно 19 символов. ( ID60BC , B/257110095 )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha04
9 ноября 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Пользовательские подклассы
теперь могут переопределятьserializeAsValue
, чтобы сериализовать значение в строку, позволяя как сериализацию, так и десериализацию (черезparseValue
) полностью инкапсулировать в классNavType
теперь переопределяет этот метод, чтобы вызватьUri.encode
на даннойString
. ( IE5213 , B/247637434 ) -
теперь предоставляет журналы, когда не может навигации по выбраннойMenuItem
. ( I2af5a , b/247730357 )
Исправления ошибок
- Глубокие ссылки навигации теперь лениво проанализируются вместо инициализации графика, которая может повысить производительность приложений при запуске. ( Iab0ab )
- Фиксированный сбой, вызванный навигацией после глубокой связи с пунктом назначения с нулевыми аргументами по умолчанию. ( I51c24 , b/243183636 )
Обновление зависимости
- Поддержка Navigation для динамических функциональных модулей теперь зависит от библиотеки доставки гранулированных игр. ( IB4DDC )
- Safe ARG навигации теперь зависит от плагина Android Gradle Версия 7.3.0. Это означает, что теперь он совместим только с версиями 7.3.0+. ( I47e49 )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha03
24 октября 2022 года
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Из навигации
больше не будет вызыватьNoSuchElementException
, когда не будет установлено место для сочиненияCrossfade
. Теперь он просто пропустит композицию. ( IEB46E , B/253299416 ) - Из навигации
: Исправлена проблема, в которой сохраненное состояние составного состава (например, использованиеrememberSaveable
) не было забыто и удалялось, когда пункт назначения выскочил из заднего стека. ( I64949 )
Обновления зависимости
- Навигация теперь зависит от фрагмента
. ( ICD424 )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha02
5 октября 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Поведение изменяется
- При передаче идентификатора навигационного графика в
(например, черезMenu
теперь рассматривает только начальное место назначения этого навигационного графа как пункт назначения верхнего уровня, а не неправильно отмечает каждое место назначения в графике как пункт назначения верхнего уровня. Поведение прохождения идентификатора отдельного назначения не изменилось. Эта же функциональность доступна для вашего собственного кода через новую функциюisTopLevelDestination
. ( IE936E , B/238496771 )
Исправления ошибок
теперь зависит от фрагмента версии1.5.2
. ( I00ba4 ) - Выбранный элемент меню больше не будет обновляться при перемещении до пункта назначения
, таким как диалог. ( I4cde8 , b/240308330 )
Версия 2.6.0-Alpha01
7 сентября 2022 года
выпускается. Версия 2.6.0-Alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Интеграции
для работы с Top Bar Bar теперь будут анализировать значенияR.string
для аргументовReferenceType
, найденных в вашемandroid:label
в их строковые значения вместо того, чтобы выводить целое число ресурсов, сгенерированное автоматическим ресурсом. ( I5f803 , b/167959935 ) -
теперь поддерживает значения по умолчанию для массивов, что позволяет поддержать повторные параметры запроса, которые будут отображаться в типе массива аргумента.NavType
также теперь включает метод по умолчанию, который можно переопределить, чтобы объединить два проанализированных значения. ( ID68C3 , B/209977108 ) - При использовании точной строки
в качестве заполнителя вapp:data
в элементе деятельности файла навигации XML -файла, заполнитель будет автоматически заполнен с помощьюpackageName
контекста при инфляции. ( Iaabde , b/234223561 ) - Попытка создать пустой
с использованием DSLnavDeepLink
Kotlin, теперь приведет к тому, что предупреждение о ворсе, указывающее на то, что глубокая ссылка нуждается в URI, действие и/или миметипе, чтобы быть действительным. ( I08D2F , B/154038883 )
Изменения API
- Добавлена новая функция расширения
, чтобы проанализировать динамические метки с аргументами в формеandroid:label="{arg}"
в строку. Поддерживает аргументыReferenceType
, анализируя значенияR.string
в их строковые значения. ( I07D89 , B/236269380 )
Поведение изменяется
Navbackstackentry иarguments
, переданные вOnDestinationChangedListener
теперь являются лишь копией неизменных аргументов, которые были созданы, когда вы перемещались в пункт назначения. Это означает, что любые изменения, внесенные в эти пучки, не будут отражены в последующих доступах кarguments
или другим экземплярамOnDestinationChangedListener
. ( I676f5 )
Исправления ошибок
- Из навигации
: динамическая навигация теперь правильно пытается установить направления деятельности из других модулей, прежде чем навигация на них. ( IA2C16 , B/240292838 ) - От навигации
: навигация теперь должным образом заменит экземпляр фрагмента при навигации по одному и тому же пункту назначения и установлению флагаlaunchSingleTop
в True. ( I5a2f1 , b/237374580 ) - От навигации
: ФиксированноеIllegalStateException
, вызванное навигацией до двойного вложенного графика, который делит родителя с новым пусковым пусковым направлением. ( I9f7cb , b/243778589 )
Версия 2.5
Версия 2.5.3
24 октября 2022 года
выпущена. Версия 2.5.3 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
больше не вызоветNoSuchElementException
, когда нет места назначения для сочиненияCrossfade
. Теперь он просто пропустит композицию. ( IEB46E , B/253299416 ) - Исправлена проблема, в которой сохраненное состояние композиции (например, использование
о разветвленных) не было забыто и удалялось, когда пункт назначения был выскочен из заднего стека. ( I64949 )
Версия 2.5.2
7 сентября 2022 года
выпущена. Версия 2.5.2 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Динамическая навигация теперь должным образом пытается установить направления деятельности из других модулей, прежде чем навигация на них. ( IA2C16 , B/240292838 )
- Навигация теперь должным образом заменит экземпляр фрагмента при навигации по одному и тому же пункту назначения и установлению флага
в True. ( I5a2f1 , b/237374580 ) - Исправлено
, вызванное навигацией на двойной вложенное график, в котором родится родитель с новым пунктом назначения старта. ( I9f7cb , b/243778589 )
Обновление зависимости
- Навигация
теперь зависит от фрагмента1.5.2
. ( AOSP/2178734 )
Версия 2.5.1
27 июля 2022 года
выпускается. Версия 2.5.1 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
Navigation Safe Args
больше не будут вызывать предупреждения об испаке в сгенерированных классах при использовании пользовательских типов аргументов, которые сохраняются вBundle
. ( Id86ed , b/237725966 )
Обновления зависимости
- Навигационная библиотека теперь зависит от жизненного цикла
. ( IB4451 ) - Навигационная библиотека теперь зависит от деятельности
. ( I3efe8 ) - Навигационная библиотека теперь зависит от фрагмента
. ( I56177 )
Версия 2.5.0
29 июня 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.5.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Важные изменения с 2.4.0
- CreationExtras Integration -
теперь имеет возможность обеспечить бездействиеViewModelProvider.Factory
через LifeCycle2.5.0
Навигация Safeargs
Navigation Safe Args
повысил зависимостьAndroid Gradle Plugin
, чтобы полагаться на7.0.4
, снизив совместимость для версий AGP до7.0
. - Добавлена поддержка для использования атрибута пространства имен.
Другие изменения
больше не является экспериментальным и обеспечивает функцию для извлечения всех записей, пункт назначения которого в настоящее время видны в соответствии сNavController
Версия 2.5.0-rc02
15 июня 2022 года
выпущен. Версия 2.5.0-RC02 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена авария, вызванное быстрым переключением между нижними направлениями при использовании навигационного составления
. ( I3979A , B/234054916 ) -
Navigation SafeArgs
больше не будут сбой при использованииapplicationIdSuffix
и пространства имен, либо безapplicationId
, либо при различенииapplicationId
и пространства имен. ( I754b1 , b/233119646 ) -
теперь имеет пользовательскую функциюtoString()
чтобы показать внутренние значения аргумента. ( I900a8 )
Версия 2.5.0-rc01
11 мая 2022 года
выпущен. Версия 2.5.0-RC01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Добавлено новое правило Lint, чтобы предупредить от размещения элементов
Elements в вашем файлеnavigation.xml
. ( IC15A5 , B/178403185 )
Исправления ошибок
- Компонируемые прицелы в
в настоящее время расположены в ожидаемом порядке, то есть внутренние композиции расположены перед внешними композищиками. ( I157e6 ) - Навигационная Safeargs теперь использует
для обеспечения перемещения кэша. Это означает, что вход в кеш теперь можно повторно использовать от сборки CI до локальной сборки. ( I5f67c , b/173420454 ) - Правило Lint
Lint было обновлено, чтобы гарантировать, что призывremember
, окружающий вызовgetBackStackEntry()
, также проходит в объектеNavBackStackEntry
в качестве ключа. ( IB7081 , B/227382831 )
Версия 2.5.0-бета01
20 апреля 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.5.0-бета01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
теперь используетpopWithTransition
при выполнении вызоваdismiss()
. Это исправляет условие гонки при использованииViewModel
пункте назначения, которое приводит кIllegalStateException
при отклонении диалога, либо используя систему назад, либо постукивая за пределы диалога для выхода. ( ID7376 , B/2265552301 )
Обновления зависимости
- Навигация теперь зависит от жизненного цикла
, исправляяIllegalStateException
при гнездовании одногоNavHost
в другойNavHost
на непредровой вкладке нижней навигации при использовании нескольких задних стеков.
Версия 2.5.0-альфа04
6 апреля 2022 г.
. Версия 2.5.0-Alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
больше не экспериментально. ( I4829f , b/225394514 )
Исправления ошибок
- Navhost теперь зависит от
, чтобы определить, какие записи сочиняют. Это означает, что при использовании вложенного Navhost внутреннийNavHost
теперь должен должным образом оживить. ( I4ba2b , b/225394514 ) -
, теперь основана на состоянии Max Lifecycle, а не в текущем состоянии жизненного цикла. Это означает, что даже если жизненный цикл хостаnavController
не будет начат, список видимых Entires останется прежним. ( I9e2a8 , b/225394514 ) -
теперь поддерживает использованиеCreationExtras
даже если он был инициализирован с помощьюSavedStateRegistryOwner
. Если предоставляются дополнения, инициализированные аргументы игнорируются. ( I6c43b , b/224844583 ) -
теперь может анализировать URIS с одним параметром запроса без значения. ( I0efe8 , b/148905489 ) - Пустая строка теперь считается действительными аргументами в глубоких ссылках. ( I70a0d , b/217399862 )
Navigation Safe Args
больше не будут сбоями при использовании пространств имен, аAndroidManifest.xml
не присутствует. ( I17CCF , B/227229815 )
Версия 2.5.0-альфа03
23 февраля 2022 г.
выпускается. Версия 2.5.0-Alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Теперь вы можете пройти в
by navGraphViewModels
чтобы создатьViewModel
. ( I29217 , B/217618359 )
Исправления ошибок
теперь правильно поддерживает закодированные новые линейные символы, встроенные в маршруты/Deep Link URI. ( I513d1 , b/217815060 ) -
теперь будет работать правильно при использовании сNavBackStackEntries
для создания ViewModels. ( I69161 , B/217617710 ) - Safe ARG навигации теперь поддерживает использование пространства имен, определенных в
вместо пакета в AndroidManifest. ( I659EF , B/217414933 )
Версия 2.5.0-альфа02
9 февраля 2022 года
выпускается. Версия 2.5.0-Alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Из навигации
теперь правильно установитOnBackPressedDispatcher
при использовании подключения для просмотра с вложенными графиками. ( IFBB51 , B/214577959 ) - Из навигации
: Когда глубокое связывание через несколько вложенныхNavGraph
S, задний стек теперь будет должным образом включать в себя промежуточные начальные направления. ( I504C0 , B/214383060 )
Версия 2.5.0-альфа01
26 января 2022 года
выпускается. Версия 2.5.0-Alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
теперь интегрируется с ViewModel CreationExtras, представленным как часть жизненного цикла2.5.0-alpha01
. ( IB9FE2 , B/207012490 )
Исправления ошибок
- Исправлена проблема, в которой доступ к
, созданную черезby navGraphViewModels()
из фрагментаonCreate()
потерпит неудачу сIllegalStateException
. ( I8a14d ) -
S больше не будет излишне декодировать ARGS дважды, что означает, что надлежащие ARG теперь передаются в ваш конечный пункт назначения. ( I31b0a , b/210711399 )
Безопасные аргии
- Безопасные ARG теперь зависят от Android Gradle Plugin версии 7.0.4. Это означает, что навигационные безопасные ARG больше не будут совместимы с версиями Android Studio до 7.0, но теперь совместим с плагином Android Gradle 7.1.0 и выше. ( I41c88 , b/213086135 , b/207670704 )
Версия 2.4.2
Версия 2.4.2
6 апреля 2022 г.
выпущена. Версия 2.4.2 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Перекурированный из навигации
теперь правильно поддерживают закодированные новые линейные символы, встроенные в маршруты/Uris Deep Link. ( I513d1 , b/217815060 ) - Перекурированный из навигации
: Navigation Safeargs теперь поддерживает использование пространства имен, определенных вbuild.gradle
вместо пакета в AndroidManifest. ( I659EF , B/217414933 ) - Перекурированный из навигации
:Navigation Safe Args
больше не будет сбои при использовании пространств имен, аAndroidManifest.xml
не присутствует. ( I17CCF , B/227229815 ) - Перекурируется из навигации
: пустая строка теперь считается действительными аргументами в глубоких ссылках. ( I70a0d , b/217399862 )
Версия 2.4.1
Версия 2.4.1
9 февраля 2022 года
выпускается. Версия 2.4.1 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
теперь правильно установитOnBackPressedDispatcher
при использовании подключения к вложенным графам. ( IFBB51 , B/214577959 ) - Когда глубокое связывание через несколько вложенных
S, задний стек теперь будет правильно включать в себя промежуточные начальные направления. ( I504C0 , B/214383060 ) - Перекурированный из навигации
: Исправлена проблема, в которой доступ к ViewModel, созданную черезby navGraphViewModels()
из фрагментаonCreate()
будет провалиться сIllegalStateException
. ( I8a14d ) - Перекурированный из навигации
S больше не излишне декодирует ARGS, что означает, что правильно декодированные ARG теперь передаются в ваш конечный пункт назначения. ( I31b0a , b/210711399 ) - Перекурируется из навигации
: безопасные ARG теперь зависит от Android Gradle Plugin Версия 7.0.4. This means that Navigation Safe Args will no longer be compatible with Android Studio versions prior to 7.0, but is now compatible with Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0 and higher. ( I41c88 , b/213086135 , b/207670704 )
Версия 2.4.0
Версия 2.4.0
January 26, 2022
is released. Версия 2.4.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Важные изменения с версии 2.3.0
- All Navigation artifacts have been rewritten in Kotlin. This has improved the nullability of classes using generics (such as
subclasses). All Kotlin extension functions that used to be part of the-ktx
artifacts have been moved to their respective main artifacts. The-ktx
artifacts will continue to be published, but are completely empty. - The
artifact now contains a prebuilt implementation of a two pane layout via the newAbstractListDetailFragment
. This fragment uses aSlidingPaneLayout
to manage a list pane (which your subclass provides) and a detail pane, which uses aNavHostFragment
as its implementation, as seen in our example implementation . - The
method onNavController
provides aFlow
that emits whenever the currentNavBackStackEntry
changes. This flow can be used as an alternative to manually managing anOnDestinationChangedListener
. - NavController now offers the ability to retrieve a list of all visible
instances as aStateFlow
via the experimentalvisibleEntries
property. - It is now possible to extend the
class to create custom NavTypes. Custom types are supported only when building your navigation graph programmatically, such as via the Navigation Graph Kotlin DSL . Navigation now provides
APIs that can be used to help implement custom NavigationUI.findStartDestination()
is an extension function onNavGraph
that will locate the actual start destination that will be displayed when you navigate to the graph, even if thestartDestination
is itself a nestedNavGraph
is a function onNavDestination
that can be used to verify if a given destination is within the hierarchy of another.val matchingRoute: Boolean = destination.hierarchy.any { it.route == routeToFind }
methods that took aBottomNavigationView
have been updated to instead take its superclass introduced in Material1.4.0
. This allows these methods to be used with theNavigationRailView
.When inflating an
element via XML, animation attributes can use attributes pulled from your theme using theapp:enterAnim="?attr/transitionEnter"
syntax.Safe Args now generates a
method for eachNavArgs
class. ( #122 , b/136967621 )class HomeViewModel(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel() { // Create a HomeDestinationArgs class with type safe accessors for each argument // defined on your destination private val args = HomeDestinationArgs.fromSavedStateHandle(savedStateHandle) }
Navigation Routes and the Kotlin DSL
Previous versions of Navigation relied on each destination having a constant integer ID that would uniquely identify it from its sibling destinations and allow you to navigate()
to that destination either directly or via an action. While this continues to be valid and useful, particularly in cases where you are defining your navigation graph in XML and can use auto-generated R.id
constants or Safe Args (which uses those constants to generate code at build time), this system of unique integers did not capture the semantic meaning and expressiveness needed to support fully dynamic graphs built programmatically at runtime via the Navigation Kotlin DSL .
This release introduces a new option for uniquely identifying a destination in a navigation graph by its route . A route is a String
that defines the unique path to a destination. All Kotlin DSL methods that took a destination ID are now deprecated and replaced with an equivalent API that takes a route.
Each route should be treated as the 'path' part of a Uri
that defines that destination, eg, home
, profile/{userId}
, profile/{userId}/friends
, etc. When the identity of a destination is associated with a specific piece of content, those dynamic arguments should be part of the route, following the same rules as implicit deep links .
All NavController
APIs that used to only take an ID now have an overload that takes a route String
. This includes navigate()
, popBackStack()
, popUpTo()
, and getBackStackEntry()
This has had some API implications:
- The
Kotlin property on the Kotlin DSL has been deprecated in favor ofpopUpToId
. - The
API has been deprecated in favor ofgetStartDestinationId()
Unlike when navigating by ID, navigating by route follows the same rules as implicit deep links in that you can directly navigate to any destination in any nested graph, ensuring that these routes are usable in multi-module projects without explicitly adding an externally visible deep link to each destination.
Navigation Compose
The navigation-compose
artifact provides integration between the Navigation Component and Jetpack Compose . It uses @Composable
functions as the destinations in your application.
This release provides:
- A
composable that allows you to construct your navigation graph via a Kotlin DSL, usingcomposable
destinations, plus support for optional Navigators such as those from Accompanist Navigation Material . - Mandatory support for crossfading between destinations. Accompanist Navigation Animation can be used to control the enter and exit transitions using experimental Compose APIs.
- Scoping of a
to each composable destination. Each destination only reaches theRESUMED
state when any entering transitions finish and immediately drops toSTARTED
when any exiting transitions start, thus allowing you to avoid allIllegalStateException
and multi-touch issues by only triggering anavigate
call when theLifecycle
. - Scoping of
(via theviewModel()
API of Lifecycle ViewModel Compose2.4.0
of Hilt Navigation Compose1.0.0
at the destination level, providing a scope that survives configuration changes and being on the back stack (when your Composable content is otherwise disposed) and a signal in the ViewModel'sonCleared()
that indicates the permanent disposal and cleaning up of state associated with thatNavBackStackEntry
. - Scoping of
state at a destination level, ensuring that all composable state is saved and restored automatically when you return to a destination. - Full support for saving and restoring the state of the
and its destination's state after process death and recreation. - Automatic integration with the system back button.
Support for passing arguments, attaching deep links to destinations, and returning a result to previous destinations.
Compose specific helpers in
to allow hoisting state and connecting theNavController
to composables outside of theNavHost
(such as a bottom navigation bar).
val navController = rememberNavController()
Scaffold { innerPadding ->
NavHost(navController, "home", Modifier.padding(innerPadding)) {
composable("home") {
// This content fills the area provided to the NavHost
dialog("detail_dialog") {
// This content will be automatically added to a Dialog() composable
// and appear above the HomeScreen or other composable destinations
See the Compose Navigation guide for more information.
Multiple back stacks
The NavController is responsible for managing the back stack of destinations, adding destinations to the back stack when you navigate()
to them and removing them when you call popBackStack()
or trigger the system back button. The existing NavOptions
class and the integration into <action>
elements in the navigation graph XML has been expanded to support saving and restoring the back stack.
As part of this change, the NavigationUI
methods of onNavDestinationSelected()
, BottomNavigationView.setupWithNavController()
and NavigationView.setupWithNavController()
now automatically save and restore the state of popped destinations, enabling support for multiple back stacks without any code changes. When using Navigation with Fragments, this is the recommended way to integrate with multiple back stacks.
The underlying APIs for saving and restoring the state are exposed via a number of surfaces:
In Navigation XML, the
element can now use the boolean attributes ofapp:popUpToSaveState
to save the state of any destinations popped viaapp:popUpTo
and restore the state associated with the destination passed as theapp:destination
:<action android:id=”@+id/swap_stack” app:destination=”@id/second_stack” app:restoreState=”true” app:popUpTo=”@id/first_stack_start_destination” app:popUpToSaveState=”true” />
In the
Kotlin DSL , you can add therestoreState
boolean property and thesaveState
boolean property on thepopUpTo
builder :// Use the navigate() method that takes a navOptions DSL Builder navController.navigate(selectedBottomNavRoute) { launchSingleTop = true restoreState = true popUpTo(navController.graph.findStartDestination().id) { saveState = true } }
In manually building a
object via theNavOptions.Builder
, you can use thesetRestoreState()
and new overload tosetPopUpTo()
that takes an additionalsaveState
parameter.NavOptions navOptions = new NavOptions.Builder() .setLaunchSingleTop(true) .setRestoreState(true) .setPopUpTo(NavGraph.findStartDestination(navController.getGraph()).getId(), false, // inclusive true) // saveState .build(); navController.navigate(selectedBottomNavId, null, navOptions);
Programmatic calls to
can now include an additionalsaveState
parameter.You can use the
method to clear any state that was saved withpopBackStack()
In all cases, the NavController
will save and restore the state of each NavBackStackEntry
, including any navigation destination scoped ViewModel
instances. The Navigator
APIs have been updated to enable each Navigator
to support saving and restoring their own state.
Изменения в поведении
now addsPendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE
to thePendingIntent
returned bycreatePendingIntent()
, ensuring that this API works as expected when targeting Android 12. - Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
and now markssetGraph()
, andnavigate()
, the methods that update theNavBackStackEntry
, as@MainThread
, aligning Navigation with the main thread enforcement introduced in Lifecycle2.3.0
. - Deep links now verify that all required arguments (those without default values) are present in the
. -
parsed arguments now consider pound signs in the same way as question marks as a separator between path segments, preventing an argument from spanning across the pound sign. - When generating actions, Kotlin code generated from Safe Args now puts arguments without default values before those with default values as parameters.
- When generating arguments, Safe Args now puts parameters without default values before those with default values.
- Safe-Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin 4.2.0. This means you should no longer get the using
Известные проблемы
- Fixed in Navigation
: accessing aViewModel
created viaby navGraphViewModels()
from a Fragment'sonCreate()
will fail with anIllegalStateException
. ( b/213504272 ) - Fixed in Navigation
: Safe Args 2.4.0 is incompatible with Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0 and higher. ( b/213086135 ) - Deep linking with multiple nested nav graphs doesn't correctly create the full backstack. ( b/214383060 )
Версия 2.4.0-rc01
15 декабря 2021 г.
is released. Версия 2.4.0-rc01 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения в поведении
parsed arguments now consider pound signs in the same way as question marks as a separator between arguments. ( I21309 , b/180042703 )
Исправления ошибок
- Deeplinks will no longer ignore arguments with values that are the same as the name of the placeholder. ( If8017 , b/207389470 )
will no longer crash when popping a nested destination using transitions after theNavController
has been restored. ( I0f7c9 , b/205021623 ) - The error message when using an invalid
will now default to the start destination's route if one is available. ( I86b9d , b/208041894 )
Navigation Compose Bug Fixes
- Fixed potential crash caused by fast switching between the start destination and another destination using bottom nav menu items. ( Ic8976 , b/208887901 )
- Dialog destination are now properly restored on top of the screen after config changes or process death. ( I4c0dc , b/207386169 )
- Fixed an issue where attempting to retrieve a
from a dialog'sNavBackStackEntry
would fail when the dialog was dismissed. ( I6b96d , b/206465487 ) - Fixed an issue when using
destinations with Navigation Compose'sNavHost
that would result in infinite recompositions. ( I8f64c ) - Fixed a leak in Navigation Compose where it was holding on to a reference of the old activity after a config change or process death. ( I4efcb , b/204905432 )
Safe Args Bug Fixes
no longer crashes when attempting to restore custom parcelable arrays after process death. ( I618e8 , b/207315994 ) - Fixed a bug in safe args that would not allow boolean arrays to have a
value. ( I8c396 , b/174787525 )
Version 2.4.0-beta02
November 3, 2021
is released. Version 2.4.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Изменения API
- The handling of both explicit and implicit deep links now automatically adds the
flag when navigating to another graph, ensuring that code such asNavigationUI.setupWithNavController
and code using multiple back stacks works as expected. ( Ic8807 )
Behavior Changes
- Deep link patterns are now compiled lazily in NavDeepLink instead of during inflation. This should improve the inflation time of navigation graphs that include deep links. ( b8d257 , b/184149935 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where NavBackStackEntries were being pushed down to
after moving toLifecycle.State.STARTED
when theNavHost
is added directly to the activity'ssetContent()
. ( Ia5ac1 , b/203536683 ) - Fixed a race condition where popping a
destination off of the back stack before the dialog was actually shown would not actually dismiss the dialog, resulting in a crash when the errant dialog was manually dismissed by the user. ( I687e5 ) - Fixed an issue where the
API onNavigationUI
would returntrue
even if you didn't actuallynavigate()
to that navigation graph. It now uses the same logic used internally bysetupWithNavController
to only select theMenuItem
associated with the current destination using thehierarchy
of the destination. ( I2b053 )
Версия 2.4.0-бета01
27 октября 2021 г.
is released. Версия 2.4.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- You can now use
by navGraphViewModel
with a route as an alternative to using an ID so as to better support using the Navigation Kotlin DSL with Fragments. ( I901e3 , b/201446416 )
Изменения API
- The
API is now experimental. ( I93f6f )
Исправления ошибок
- ViewModels will no longer be destroyed when transitions are interrupted by navigating back and forth between the same screens ( Id52d8 , b/200817333 )
- Nullable
arguments no longer require a default value when adding deep links toNavDestination
s. ( I5aad4 , b/201320030 ) - NavBackStackEntries now with different Lifecycles are not longer considered equal. This means NavHost will properly recompose all destinations when doing navigation with singleTop and when reselecting bottom menu items. ( I1b351 , b/196997433 )
- Fixed an issue with
that caused thelayout_width
attributes on the list pane returned byonCreateListPaneView()
to be incorrectly handled or ignored. ( f5fbf3 ) - The visual state of dialog destinations now correctly stays in sync with the
's state. This means that manually calling the asynchronousdismiss()
API forDialogFragment
now properly clears all dialog destinations above the now dismissed dialog. This does not affect cases where you usepopUpTo
to dismiss your dialog. ( I77ba2 ) -
now has clearer error messaging foronDestinationChanged()
. ( Ie742d )
Version 2.4.0-alpha10
29 сентября 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha10 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- NavController now offers the ability to retrieve a list of all visible
instances via thevisibleEntries
StateFlow ( Ia964e ) -
now takes a optional set ofNavigator
instances that will be added to the returnedNavController
to better support optional Navigators such as those from Accompanist Navigation Material . ( I4619e )
Исправления ошибок
- Dynamic Navigation will no longer crash when the Activity is recreated. ( Ifa6a3 , b/197942869 )
- Fixed an issue with the system back button that occurs only after popping back to a composable destination that contains a
. ( 3ed148 , b/195668143 ) - SafeArgs now generates the arguments for
in the proper parameter order. ( I824a8 , b/200059831 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha09
September 15, 2021
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- You can now use the
method to clear any state that was saved withpopBackStack()
. ( I80a0f ) - You can now pass in a list of arguments and/or deep links to your nested navigation graph's builder and they will automatically be added to the resulting graph. ( I8a470 , b/182545357 )
Изменения API
- The
Kotlin DSL function is now part ofnavigation-common
instead ofnavigation-compose
. This will require updating imports to continue to use this function. ( I1d095 )
Behavior Changes
- When generating arguments, Safe Args now puts parameters without default values before those with default values. ( I89709 , b/198493585 )
Исправления ошибок
- When using Navigation Compose, NavGraphs will only be
once all their children areDESTROYED
. ( I86552 , b/198741720 ) - Nullable
arguments no longer require a default value. ( Ia14ef , b/198689811 ) - Calling
with a new graph will now also clear any saved back stacks in addition to its previous behavior of popping the back stack. ( I97f96 ) - Fixed an issue where
instances and thecurrentBackStackEntryFlow
were not notified when usinglaunchSingleTop
. ( Iaaebc )
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation Compose now depends on Activity Compose 1.3.1 . ( I05829 )
- Navigation Compose now depends on Lifecycle ViewModel Compose
. ( Ib86a3 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha08
1 сентября 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- It is now possible to extend the
class to create custom NavTypes. Custom types are supported only when building your navigation graph programmatically, such as via the Navigation Graph Kotlin DSL . ( I78440 , b/196871885 )
Behavior Changes
- When generating actions, Kotlin code generated from Safe Args now puts arguments without default values before those with default values as parameters. ( Idb697 , b/188855904 )
- Deep links now verify that all required arguments (those without default values) are present in the
. ( #204 , b/185527157 )
Исправления ошибок
- Using
inside composable(), in conjunction withremember()
, will no longer cause an exception for no destination being on the back stack. ( I75138 , b/194313238 ) - Navigation Compose now properly recomposes when changing back stack arguments and using
. ( Iebd69 , b/186392337 ) - There will no longer be an
when callingsetGraph
with a graph with 13 or 29 destinations. ( I1a9f1 , b/195171984 ) - The SafeArgs java generator should no longer cause lint warnings when generating Args classes. ( I1a666 , b/185843837 )
External Contribution
- Thanks ospixd for ensuring that deep links verify that all required arguments (those without default values) are present in the
. ( #204 , b/185527157 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha07
18 августа 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha07 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation Compose now properly saves state after configuration changes and when changing graphs while using the multiple back stack feature. ( If5a3d , b/195141957 )
- Re-selecting the same tab when using navigation compose with multiple back stacks will no longer result in a blank screen. ( I860dc , b/194925622 )
now observes for changes in theLifecycle.State
s which means using aNavHost
in a fragment now will properly be recomposed as the lifecycle changes instead of resulting in a blank screen. ( I4eb85 , b/195864489 ) - Fixed an issue where dismissing a
would not correctly update theNavController
state after recreating your activity (ie, after a configuration change). ( Icd72b ) - Fixed an issue where popping a dialog destination would not update the NavController's system back button handling, potentially causing the NavController to intercept the back button even though it does not have any back stack to pop. ( If3b34 )
- Safe-args now automatically generates a
method for arguments which can be used to test yourViewModel
code. ( If1e2d , b/193353880 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha06
August 4, 2021
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha06 contains these commits.
Изменения API
- The
methods onAbstractListDetailFragment
have been renamed togetSlidingPaneLayout()
, respectively. ( I34a08 )
Behavior Changes
- When navigating with animations (like
), the new destination'sLifecycle
will now only reach theRESUMED
when the animation completes. ( If0543 , b/172112072 , b/194301889 ) - Navigation Compose's
now sets the graph as part of the first composition. ( Ieb7be )
Исправления ошибок
- Popping the last destination of a navigation graph no longer throws a
. ( If0543 , b/172112072 , b/194301889 ) - Fixed a
that would occur when adding a deep link without aUri
and navigating via a route or deep link. ( 938a0c , b/193805425 ) - Fixed an issue in Navigation Compose where a deep linked
would not reach theRESUMED
state. ( I192c5 ) - Fixed an issue where popping a dialog destination would not update the NavController's system back button handling, potentially causing the NavController to intercept the back button even though it does not have any back stack to pop. ( aosp/1782668 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha05
21 июля 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha05 contains these commits.
Behavior Changes
- Navigation Compose's
now always uses Crossfades when navigating through destinations. ( I07049 , b/172112072 ) - You can now make changes to the graph of a NavHost. Graphs with the same startDestination and destinations in the graph will be considered equal and will not clear the
back stack. ( I0b8db , b/175392262 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a
when callingpopBackStack()
from within aLifecycleObserver
attached to aNavBackStackEntry
caused by reentrant updates to the NavController's state. ( I64621 ) -
now allowsSlidingPaneLayout
to be completely stripped from your APK whenAbstractListDetailFragment
is not used. ( I611ad ) -
now override the equals method so two objects with the same values will be considered equal. ( I166eb , b/175392262 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha04
1 июля 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- The
artifact now contains a prebuilt implementation of a two pane layout via the newAbstractListDetailFragment
. This fragment uses aSlidingPaneLayout
to manage a list pane (which your subclass provides) and a detail pane, which uses aNavHostFragment
as its implementation, as seen in our example implementation . ( Iac4be , b/191276636 ) - The
of thenavigation-compose
artifact now supportsdialog
destinations in addition tocomposable
destinations. These dialog destinations will each be shown within a ComposableDialog
, floating above the currentcomposable
destination. ( I011d0 )
val navController = rememberNavController()
Scaffold { innerPadding ->
NavHost(navController, "home", Modifier.padding(innerPadding)) {
composable("home") {
// This content fills the area provided to the NavHost
dialog("detail_dialog") {
// This content will be automatically added to a Dialog() composable
// and appear above the HomeScreen or other composable destinations
Изменения API
- The
function inNavigatorState
has been renamed topush
. All current calls toadd()
will need to be changed to push(). ( Ie89fc , b/172112072 ) - Custom
instances can now use thepushWithTransaction
APIs onNavigatorState
to push or pop a destination asynchronously. Note that this APIs are not yet used by any of the included navigators. ( Ic4d7c , b/172112072 )
Behavior Changes
now addsPendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE
to thePendingIntent
returned bycreatePendingIntent()
, ensuring that this API works as expected when targeting Android 12. ( If8c52 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue with
where arguments passed to the graph would not be correctly passed to the dynamically included graph. ( I3e115 ) - Fixed a
when navigating to a destination using astring[]
argument with a default value of@null
. ( I1fbe8 ) - Add ProGuard rules for
, fixing issues when using R8 3.1 full mode. ( I2add9 , b/191654433 ) - SafeArgs will no longer fail when building your app with
versions before1.5.0
. ( Icd1ff , b/190739257 )
Версия 2.4.0-альфа03
16 июня 2021 г.
is released. Версия 2.4.0-alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where two
calls were needed to navigate to an included dynamic graph. ( I7785c , b/188859835 ) - Fixed a regression introduced in Navigation
would not properly remove the Up icon when you are on a top level destination. ( I5d443 , b/189868637 ) - Fixed an
when callingpopBackStack()
after previously popping the root graph of the NavController. ( I2a330 , b/190265699 ) - ProGuard rules for
by navArgs()
now properly apply when usingnavigation-common
or any artifacts that depend on it. ( I68800 , b/190082521 ) - An
that callsnavigate()
the first time it receives a callback now properly get a second callback with the destination it navigated to. ( Ie5f9e , b/190228815 ) - Safe Args no longer crashes when using it with dynamic feature modules and AGP 7.0+. ( I69518 , b/189966576 )
Известная проблема
- Safe Args will fail with an
Unable to find method ''java.lang.String kotlin.text.CarsKt.titleCase(char, java.util.Locale)''
error when using Gradle6.7.0
due to a dependency on an older version of Kotlin. This can be worked around by updating to use Gradle 7.0. ( b/190739257 )
Версия 2.4.0-альфа02
2 июня 2021 года
is released. Версия 2.4.0-alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Routes are now supported for Activity, Fragment and Dialog destinations, as well as throughout the DynamicNavigation Kotlin DSL. ( Ib5544 , Ia617b , I22f96 , b/188914648 , b/188901565 )
has temporarily added experimental APIs to allow opting out of saving your state. While always saving the state is the correct behavior, there are still uses of deprecated libraries (ie retained fragments), that cannot be supported when saving the state so this gives an opportunity for apps to slowly convert away from any unsupported APIs. ( Idf93c ) Navigation now provides
APIs that can be used to help implement custom NavigationUI.findDestination()
is an extension function onNavGraph
that will locate a destination within the graph.getHierarchy()
is a function onNavDestination
that can be used to verify if a given destination is within the hierarchy of another.( I2932f , b/188183365 )val matchingRoute: Boolean = destination.hierarchy.any { it.route == routeToFind }
NavigationUI methods that took a
have been updated to instead take its superclass introduced in Material1.4.0
. This allows these methods to be used with theNavigationRailView
. ( Ib0b36 , b/182938895 )When inflating an
element via XML, animation attributes can use attributes pulled from your theme using theapp:enterAnim="?attr/transitionEnter"
syntax. ( I07bc1 , b/178291654 )
Изменения API
- Kotlin DSL builders that use an ID have been deprecated and should be replaced with builders that use routes ( I85b42 , b/188816479 ) ( I9f58f , b/188816479 )
Исправления ошибок
now uses theNavigatorState.pop()
API to inform theNavController
when a dialog is dismissed by hitting the system back button or clicking outside of it, ensuring that theNavController
state is always in sync with the Navigator's state. ( I2ead9 ) Navigation no longer gives a
when using manipulating the list ofOnDestinationChangedListeners
from with anonDestinationChanged
callback. ( Ib1707 , b/188860458 )Safe Args no longer crashes when attempting to generate direction properties in Kotlin. ( Id2416 , b/188564435 )
The setId method on NavDestination is now properly annotated with
, so it only accepts resource ids. ( I69b80 )The int parameter of
is nowresId
instead ofresid
. ( I7711d )
Dependency Update
- Safe-Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin 4.2.0. This means you should no longer get the using
warning. ( I6d67b , b/172824579 )
Версия 2.4.0-альфа01
May 18, 2021
is released. Версия 2.4.0-alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- The
method onNavController
provides aFlow
that emits whenever the currentNavBackStackEntry
changes. This flow can be used as an alternative to manually managing anOnDestinationChangedListener
. ( I19c4a , #89 , b/163947280 )
Multiple back stacks
The NavController is responsible for managing the back stack of destinations, adding destinations to the back stack when you navigate()
to them and removing them when you call popBackStack()
or trigger the system back button. The existing NavOptions
class and the integration into <action>
entries in the navigation graph XML has been expanded to support saving and restoring the back stack. ( b/80029773 )
As part of this change, the NavigationUI
methods of onNavDestinationSelected()
, BottomNavigationView.setupWithNavController()
and NavigationView.setupWithNavController()
now automatically save and restore the state of popped destinations, enabling support for multiple back stacks without any code changes. When using Navigation with Fragments, this is the recommended way to integrate with multiple back stacks. ( Ie07ca )
The underlying APIs for saving and restoring the state are exposed via a number of surfaces:
In Navigation XML, the
element can now use the boolean attributes ofapp:popUpToSaveState
to save the state of any destinations popped viaapp:popUpTo
and restore the state associated with the destination passed as theapp:destination
:<action android:id=”@+id/swap_stack” app:destination=”@id/second_stack” app:restoreState=”true” app:popUpTo=”@id/first_stack_start_destination” app:popUpToSaveState=”true” />
In the
Kotlin DSL , you can add therestoreState
boolean property and thesaveState
boolean property on thepopUpTo
builder :// Use the navigate() method that takes a navOptions DSL Builder navController.navigate(selectedBottomNavRoute) { launchSingleTop = true restoreState = true popUpTo(navController.graph.startDestinationId) { saveState = true } }
In manually building a
object via theNavOptions.Builder
, you can use thesetRestoreState()
and new overload tosetPopUpTo()
that takes an additionalsaveState
parameter.NavOptions navOptions = new NavOptions.Builder() .setLaunchSingleTop(true) .setRestoreState(true) .setPopUpTo(navController.getGraph().getStartDestinationId(), false, // inclusive true) // saveState .build(); navController.navigate(selectedBottomNavId, null, navOptions);
Programmatic calls to
can now include an additionalsaveState
In all cases, the NavController
will save and restore the state of each NavBackStackEntry
, including any navigation destination scoped ViewModel
instances. The Navigator
APIs have been updated to enable each Navigator
to support saving and restoring their own state.
The ComposeNavigator
used for composable
destinations in Navigation Compose and the FragmentNavigator
and DynamicFragmentNavigator
used for <fragment>
destinations in Navigation with Fragments have both been updated to use the new Navigator APIs and support saving and restoring state.
Navigation Routes
A route is a String
that uniquely identifies a destination. While previously only used in Navigation Compose , this concept has now graduated to become a part of the core Navigation APIs. This provides an alternative to using integer IDs when constructing your graph through the Navigation Kotlin DSL . ( b/172823546 )
All APIs that used to only take an ID now have an overload that takes a route String
. This includes navigate()
, popBackStack()
, popUpTo()
, and getBackStackEntry()
This has had some API implications:
- The
kotlin property on the Kotlin DSL has been deprecated in favor ofpopUpToId
. ( I59c73 , b/172823546 ) - The
API has been deprecated in favor ofgetStartDestinationId()
. ( I0887f , b/172823546 )
For developers upgrading from previous versions of Navigation Compose to Navigation Compose 2.4.0-alpha01
, this means that the following imports on extension methods are no longer necessary and should be removed:
import androidx.navigation.compose.navigation
import androidx.navigation.compose.createGraph
import androidx.navigation.compose.getBackStackEntry
import androidx.navigation.compose.navigate
import androidx.navigation.compose.popUpTo
argument has been replaced with the route
property on NavDestination
, allowing you to call navBackStackEntry.destination.route
Изменения API
- All Navigation artifacts have been rewritten in Kotlin. This has improved the nullability of classes using generics (such as
subclasses). All Kotlin extension functions that used to be part of the-ktx
artifacts have been moved to their respective main artifacts. The-ktx
artifacts will continue to be published, but are completely empty. ( b/184292145 ) -
now supports adding multiple distinct destinations to the generated back stack. ( I3ee0d , b/147913689 ) - Add factory functions for
( Icd515 , b/175222619 ) - The unique ID of a
is now exposed as part of its public API. ( Ie033a ) - The
fields and destructuring functions ofNamedNavArgument
are now public. ( #174 , b/181320559 ) - Introduced a new
extension that provides theNavBackStackEntry
to the relevant composition locals. ( #175 , b/187229439 )
Safe Args
Safe Args now generates a
method for eachNavArgs
class. ( #122 , b/136967621 )class HomeViewModel(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel() { // Create a HomeDestinationArgs class with type safe accessors for each argument // defined on your destination private val args = HomeDestinationArgs.fromSavedStateHandle(savedStateHandle) }
Updated Safe Args to depend on KotlinPoet
. ( #172 , b/183990444 )
Behavior Changes
- Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
and now markssetGraph()
, andnavigate()
, the methods that update theNavBackStackEntry
, as@MainThread
, aligning Navigation with the main thread enforcement introduced in Lifecycle2.3.0
. ( b/171125856 ) - Parsing Enum arguments from deep links is now case insensitive, allowing a deep link like
to match awww.example.com/{color}
deep link even when the enum has the value ofRED
. ( #152 , b/135857840 )
Compose Compatibility
is only compatible with Compose version1.0.0-beta07
and above.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where trailing argument placeholders would take precedence over deep links that have a matching exact suffix. ( #153 , b/184072811 )
now supports custom Navigators that use the same@Navigator.Name("dialog")
as the defaultDialogFragmentNavigator
. ( Ib1c2c , b/175979140 ) - Improved the behavior of
to ensure that calling it repeatedly with the same instance does not cause issues. ( #176 , b/187443146 )
External Contributions
- Thanks simonschiller for building support for Safe Args generating a
method for eachNavArgs
class. ( #122 , b/136967621 ) - Thanks Bradleycorn for making parsing Enum arguments from deep links case insensitive. ( #152 , b/135857840 )
- Thanks osipxd for fixing an issue where trailing argument placeholders would take precedence over deep links that have a matching exact suffix. ( #153 , b/184072811 )
- Thanks tatocaster for updating Safe Args to depend on KotlinPoet
. ( #172 , b/183990444 ) - Thanks jossiwolf for making the
fields and destructuring functions ofNamedNavArgument
public. ( #174 , b/181320559 ) - Thanks jossiwolf for introducing a new
extension that provides theNavBackStackEntry
to the relevant composition locals. ( #175 , b/187229439 ) - Thanks jossiwolf for improved the behavior of
to ensure that calling it repeatedly with the same instance does not cause issues. ( #176 , b/187443146 )
Navigation Compose Version 1.0.0
Версия 1.0.0-Alpha10
7 апреля 2021 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha10 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
now accepts aModifier
, which is passed down to the composable container that wraps the destination composables. ( I85aca , b/175125483 )
Исправления ошибок
now works even when anOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner
is not found, such is the case when previewing theNavHost
. ( I7d8b4 ) - Navigation Compose now depends on Navigation
, fixing an issue when usingBackHandler
inside aNavHost
destination. ( I7e63b , b/182284739 )
Версия 1.0.0-Alpha09
10 марта 2021 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha09 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
now returns a nullableViewModelStoreOwner
to better determine whether aViewModelStoreOwner
is available in the current composition. APIs that require aViewModelStoreOwner
, such asviewModel()
, still throw an exception if aViewModelStoreOwner
is not set. ( Idf39a )
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation Compose now depends on Navigation 2.3.4 which includes the fix for attempting to set the same ViewModelStore object after the graph has been set. ( I65c24 , b/177825470 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа08
24 февраля 2021 года
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha08 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
now populates theLocalSavedStateRegistryOwner
CompositionLocal with that destination'sNavBackStackEntry
, ensuring that any state directly saved into theSavedStateRegistry
will be saved and restored alongside the destination. ( I435d7 , b/179469431 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа07
10 февраля 2021 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha07 содержит эти коммиты.
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation Compose now depends on Lifecycle ViewModel Compose 1.0.0-alpha01 to provide
support tocomposable
destinations. ( I7a374 ) -
now uses the newLocalOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner
from Activity-Compose 1.3.0-alpha01 to get theOnBackPressedDispatcher
that is set on theNavController
. ( I65b12 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа06
28 января 2021 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha06 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Added a
getBackStackEntry(route: String)
extension method onNavController
that returns the associatedNavBackStackEntry
. ( If8931 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа05
January 13, 2021
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha05 содержит эти коммиты.
Updated to depend on Compose 1.0.0-alpha10.
Версия 1.0.0-альфа04
December 16, 2020
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
- Updated for compatibility with Compose
Версия 1.0.0-альфа03
December 2, 2020
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where
would not work after a configuration change or process death and recreation. ( Icea47 , b/173281473 ) - Navigating to a nested graph within your NavHost now works properly. ( I0948d , b/173647694 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа02
11 ноября 2020 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Navigation compose now support NavOptions for using popUpTo and launchSingleTop operations ( If96c3 , b/171468994 )
- Added a navigation function that takes a route instead of an ID that allows you to construct nested graphs in the Navigation Compose DSL. ( I1661d )
- startDestination now comes before the route in the list of a parameters for a NavHost ( Ie620e )
- You can now create a graph using the route as a start destination outside of a NavHost composable. ( Iceb75 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа01
28 октября 2020 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
The navigation-compose
artifact provides integration between the Navigation Component and Jetpack Compose . It uses @Composable
functions as the destinations in your application.
This initial release provides:
- A
composable that allows you to construct your navigation graph via a Kotlin DSL. - Scoping of lifecycle,
, and remembered state at the destination level. - Automatic integration with the system back button.
- Support for passing arguments, attaching deep links to destinations, and returning a result to previous destinations.
- Compose specific helpers in
to allow hoisting state and connecting theNavController
to composables outside of theNavHost
(such as a bottom navigation bar).
See the Compose Navigation guide for more information.
Version 2.3.5
Version 2.3.5
7 апреля 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.3.5 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- When navigating using a
, you can now access theUri
, action, and mime type in the resulting destination by getting the intent from arguments viaKEY_DEEP_LINK_INTENT
, mirroring the functionality already available for external deep linking. ( I975c3 , b/181521877 )
Исправления ошибок
added to a dispatcher with theNavBackStackEntry
as the LifecycleOwner now properly intercept back after the Activity Lifecycle isSTOPPED
( Iff94f , b/182284739 ) - Deep link domain parsing is now case insensitive, ensuring that
matches bothwww.example.com
. Note that query parameter names are still case sensitive. ( #144 , b/153829033 ) - Fixed a
that could occur when a destination has multiple non-nullable default arguments and you navigate to that destination while only overriding a subset of those arguments. ( aosp/1644827 )
Обновления зависимости
- The Navigation Safe Args Gradle Plugin now depends on Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.4.31. ( aosp/1661058 , b/181156413 )
External Contribution
- Thanks
for the pull request making deep link domain parsing case insensitive. ( #144 , b/153829033 )
Version 2.3.4
Version 2.3.4
10 марта 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.3.4 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
arguments can now be properly parsed when sent as part of a deeplink URI. This supports both the raw integer value as well as hex values prefixed by0x
. ( #127 , b/179166693 ) - The
for an argument withapp:argType="float"
now supports integer default values, allowing you to useandroid:defaultValue="0"
rather than requiring the use of0.0
. ( #117 , b/173766247 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fix stuck installation progress when using Navigation's support for dynamic features. ( Ib27a7 , b/169636207 )
- Calling
with the same object that has already been set will now be a no-op ( Idf491 , b/177825470 ) - Safe-Args now adds suppress annotations on the proper methods when using java. ( I8fbc5 , b/179463137 )
External Contributions
- Thanks
for the pull request to ensure thatReferenceType
arguments can now be properly parsed when sent as part of a deeplink URI. ( #127 , b/179166693 ) - Thanks
for the pull request to allow thedefaultValue
for an argument withapp:argType=”float”
now supports integer default values. ( #117 , b/173766247 )
Version 2.3.3
Version 2.3.3
27 января 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.3.3 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- There is no longer a crash when popping a
before itsLifecycle
is moved toCREATED
. ( Ie3ba3 ) - Fixed regression caused by b/171364502 where navigating to an activity with an animation resource value of
caused aResourceNotFoundException
. ( I7aedb , b/176819931 )
Version 2.3.2
Version 2.3.2
December 2, 2020
is released. Version 2.3.2 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a regression in
where using an<activity>
destination withonNavDestinationSelected
would fail to navigate to the Activity. ( I22e34 , b/171364502 ) - Fixed an issue where
would result in navigating to the newly installed destination multiple times. ( aosp/1486056 , b/169636207 ) - Fixed an issue where default arguments would not be sent to
instances when usinglaunchSingleTop
. ( I2c5cb ) - Fixed an issue where navigating to a nested navigation graph would not create a new graph instance on the back stack. ( Ifc831 )
- Fixed an issue where using
with apopUpTo
that removed the last destination in a navigation graph would not immediately destroy and remove the navigation graph itself from the back stack. ( I910a3 ) - Navigation SafeArgs now uses KotlinPoet version 1.7.2 which adds support for Kotlin's explicit API mode. ( I918b5 )
now also checks the root decor view of a DialogFragment in addition to the existing checks of the Fragment hierarchy and Fragment's view hierarchy. This allows you to test dialog fragments that use Navigation withFragmentScenario
. ( I69e0d )
Версия 2.3.1
Версия 2.3.1
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Версия 2.3.1 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Default Animator resources have been added to Navigation UI and are recommended over the default animation resources. ( b/167430145 )
- NavOptions now overrides the hashcode and equals methods ( b/161586466 )
- Navigation now includes the current destination in the “No destination with ID” IllegalArgumentException, which should improve the developer debugging experience. ( b/168311416 )
Исправления ошибок
- Safe Args will no longer wrap the return line, even if the generated argument class name is longer than 100 characters. ( b/168584987 )
Dependency Changes
now depends on DrawerLayout 1.1.1 , ensuring thatNavigationUI
is able to open the drawer even when usingLOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED
. ( b/162253907 ) - Safe Args now depends on KotlinPoet 1.6.0 ( aosp/1435911 )
- Safe Args now depends on AGP 4.0.1 ( aosp/1442337 )
Версия 2.3.0
Версия 2.3.0
June 24, 2020
is released. Версия 2.3.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Major changes since 2.2.0
- Feature Module integration : The
artifacts allow you to navigate to destinations that are defined in feature modules, automatically handling the installation of the feature modules as needed. See Navigate with feature modules for more information. - Navigation Testing : The
artifact provides aTestNavHostController
that allows you to set the current destination and verify the back stack after navigation operations. See Test Navigation for more information. - Returning a Result : The
associated with each destination on the Navigation back stack now allows you to access aSavedStateHandle
suitable for storing small amounts of saved state that should be associated with a particular back stack entry. See Returning a result to the previous Destination for more information. -
support forOpenable
: All usages ofDrawerLayout
have been replaced with the more genericOpenable
interface added in CustomView1.1.0
and implemented byDrawerLayout
in DrawerLayout1.1.0
. - Action and Mime Type support in deep links : Deep linking has been expanded to support
in addition to theapp:uri
previously available.NavController
now supports navigating by any combination of these fields via the newNavDeepLinkRequest
class. See Navigate using NavDeepLinkRequest for more information.
Известные проблемы
- Support for deep link actions and mime types is not yet available in Manifest Merger . Until that work is completed, any generated
elements from the<nav-graph>
element in your manifest won't include your mime type in its<data>
element or your custom<action>
. You must manually add an appropriate<intent-filter>
to your manifest.
Версия 2.3.0-rc01
June 10, 2020
is released. Версия 2.3.0-rc01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a
when replacing an instance of a destination with no arguments with another instance with arguments withsingleTop
. ( b/158006669 ) - All
destination is unknown
exceptions thrown byNavController
now have additional debugging information to help determine the state of theNavController
. ( b/157764916 )
Версия 2.3.0-бета01
20 мая 2020 г.
are released. Версия 2.3.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where the
of theNavBackStackEntry
would not be properly updated after process death. ( b/155218371 ) -
instances registered before callingsetGraph()
are now properly sent the restored destination after a process death. ( b/155218371 ) - When using
, theNavBackStackEntry
now correctly has its arguments updated and the updated arguments are sent to allOnDestinationChangeListener
instances. ( b/156545508 )
Обновления зависимости
- The
artifact now depends on CustomView1.1.0-rc01
and DrawerLayout1.1.0-rc01
. ( aosp/1309696 )
Version 2.3.0-alpha06
April 29, 2020
is released. ( Version 2.3.0-alpha06 contains these commits. )
Новые возможности
- Deep linking has been expanded to support
in addition to theapp:uri
previously available. NavController now supports navigating by any combination of these fields via the newNavDeepLinkRequest
class. ( b/136573074 , b/135334841 )
Изменения API
- Greatly expanded the Kotlin DSL support for Dynamic Navigation destinations. ( b/148969800 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where deep link Intents would be ignored when using a nested start destination. ( b/154532067 )
Версия 2.3.0-альфа05
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Версия 2.3.0-alpha05 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- For dynamic graph includes using
, you no longer need to specifyapp:graphPackage
and a default one will be used by addingmoduleName
suffix to theapplicationId
after a dot. If you do need to customize yourgraphPackage
, an${applicationId}
placeholder is now supported. ( b/152696768 ) - The Navigation Graph Kotlin DSL now exposes a
for actions, mirroring the ability to set default values on<action>
elements in Navigation XML files. ( b/150345605 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation 2.2.2 : Fixed an
when deep linking to the start destination of your graph when you have multipleNavHostFragment
instances in your Activity. ( b/147378752 )
Обновления зависимостей
- Navigation now depends on Fragment
. ( aosp/1277325 ) - Dynamic Navigation now depends on Play Core
. ( aosp/1282257 )
Версия 2.3.0-альфа04
18 марта 2020 г.
is released. Версия 2.3.0-alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Added support for feature module activity and fragment destinations in the Navigation Kotlin DSL. ( b/148969800 )
Изменения API
- The
class no longer uses a builder pattern and can now be constructed directly. ( aosp/1253671 ) -
now takes aContext
in its constructor rather than anActivity
. ( aosp/1250252 )
Исправления ошибок
no longer ignores empty labels (ie, a destination withandroid:label=””
) and now correctly sets the title to an empty string. ( b/148679860 )
Обновления зависимости
- The Navigation Dynamic Features artifacts now depend on Play Core
. ( b/149556401 )
Версия 2.3.0-альфа03
March 4, 2020
is released. Версия 2.3.0-alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Instead of relying on the concrete
now uses theOpenable
interface introduced in CustomView1.1.0-alpha02
implements as of DrawerLayout1.1.0-alpha04
), allowing you to use custom implementations ofOpenable
. ( b/129030452 )
Исправления ошибок
- The
ProGuard rules now correctly only keep theNavArgs
classes that are used rather than allNavArgs
instances. ( b/150213558 )
Dependency changes
- Navigation has reverted its dependency on Core
and now depends on Core1.1.0
to avoid forcing developers to move to a newer dependency when Navigation does not depend on any new APIs in Core1.2.0
Версия 2.3.0-альфа02
19 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Версия 2.3.0-alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- The
now allows you to access aSavedStateHandle
suitable for storing small amounts of saved state that should be associated with a particular back stack entry. See Returning a result for an example use case. ( b/79672220 )
Изменения API
- Convenience methods of
have been added to make it easier to retrieve aNavBackStackEntry
for the current and previous destinations. ( b/79672220 )
Исправления ошибок
now passes the current destination's arguments and theKEY_DEEP_LINK_INTENT
to the previous destination when launching your app on your own task stack. ( b/147456890 )
Dependency changes
- Navigation now depends on Core
Версия 2.3.0-альфа01
5 февраля 2020 года
is released. Version 2.3.0-alpha01 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- The new
artifact provides aTestNavHostController
class. This class provides an alternative to using a mockNavController
when testing Navigation that allows you to set the current destination and verify the back stack after navigation operations. ( b/140884273 ) - The new
(and its transitive dependency,navigation-dynamic-features-runtime
) allows you to include destinations or entire navigation graphs (via<include-dynamic>
) from feature modules , providing seamless installation of on-demand feature modules when navigating to those destinations. See Navigate with feature modules for more information. ( b/132170186 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
: Deep links without query parameters now correctly ignore any query parameters rather than appending them to trailing{argument}
elements or not matching the deep link. ( b/147447512 ) - From Navigation
: Thenavigation-ui
ProGuard rules forDrawerArrowDrawable
have been updated to ensure thatandroid.enableJetifier=true
is not required. ( b/147610424 ) - From Navigation
: Thenavigation-common-ktx
module now has a unique manifest package name instead of sharing the same manifest package name asnavigation-runtime-ktx
. ( aosp/1141947 )
Обновления зависимостей
- From Navigation
: Navigation2.2.1
now depends on Lifecycle ViewModel SavedState2.2.0
and Fragment1.2.1
Version 2.2.2
Version 2.2.2
15 апреля 2020 г.
are released. Version 2.2.2 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an
when deep linking to the start destination of your graph when you have multipleNavHostFragment
instances in your Activity. ( b/147378752 ) -
no longer ignores empty labels (ie, a destination withandroid:label=””
) and now correctly sets the title to an empty string. This was previously released in Navigation 2.3.0-alpha04 . ( b/148679860 ) - The
ProGuard rules now correctly only keep theNavArgs
classes that are used rather than allNavArgs
instances. This was previously released in Navigation 2.3.0-alpha03 . ( b/150213558
Обновления зависимостей
- Navigation now depends on Fragment
. ( aosp/1277325 )
Версия 2.2.1
Версия 2.2.1
5 февраля 2020 года
is released. Version 2.2.1 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Deep links without query parameters now correctly ignore any query parameters rather than appending them to trailing
elements or not matching the deep link. ( b/147447512 ) - The
ProGuard rules forDrawerArrowDrawable
have been updated to ensure thatandroid.enableJetifier=true
is not required. ( b/147610424 ) - The
module now has a unique manifest package name instead of sharing the same manifest package name asnavigation-runtime-ktx
. ( aosp/1141947 )
Обновления зависимостей
- Navigation
now depends on Lifecycle ViewModel SavedState2.2.0
and Fragment1.2.1
Версия 2.2.0
Версия 2.2.0
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 2.2.0 contains these commits .
Важные изменения с версии 2.1.0
- NavBackStackEntry : You can now call
, passing in the ID of a destination or navigation graph on the back stack. The returnedNavBackStackEntry
provides a Navigation-drivenLifecycleOwner
(the same returned byNavController.getViewModelStoreOwner()
), andSavedStateRegistryOwner
, in addition to providing the arguments used to start that destination. - Lifecycle ViewModel SavedState Integration :
is now the default factory used when usingby navGraphViewModels()
or theViewModelProvider
constructor with aViewModelStoreOwner
returned byNavController.getBackStackEntry()
. - Query Parameter Support for Deep Links : Deep links with query parameters now support reordered query parameters; arguments that have a default value or are nullable are now optional when matching deep links.
- Improved Animation Support :
now usesFragmentContainerView
from Fragment 1.2.0 , fixing animation z-ordering issues and window insets dispatching to Fragments.
Version 2.2.0-rc04
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 2.2.0-rc04 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Adjusted the default fade animations used by
to match the adjusted fade animations in Fragment1.2.0-rc04
. ( b/145769814 )
Version 2.2.0-rc03
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 2.2.0-rc03 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue with deep link parsing when using query parameters and an argument as the last part of the path that prevented more than one character of the final path argument from being parsed. ( b/144554689 )
- Fixed an issue with deep link parsing where optional parameters would receive
instead ofnull
. ( b/141613546 ) -
now correctly restores the graph after a configuration change when used withFragmentContainerView
. ( b/143752103 )
Dependency changes
- Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
, Lifecycle ViewModel SavedState1.0.0-rc03
, Activity1.1.0-rc03
, and Fragment1.2.0-rc03
where appropriate.
Version 2.2.0-rc02
7 ноября 2019 г.
is released. Version 2.2.0-rc02 contains these commits .
Dependency changes
- Navigation now depends on androidx.lifecycle
Версия 2.2.0-rc01
23 октября 2019 года
is released with no changes since 2.2.0-beta01
. Version 2.2.0-rc01 contains these commits .
Версия 2.2.0-бета01
9 октября 2019 года
is released. Version 2.2.0-beta01 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
and its subclasses now overridetoString()
to provide more helpful information when debugging. ( b/141264986 )
Изменения в поведении
- Extra query parameters are now ignored when matching deep links rather than causing the match to fail. ( b/141482822 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where arguments in a deep link's path would be ignored if query parameters were also specified. ( b/141505755 )
- The
Kotlin extension onActivity
now has a better error message when there are no extras. ( b/141408999 ) - Safe Args generated
Java classes now contain default values. ( b/141099045 ) - Safe Args generated
Java classes now contain default values. ( b/140123727 ) - When using a
no longer animates the text change when moving between two top level destinations. ( b/140848160 )
Version 2.2.0-alpha03
September 18, 2019
is released. Version 2.2.0-alpha03 contains these commits .
Изменения в поведении
- Calling
after callingsetGraph
now results in anIllegalStateException
. This should always be set by theNavHost
as part of the initial setup to ensure that allNavBackStackEntry
instances have a consistent storage forViewModel
instances. ( aosp/1111821 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a
when usingViewModel
instances attached to multiple different navigation graph scopedViewModelStore
instances. ( aosp/1112257 )
Версия 2.2.0-альфа02
September 5, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые возможности
- Deep links with query parameters now support reordered query parameters; arguments that have a default value or are nullable are now optional when matching deep links. ( b/133273839 )
- You can now call
, passing in the ID of a destination or navigation graph on the back stack. The returnedNavBackStackEntry
provides a Navigation-drivenLifecycleOwner
(the same returned byNavController.getViewModelStoreOwner()
), andSavedStateRegistryOwner
, in addition to providing the arguments used to start that destination. ( aosp/1101691 , aosp/1101710 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where adding a
failed with anIllegalArgumentException
. ( b/133640271 ) -
now avoids callinggetResourceName()
unnecessarily, speeding up inflation time by up to 40%. ( b/139213740 )
Версия 2.2.0-альфа01
August 7, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые возможности
is now the default factory used when usingby navGraphViewModels()
or theViewModelProvider
constructor with aViewModelStoreOwner
returned byNavController.getViewModelStoreOwner()
. ( b/135716331 )
Изменения API
- From Navigation
: The deprecatedgetViewModelStore()
API onNavController
introduced in2.1.0-alpha02
has been removed. ( aosp/1091021 )
Исправления ошибок
now usesFragmentContainerView
, fixing animation z-ordering issues and window insets dispatching to Fragments. ( b/137310379 )
Версия 2.1.0
Версия 2.1.0
September 5, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Important changes since 2.0.0
- Scoping ViewModels to a navigation graph : You can now create ViewModels that are scoped at the navigation graph level using the
by navGraphViewModels()
property delegate for Kotlin users using the-ktx
libraries or by using thegetViewModelStoreOwner()
API added toNavController
. See Share UI-related data between destinations for more information. - Dialog destinations : You can now create
destinations that will show aDialogFragment
when younavigate
to them.NavHostFragment
supports dialog destinations by default. See Create a destination from a DialogFragment for more information. - Navigating by Uri : You can now
using aUri
, which uses the<deepLink>
you've added to a destination to navigate there. See Navigate using Uri for more information. - NavHostController : APIs used specifically for constructing a custom
have been moved toNavHostController
, allowing implementations to connect theirNavController
to the hostingLifecycleOwner
, andViewModelStore
Версия 2.1.0-rc01
August 7, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Изменения API
- The deprecated
API onNavController
introduced in2.1.0-alpha02
has been removed. ( aosp/1091021 )
Version 2.1.0-beta02
July 19, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Исправления ошибок
- Removed unintentional jacoco dependency that was introduced in
. ( b/137782950 )
Версия 2.1.0-бета01
17 июля 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые возможности
now animates the removal of the Up button when usingsetupWithNavController()
with aToolbar
. ( b/131403621 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a timing issue when using multiple NavHostFragments with the same container with
. ( b/136021571 )
Version 2.1.0-alpha06
2 июля 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые возможности
- The
attribute used by NavHostFragment has now been moved to thenavigation-runtime
artifact. Custom navigators that can be added via XML should use this attribute to gain integration with the Navigation Editor's Host panel. ( b/133880955 )
Изменения API
- The
API onNavController
has been deprecated in favor of the newgetViewModelStoreOwner()
method that returns aViewModelStoreOwner
. ( aosp/987010 ) - The implementation of floating window destinations, such as
destinations, has been generalized into a marker interface,FloatingWindow
, that all<dialog>
destinations now implement. NavigationUI methods for interacting with the top app bar now ignoreFloatingWindow
destinations. ( b/133600763 )
Изменения в поведении
- Navigation now correctly keeps its state in sync with what is seen on the screen when using a
destination. As a consequence, Navigation now automatically pops<dialog>
destinations when you navigate to a non-dialog and non-activity destination, such as a<fragment>
destination. ( b/134089818 )
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation now suppresses the animation that occurs when recreating the activity when handling a deep link, fixing a visual flash. ( b/130362979 )
- Fixed a bug where the Navigation back stack would be out of sync when popping a Fragment as the initial fragment is being added. ( b/133832218 )
Version 2.1.0-alpha05
5 июня 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Изменения API
- Host related APIs on
have been renamed and moved to a new subclass ofNavController
. ( aosp/966091 ) - The
method has been replaced withNavHostController
method and now requires that you callsetLifecycleOwner()
prior to calling it. ( aosp/965409 ) -
now contains aenableOnBackPressed(boolean)
method that replaces theNavHostOnBackPressedManager
class that was previously returned bysetHostOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner()
. ( aosp/966091 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where the back stack was not correct after navigating by URI. ( b/132509387 )
- Deep links automatically handled by NavController now only trigger once. ( b/132754763 )
Version 2.1.0-alpha04
16 мая 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Исправления ошибок
correctly respectsapp:defaultNavHost
when intercepting the system Back button events, fixing a regression in Navigation2.1.0-alpha03
. b/132077777 -
now correctly handlespopBackStack()
operations. b/132576764 - Fixed an
IllegalStateException: unknown destination during restore
issue when repeatedly navigating between nested graphs. b/131733658
Version 2.1.0-alpha03
7 мая 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Известные проблемы
- NavHostFragment continues to intercept the system Back button despite using
Новые возможности
- You can now create
destinations that will show aDialogFragment
when younavigate
to them.NavHostFragment
supports dialog destinations by default. b/80267254 - In addition to calling
with a resource id or aNavDirections
instance, you can now navigate via aUri
, which uses the<deepLink>
you've added to a destination to navigate to the correct destination. b/110412864
Изменения в поведении
- The default animations provided by NavigationUI have been sped up from 400ms to 220ms to match the default animation speed of activities and fragments. b/130055522
Изменения API
- The
method ofNavHostFragment
has been deprecated and its functionality moved to the newonCreateNavController()
method to make it more clear that this is the correct entry point of adding custom Navigators when subclassingNavHostFragment
. b/122802849 - A
method has been added toNavDestination
to allow you to check if a givenUri
can be handled by that destination or, in the case of aNavGraph
, any destination in the navigation graph. b/117437718
Исправления ошибок
- Default arguments are now correctly passed to
instances. b/130630686 -
now intercepts system Back events using theOnBackPressedDispatcher
, fixing an issue when doing conditional navigation in Fragment lifecycle methods upon returning to a Fragment. b/111598096 - For Safe Args, an
with an unspecifiedapp:argType
is now properly inferred as astring
argument. b/129629192
Version 2.1.0-alpha02
April 3, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые возможности
- You can now create ViewModels that are scoped at a navigation graph level via the
by navGraphViewModels()
property delegate for Kotlin users or by using thegetViewModelStore()
API added toNavController
. b/111614463
Изменения API
- You can now add an
to an<activity>
destination to limit the matching package name. It supportsapp:targetPackage="${applicationId}"
for restricting the package to your own application id. b/110975456
Исправления ошибок
- The
destinations is no longer parsed into a Class at inflation time, preventing ClassNotFoundExceptions when using dynamic features. b/124538597
Версия 2.1.0-альфа01
March 19, 2019
This is the first alpha release of Navigation 2.1.0
Dependency changes
- Navigation now depends on
. This release also removes the dependency onandroidx.legacy:legacy-support-core-utils:1.0.0
. b/128632612
Изменения API
- A new
method has been added as an alternative to creating a click listener with a resource ID and Bundle. b/127631752 -
is now deprecated. The default implementation now usesFragmentFactory
to instantiate Fragments. b/119054429
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation no longer sends a null
when there are arguments attached to a destination, fixing an issue when usingandroid:defaultValue="@null"
. b/128531879 - Safe Args now depends on KotlinPoet 1.1.0, fixing an issue with extremely long package names. b/123654948
Версия 2.0.0
Версия 2.0.0
14 марта 2019 года
Navigation 2.0.0
is released with no changes from 2.0.0-rc02
Version 2.0.0-rc02
March 6, 2019
Navigation 2.0.0-rc02 provides new artifacts with the androidx.navigation
group ID and changes its dependencies to the AndroidX equivalents.
The behavior of 2.0.0-rc02 is identical to behavior to Navigation 1.0.0-rc02 and no changes to your code should be required to update from 1.0.0-rc02 besides updating your dependencies to match the new dependencies .
Your project must have migrated to AndroidX to use 2.X releases of Navigation. Navigation 1.0 stable will be the last release using the Support Library dependencies; all future development beyond 1.0 will be based on AndroidX and build upon the 2.0 stable release.
Pre-AndroidX Dependencies
For the pre-AndroidX versions of Navigation, include these dependencies:
dependencies {
def nav_version = "1.0.0"
implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment:$nav_version" // For Kotlin use navigation-fragment-ktx
implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-ui:$nav_version" // For Kotlin use navigation-ui-ktx
For Safe args , add the following classpath in your top level build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "android.arch.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:1.0.0"
Версия 1.0.0
Версия 1.0.0
14 марта 2019 года
Navigation 1.0.0
is released with no changes from 1.0.0-rc02
Version 1.0.0-rc02
February 26, 2019
This is the second release candidate for Navigation's 1.0.0 stable release. This release contains a number of bug fixes.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where
would be ignored if the root graph did not have an ID b/126251695 -
now correctly handles navigating back to your app's task when called after handling a deep link withoutFLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
b/126082008 - Fixed an issue with
not applying the correct pop exit animation b/126237567 - Kotlin code generated by Safe Args now properly escapes Kotlin keywords such as
in the package name associated with theR
class. b/126020455
Version 1.0.0-rc01
February 21, 2019
This is a release candidate for Navigation's 1.0.0 stable release. This release contains one bug fix.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue when using Fragments and
navigation operations b/124294805
Version 1.0.0-beta02
February 12, 2019
This release includes a number of minor improvements and important bug fixes.
Новые возможности
- You can now use
as anandroid:defaultValue
arguments. b/124248602
Изменения в поведении
- Exact deep link matches are now prioritized over deep links with
or argument matches. b/123969518
Исправления ошибок
now correctly returnfalse
when popping the last destination on the back stack, fixing a regression introduced in1.0.0-beta01
. b/123933201 - Navigation now correctly sets the
during restoration of saved instance state, avoiding issues when using custom classes inNavigator
saved state or in arguments sent to aNavDestination
. b/123893858 - Safe Args generated NavArgs classes no longer crash when restoring a
argument from saved instance state. b/123963545 - Safe Args now properly cleans up unnecessary generated Kotlin classes. b/124120883
Version 1.0.0-beta01
February 4, 2019
This is the first beta release of Navigation; moving forward, the Navigation API is expected to stay stable until the next version unless there is a critical problem. This release contains some bug fixes and behavior changes.
Изменения в поведении
- Navigation now ensures that argument default values are treated identically at runtime and through Safe Args. As a consequence, only arguments with an
can have a default value point to another resource (for example,@color/colorPrimary
). Attempting to use a reference default value with a differentapp:argType
will result in an exception when parsing the navigation XML. b/123551990 - Safe Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin 3.3.0 aosp/888413
- Safe Args now depends on Kotlin 1.3.20 aosp/888414
Исправления ошибок
- Safe Args can now be used in library and feature modules on all versions of the Android Gradle Plugin. b/121304903
- Fixed a regression that would cause a single
operation to pop all copies of a destination off the top of the back stack, rather than just a single destination at a time. b/123552990 - Fixed an issue where the
state would desynchronize with theNavController
's state, causing anIllegalStateException
when attempting to restore the back stack. b/123803044 - Fixed an issue where the
handled back arrow would not appear when using ProGuard with obfuscation. b/123449431 - The code generated by Safe Args now properly handles using an
pointing to a static inner class in the format.OuterClass$InnerClass
. b/123736741 - The Java code generated by Safe Args now properly handles global actions and deeply nested destinations. b/123347762
Версия 1.0.0-Альфа11
January 23, 2019
This is a hotfix release of 1.0.0-alpha10
that fixes an issue with Safe Args.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixes an issue where Safe Args would fail to import the Directions class associated with global actions. b/123307342
Версия 1.0.0-Alpha10
January 23, 2019
Известные проблемы
- Safe Args fails to import the Directions class associated with global actions. b/123307342
This release contains breaking API changes; please see the Breaking Changes section below.
Новые возможности
- Kotlin users can now use the
by navArgs()
property delegate to lazily get a reference to a Safe Args generatedNavArgs
class in anActivity
. b/122603367 - Safe Args now allows you to generate Kotlin code by applying the
plugin. The Kotlin code is built specifically for Kotlin only modules, using default arguments and immutable classes over the builder pattern that is still available via the previousandroidx.navigation.safeargs
plugin. b/110263087
Behavior Changes
- Matching deep links are now biased towards the deep link that has the most matching arguments. b/118393029
- Calling
on aNavController
will now reset the back stack. b/111450672 - Unknown deep links no longer throw an
, but are ignored, fixing issues with nested or multipleNavHostFragment
s. b/121340440
Критические изменения
- The
method for applying pop animations to an Activity has been moved toActivityNavigator
. b/122413117 - Safe Args now avoids duplicating identical classes for actions without arguments. The return type for no argument methods in generated NavDirections classes is now
. b/123233147 - Safe Args generated Directions classes no longer have a public constructor - you should only be interacting with the generated static methods. b/123031660
- Safe Args generated
classes no longer have a public constructor - they should only be generated via the static methods in the generated Directions classes. b/122963206 - The returned
is now marked as@NonNull
rather than@Nullable
. b/123243957
Исправления ошибок
now correctly handles multiple simultaneousPendingIntent
s to the same destination by using the arguments you pass in to determine the uniqueness. b/120042732 -
now correctly handlespopBackStack()
operations when using a nestedNavHostFragment
or other child Fragments with a back stack. b/122770335 -
now correctly sets the content description of the Up button. b/120395362 - Safe Args generated Directions classes now correctly handle global actions that have the same id as an action on a destination. b/122962504
- Safe Args generated
classes now correctly have equalhashCode()
values whenequals()
would return true. b/123043662 -
now throws a better error message if you attempt to do customFragmentTransactions
on theNavHostFragment
. You should always usegetChildFragmentManager()
. b/112927148
Версия 1.0.0-Alpha09
December 18, 2018
This release contains breaking API changes; please see the Breaking Changes section below.
We have chosen not to continue development of the android.arch.navigation:navigation-testing
artifact. While it has proven helpful for internal testing of NavController
, we strongly recommend alternate testing strategies, such as mocking the NavController
instance in order to verify that the correct navigate()
calls are being done. This approach is discussed in detail in the Single Activity talk at AndroidDevSummit 2018 and we'll be working on additional documentation specifically around testing with Navigation.
Новые возможности
s withmenuCategory="secondary"
will no longer pop the back stack when used withNavigationUI
methods. b/120104424 -
now allows you to set a fallbackOnNavigateUpListener
instance which will be called whennavController.navigateUp()
. b/79993862 b/120690961
Критические изменения
- When using an
with anargType="reference"
, Navigation no longer parses the reference, instead providing the raw resource ID itself. b/111736515 -
now pops back to the start destination of your navigation graph by default, making them consistent with thesetup
methods. AddmenuCategory="secondary"
to yourMenuItem
to avoid popping the back stack. aosp/852869 - The
methods of generatedArgs
classes now take a non-nullBundle
instead of a nullableBundle
Исправления ошибок
- Arguments are now properly parsed from deep links as the correct
instead of always as strings b/110273284 - Navigation now correctly exports its public resources b/121059552
- Safe Args is now compatible with Android Gradle Plugin 3.4 Canary 4 and higher b/119662045
Версия 1.0.0-альфа08
December 6, 2018
This release contains breaking API changes; please see the Breaking Changes section below.
Новые возможности
- Destination labels, when used with
methods, will now automatically replace{argName}
instances in yourandroid:label
with the correct argument b/80267266 - Navigation now depends on Support Library 28.0.0 b/120293333
Критические изменения
has been renamed toOnDestinationChangedListener
b/118670572 -
now also passes theBundle
of arguments aosp/837142 - The
attributes and their associated methods have been removed. Useapp:popUpTo
with the root of your graph to remove all destinations from your back stack. b/119628354 -
now uses aBuilder
pattern and adds the ability to set anyIntent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_
flags aosp/828140 -
has been renamed tohandleDeepLink
aosp/836063 - Many classes and methods not meant for subclassing, such as
, andAppBarConfiguration
, have been madefinal
aosp/835681 - The deprecated
method has been removed aosp/835684 - The deprecated
NavigationUI.navigateUp(DrawerLayout, NavController)
method has been removed. aosp/835684 - Fragment creation has been moved to
, making it easier to delegate Fragment creation to aFragmentFactory
. b/119054429 - The constructor for
no longer takes aContext
aosp/835340 - NavigatorProvider is now a class, rather than an interface. The
returned bygetNavigatorProvider()
has not changed its functionality. aosp/830660 -
has been removed. Callnavigate()
on theNavigator
instead. aosp/830663 - Significant refactoring of
, removing the need forOnNavigatorNavigatedListener
and instead havingnavigate
return theNavDestination
that was navigated to. -
instances can no longer send pop events to theNavController
. Consider using aOnBackPressedCallback
to intercept back button presses and callnavController.popBackStack()
. aosp/833716
Исправления ошибок
now works consistently when the destination is a<navigation>
element b/116831650 - Fixed a number of bugs that resulted in an
when using nested graphs b/118713731 b/113611083 b/113346925 b/113305559 - The
attribute of<activity>
destinations will now populate arguments from non-String arguments by callingtoString()
Safe Args
- Safe Args supports Serializable objects, including Enum values. Enum types can set a default value by using the enum literal without the class name (eg
) b/111316353 - Safe Args supports arrays of all supported types b/111487504
- Safe Args now ignores subfolders of resource directories b/117893516
- Safe Args adds
annotations where appropriate b/117145301
Версия 1.0.0-альфа07
October 29, 2018
Новые возможности
- A new AppBarConfiguration class allows you to customize which destinations are considered top-level destinations. See the updated documentation for details. b/117333663
- You can now pass arguments to the start destination of your graph b/110300470
- Deep links now support custom schemes with periods, hyphens, and plus signs. b/112806402
Критические изменения
- The
module has been folded into thenavigation-testing artifact
and will no longer be published. - The
artifact now has a dependency on the Kotlin standard library. The API has been changed to be more consistent with Kotlin conventions, but you can continue to use it for tests written in Java. - Metadata manifest registered navigation graphs are no longer supported. b/118355937
- Actions can no longer be attached to <activity> destinations. aosp/785539
Исправления ошибок
- Deep links now correctly parse query parameters. b/110057514
- Activity destinations now correctly apply all enter and exit animations. b/117145284
- Fixed crash that occurs after configuration changes when using custom Navigators. b/110763345
Safe Args
- Safe args now have a fixed dependency on Android Gradle Plugin 3.2.1. b/113167627
- Directions can now be generated for inner classes. b/117407555
- Fixed an issue with generating Directions to an <include> graph. b/116542123
Версия 1.0.0-альфа06
September 20, 2018
Новые возможности
- Shared Element Transitions for Fragment and Activity destinations are now supported b/79665225 . For more information, see Implement navigation with the Navigation Architecture Component
- Selecting an item in
will now close any containing bottom sheet b/112158843
Изменения API
- Breaking Change: The Navigator
method now takes aNavigator.Extras
parameter. - NavController's
method is nowNonNull
Исправления ошибок
no longer leaks views if used with views from individual destinations b/111961977 - Navigator
is now only called once b/112627079
Safe Args
- Navigation destination Directions classes now extend their parent's Directions class if it exists b/79871405
- Directions and Args classes now have a useful
implementation b/111843389
Версия 1.0.0-альфа05
August 10, 2018
Исправления ошибок
- Fix a bug which cause incorrect backstack behavior. b/111907708
- Fix a bug in
of Generated Args classes. b/111450897 - Fix a build failure in Safe Args. b/109409713
- Fix a conversion from resource identifiers to java names b/111602491
- Fix error messages about nullability in Safe Args plugin.
- Add missing nullability annotations.
Версия 1.0.0-альфа04
July 19, 2018
Navigation 1.0.0-alpha04
and the associated Safe Args gradle plugin contains a number of API changes, behavior changes, and bug fixes.
API / Behavior Changes
- NavHostFragment will always set the current Fragment as the primary navigation fragment, ensuring that child fragment managers are popped before the outer NavController is popped b/111345778
Safe Args
- Breaking Change:
has been changed toapp:argType
to avoid conflicts with other libraries such as ConstraintLayout 2.0.0-alpha1 b/111110548 - Error messages from Safe Args are now clickable b/111534438
- Args classes now confirms that
attributes are actually not null b/111451769 - Additional
annotations have been added to NavDirections and Args generated classes b/111455455 b/111455456
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue with the system back button after deep linking to a fragment destination b/111515685
Версия 1.0.0-альфа03
July 12, 2018
Navigation 1.0.0-alpha03
and the associated Safe Args gradle plugin contains a number of API changes, behavior changes, and bug fixes.
API / Behavior Changes
- A NavigationUI.setupWithNavController method for Toolbar has been added b/109868820
- A NavigationUI.setupWithNavController method for CollapsingToolbarLayout has been added b/110887183
- popBackStack() now returns false when the back stack is empty or when the given destination ID is not in the back stack b/110893637
- FragmentNavigator now ignores navigation operations after FragmentManager has saved state, avoiding “Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” exceptions b/110987825
Safe Args
- Breaking Change: Non-alphanumeric characters in action and argument names will be replaced by camel casing in the respective NavDirections method names
- Eg
will becomesetDemoControllerIndex
b/79995048 - Eg
will becomeactionShowSettings
- Eg
- Breaking Change: Arguments are now considered non-null by default. To allow null values on string and parcelable arguments, add
b/79642307 - You can now use
with defaultValues in the form of “123L” b/79563966 - Parcelable arguments are now supported, using a fully qualified class name for
. The only default value supported is"@null"
b/79563966 - Args classes now implement
b/79642246 - The Safe Args plugin can now be applied to library projects b/80036553
- The Safe Args plugin can now be applied to feature projects b/110011752
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed issues when navigating during Fragment lifecycle methods b/109916080
- Fixed issues when navigating through nested graphs multiple times b/110178671
- Fixed issues when using
with the first destination in the graph b/109909461 - Fixed issue where all
values were being passed as Strings b/110710788 - aapt2 bundled with Android Gradle Plugin 3.2 Beta 01 now adds keep rules for every
attribute in Navigation XML files b/79874119 - Fixed memory leak when replacing the default FragmentNavigator b/110900142
Версия 1.0.0-альфа02
June 7, 2018
Behavior Changes
now usessetReorderingAllowed(true)
. b/109826220Navigation now URLDecodes arguments parsed from deep links URLs. b/79982454
Исправления ошибок
Fixed an
when calling navigate from Fragment lifecycle methods. b/79632233Navigation now depends on Support Library 27.1.1 to fix flickering when using animations. b/80160903
Fixed an
when using defaultNavHost="true" as a child fragment. b/79656847Fixed a
when using NavDeepLinkBuilder. b/109653065Fixed an
when navigating back to a nested graph. b/80453447Fixed an issue with overlapping Fragments when using
. b/79407969Navigation now builds the correct synthetic back stack for nested graphs. b/79734195
NavigationUI will now highlight the correct item when using a nested graph as a
. b/109675998
Изменения API
attribute for actions and the associated API inNavOptions
has been deprecated. b/80338878The
attribute for actions and the associated API inNavOptions
has been deprecated. b/109806636
Версия 1.0.0-альфа01
8 мая 2018 г.
Navigation provides a framework for building in-app navigation. This initial release is 1.0.0-alpha01
Последнее обновление | Стабильный выпуск | Кандидат на выпуск | Бета-версия | Альфа-релиз |
12 марта 2025 г. | 2.8.9 | - | - | 2.9.0-alpha08 |
Объявление зависимостей
To add a dependency on Navigation, you must add the Google Maven repository to your project. Для получения дополнительной информации прочтите репозиторий Google Maven .
Добавьте зависимости для нужных вам артефактов в файл build.gradle
для вашего приложения или модуля:
plugins { // Kotlin serialization plugin for type safe routes and navigation arguments id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version '2.0.21' } dependencies { def nav_version = "2.8.9" // Jetpack Compose Integration implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$nav_version" // Views/Fragments Integration implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:$nav_version" implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui:$nav_version" // Feature module support for Fragments implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-dynamic-features-fragment:$nav_version" // Testing Navigation androidTestImplementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-testing:$nav_version" // JSON serialization library, works with the Kotlin serialization plugin. implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.7.3" }
plugins { // Kotlin serialization plugin for type safe routes and navigation arguments kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "2.0.21" } dependencies { val nav_version = "2.8.9" // Jetpack Compose integration implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:$nav_version") // Views/Fragments integration implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:$nav_version") implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-ui:$nav_version") // Feature module support for Fragments implementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-dynamic-features-fragment:$nav_version") // Testing Navigation androidTestImplementation("androidx.navigation:navigation-testing:$nav_version") // JSON serialization library, works with the Kotlin serialization plugin implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.7.3") }
Safe Args
Чтобы добавить Safe Args в свой проект, включите следующий classpath
в файл build.gradle
верхнего уровня:
buildscript { repositories { google() } dependencies { def nav_version = "2.8.9" classpath "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:$nav_version" } }
buildscript { repositories { google() } dependencies { val nav_version = "2.8.9" classpath("androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:$nav_version") } }
Вам также необходимо применить один из двух доступных плагинов.
Чтобы сгенерировать код языка Java, подходящий для Java или смешанных модулей Java и Kotlin, добавьте эту строку в файл build.gradle
вашего приложения или модуля :
plugins { id 'androidx.navigation.safeargs' }
plugins { id("androidx.navigation.safeargs") }
В качестве альтернативы, чтобы сгенерировать код Kotlin, подходящий для модулей только Kotlin, добавьте:
plugins { id 'androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin' }
plugins { id("androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin") }
У вас должно быть android.useAndroidX=true
в файле gradle.properties
в соответствии с переходом на AndroidX .
For information on using Kotlin extensions, see the ktx documentation .
For more information about dependencies, see Add Build Dependencies .
Обратная связь
Ваши отзывы помогают сделать Jetpack лучше. Дайте нам знать, если вы обнаружите новые проблемы или у вас есть идеи по улучшению этой библиотеки. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с существующими проблемами в этой библиотеке, прежде чем создавать новую. Вы можете добавить свой голос к существующей проблеме, нажав кнопку со звездочкой.
Дополнительную информацию см. в документации по системе отслеживания проблем .
Version 2.9
Version 2.9.0-alpha08
12 марта 2025 г.
is released. Version 2.9.0-alpha08 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
: Fixed a regression found in Navigation 2.8.8 that required a deep link to match all of the fields of a deep link request or intent exactly in order to be considered a match. This caused deep links that contained partial field matches and did not have others to no longer work. ( Ie5e36 , b/399826566 )
External Contribution
- New common parser function to create a
. Thanks Konstantin Tskhovrebov! ( If0a6a )
Version 2.9.0-alpha07
26 февраля 2025 г.
is released. Version 2.9.0-alpha07 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where attempting to
with non-inclusive pop would result in a null savedState that could cause a crash on restoration. ( I9f3e8 , b/395091644 ) - From Navigation 2.8.8 :
matching has been fixed where a deeplink and a deeplink request have to match exactly on uri, action, and mime. Matching is no longer allowed if only one or two fields match. ( I3b029 , b/395712033 ) - From Navigation 2.8.8 : Fixed a bug where routes with wildcard paths do not match with an added deeplink ( I7ea92 , b/389970341 )
External Contribution
- Extract a navigation-common, navigation-runtime, and navigation-compose APIs to the common platform. Thanks Konstantin Tskhovrebov! ( I1e626 , Ica76f , Idf479 )
Известные проблемы
- Due to the work to address b/395712033 , deeplinks are incorrectly required to have all of the same fields as the deeplink request and/or the
. Deeplinks должны потребоваться только для соответствия областям, которые у них есть, и не включенные поля следует игнорировать. This has been fixed for a later release as part of b/399826566 .
Version 2.9.0-alpha06
12 февраля 2025 г.
is released. Version 2.9.0-alpha06 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- Navigation Safe Args actions are now generated with the
annotation to ensure they are used. ( I14d4c , b/356323084 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an error in
where the backStack states were incorrectly attempted to be restored into an array when they were saved into a list. ( Idfb9b ) - From Navigation
: Navigation Safe Args now provides support for composable destinations. ( I35320 , b/362791955 )
Version 2.9.0-alpha05
29 января 2025 г.
is released. Version 2.9.0-alpha05 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fix an issue that caused an unexpected scale animation when using Navigation Compose. ( I480f4 , b/353294030 )
- From Navigation
labels provided through XML will be parsed viaNavType.get
to ensure customNavType
logic is respected. ( I7ec2f , b/388100796 ) - From Navigation
: When navigating to activity withdataPattern
will now try to encode the arg value with the argument'sNavType
. ( I16376 , b/383616432 ) - From Navigation
: Fixed an issue that caused an unexpected scale animation when using Navigation Compose and calling navigate in the same frame that the current animation is ending. ( I26cb1 , b/353294030 )
Version 2.9.0-alpha04
11 декабря 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.9.0-alpha04 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- The type safe APIs that were previously only accessible via
methods ie,composable<YourScreen>
now have non-reified versions that directly take aKClass
instance.( Ia7eed , Id2879 , Ibf244 , I17d79 , Id09d2 , I54696 , Ia47be , I93281 , Ic1bf0 , Iba4ee , If56a5 , Icf969 , I67644 , I6f788 , b/382094941 , b/366291612 , b/381938808 )
The table below provides the reified and KClass APIs.
материализованный | KClass |
composable<TestClass> { } | composable(TestClass::class) { } |
navigation<NestedGraph>(startDestination = TestClass::class) | navigation(route = NestedGraph::class, startDestination = TestClass::class) |
dialog<TestClass> {} | dialog(TestClass::class) {} |
navDeepLink<TestClass>(baseUri) | navDeepLink(TestClass::class, baseUri) |
NavDeepLink.Builder.setUriPattern<TestClass>(baseUri) | NavDeepLink.Builder.setUriPattern(TestClass::class, baseUri) |
NavDestinationBuilder.deepLink<TestDeepLink>(baseUri) { } | NavDestinationBuilder.deepLink(TestDeepLink::class, baseUri) { } |
navController.getBackStackEntry<TestClass>() | navController.getBackStackEntry(TestClass::class) |
navController.popBackStack<TestClass>(true) | navController.popBackStack(TestClass::class, true) |
navController.clearBackStack<TestClass>() | navController.clearBackStack(TestClass::class) |
NavOptions.setPopUpTo<TestClass>() | NavOptions.setPopUpTo(TestClass::class) |
navOptions { popUpTo<TestClass> {...} } | navOptions { popUpTo(TestClass::class) {...} } |
NavGraph.setStartDestination<TestClass>() | NavGraph.setStartDestination(TestClass::class) |
NavGraph.findNode<TestClass>() | NavGraph.findNode(TestClass::class) |
backStackEntry.toRoute<TestClass>() | backStackEntry.toRoute(TestClass::class) |
savedStateHandle.toRoute<TestClass>() | savedStateHandle.toRoute(TestClass::class) |
Изменения API
- The kotlin-specific
overload for type safety is hidden from Java sources. ( Ic640c , b/364634035 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
: Fixed an issue whereNavHost
could throw an exception inside of thePredictiveBackHandler
if the back stack is popped down to 1 entry and a system back are triggered in the same frame. ( I1a429 , b/375343407 ) - From Navigation
: FixedNavDestination
when updating a graph'sstartDestination
. ( I99421 , b/361560785 )
External Contribution
- From Navigation
: Navigation type safety now supportsList<Enum>
as an argument type of a route without requiring any customNavType
. Thanks Csaba Kozák ! ( GH-725 , b/375559962 )
Version 2.9.0-alpha03
13 ноября 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.9.0-alpha03 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- Navigation type safety now supports value classes as a route or as the argument type of a route. ( I9344a , b/374347483 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a
that could occur when aLifecycleObserver
attached to aNavBackStackEntry
triggers a change to the back stack when the hostLifecycleOwner
such as the containing Activity or Fragment changes its lifecycle state. ( Ia9494 )
Version 2.9.0-alpha02
30 октября 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.9.0-alpha02 contains these commits .
External Contribution
- New common
NavController.handleDeepLink(request: NavDeepLinkRequest)
method. Thanks Konstantin Tskhovrebov! ( I3e228 )
Version 2.9.0-alpha01
16 октября 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.9.0-alpha01 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- Custom Navigators can now mark their destinations as implementing the
interface which indicates to theNavController
that these destinations will be shown alongside other destinations. By using this interface, multiple destinations can beRESUMED
at the same time, for instance. ( Id5559 ) - From Navigation
: Added new lint checks for thenavigation-common
, andnavigation-compose
modules to help identify any type-safe routes that are not correctly annotated with@Serializable
. This check is applied to allNavGraphBuilder
extension functions. ( I4a259 , I95402 , Ie601a , Id8c6e , I28bda , b/362725816 ) - From Navigation
: Added new lint checks for thenavigation-common
, andnavigation-compose
modules to help identify any type-safe routes with Enum arguments that are not correctly annotated with@Keep
. This check is applied to allNavGraphBuilder
extension functions. ( I4a259 , I95402 , Ie601a , Id8c6e , I2b46f , b/358687142 )
Behavior Changes
- Attempting to use a
that has been previouslyDESTROYED
will now cause anIllegalStateException
. ( I520da , b/369616172 )
Исправления ошибок
- Update Enum class not found exception to suggest using
annotation in case the Enum class gets erased in minified builds. ( I90e79 , b/358137294 )
Известные проблемы
- There is an issue with the new lint rules that were added in
Navigation 2.8.*
that cause anObsolete custom lint check
error when attempting to run lint with Android Gradle Plugin 8.4+. ( b/368070326 , b/371463741 )
Version 2.8
Version 2.8.9
12 марта 2025 г.
is released. Version 2.8.9 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a regression found in Navigation 2.8.8 that required a deep link to match all of the fields of a deep link request or intent exactly in order to be considered a match. This caused deep links that contained partial field matches and did not have others to no longer work. ( Ie5e36 , b/399826566 )
Version 2.8.8
26 февраля 2025 г.
is released. Version 2.8.8 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a bug where routes with wildcard paths do not match with an added deeplink. ( I7ea92 , b/389970341 )
matching has been fixed where a deeplink and a deeplink request have to match exactly on uri, action, and mime. Matching is no longer allowed if only one or two fields match. ( I3227f , b/395712033 )
Известные проблемы
- Due to the work to address b/395712033 , deeplinks are incorrectly required to have all of the same fields as the deeplink request and/or the
. Deeplinks должны потребоваться только для соответствия областям, которые у них есть, и не включенные поля следует игнорировать. This has been fixed for a later release as part of b/399826566 .
Version 2.8.7
12 февраля 2025 г.
is released. Version 2.8.7 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation Safe Args now provides support for composable destinations. ( I35320 , b/362791955 )
Version 2.8.6
29 января 2025 г.
is released. Version 2.8.6 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
labels provided through XML will be parsed viaNavType.get
to ensure customNavType
logic is respected. ( Id366d , b/388100796 ) - When navigating to activity with
will now try to encode the arg value with the argument'sNavType
. ( I1a71d , b/383616432 )
Version 2.8.5
11 декабря 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.5 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where
could throw an exception inside of thePredictiveBackHandler
if the back stack is popped down to 1 entry and a system back are triggered in the same frame. ( I1a429 , b/375343407 ) - Fixed
when updating a graph'sstartDestination
. ( I99421 , b/361560785 ) - Fixed an issue that caused an unexpected scale animation when using Navigation Compose and calling navigate in the same frame that the current animation is ending. ( I26cb1 , b/353294030 )
- Fixed a
that could occur when aLifecycleObserver
attached to aNavBackStackEntry
triggers a change to the back stack when the hostLifecycleOwner
such as the containing Activity or Fragment changes its lifecycle state. ( Ia9494 )
External Contribution
- Navigation type safety now supports
as an argument type of a route without requiring any customNavType
. Thanks Csaba Kozák ! ( GH-725 , b/375559962 )
Version 2.8.4
13 ноября 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.4 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- From Navigation
: Navigation type safety now supports value class as route or as the argument type of a route ( I9344a , b/374347483 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
: Attempting to use aNavController
that has been previouslyDESTROYED
will now cause anIllegalStateException
. ( I520da , b/369616172 )
Version 2.8.3
16 октября 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.3 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- Added new lint checks for the
, andnavigation-compose
modules to help identify any type-safe routes that are not correctly annotated with@Serializable
. This check is applied to allNavGraphBuilder
extension functions. ( I4a259 , I95402 , Ie601a , Id8c6e , I28bda , b/362725816 ) - Added new lint checks for the
, andnavigation-compose
modules to help identify any type-safe routes with Enum arguments that are not correctly annotated with@Keep
. This check is applied to allNavGraphBuilder
extension functions. ( I4a259 , I95402 , Ie601a , Id8c6e , I2b46f , b/358687142 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where the new lint rules that were added in
Navigation 2.8.*
would cause anObsolete custom lint check
error when attempting to run lint with Android Gradle Plugin 8.4+. ( I1be3d , b/368070326 , b/371463741 )
Известные проблемы
- Navigation lint will throw an Obsolete custom lint check error when attempting to run lint with Lint 16 (AGP 8.7) or higher. ( b/371926651 )
Version 2.8.2
2 октября 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.2 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- Navigation Type Safety now supports Serializable classes that include a
, andList<Double>?
without requiring any customNavType
. ( I570eb , Ibc4c0 , I37461 , I5bed4 , b/359245753 )
Исправления ошибок
- Improved the error message for when Navigation fails to map a route's argument to a
, the new error message will contain the argument name, argument fully qualified name, and the route's fully qualified name. ( Id8416 , b/346264232 )
Version 2.8.1
18 сентября 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.1 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- Added a new lint rule to ensure the use of the
function that takes a reified class type when attempting topopBackStack
using type-safe APIs. ( Ief161 , b/358095343 )
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation now requires that the route passed to a
contains the values for all required arguments, which includes arguments that are non-nullable and have no default value. ( I18e74 , b/362594265 ) - Navigation safe args has added support for non-nullable strings such that "null" values will be parsed and stored into the bundle as is. This departs from existing behavior where "null" values are parsed into a null object. This change only applies to non-nullable String types. Nullable strings remain unchanged. ( I08b4a , b/348936238 )
- A
can no longer be deeplinked into except through a deep link that was explicitly added to the destination. This also means that you can only navigate to a destination's route with the navigate function overload that takes a string route. This fixes a vulnerability that made it possible to deep link to a potentially protected destination. ( Ie30e6 )
Dependency Update
- Navigation Safe Args now depends on Kotlin 1.9.24, rather than Kotlin 2.X, ensuring that developers are not forced to update. ( a4129a )
- Navigation Compose now depends on Compose
Version 2.8.0
4 сентября 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0 contains these commits .
Important changes since 2.7.0
Navigation Kotlin DSL Type-Safety
- Navigation now provides type-safety for the Kotlin DSL (used by Navigation Compose) using Kotlin Serialization to allow you to define destinations in your navigation graph via type safe objects and data classes:
// Define a home destination that doesn't take any arguments
object Home
// Define a profile destination that takes an ID
data class Profile(val id: String)
// Now define your NavHost using type safe objects
NavHost(navController, startDestination = Home) {
composable<Home> {
HomeScreen(onNavigateToProfile = { id ->
composable<Profile> { backStackEntry ->
val profile: Profile = backStackEntry.toRoute()
See the Navigation Compose meet Type Safety blog post for more information.
Navigation Compose Predictive Back
- Navigation Compose now provides support for Predictive in-app back via the new
APIs from compose-animation. This allows you to use the back gesture to see the previous destination with your custom Transition before deciding to either commit the transaction via the completed gesture or cancel.
Navigation Fragment Composable
- Added a new
artifact that includes aComposableNavHostFragment
alternative toNavHostFragment
that allows you to add composable destinations to your Navigation XML files. Eachcomposable
destination must be expressed as a top-level, no argument@Composable
method whose fully qualified name is used as theandroid:name
attribute on each destination. When navigating to one of these destinations, a containing fragment is created to display the composable content.
// In HomeScreen.kt
fun HomeScreen() {
// Your Composable content here
// In your navigation.xml
android:name="com.example.HomeScreenKt\$HomeScreen" />
Другие изменения
- Navigation Compose now depends on Compose 1.7.0.
- Navigation now provides a new
class, a subclass ofNavType<T>
for collection-based arguments such as list, arrays, maps. All of the defaultNavType
arrays (IntArrayType
, andStringArrayType
) now inherit from this new class. -
now has built-in support for Lists of Int, String, Boolean, Float, and Long.
Version 2.8.0-rc01
21 августа 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-rc01 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fix navigation crash when passing in top level Enum classes as type safe arguments. ( I0ba76 , b/358137294 )
- Navigation 2.8 now correctly works with SDK 34 and will not swap over to SDK 35 until the 2.9 release along with the rest of the AndroidX libraries. ( b/358798728 )
Version 2.8.0-beta07
7 августа 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-beta07 contains these commits .
Известные проблемы
- Due to b/358137294 , only Enums nested in another class are supported out of the box. Top level Enums will be supported in the next release.
Исправления ошибок
- When navigating to duplicate or shared destinations, navigation will prioritize going to the closest matching destination from the current location in the graph. ( Ic89a4 , b/352006850 )
- Navigation in safe args now has added a new
. This meansEnum
types no longer require customNavType
s. Note that theEnum
must be the default fully qualified name. ( I66d22 , b/346475493 ) - Navigation in safe args has added built-in support for nullable argument types including
, andEnum<*>?
. ( I32d13 , I1c580 , Ifba66 , I978b0 , Ide076 , b/351994237 ) - The
will now use the default argument values if thestartDestination
route passed to theNavGraph
is exactly equal to thestartDestination.route
. ( I13762 , b/354046047 )
Version 2.8.0-beta06
24 июля 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-beta06 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where the
lint checks did not check for Companion objects on the passed in class type, causing lint to fail to detect the error. ( I92b09 )
Version 2.8.0-beta05
10 июля 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-beta05 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fix
navigation crash when nestedNavGraphs
share the samestartDestination
route. ( I17b94 , b/294408596 )
Version 2.8.0-beta04
26 июня 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-beta04 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation now supports navigating with empty strings in path arguments. ( Ic5dbd , b/339481310 )
- Improve error message for custom serializers declared directly on class fields via
@Serializable(with =...)
to clarify that this is currently an unsupported feature. ( I052b0 , b/341319151 ) -
test api can now be used in non-android tests but will require Robolectric to support argument parsing with Bundles. ( I76cdc , b/340966212 ) - Fixed crash from restoring state when resuming the app after process death with using Type-Safe Navigation in Compose. ( Ia8f38 , b/341801005 )
- Fixed an issue in Navigation Compose where after canceling the Predictive Back Gesture, the
that the user returns to never returns back to theRESUMED
Lifecycle State. This also ensures the returning destination correctly animates back in instead of snapping into place after a fling. ( I97a0c , b/346608857 ) - When using Predictive back with Navigation Compose, the destination being popped will now have the proper z-order, correctly animating on top of the incoming destination. ( I2077b , b/345993681 )
Version 2.8.0-beta03
12 июня 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-beta03 contains these commits .
Изменения API
has a new abstractemptyCollection()
method. Override this to handle an empty collection passed in as an argument. ( Ie4d84 , b/341723133 )
Исправления ошибок
- Added documentation on
to highlight that the final outputs should be Uri encoded. ( Ida6bd , b/344943214 ) - Fixed crash when calling
with a nullCollectionNavType
argument. When navigating with a nullCollectionNavType
, the output argument will be the default value declared on your Serializable class, or the return value ofemptyCollection()
if there is no default value. ( I84158 , Id630f , b/342672856 )
Version 2.8.0-beta02
29 мая 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-beta02 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed
crash when usingNavBackStackEntry.toRoute
with a nullable customNavType
. ( I1c29b , b/342239473 ) - Fixed Navigation back stack state restoration issues caused when attempting to restore a back stack entry that is not reachable via id from the current destination. Since routes are backed by ids, destinations built with routes were also affected. This also fixes a crash caused by calling
that had the same underlying issue. ( I423c3 , b/339908057 )
Version 2.8.0-beta01
14 мая 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-beta01 contains these commits .
Изменения API
now takes in atypeMap
parameter for custom argument types. ( Ie39fb , b/339026523 ) - Added a test API to
to to create aSavedStateHandle
from a Kotlin Serializable object. ( Id4867 , b/339080702 )
Исправления ошибок
- Missing parameter docs for Navigation Kotlin DSL functions have been added. ( I26a36 )
Version 2.8.0-alpha08
1 мая 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-alpha08 contains these commits .
Safe Args in Navigation Compose
- The work to support compile time type safety for Navigation Compose and users of the Navigation Kotlin DSL based on Kotlin Serialization has completed and previously experimental APIs are now stable. ( Iea94d , I0eb0d , I873b7 , I3a64b , I6c3a2 , I11f0b , Ic3032 , I8d394 , I95710 , Ice060 , Id0e55 , I45f8b , Idcdaf , If5380 , I08b23 , Ia5c59 , b/188693139 )
This functionality uses Kotlin Serialization to allow you to define destinations in your navigation graph via type safe objects and data classes:
// Define a home destination that doesn't take any arguments
object Home
// Define a profile destination that takes an ID
data class Profile(val id: String)
// Now define your NavHost using type safe objects
NavHost(navController, startDestination = Home) {
composable<Home> {
HomeScreen(onNavigateToProfile = { id ->
composable<Profile> { backStackEntry ->
val profile: Profile = backStackEntry.toRoute()
See the Navigation Compose meet Type Safety blog post for more information.
Новые возможности
- The
artifact now provides aLocalFragment
composition local to composable methods within aComposableFragment
. ( If35e5 ) -
now has built-in support for Lists of Int, String, Boolean, Float, and Long. ( I4b6dd , Ia914c , b/188693139 )
Version 2.8.0-alpha07
17 апреля 2024 года
is released. Version 2.8.0-alpha07 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
Adds a new
artifact that includes aComposableNavHostFragment
alternative toNavHostFragment
that allows you to addcomposable
destinations to your Navigation XML files. Eachcomposable
destination must be expressed as a top-level, no argument@Composable
method whose fully qualified name is used as theandroid:name
attribute on each destination. When navigating to one of these destinations, a containing fragment is created to display the composable content. ( I0ef2e , b/265480755 )// In HomeScreen.kt @Composable fun HomeScreen() { // Your Composable content here }
// In your navigation.xml <composable android:id="@+id/home_screen" android:name="com.example.HomeScreenKt\$HomeScreen" />
Изменения API
- Support for Safe Args in Navigation Compose using an approach based on Kotlin Serialization continued. These APIs are not finished and are marked with the
annotation. This annotation will be removed when the entire API surface is complete in a future release. ( Iefd95 , I409c8 , I5b5ac , I7e753 , I960f8 , I3eabd , I8ed5a , Ied2c9 , I9b73c , I554db , Ib3aba , Ia668d , b/188693139 )
Version 2.8.0-alpha06
3 апреля 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-alpha06 contains these commits .
Изменения API
- Support for Safe Args in Navigation Compose using an approach based on Kotlin Serialization has begun. These APIs are not finished and are marked with the
annotation. This annotation will be removed when the entire API surface is complete in a future release. ( I644e7 , I98896 , I2a1c5 , I43a51 , I836a1 , Ic5eec , I39407 , I24e41 , If9e14 , Ibb13e , If44d3 , Icb70f , I8972f , I1d432 , Icf32b , I20a14 , I262aa , I7de99 , I35990 , I1033d , b/188693139 )
Исправления ошибок
now usedAlignment.TopStart
as the default contentAlignment argument. This puts it in line with the default forAnimatedContent
and fixes some instances of an unexpected scale from center transition. ( I09e72 , b/330111602 ) - When flicking the predictive back gesture while using Navigation Compose, the
will now correctly complete the custom transition instead of immediately finishing. ( I99017 , b/327292110 )
Version 2.8.0-alpha05
20 марта 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-alpha05 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- You can now pass arguments to
directly in thestartDestination
route without relying ondefaultValue
. This applies to nestedNavGraph
as well. ( I0e0b5 , b/109505019 , b/188693139 )
Изменения API
- Added new abstract
class, a subclass ofNavType<T>
for collection-based arguments such as list, arrays, maps. ( Ic6d63 , b/188693139 ) - All of the default
arrays (IntArrayType
, andStringArrayType
) are now of typeCollectionNavType
( Idcf79 , b/188693139 ) -
now provides a new openvalueEquals
API that determines if two values of the same type are equal to one another. ( I6cb97 , b/327229511 )
Исправления ошибок
- Query parameters in deep links now allows values in the form of curly braces around argument name (ie
) as valid values for string-basedNavTypes
. This fixes an issue where such a value would be considered invalid (or absence of value) for all types. ( I18302 , b/327274038 ) -
functions that support routes such asnavigate
can now properly match routes filled with arguments of ArrayNavTypes
. ( Iea805 , b/327229511 )
Version 2.8.0-alpha04
6 марта 2024 года
is released. Version 2.8.0-alpha04 contains these commits .
Новые возможности
- You can now specify the
for your transitions in Navigation Compose by defining them as part of the initialization for thecomposable
functions. ( I91062 , b/296912651 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where
in Compose Navigation failed to properly show the transition when using System Back without a gesture. ( Iceeae , b/325998468 )
Version 2.8.0-alpha03
21 февраля 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-alpha03 contains these commits.
Изменения API
is now marked as@MainThread
as it uses code that is required to be on the main thread anyway. ( Ibb988 , b/299523245 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue in Navigation that caused
ViewModels to beDESTROYED
too soon because the associated entry'sViewModel
was not part of the saved state. ( Ib6bb7 , b/317581849 )
Dependency Update
- Navigation Compose now depends on Compose 1.7.0-alpha03 .
Version 2.8.0-alpha02
7 февраля 2024 года
is released. Version 2.8.0-alpha02 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Navigation Compose now provides support for Predictive in-app back via the new
APIs from compose-animation. This allows you to use the back gesture to see the previous destination with your custom Transition before deciding to either commit the transaction via the completed gesture or cancel. ( I8b8e9 )
Version 2.8.0-alpha01
24 января 2024 г.
is released. Version 2.8.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed
leak where multiplesaveState
calls on a destination would result in multiple states to be saved, but only the first one could be restored. ( I598b0 , b/309559751 ) - Fixed an issue where non-String arguments would not be properly displayed when using the
helpers to populate the title of app bars. ( #636 , b/316676794 )
Dependency Update
- Navigation Compose now depends on Compose
fixing an issue that could cause an unexpected scale animation. ( b/297258205 )
External Contribution
- Thanks SimonMarquis for fixing the display issue for non-String arguments when using the
helpers to populate the title of app bars.
Version 2.7.7
Version 2.7.7
7 февраля 2024 года
is released. Version 2.7.7 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Backported from Navigation
: FixedBackStackState
leak where multiplesaveState()
calls on a singleNavBackStackEntry
would result in multiple states being saved, but only the first saved state could be restored. ( I598b0 , b/309559751 ) - Backported from Navigation
: Fixed an issue where non-String arguments would not be properly displayed when using theNavigationUI
helpers to populate the title of app bars. ( #636 , b/316676794 )
External Contribution
- Thanks SimonMarquis for fixing the display issue for non-String arguments when using the
helpers to populate the title of app bars.
Version 2.7.6
Version 2.7.6
13 декабря 2023 года
is released. Version 2.7.6 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- The
function now correctly considers the nodes of the other graph instead of just the calling one. This will ensure that graphs that have nodes with different ids will no longer be considered equal ( I401cb , b/311414915 )
Version 2.7.5
Version 2.7.5
1 ноября 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.5 contains these commits.
Улучшение производительности
- Greatly improved the performance (both in terms of time and number of allocations) of comparing two graphs. This means that calls such as
which internally compare the new graph to the existing one are much faster and result in fewer skipped frames. Thank you Michał Z for the thorough analysis that led to this improvement. ( I6ad62 ) -
will now render the start destination on the first composition pass instead of needing to wait for the second pass to read updated state. ( I439a7 , b/304852206 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where your back stack would be popped if you called
more than once with the exact same graph only if there was a destination in your graph that contained an action linking two destinations. ( Ieaed7 ) - Dialogs that were navigated to and dismissed in quick succession will no longer leak into the list of
. ( I67586 , b/287969970 ) - When an entry is popped followed by a configuration change, the entry's
will now be cleared properly ifsaveState
is false. ( Idf242 , b/298164648 ) - Fixed an issue where
could handle the same deep link more than once if the back stack was entirely empty before a configuration change or call tosetGraph
only when the incoming Intent had theFLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
flag set. ( I73c7f )
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation with Fragments now depends on Fragment 1.6.2 , fixing an issue where the
instances of nested fragments would not be cleared when callingclearBackStack
Version 2.7.4
Version 2.7.4
4 октября 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.4 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Added support for
to use routes with arguments to allow popping back to a specific entry that uses those exact arguments, matching the support found inpopBackStack
. ( I731f4 , b/299255572 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fix issue where interrupting a navigate with another navigate with
will causeFragmentNavigator
to crash. ( I3c848 , b/301887045 ) - Fixed issue where system back press caused the
to not be updated correctly to match the displayed Fragment. ( Id0d6c , b/289877514 ) -
lifecycle will now properly move toRESUMED
state when the dialog above it is dismissed. ( I88f0d , b/301811387 )
Version 2.7.3
Version 2.7.3
20 сентября 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.3 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue in Navigation with Fragments that caused the
list to contain incorrect entries. ( I5caa9 , b/288520638 ) - Fixed an issue that caused Floating Window destination (ie
, etc) to never get aRESUMED
Lifecycle callback. ( I3b866 , b/287505132 )
Version 2.7.2
Version 2.7.2
6 сентября 2023 года
is released. Version 2.7.2 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
, fixing an interaction betweenrememberSaveable
and Navigation Compose'sNavHost
that would cause therememberSaveable
state of destinations and anyViewModel
instances from being properly restored after process death and recreation. ( b/298059596 , b/289436035 ) - Fixed an issue when showing multiple dialogs in Navigation Compose simultaneously where the partially obscured dialogs (eg, not the topmost dialog) would be in the
Lifecycle state rather than theSTARTED
state. ( aosp/2728520 , b/289257213 ) - Fixed an issue when showing multiple dialogs in Navigation Compose simultaneously where dismissing the topmost dialog would cause the new topmost dialog to be stuck in the
Lifecycle state rather than correctly moving toRESUMED
. ( aosp/2629401 , b/286371387 ) - Navigation Safe Args no longer instantiates its task eagerly if it is not actually being executed. ( I0e385 , b/260322841 )
Dependency Update
- Navigation Compose now depends on Compose 1.5.1.
Version 2.7.1
Version 2.7.1
23 августа 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.1 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issues in Navigation with Compose where when using a
it was possible to get an error for trying to access aLifecycle.State.DESTROYED
. ( I1dc11 , b/268422136 )
Version 2.7.0
Version 2.7.0
9 августа 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.0 contains these commits.
Important changes since 2.6.0
Animations from Accompanist
Now that AnimatedContent
is stable, we were able to move the code from Accompanist Navigation Animation back into Navigation Compose itself.
This means all of the support for setting custom transitions that existed in AnimatedNavHost
is directly supported in NavHost
No additional changes will be made to Accompanist Navigation Animation and we'll be formally deprecating it soon, along with guidance on how to migrate back to Navigation Compose itself, but it'll be the inverse of the migration guide with no other API changes required if you're already using the latest Accompanist alpha ( 0.31.2-alpha
). ( b/197140101 )
Исправления ошибок
- NavHost in Navigation Compose now correctly intercepts system back calls even after the Activity has been STOPPED and RESUMED. ( Icb6de , b/279118447 )
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation now depends on Compose
up from1.1.0
Version 2.7.0-rc01
26 июля 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.0-rc01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where the
lambdas created as part of theNavHost
could potentially remain in memory even after theNavHost
is removed from composition. ( I893d0 )
Известные проблемы
- There is an issue from Navigation 2.6.x that when navigating with popUpTo it is possible to cause an
. It is possible that this exception can be avoided by restructuring your graph, similar to the advice suggested here . ( b/287133013 )
Version 2.7.0-beta02
28 июня 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation Compose now has the right z-order for custom transitions that use navigate with the
option.( /Ib1c3a , b/285153947 )
Version 2.7.0-beta01
7 июня 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
in Navigation Compose now correctly intercepts system back calls even after theActivity
has beenSTOPPED
. ( Icb6de , b/279118447 )
Version 2.7.0-alpha01
24 мая 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.7.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Animations from Accompanist
Now that AnimatedContent
is stable, we were able to move the code from Accompanist Navigation Animation back into Navigation Compose itself.
This means all of the support for setting custom transitions that existed in AnimatedNavHost
is directly supported in NavHost
No additional changes will be made to Accompanist Navigation Animation and we'll be formally deprecating it soon, along with guidance on how to migrate back to Navigation Compose itself, but it'll be the inverse of the migration guide with no other API changes required if you're already using the latest Accompanist alpha ( 0.31.2-alpha
). ( b/197140101 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
: Fixed an issue with Navigation in Fragments where navigating withpopUpTo
and popping a fragment off the back stack without recreating its view would cause system back to stop working. ( Ieb8d4 , b/281726455 )
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation now depends on Compose
Version 2.6.0
Version 2.6.0
7 июня 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.6.0 contains these commits.
Important changes to Navigation since 2.5.0
and thearguments
passed to anOnDestinationChangedListener
are now only a copy of the immutable arguments that were created when you navigated to the destination. This means any changes made to those Bundles will not be reflected in subsequent accesses to thearguments
or otherOnDestinationChangedListener
instances. -
now supports default values for arrays, which allows support for repeated query params that will map to the argument's array type.NavType
also now includes a default method which can be overridden to combine two parsed values. - Custom subclasses of
can now overrideserializeAsValue
to serialize a value into a String, allowing both serialization and deserialization (viaparseValue
) to be entirely encapsulated in theNavType
now overrides this method to callUri.encode
on the givenString
Important changes to Navigation Compose since 2.5.0
- When previewing a composable with
, it will now show the NavGraph'sstartDestination
by default. -
now all support routes with arguments partially or fully filled in. Note that the arguments have to be an exact match with the entry's arguments. - Attempting to create an empty
using thenavDeepLink
Kotlin DSL will now result in a lint warning indicating that a deep link needs an uri, action, and/or mimetype to be valid.
Important changes to Navigation with Fragments since 2.5.0
no longer intercepts the system back button itself. This allows the underlyingFragmentManager
to handle system back. This allows Fragment1.7.0-alpha01
and higher to provide an In-App Predictive Back animation on Android U devices. - When using Navigation with Fragments, attempting to manually do a
that adds a fragment to theFragmentManager
's back stack will now throw anIllegalArgumentException
. You should always add fragments via thenavigate()
API. - When using the exact string
as the placeholder in theapp:data
attributes in the activity element of a navigation XML file, the placeholder will be automatically filled in with thepackageName
of the context upon inflation. - The
now uses the transition APIs when navigating and poppingNavBackStackEntries
. This means that theNavBackStackEntry
will now wait for the entering and exiting fragment special effects to complete before moving their finalLifecycle.State
. - The
now uses the transition APIs when navigating and poppingNavBackStackEntries
. This means that theNavBackStackEntry
will now wait for theDialogFragment
to move toDESTROYED
before moving toDESTROYED
itself. -
now allows you to retrieve theNavController
as soon as theNavHostFragment
is attached to theFragmentManager
, rather than only afteronCreate()
. - Navigation's support for Dynamic Feature Modules now depend on the granular Play Feature Delivery Library.
- Navigation Safe Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin version 7.3.0. This means it is now only compatible with versions 7.3.0+.
Important changes to NavigationUI since 2.5.0
- When passing the ID of a navigation graph to
(such as via aMenu
now only considers the start destination of that navigation graph as a top level destination, rather than incorrectly marking every destination within the graph as a top level destination. The behavior of passing the ID of an individual destination is unchanged. This same functionality is available to your own code via the newisTopLevelDestination
function onAppBarConfiguration
. - The
integrations inNavigationUI
for working with the top app bar will now parseR.string
values forReferenceType
arguments found in yourandroid:label
into their String values instead of outputting the auto-generated resource integer. -
now provides logs when it fails to navigate via a selectedMenuItem
Version 2.6.0-rc02
24 мая 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.6.0-rc02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue with Navigation in Fragments where navigating with
and popping a fragment off the back stack without recreating its view would cause system back to stop working. ( Ieb8d4 , b/281726455 )
Version 2.6.0-rc01
10 мая 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.6.0-rc01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue in Navigation with fragments where removing a fragment via navigate with
in itsonResume()
lifecycle callback would cause anIllegalStateException
. ( I21884 , b/279644470 )
Version 2.6.0-beta01
19 апреля 2023 года
is released. Version 2.6.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
now provides a customtoString
implementation. ( Iff00b )
Исправления ошибок
- When using Navigation with Fragments, attempting to manually do a
that adds a fragment to theFragmentManager
's back stack will now throw anIllegalArgumentException
. You should always add fragments via thenavigate()
API. ( I6d38e ) - When there is a
that adds an entry and apopBackStack
that removes it in the same frame, the resulting top entry on the back stack will now consistently make it back to theRESUMED
. ( Id8067 , b/276495952 )
Version 2.6.0-alpha09
5 апреля 2023 года
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed checks for invalid route such that if a
contains non-nullableNavArgument
, this destination's route must contain placeholders for args named the same as the non-nullableNavArgument
. ( Ic62bf , b/274697949 ) - Deeplink navigations based on
will now fail if the navigation operation is missing a non-nullableNavArgument
required by theNavDestination
that theAction/MimeType
matches with. ( Ibfa17 , b/271777424 ) - When
sets a graph with the same route and destinations as the previous graph, it now properly replaces its current graph nodes and its back stack destinations with new instances. This fixes a crash when usingonLaunchSingleTop
without saving state in Navigation Compose. This also fixes an error where navigating to destinations associated with the root graph builds and incorrect back stack. ( I5bc58 , b/275258161 , b/275407804 )
Version 2.6.0-alpha08
22 марта 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
now allows you to retrieve theNavController
as soon as theNavHostFragment
is attached to theFragmentManager
, rather than only afteronCreate()
. ( Ic6382 , b/220186282 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a
when popping a nested graph that includes a non-nullable argument. ( 6b3581 , b/249988437 ) - When using system back after doing a navigate with
, the state of theNavController
will pop to the correct entry. ( I3a8ec , b/270447657 ) -
will now properly pop entries when the back stack is popped via system back orpopBackStack()
and whether or not the transaction uses effects for the fragment. ( I81bdf ) - Adding fragments to the
without using navigation will no longer cause a crash. ( b17204 , b/274167493 )
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
. ( 586fe7 ) - Navigation now depends on SavedState
. ( 078e4e ) - Navigation now depends on ProfileInstaller
. ( 512f0c )
Version 2.6.0-alpha07
8 марта 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha07 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- The
API variants that take routes now take route patterns with nullable arguments and nullable query params ( I22294 , b/269302500 ) - Fixed an issue where calling
from theNavController
would not clear the saved state in the fragment manager associated with the cleared back stack. ( Ic1cce , b/271190202 ) - Fixed a regression in 2.6.0-alpha06 that caused the wrong
in theBottomNavigationView
to be highlighted when using System back between tabs. ( I634f6 , b/270447657 ) - Fixed regression in 2.6.0-alpha06 that caused
s not to be moved to the RESUMED state when usingAnimation
s. ( Ib3589 , b/269646882 )
Version 2.6.0-alpha06
February 22, 2023
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha06 contains these commits.
Новые функции
- When previewing a composable with
, it will now show the NavGraph'sstartDestination
by default. ( I2b89f )
Изменения API
- All
overloads are now annotated with@MainThread
to ensure that they are called on the main thread. ( I2c0b0 , b/263427111 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a crash when attempting to navigate while using Dynamic Fragment Navigation. ( I3ee29 , b/268360479 )
- Fixed bug where navigating to another fragment via system back button does not update bottom bar to the correct selected item ( If559f , b/269044426 )
Известные проблемы
- When using Navigation with Fragments, the
's Lifecycle fails to reachRESUMED
when usingAnimation
APIs. ( b/269646882 ) - When using Navigation with Fragments, and navigating with
, if you attempt to restore a back stack with multiple entries, theBottomMenuItem
is not correctly updated. ( b/270447657 ) - When using Navigation with Fragments, after restoring the state the
does not getDESTROYED
when its fragment isDESTROYED
. ( b/270610768 )
Version 2.6.0-alpha05
8 февраля 2023 г.
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha05 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
now all support routes with arguments partially or fully filled in. Note that the arguments have to be an exact match with the entry's arguments. ( Iebd28 , Ic678c , I3b37b , b/257514373 ) - The
now uses the transition APIs when navigating and poppingNavBackStackEntries
. This means that theNavBackStackEntry
will now wait for the entering and exiting fragment special effects to complete before moving their finalLifecycle.State
. ( I3cb19 , b/238686802 ) - The
now uses the transition APIs when navigating and poppingNavBackStackEntries
. This means that theNavBackStackEntry
will now wait for theDialogFragment
to move toDESTROYED
before moving toDESTROYED
itself. ( I53ee5 , b/261213893 )
Изменения API
now provides theprepareForTransition
API to allowNavigator
s to moveNavBackStackEntries
to intermediateLifecycle.State
s. ( I42c21 , b/238686802 ) - You can now access the back stack associated with a
or aComposeNavigator
via abackstack
also now exposes theonTransitionComplete()
callback to mark aNavBackStackEntry
that has executed a navigate orpopBackStack
operation as complete. ( I02062 , I718db , b/257519195 )
Исправления ошибок
- Navigator state will now no-op when using the
APIs and the entry is already being handled. ( Iadbfa , b/261213893 ) - When using
with a nestedNavGraph
all destinations starting from original destination to itsstartDestination
will only be properly added to the top of the backstack. ( Id4bea , b/253256629 ) - Navigation will now properly replace the
instance when navigating to the same destination with thelaunchSingleTop
flag set to true. ( I45b5a , b/149572817 ) - Navigation SafeArgs will no longer cause a compilation error when using arguments that are exactly 19 characters long. ( Id60bc , b/257110095 )
Version 2.6.0-alpha04
9 ноября 2022 г.
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Custom subclasses of
can now overrideserializeAsValue
to serialize a value into a String, allowing both serialization and deserialization (viaparseValue
) to be entirely encapsulated in theNavType
now overrides this method to callUri.encode
on the givenString
. ( Ie5213 , b/247637434 ) -
now provides logs when it fails to navigate via a selectedMenuItem
. ( I2af5a , b/247730357 )
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation deep links are now parsed lazily instead of on graph initialization which could improve app performance at start up. ( Iab0ab )
- Fixed crash caused by navigating up after deep linking to a destination with null default arguments. ( I51c24 , b/243183636 )
Dependency Update
- Navigation's support for Dynamic Feature Modules now depend on the granular Play Feature Delivery Library. ( Ib4ddc )
- Navigation Safe Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin version 7.3.0. This means it is now only compatible with versions 7.3.0+. ( I47e49 )
Version 2.6.0-alpha03
24 октября 2022 года
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha03 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
will no longer cause aNoSuchElementException
when there is no destination available for theCrossfade
to compose. It will now just skip the composition. ( Ieb46e , b/253299416 ) - From Navigation
: Fixed an issue where saved Compose state (eg, usages ofrememberSaveable
) were not being forgotten and removed when a destination was popped off the back stack. ( I64949 )
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation now depends on Fragment
. ( Icd424 )
Version 2.6.0-alpha02
5 октября 2022 г.
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha02 contains these commits.
Behavior Changes
- When passing the ID of a navigation graph to
(such as via aMenu
now only considers the start destination of that navigation graph as a top level destination, rather than incorrectly marking every destination within the graph as a top level destination. The behavior of passing the ID of an individual destination is unchanged. This same functionality is available to your own code via the newisTopLevelDestination
function onAppBarConfiguration
. ( Ie936e , b/238496771 )
Исправления ошибок
- The
component now depends on Fragment version1.5.2
. ( I00ba4 ) - The selected menu item will no longer be updated when navigating to a
destination such as a dialog. ( I4cde8 , b/240308330 )
Version 2.6.0-alpha01
September 7, 2022
is released. Version 2.6.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- The
integrations inNavigationUI
for working with the top app bar will now parseR.string
values forReferenceType
arguments found in yourandroid:label
into their String values instead of outputting the auto-generated resource integer. ( I5f803 , b/167959935 ) -
now supports default values for arrays, which allows support for repeated query params that will map to the argument's array type.NavType
also now includes a default method which can be overridden to combine two parsed values. ( Id68c3 , b/209977108 ) - When using the exact string
as the placeholder in theapp:data
attributes in the activity element of a navigation XML file, the placeholder will be automatically filled in with thepackageName
of the context upon inflation. ( Iaabde , b/234223561 ) - Attempting to create an empty
using thenavDeepLink
Kotlin DSL will now result in a lint warning indicating that a deep link needs an uri, action, and/or mimetype to be valid. ( I08d2f , b/154038883 )
Изменения API
- Added new
extension function to parse dynamic labels with arguments in the form ofandroid:label="{arg}"
into String. SupportsReferenceType
arguments by parsingR.string
values into their String values. ( I07d89 , b/236269380 )
Behavior Changes
- NavBackStackEntry's
and thearguments
passed to anOnDestinationChangedListener
are now only a copy of the immutable arguments that were created when you navigated to the destination. This means any changes made to those Bundles will not be reflected in subsequent accesses to thearguments
or otherOnDestinationChangedListener
instances. ( I676f5 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
: Dynamic Navigation now properly attempts to install Activity destinations from other modules before navigating to them. ( Ia2c16 , b/240292838 ) - From Navigation
: Navigation will now properly replace the Fragment instance when navigating to the same destination and setting thelaunchSingleTop
flag to true. ( I5a2f1 , b/237374580 ) - From Navigation
: FixedIllegalStateException
caused by navigating to a double nested graph that shares a parent with a new popped start destination. ( I9f7cb , b/243778589 )
Версия 2.5
Version 2.5.3
24 октября 2022 года
is released. Version 2.5.3 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
will no longer cause aNoSuchElementException
when there is no destination available for theCrossfade
to compose. It will now just skip the composition. ( Ieb46e , b/253299416 ) - Fixed an issue where saved Compose state (eg, usages of
) were not being forgotten and removed when a destination was popped off the back stack. ( I64949 )
Version 2.5.2
September 7, 2022
is released. Version 2.5.2 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Dynamic Navigation now properly attempts to install Activity destinations from other modules before navigating to them. ( Ia2c16 , b/240292838 )
- Navigation will now properly replace the Fragment instance when navigating to the same destination and setting the
flag to true. ( I5a2f1 , b/237374580 ) - Fixed
caused by navigating to a double nested graph that shares a parent with a new popped start destination. ( I9f7cb , b/243778589 )
Dependency Update
- Navigation
now depends on Fragment1.5.2
. ( aosp/2178734 )
Version 2.5.1
27 июля 2022 года
is released. Version 2.5.1 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
Navigation Safe Args
will no longer cause deprecation warnings in generated classes when using custom argument types that are saved in aBundle
. ( Id86ed , b/237725966 )
Обновления зависимости
- The Navigation library now depends on Lifecycle
. ( Ib4451 ) - The Navigation library now depends on Activity
. ( I3efe8 ) - The Navigation library now depends on Fragment
. ( I56177 )
Версия 2.5.0
29 июня 2022 г.
is released. Version 2.5.0 contains these commits.
Important changes since 2.4.0
- CreationExtras Integration -
now has the ability to provide a statelessViewModelProvider.Factory
via Lifecycle2.5.0
Navigation SafeArgs
Navigation Safe Args
has upgraded theAndroid Gradle Plugin
dependency to rely on7.0.4
, dropping compatibility for AGP versions before7.0
. - Added support for the namespace build.gradle attribute to be used instead of applicationId.
Другие изменения
- The
API is no longer experimental and provides a function to retrieve all of the entries whose destination is currently visible according to theNavController
Версия 2.5.0-rc02
June 15, 2022
is released. Version 2.5.0-rc02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a crash caused by fast switching between bottom destinations when using the Navigation Compose
. ( I3979a , b/234054916 ) -
Navigation SafeArgs
will no longer crash when using anapplicationIdSuffix
and namespace with either noapplicationId
present, or when theapplicationId
and namespace differ. ( I754b1 , b/233119646 ) -
now has a customtoString()
function to show the internal values of the argument. ( I900a8 )
Версия 2.5.0-rc01
May 11, 2022
is released. Version 2.5.0-rc01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- Added a new lint rule to warn against placing
elements inside<activity>
elements in yournavigation.xml
file.( Ic15a5 , b/178403185 )
Исправления ошибок
- Composable scopes in
are now disposed in the expected order, ie inner composabled are disposed before outer composables. ( I157e6 ) - Navigation SafeArgs now uses
in theArgumentsGenerationTask
to allow for cache relocatability. This means the cache entry can now be re-used from a CI build to a local build. ( I5f67c , b/173420454 ) - The
lint rule has been updated to ensure that theremember
call surrounding the call togetBackStackEntry()
also passes in aNavBackStackEntry
object as a key.( Ib7081 , b/227382831 )
Версия 2.5.0-бета01
20 апреля 2022 г.
is released. Version 2.5.0-beta01 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
now usespopWithTransition
when executing adismiss()
call. This fixes a race condition when using aViewModel
destination that would cause anIllegalStateException
when dismissing the Dialog by either using system back or tapping outside of the dialog to exit. ( Id7376 , b/226552301 )
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
, fixing anIllegalStateException
when nesting oneNavHost
within anotherNavHost
in a non-primary bottom navigation tab when using multiple back stacks.
Версия 2.5.0-альфа04
6 апреля 2022 г.
is released. Version 2.5.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
Изменения API
is no longer experimental. ( I4829f , b/225394514 )
Исправления ошибок
- NavHost now depend on
from theNavController
to determine which entries to compose. This means that when using nested NavHost the innerNavHost
should now properly animate out. ( I4ba2b , b/225394514 ) - The
provided byNavController
is now based on the entry max Lifecycle state instead of the current Lifecycle state. This means that even if the host lifecycle of thenavController
goes below STARTED, the list of visible entires will remain the same. ( I9e2a8 , b/225394514 ) -
now supports usingCreationExtras
even when it was initialized with aSavedStateRegistryOwner
. If extras are provided, the initialized arguments are ignored. ( I6c43b , b/224844583 ) -
can now parse Uris with a single query parameter with no value. ( I0efe8 , b/148905489 ) - Empty string are now considered as valid arguments in deep links. ( I70a0d , b/217399862 )
Navigation Safe Args
will no longer crash when using namespaces and noAndroidManifest.xml
is present. ( I17ccf , b/227229815 )
Версия 2.5.0-альфа03
23 февраля 2022 г.
is released. Version 2.5.0-alpha03 contains these commits.
Изменения API
- You can now pass in
toby navGraphViewModels
to create aViewModel
. ( I29217 , b/217618359 )
Исправления ошибок
now properly support encoded new line characters embedded in routes/deep link URIs. ( I513d1 , b/217815060 ) -
will now work correctly when used withNavBackStackEntries
to create ViewModels. ( I69161 , b/217617710 ) - Navigation Safe Args now supports using the namespace defined in the
in place of the package in the AndroidManifest. ( I659ef , b/217414933 )
Версия 2.5.0-альфа02
9 февраля 2022 года
is released. Version 2.5.0-alpha02 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
: TheNavHostFragment
will now properly set theOnBackPressedDispatcher
when using viewbinding with nested graphs. ( Ifbb51 , b/214577959 ) - From Navigation
: When deep linking through multiple nestedNavGraph
s the back stack will now properly include intermediate start destinations. ( I504c0 , b/214383060 )
Версия 2.5.0-альфа01
January 26, 2022
is released. Version 2.5.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
now integrates with ViewModel CreationExtras, introduced as part of Lifecycle2.5.0-alpha01
. ( Ib9fe2 , b/207012490 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where accessing a
created viaby navGraphViewModels()
from a Fragment'sonCreate()
would fail with anIllegalStateException
. ( I8a14d ) -
s will no longer unnecessarily decode args twice, meaning that the proper args are now passed to your final destination. ( I31b0a , b/210711399 )
Safe Args
- Safe Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.4. This means that Navigation Safe Args will no longer be compatible with Android Studio versions prior to 7.0, but is now compatible with Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0 and higher. ( I41c88 , b/213086135 , b/207670704 )
Version 2.4.2
Version 2.4.2
6 апреля 2022 г.
is released. Version 2.4.2 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Backported from Navigation
now properly support encoded new line characters embedded in routes/deep link URIs. ( I513d1 , b/217815060 ) - Backported from Navigation
: Navigation SafeArgs now supports using the namespace defined in thebuild.gradle
in place of the package in the AndroidManifest. ( I659ef , b/217414933 ) - Backported from Navigation
:Navigation Safe Args
will no longer crash when using namespaces and noAndroidManifest.xml
is present. ( I17ccf , b/227229815 ) - Backported from Navigation
: Empty string are now considered as valid arguments in deep links. ( I70a0d , b/217399862 )
Версия 2.4.1
Версия 2.4.1
9 февраля 2022 года
is released. Version 2.4.1 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- The
will now properly set theOnBackPressedDispatcher
when using viewbinding with nested graphs. ( Ifbb51 , b/214577959 ) - When deep linking through multiple nested
s the back stack will now properly include intermediate start destinations. ( I504c0 , b/214383060 ) - Backported from Navigation
: Fixed an issue where accessing a ViewModel created viaby navGraphViewModels()
from a Fragment'sonCreate()
would fail with anIllegalStateException
. ( I8a14d ) - Backported from Navigation
s no longer unnecessarily decode args twice, meaning that the properly decoded args are now passed to your final destination. ( I31b0a , b/210711399 ) - Backported from Navigation
: Safe Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.4. This means that Navigation Safe Args will no longer be compatible with Android Studio versions prior to 7.0, but is now compatible with Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0 and higher. ( I41c88 , b/213086135 , b/207670704 )
Версия 2.4.0
Версия 2.4.0
January 26, 2022
is released. Версия 2.4.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Важные изменения с версии 2.3.0
- All Navigation artifacts have been rewritten in Kotlin. This has improved the nullability of classes using generics (such as
subclasses). All Kotlin extension functions that used to be part of the-ktx
artifacts have been moved to their respective main artifacts. The-ktx
artifacts will continue to be published, but are completely empty. - The
artifact now contains a prebuilt implementation of a two pane layout via the newAbstractListDetailFragment
. This fragment uses aSlidingPaneLayout
to manage a list pane (which your subclass provides) and a detail pane, which uses aNavHostFragment
as its implementation, as seen in our example implementation . - The
method onNavController
provides aFlow
that emits whenever the currentNavBackStackEntry
changes. This flow can be used as an alternative to manually managing anOnDestinationChangedListener
. - NavController now offers the ability to retrieve a list of all visible
instances as aStateFlow
via the experimentalvisibleEntries
property. - It is now possible to extend the
class to create custom NavTypes. Custom types are supported only when building your navigation graph programmatically, such as via the Navigation Graph Kotlin DSL . Navigation now provides
APIs that can be used to help implement custom NavigationUI.findStartDestination()
is an extension function onNavGraph
that will locate the actual start destination that will be displayed when you navigate to the graph, even if thestartDestination
is itself a nestedNavGraph
is a function onNavDestination
that can be used to verify if a given destination is within the hierarchy of another.val matchingRoute: Boolean = destination.hierarchy.any { it.route == routeToFind }
methods that took aBottomNavigationView
have been updated to instead take its superclass introduced in Material1.4.0
. This allows these methods to be used with theNavigationRailView
.When inflating an
element via XML, animation attributes can use attributes pulled from your theme using theapp:enterAnim="?attr/transitionEnter"
syntax.Safe Args now generates a
method for eachNavArgs
class. ( #122 , b/136967621 )class HomeViewModel(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel() { // Create a HomeDestinationArgs class with type safe accessors for each argument // defined on your destination private val args = HomeDestinationArgs.fromSavedStateHandle(savedStateHandle) }
Navigation Routes and the Kotlin DSL
Previous versions of Navigation relied on each destination having a constant integer ID that would uniquely identify it from its sibling destinations and allow you to navigate()
to that destination either directly or via an action. While this continues to be valid and useful, particularly in cases where you are defining your navigation graph in XML and can use auto-generated R.id
constants or Safe Args (which uses those constants to generate code at build time), this system of unique integers did not capture the semantic meaning and expressiveness needed to support fully dynamic graphs built programmatically at runtime via the Navigation Kotlin DSL .
This release introduces a new option for uniquely identifying a destination in a navigation graph by its route . A route is a String
that defines the unique path to a destination. All Kotlin DSL methods that took a destination ID are now deprecated and replaced with an equivalent API that takes a route.
Each route should be treated as the 'path' part of a Uri
that defines that destination, eg, home
, profile/{userId}
, profile/{userId}/friends
, etc. When the identity of a destination is associated with a specific piece of content, those dynamic arguments should be part of the route, following the same rules as implicit deep links .
All NavController
APIs that used to only take an ID now have an overload that takes a route String
. This includes navigate()
, popBackStack()
, popUpTo()
, and getBackStackEntry()
This has had some API implications:
- The
Kotlin property on the Kotlin DSL has been deprecated in favor ofpopUpToId
. - The
API has been deprecated in favor ofgetStartDestinationId()
Unlike when navigating by ID, navigating by route follows the same rules as implicit deep links in that you can directly navigate to any destination in any nested graph, ensuring that these routes are usable in multi-module projects without explicitly adding an externally visible deep link to each destination.
Navigation Compose
The navigation-compose
artifact provides integration between the Navigation Component and Jetpack Compose . It uses @Composable
functions as the destinations in your application.
This release provides:
- A
composable that allows you to construct your navigation graph via a Kotlin DSL, usingcomposable
destinations, plus support for optional Navigators such as those from Accompanist Navigation Material . - Mandatory support for crossfading between destinations. Accompanist Navigation Animation can be used to control the enter and exit transitions using experimental Compose APIs.
- Scoping of a
to each composable destination. Each destination only reaches theRESUMED
state when any entering transitions finish and immediately drops toSTARTED
when any exiting transitions start, thus allowing you to avoid allIllegalStateException
and multi-touch issues by only triggering anavigate
call when theLifecycle
. - Scoping of
(via theviewModel()
API of Lifecycle ViewModel Compose2.4.0
of Hilt Navigation Compose1.0.0
at the destination level, providing a scope that survives configuration changes and being on the back stack (when your Composable content is otherwise disposed) and a signal in the ViewModel'sonCleared()
that indicates the permanent disposal and cleaning up of state associated with thatNavBackStackEntry
. - Scoping of
state at a destination level, ensuring that all composable state is saved and restored automatically when you return to a destination. - Full support for saving and restoring the state of the
and its destination's state after process death and recreation. - Automatic integration with the system back button.
Support for passing arguments, attaching deep links to destinations, and returning a result to previous destinations.
Compose specific helpers in
to allow hoisting state and connecting theNavController
to composables outside of theNavHost
(such as a bottom navigation bar).
val navController = rememberNavController()
Scaffold { innerPadding ->
NavHost(navController, "home", Modifier.padding(innerPadding)) {
composable("home") {
// This content fills the area provided to the NavHost
dialog("detail_dialog") {
// This content will be automatically added to a Dialog() composable
// and appear above the HomeScreen or other composable destinations
See the Compose Navigation guide for more information.
Multiple back stacks
The NavController is responsible for managing the back stack of destinations, adding destinations to the back stack when you navigate()
to them and removing them when you call popBackStack()
or trigger the system back button. The existing NavOptions
class and the integration into <action>
elements in the navigation graph XML has been expanded to support saving and restoring the back stack.
As part of this change, the NavigationUI
methods of onNavDestinationSelected()
, BottomNavigationView.setupWithNavController()
and NavigationView.setupWithNavController()
now automatically save and restore the state of popped destinations, enabling support for multiple back stacks without any code changes. When using Navigation with Fragments, this is the recommended way to integrate with multiple back stacks.
The underlying APIs for saving and restoring the state are exposed via a number of surfaces:
In Navigation XML, the
element can now use the boolean attributes ofapp:popUpToSaveState
to save the state of any destinations popped viaapp:popUpTo
and restore the state associated with the destination passed as theapp:destination
:<action android:id=”@+id/swap_stack” app:destination=”@id/second_stack” app:restoreState=”true” app:popUpTo=”@id/first_stack_start_destination” app:popUpToSaveState=”true” />
In the
Kotlin DSL , you can add therestoreState
boolean property and thesaveState
boolean property on thepopUpTo
builder :// Use the navigate() method that takes a navOptions DSL Builder navController.navigate(selectedBottomNavRoute) { launchSingleTop = true restoreState = true popUpTo(navController.graph.findStartDestination().id) { saveState = true } }
In manually building a
object via theNavOptions.Builder
, you can use thesetRestoreState()
and new overload tosetPopUpTo()
that takes an additionalsaveState
parameter.NavOptions navOptions = new NavOptions.Builder() .setLaunchSingleTop(true) .setRestoreState(true) .setPopUpTo(NavGraph.findStartDestination(navController.getGraph()).getId(), false, // inclusive true) // saveState .build(); navController.navigate(selectedBottomNavId, null, navOptions);
Programmatic calls to
can now include an additionalsaveState
parameter.You can use the
method to clear any state that was saved withpopBackStack()
In all cases, the NavController
will save and restore the state of each NavBackStackEntry
, including any navigation destination scoped ViewModel
instances. The Navigator
APIs have been updated to enable each Navigator
to support saving and restoring their own state.
Изменения в поведении
now addsPendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE
to thePendingIntent
returned bycreatePendingIntent()
, ensuring that this API works as expected when targeting Android 12. - Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
and now markssetGraph()
, andnavigate()
, the methods that update theNavBackStackEntry
, as@MainThread
, aligning Navigation with the main thread enforcement introduced in Lifecycle2.3.0
. - Deep links now verify that all required arguments (those without default values) are present in the
. -
parsed arguments now consider pound signs in the same way as question marks as a separator between path segments, preventing an argument from spanning across the pound sign. - When generating actions, Kotlin code generated from Safe Args now puts arguments without default values before those with default values as parameters.
- When generating arguments, Safe Args now puts parameters without default values before those with default values.
- Safe-Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin 4.2.0. This means you should no longer get the using
Известные проблемы
- Fixed in Navigation
: accessing aViewModel
created viaby navGraphViewModels()
from a Fragment'sonCreate()
will fail with anIllegalStateException
. ( b/213504272 ) - Fixed in Navigation
: Safe Args 2.4.0 is incompatible with Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.0 and higher. ( b/213086135 ) - Deep linking with multiple nested nav graphs doesn't correctly create the full backstack. ( b/214383060 )
Версия 2.4.0-rc01
15 декабря 2021 г.
is released. Версия 2.4.0-rc01 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения в поведении
parsed arguments now consider pound signs in the same way as question marks as a separator between arguments. ( I21309 , b/180042703 )
Исправления ошибок
- Deeplinks will no longer ignore arguments with values that are the same as the name of the placeholder. ( If8017 , b/207389470 )
will no longer crash when popping a nested destination using transitions after theNavController
has been restored. ( I0f7c9 , b/205021623 ) - The error message when using an invalid
will now default to the start destination's route if one is available. ( I86b9d , b/208041894 )
Navigation Compose Bug Fixes
- Fixed potential crash caused by fast switching between the start destination and another destination using bottom nav menu items. ( Ic8976 , b/208887901 )
- Dialog destination are now properly restored on top of the screen after config changes or process death. ( I4c0dc , b/207386169 )
- Fixed an issue where attempting to retrieve a
from a dialog'sNavBackStackEntry
would fail when the dialog was dismissed. ( I6b96d , b/206465487 ) - Fixed an issue when using
destinations with Navigation Compose'sNavHost
that would result in infinite recompositions. ( I8f64c ) - Fixed a leak in Navigation Compose where it was holding on to a reference of the old activity after a config change or process death. ( I4efcb , b/204905432 )
Safe Args Bug Fixes
no longer crashes when attempting to restore custom parcelable arrays after process death. ( I618e8 , b/207315994 ) - Fixed a bug in safe args that would not allow boolean arrays to have a
value. ( I8c396 , b/174787525 )
Version 2.4.0-beta02
November 3, 2021
is released. Version 2.4.0-beta02 contains these commits.
Изменения API
- The handling of both explicit and implicit deep links now automatically adds the
flag when navigating to another graph, ensuring that code such asNavigationUI.setupWithNavController
and code using multiple back stacks works as expected. ( Ic8807 )
Behavior Changes
- Deep link patterns are now compiled lazily in NavDeepLink instead of during inflation. This should improve the inflation time of navigation graphs that include deep links. ( b8d257 , b/184149935 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where NavBackStackEntries were being pushed down to
after moving toLifecycle.State.STARTED
when theNavHost
is added directly to the activity'ssetContent()
. ( Ia5ac1 , b/203536683 ) - Fixed a race condition where popping a
destination off of the back stack before the dialog was actually shown would not actually dismiss the dialog, resulting in a crash when the errant dialog was manually dismissed by the user. ( I687e5 ) - Fixed an issue where the
API onNavigationUI
would returntrue
even if you didn't actuallynavigate()
to that navigation graph. It now uses the same logic used internally bysetupWithNavController
to only select theMenuItem
associated with the current destination using thehierarchy
of the destination. ( I2b053 )
Версия 2.4.0-бета01
27 октября 2021 г.
is released. Версия 2.4.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- You can now use
by navGraphViewModel
with a route as an alternative to using an ID so as to better support using the Navigation Kotlin DSL with Fragments. ( I901e3 , b/201446416 )
Изменения API
- The
API is now experimental. ( I93f6f )
Исправления ошибок
- ViewModels will no longer be destroyed when transitions are interrupted by navigating back and forth between the same screens ( Id52d8 , b/200817333 )
- Nullable
arguments no longer require a default value when adding deep links toNavDestination
s. ( I5aad4 , b/201320030 ) - NavBackStackEntries now with different Lifecycles are not longer considered equal. This means NavHost will properly recompose all destinations when doing navigation with singleTop and when reselecting bottom menu items. ( I1b351 , b/196997433 )
- Fixed an issue with
that caused thelayout_width
attributes on the list pane returned byonCreateListPaneView()
to be incorrectly handled or ignored. ( f5fbf3 ) - The visual state of dialog destinations now correctly stays in sync with the
's state. This means that manually calling the asynchronousdismiss()
API forDialogFragment
now properly clears all dialog destinations above the now dismissed dialog. This does not affect cases where you usepopUpTo
to dismiss your dialog. ( I77ba2 ) -
now has clearer error messaging foronDestinationChanged()
. ( Ie742d )
Version 2.4.0-alpha10
29 сентября 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha10 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- NavController now offers the ability to retrieve a list of all visible
instances via thevisibleEntries
StateFlow ( Ia964e ) -
now takes a optional set ofNavigator
instances that will be added to the returnedNavController
to better support optional Navigators such as those from Accompanist Navigation Material . ( I4619e )
Исправления ошибок
- Dynamic Navigation will no longer crash when the Activity is recreated. ( Ifa6a3 , b/197942869 )
- Fixed an issue with the system back button that occurs only after popping back to a composable destination that contains a
. ( 3ed148 , b/195668143 ) - SafeArgs now generates the arguments for
in the proper parameter order. ( I824a8 , b/200059831 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha09
September 15, 2021
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha09 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- You can now use the
method to clear any state that was saved withpopBackStack()
. ( I80a0f ) - You can now pass in a list of arguments and/or deep links to your nested navigation graph's builder and they will automatically be added to the resulting graph. ( I8a470 , b/182545357 )
Изменения API
- The
Kotlin DSL function is now part ofnavigation-common
instead ofnavigation-compose
. This will require updating imports to continue to use this function. ( I1d095 )
Behavior Changes
- When generating arguments, Safe Args now puts parameters without default values before those with default values. ( I89709 , b/198493585 )
Исправления ошибок
- When using Navigation Compose, NavGraphs will only be
once all their children areDESTROYED
. ( I86552 , b/198741720 ) - Nullable
arguments no longer require a default value. ( Ia14ef , b/198689811 ) - Calling
with a new graph will now also clear any saved back stacks in addition to its previous behavior of popping the back stack. ( I97f96 ) - Fixed an issue where
instances and thecurrentBackStackEntryFlow
were not notified when usinglaunchSingleTop
. ( Iaaebc )
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation Compose now depends on Activity Compose 1.3.1 . ( I05829 )
- Navigation Compose now depends on Lifecycle ViewModel Compose
. ( Ib86a3 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha08
1 сентября 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha08 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- It is now possible to extend the
class to create custom NavTypes. Custom types are supported only when building your navigation graph programmatically, such as via the Navigation Graph Kotlin DSL . ( I78440 , b/196871885 )
Behavior Changes
- When generating actions, Kotlin code generated from Safe Args now puts arguments without default values before those with default values as parameters. ( Idb697 , b/188855904 )
- Deep links now verify that all required arguments (those without default values) are present in the
. ( #204 , b/185527157 )
Исправления ошибок
- Using
inside composable(), in conjunction withremember()
, will no longer cause an exception for no destination being on the back stack. ( I75138 , b/194313238 ) - Navigation Compose now properly recomposes when changing back stack arguments and using
. ( Iebd69 , b/186392337 ) - There will no longer be an
when callingsetGraph
with a graph with 13 or 29 destinations. ( I1a9f1 , b/195171984 ) - The SafeArgs java generator should no longer cause lint warnings when generating Args classes. ( I1a666 , b/185843837 )
External Contribution
- Thanks ospixd for ensuring that deep links verify that all required arguments (those without default values) are present in the
. ( #204 , b/185527157 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha07
18 августа 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha07 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation Compose now properly saves state after configuration changes and when changing graphs while using the multiple back stack feature. ( If5a3d , b/195141957 )
- Re-selecting the same tab when using navigation compose with multiple back stacks will no longer result in a blank screen. ( I860dc , b/194925622 )
now observes for changes in theLifecycle.State
s which means using aNavHost
in a fragment now will properly be recomposed as the lifecycle changes instead of resulting in a blank screen. ( I4eb85 , b/195864489 ) - Fixed an issue where dismissing a
would not correctly update theNavController
state after recreating your activity (ie, after a configuration change). ( Icd72b ) - Fixed an issue where popping a dialog destination would not update the NavController's system back button handling, potentially causing the NavController to intercept the back button even though it does not have any back stack to pop. ( If3b34 )
- Safe-args now automatically generates a
method for arguments which can be used to test yourViewModel
code. ( If1e2d , b/193353880 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha06
August 4, 2021
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha06 contains these commits.
Изменения API
- The
methods onAbstractListDetailFragment
have been renamed togetSlidingPaneLayout()
, respectively. ( I34a08 )
Behavior Changes
- When navigating with animations (like
), the new destination'sLifecycle
will now only reach theRESUMED
when the animation completes. ( If0543 , b/172112072 , b/194301889 ) - Navigation Compose's
now sets the graph as part of the first composition. ( Ieb7be )
Исправления ошибок
- Popping the last destination of a navigation graph no longer throws a
. ( If0543 , b/172112072 , b/194301889 ) - Fixed a
that would occur when adding a deep link without aUri
and navigating via a route or deep link. ( 938a0c , b/193805425 ) - Fixed an issue in Navigation Compose where a deep linked
would not reach theRESUMED
state. ( I192c5 ) - Fixed an issue where popping a dialog destination would not update the NavController's system back button handling, potentially causing the NavController to intercept the back button even though it does not have any back stack to pop. ( aosp/1782668 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha05
21 июля 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha05 contains these commits.
Behavior Changes
- Navigation Compose's
now always uses Crossfades when navigating through destinations. ( I07049 , b/172112072 ) - You can now make changes to the graph of a NavHost. Graphs with the same startDestination and destinations in the graph will be considered equal and will not clear the
back stack. ( I0b8db , b/175392262 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a
when callingpopBackStack()
from within aLifecycleObserver
attached to aNavBackStackEntry
caused by reentrant updates to the NavController's state. ( I64621 ) -
now allowsSlidingPaneLayout
to be completely stripped from your APK whenAbstractListDetailFragment
is not used. ( I611ad ) -
now override the equals method so two objects with the same values will be considered equal. ( I166eb , b/175392262 )
Version 2.4.0-alpha04
1 июля 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.4.0-alpha04 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- The
artifact now contains a prebuilt implementation of a two pane layout via the newAbstractListDetailFragment
. This fragment uses aSlidingPaneLayout
to manage a list pane (which your subclass provides) and a detail pane, which uses aNavHostFragment
as its implementation, as seen in our example implementation . ( Iac4be , b/191276636 ) - The
of thenavigation-compose
artifact now supportsdialog
destinations in addition tocomposable
destinations. These dialog destinations will each be shown within a ComposableDialog
, floating above the currentcomposable
destination. ( I011d0 )
val navController = rememberNavController()
Scaffold { innerPadding ->
NavHost(navController, "home", Modifier.padding(innerPadding)) {
composable("home") {
// This content fills the area provided to the NavHost
dialog("detail_dialog") {
// This content will be automatically added to a Dialog() composable
// and appear above the HomeScreen or other composable destinations
Изменения API
- The
function inNavigatorState
has been renamed topush
. All current calls toadd()
will need to be changed to push(). ( Ie89fc , b/172112072 ) - Custom
instances can now use thepushWithTransaction
APIs onNavigatorState
to push or pop a destination asynchronously. Note that this APIs are not yet used by any of the included navigators. ( Ic4d7c , b/172112072 )
Behavior Changes
now addsPendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE
to thePendingIntent
returned bycreatePendingIntent()
, ensuring that this API works as expected when targeting Android 12. ( If8c52 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue with
where arguments passed to the graph would not be correctly passed to the dynamically included graph. ( I3e115 ) - Fixed a
when navigating to a destination using astring[]
argument with a default value of@null
. ( I1fbe8 ) - Add ProGuard rules for
, fixing issues when using R8 3.1 full mode. ( I2add9 , b/191654433 ) - SafeArgs will no longer fail when building your app with
versions before1.5.0
. ( Icd1ff , b/190739257 )
Версия 2.4.0-альфа03
16 июня 2021 г.
is released. Версия 2.4.0-alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where two
calls were needed to navigate to an included dynamic graph. ( I7785c , b/188859835 ) - Fixed a regression introduced in Navigation
would not properly remove the Up icon when you are on a top level destination. ( I5d443 , b/189868637 ) - Fixed an
when callingpopBackStack()
after previously popping the root graph of the NavController. ( I2a330 , b/190265699 ) - ProGuard rules for
by navArgs()
now properly apply when usingnavigation-common
or any artifacts that depend on it. ( I68800 , b/190082521 ) - An
that callsnavigate()
the first time it receives a callback now properly get a second callback with the destination it navigated to. ( Ie5f9e , b/190228815 ) - Safe Args no longer crashes when using it with dynamic feature modules and AGP 7.0+. ( I69518 , b/189966576 )
Известная проблема
- Safe Args will fail with an
Unable to find method ''java.lang.String kotlin.text.CarsKt.titleCase(char, java.util.Locale)''
error when using Gradle6.7.0
due to a dependency on an older version of Kotlin. This can be worked around by updating to use Gradle 7.0. ( b/190739257 )
Версия 2.4.0-альфа02
2 июня 2021 года
is released. Версия 2.4.0-alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Routes are now supported for Activity, Fragment and Dialog destinations, as well as throughout the DynamicNavigation Kotlin DSL. ( Ib5544 , Ia617b , I22f96 , b/188914648 , b/188901565 )
has temporarily added experimental APIs to allow opting out of saving your state. While always saving the state is the correct behavior, there are still uses of deprecated libraries (ie retained fragments), that cannot be supported when saving the state so this gives an opportunity for apps to slowly convert away from any unsupported APIs. ( Idf93c ) Navigation now provides
APIs that can be used to help implement custom NavigationUI.findDestination()
is an extension function onNavGraph
that will locate a destination within the graph.getHierarchy()
is a function onNavDestination
that can be used to verify if a given destination is within the hierarchy of another.( I2932f , b/188183365 )val matchingRoute: Boolean = destination.hierarchy.any { it.route == routeToFind }
NavigationUI methods that took a
have been updated to instead take its superclass introduced in Material1.4.0
. This allows these methods to be used with theNavigationRailView
. ( Ib0b36 , b/182938895 )When inflating an
element via XML, animation attributes can use attributes pulled from your theme using theapp:enterAnim="?attr/transitionEnter"
syntax. ( I07bc1 , b/178291654 )
Изменения API
- Kotlin DSL builders that use an ID have been deprecated and should be replaced with builders that use routes ( I85b42 , b/188816479 ) ( I9f58f , b/188816479 )
Исправления ошибок
now uses theNavigatorState.pop()
API to inform theNavController
when a dialog is dismissed by hitting the system back button or clicking outside of it, ensuring that theNavController
state is always in sync with the Navigator's state. ( I2ead9 ) Navigation no longer gives a
when using manipulating the list ofOnDestinationChangedListeners
from with anonDestinationChanged
callback. ( Ib1707 , b/188860458 )Safe Args no longer crashes when attempting to generate direction properties in Kotlin. ( Id2416 , b/188564435 )
The setId method on NavDestination is now properly annotated with
, so it only accepts resource ids. ( I69b80 )The int parameter of
is nowresId
instead ofresid
. ( I7711d )
Dependency Update
- Safe-Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin 4.2.0. This means you should no longer get the using
warning. ( I6d67b , b/172824579 )
Версия 2.4.0-альфа01
May 18, 2021
is released. Версия 2.4.0-alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- The
method onNavController
provides aFlow
that emits whenever the currentNavBackStackEntry
changes. This flow can be used as an alternative to manually managing anOnDestinationChangedListener
. ( I19c4a , #89 , b/163947280 )
Multiple back stacks
The NavController is responsible for managing the back stack of destinations, adding destinations to the back stack when you navigate()
to them and removing them when you call popBackStack()
or trigger the system back button. The existing NavOptions
class and the integration into <action>
entries in the navigation graph XML has been expanded to support saving and restoring the back stack. ( b/80029773 )
As part of this change, the NavigationUI
methods of onNavDestinationSelected()
, BottomNavigationView.setupWithNavController()
and NavigationView.setupWithNavController()
now automatically save and restore the state of popped destinations, enabling support for multiple back stacks without any code changes. When using Navigation with Fragments, this is the recommended way to integrate with multiple back stacks. ( Ie07ca )
The underlying APIs for saving and restoring the state are exposed via a number of surfaces:
In Navigation XML, the
element can now use the boolean attributes ofapp:popUpToSaveState
to save the state of any destinations popped viaapp:popUpTo
and restore the state associated with the destination passed as theapp:destination
:<action android:id=”@+id/swap_stack” app:destination=”@id/second_stack” app:restoreState=”true” app:popUpTo=”@id/first_stack_start_destination” app:popUpToSaveState=”true” />
In the
Kotlin DSL , you can add therestoreState
boolean property and thesaveState
boolean property on thepopUpTo
builder :// Use the navigate() method that takes a navOptions DSL Builder navController.navigate(selectedBottomNavRoute) { launchSingleTop = true restoreState = true popUpTo(navController.graph.startDestinationId) { saveState = true } }
In manually building a
object via theNavOptions.Builder
, you can use thesetRestoreState()
and new overload tosetPopUpTo()
that takes an additionalsaveState
parameter.NavOptions navOptions = new NavOptions.Builder() .setLaunchSingleTop(true) .setRestoreState(true) .setPopUpTo(navController.getGraph().getStartDestinationId(), false, // inclusive true) // saveState .build(); navController.navigate(selectedBottomNavId, null, navOptions);
Programmatic calls to
can now include an additionalsaveState
In all cases, the NavController
will save and restore the state of each NavBackStackEntry
, including any navigation destination scoped ViewModel
instances. The Navigator
APIs have been updated to enable each Navigator
to support saving and restoring their own state.
The ComposeNavigator
used for composable
destinations in Navigation Compose and the FragmentNavigator
and DynamicFragmentNavigator
used for <fragment>
destinations in Navigation with Fragments have both been updated to use the new Navigator APIs and support saving and restoring state.
Navigation Routes
A route is a String
that uniquely identifies a destination. While previously only used in Navigation Compose , this concept has now graduated to become a part of the core Navigation APIs. This provides an alternative to using integer IDs when constructing your graph through the Navigation Kotlin DSL . ( b/172823546 )
All APIs that used to only take an ID now have an overload that takes a route String
. This includes navigate()
, popBackStack()
, popUpTo()
, and getBackStackEntry()
This has had some API implications:
- The
kotlin property on the Kotlin DSL has been deprecated in favor ofpopUpToId
. ( I59c73 , b/172823546 ) - The
API has been deprecated in favor ofgetStartDestinationId()
. ( I0887f , b/172823546 )
For developers upgrading from previous versions of Navigation Compose to Navigation Compose 2.4.0-alpha01
, this means that the following imports on extension methods are no longer necessary and should be removed:
import androidx.navigation.compose.navigation
import androidx.navigation.compose.createGraph
import androidx.navigation.compose.getBackStackEntry
import androidx.navigation.compose.navigate
import androidx.navigation.compose.popUpTo
argument has been replaced with the route
property on NavDestination
, allowing you to call navBackStackEntry.destination.route
Изменения API
- All Navigation artifacts have been rewritten in Kotlin. This has improved the nullability of classes using generics (such as
subclasses). All Kotlin extension functions that used to be part of the-ktx
artifacts have been moved to their respective main artifacts. The-ktx
artifacts will continue to be published, but are completely empty. ( b/184292145 ) -
now supports adding multiple distinct destinations to the generated back stack. ( I3ee0d , b/147913689 ) - Add factory functions for
( Icd515 , b/175222619 ) - The unique ID of a
is now exposed as part of its public API. ( Ie033a ) - The
fields and destructuring functions ofNamedNavArgument
are now public. ( #174 , b/181320559 ) - Introduced a new
extension that provides theNavBackStackEntry
to the relevant composition locals. ( #175 , b/187229439 )
Safe Args
Safe Args now generates a
method for eachNavArgs
class. ( #122 , b/136967621 )class HomeViewModel(savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel() { // Create a HomeDestinationArgs class with type safe accessors for each argument // defined on your destination private val args = HomeDestinationArgs.fromSavedStateHandle(savedStateHandle) }
Updated Safe Args to depend on KotlinPoet
. ( #172 , b/183990444 )
Behavior Changes
- Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
and now markssetGraph()
, andnavigate()
, the methods that update theNavBackStackEntry
, as@MainThread
, aligning Navigation with the main thread enforcement introduced in Lifecycle2.3.0
. ( b/171125856 ) - Parsing Enum arguments from deep links is now case insensitive, allowing a deep link like
to match awww.example.com/{color}
deep link even when the enum has the value ofRED
. ( #152 , b/135857840 )
Compose Compatibility
is only compatible with Compose version1.0.0-beta07
and above.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where trailing argument placeholders would take precedence over deep links that have a matching exact suffix. ( #153 , b/184072811 )
now supports custom Navigators that use the same@Navigator.Name("dialog")
as the defaultDialogFragmentNavigator
. ( Ib1c2c , b/175979140 ) - Improved the behavior of
to ensure that calling it repeatedly with the same instance does not cause issues. ( #176 , b/187443146 )
External Contributions
- Thanks simonschiller for building support for Safe Args generating a
method for eachNavArgs
class. ( #122 , b/136967621 ) - Thanks Bradleycorn for making parsing Enum arguments from deep links case insensitive. ( #152 , b/135857840 )
- Thanks osipxd for fixing an issue where trailing argument placeholders would take precedence over deep links that have a matching exact suffix. ( #153 , b/184072811 )
- Thanks tatocaster for updating Safe Args to depend on KotlinPoet
. ( #172 , b/183990444 ) - Thanks jossiwolf for making the
fields and destructuring functions ofNamedNavArgument
public. ( #174 , b/181320559 ) - Thanks jossiwolf for introducing a new
extension that provides theNavBackStackEntry
to the relevant composition locals. ( #175 , b/187229439 ) - Thanks jossiwolf for improved the behavior of
to ensure that calling it repeatedly with the same instance does not cause issues. ( #176 , b/187443146 )
Navigation Compose Version 1.0.0
Версия 1.0.0-Alpha10
7 апреля 2021 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha10 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
now accepts aModifier
, which is passed down to the composable container that wraps the destination composables. ( I85aca , b/175125483 )
Исправления ошибок
now works even when anOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner
is not found, such is the case when previewing theNavHost
. ( I7d8b4 ) - Navigation Compose now depends on Navigation
, fixing an issue when usingBackHandler
inside aNavHost
destination. ( I7e63b , b/182284739 )
Версия 1.0.0-Alpha09
10 марта 2021 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha09 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
now returns a nullableViewModelStoreOwner
to better determine whether aViewModelStoreOwner
is available in the current composition. APIs that require aViewModelStoreOwner
, such asviewModel()
, still throw an exception if aViewModelStoreOwner
is not set. ( Idf39a )
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation Compose now depends on Navigation 2.3.4 which includes the fix for attempting to set the same ViewModelStore object after the graph has been set. ( I65c24 , b/177825470 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа08
24 февраля 2021 года
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha08 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
now populates theLocalSavedStateRegistryOwner
CompositionLocal with that destination'sNavBackStackEntry
, ensuring that any state directly saved into theSavedStateRegistry
will be saved and restored alongside the destination. ( I435d7 , b/179469431 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа07
10 февраля 2021 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha07 содержит эти коммиты.
Обновления зависимости
- Navigation Compose now depends on Lifecycle ViewModel Compose 1.0.0-alpha01 to provide
support tocomposable
destinations. ( I7a374 ) -
now uses the newLocalOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner
from Activity-Compose 1.3.0-alpha01 to get theOnBackPressedDispatcher
that is set on theNavController
. ( I65b12 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа06
28 января 2021 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha06 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Added a
getBackStackEntry(route: String)
extension method onNavController
that returns the associatedNavBackStackEntry
. ( If8931 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа05
January 13, 2021
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha05 содержит эти коммиты.
Updated to depend on Compose 1.0.0-alpha10.
Версия 1.0.0-альфа04
December 16, 2020
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
- Updated for compatibility with Compose
Версия 1.0.0-альфа03
December 2, 2020
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where
would not work after a configuration change or process death and recreation. ( Icea47 , b/173281473 ) - Navigating to a nested graph within your NavHost now works properly. ( I0948d , b/173647694 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа02
11 ноября 2020 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Navigation compose now support NavOptions for using popUpTo and launchSingleTop operations ( If96c3 , b/171468994 )
- Added a navigation function that takes a route instead of an ID that allows you to construct nested graphs in the Navigation Compose DSL. ( I1661d )
- startDestination now comes before the route in the list of a parameters for a NavHost ( Ie620e )
- You can now create a graph using the route as a start destination outside of a NavHost composable. ( Iceb75 )
Версия 1.0.0-альфа01
28 октября 2020 г.
is released. Версия 1.0.0-Alpha01 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
The navigation-compose
artifact provides integration between the Navigation Component and Jetpack Compose . It uses @Composable
functions as the destinations in your application.
This initial release provides:
- A
composable that allows you to construct your navigation graph via a Kotlin DSL. - Scoping of lifecycle,
, and remembered state at the destination level. - Automatic integration with the system back button.
- Support for passing arguments, attaching deep links to destinations, and returning a result to previous destinations.
- Compose specific helpers in
to allow hoisting state and connecting theNavController
to composables outside of theNavHost
(such as a bottom navigation bar).
See the Compose Navigation guide for more information.
Version 2.3.5
Version 2.3.5
7 апреля 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.3.5 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
- When navigating using a
, you can now access theUri
, action, and mime type in the resulting destination by getting the intent from arguments viaKEY_DEEP_LINK_INTENT
, mirroring the functionality already available for external deep linking. ( I975c3 , b/181521877 )
Исправления ошибок
added to a dispatcher with theNavBackStackEntry
as the LifecycleOwner now properly intercept back after the Activity Lifecycle isSTOPPED
( Iff94f , b/182284739 ) - Deep link domain parsing is now case insensitive, ensuring that
matches bothwww.example.com
. Note that query parameter names are still case sensitive. ( #144 , b/153829033 ) - Fixed a
that could occur when a destination has multiple non-nullable default arguments and you navigate to that destination while only overriding a subset of those arguments. ( aosp/1644827 )
Обновления зависимости
- The Navigation Safe Args Gradle Plugin now depends on Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.4.31. ( aosp/1661058 , b/181156413 )
External Contribution
- Thanks
for the pull request making deep link domain parsing case insensitive. ( #144 , b/153829033 )
Version 2.3.4
Version 2.3.4
10 марта 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.3.4 contains these commits.
Новые возможности
arguments can now be properly parsed when sent as part of a deeplink URI. This supports both the raw integer value as well as hex values prefixed by0x
. ( #127 , b/179166693 ) - The
for an argument withapp:argType="float"
now supports integer default values, allowing you to useandroid:defaultValue="0"
rather than requiring the use of0.0
. ( #117 , b/173766247 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fix stuck installation progress when using Navigation's support for dynamic features. ( Ib27a7 , b/169636207 )
- Calling
with the same object that has already been set will now be a no-op ( Idf491 , b/177825470 ) - Safe-Args now adds suppress annotations on the proper methods when using java. ( I8fbc5 , b/179463137 )
External Contributions
- Thanks
for the pull request to ensure thatReferenceType
arguments can now be properly parsed when sent as part of a deeplink URI. ( #127 , b/179166693 ) - Thanks
for the pull request to allow thedefaultValue
for an argument withapp:argType=”float”
now supports integer default values. ( #117 , b/173766247 )
Version 2.3.3
Version 2.3.3
27 января 2021 г.
is released. Version 2.3.3 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- There is no longer a crash when popping a
before itsLifecycle
is moved toCREATED
. ( Ie3ba3 ) - Fixed regression caused by b/171364502 where navigating to an activity with an animation resource value of
caused aResourceNotFoundException
. ( I7aedb , b/176819931 )
Version 2.3.2
Version 2.3.2
December 2, 2020
is released. Version 2.3.2 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a regression in
where using an<activity>
destination withonNavDestinationSelected
would fail to navigate to the Activity. ( I22e34 , b/171364502 ) - Fixed an issue where
would result in navigating to the newly installed destination multiple times. ( aosp/1486056 , b/169636207 ) - Fixed an issue where default arguments would not be sent to
instances when usinglaunchSingleTop
. ( I2c5cb ) - Fixed an issue where navigating to a nested navigation graph would not create a new graph instance on the back stack. ( Ifc831 )
- Fixed an issue where using
with apopUpTo
that removed the last destination in a navigation graph would not immediately destroy and remove the navigation graph itself from the back stack. ( I910a3 ) - Navigation SafeArgs now uses KotlinPoet version 1.7.2 which adds support for Kotlin's explicit API mode. ( I918b5 )
now also checks the root decor view of a DialogFragment in addition to the existing checks of the Fragment hierarchy and Fragment's view hierarchy. This allows you to test dialog fragments that use Navigation withFragmentScenario
. ( I69e0d )
Версия 2.3.1
Версия 2.3.1
14 октября 2020 г.
is released. Версия 2.3.1 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Default Animator resources have been added to Navigation UI and are recommended over the default animation resources. ( b/167430145 )
- NavOptions now overrides the hashcode and equals methods ( b/161586466 )
- Navigation now includes the current destination in the “No destination with ID” IllegalArgumentException, which should improve the developer debugging experience. ( b/168311416 )
Исправления ошибок
- Safe Args will no longer wrap the return line, even if the generated argument class name is longer than 100 characters. ( b/168584987 )
Dependency Changes
now depends on DrawerLayout 1.1.1 , ensuring thatNavigationUI
is able to open the drawer even when usingLOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED
. ( b/162253907 ) - Safe Args now depends on KotlinPoet 1.6.0 ( aosp/1435911 )
- Safe Args now depends on AGP 4.0.1 ( aosp/1442337 )
Версия 2.3.0
Версия 2.3.0
June 24, 2020
is released. Версия 2.3.0 содержит эти коммиты.
Major changes since 2.2.0
- Feature Module integration : The
artifacts allow you to navigate to destinations that are defined in feature modules, automatically handling the installation of the feature modules as needed. See Navigate with feature modules for more information. - Navigation Testing : The
artifact provides aTestNavHostController
that allows you to set the current destination and verify the back stack after navigation operations. See Test Navigation for more information. - Returning a Result : The
associated with each destination on the Navigation back stack now allows you to access aSavedStateHandle
suitable for storing small amounts of saved state that should be associated with a particular back stack entry. See Returning a result to the previous Destination for more information. -
support forOpenable
: All usages ofDrawerLayout
have been replaced with the more genericOpenable
interface added in CustomView1.1.0
and implemented byDrawerLayout
in DrawerLayout1.1.0
. - Action and Mime Type support in deep links : Deep linking has been expanded to support
in addition to theapp:uri
previously available.NavController
now supports navigating by any combination of these fields via the newNavDeepLinkRequest
class. See Navigate using NavDeepLinkRequest for more information.
Известные проблемы
- Support for deep link actions and mime types is not yet available in Manifest Merger . Until that work is completed, any generated
elements from the<nav-graph>
element in your manifest won't include your mime type in its<data>
element or your custom<action>
. You must manually add an appropriate<intent-filter>
to your manifest.
Версия 2.3.0-rc01
June 10, 2020
is released. Версия 2.3.0-rc01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a
when replacing an instance of a destination with no arguments with another instance with arguments withsingleTop
. ( b/158006669 ) - All
destination is unknown
exceptions thrown byNavController
now have additional debugging information to help determine the state of theNavController
. ( b/157764916 )
Версия 2.3.0-бета01
20 мая 2020 г.
are released. Версия 2.3.0-beta01 содержит эти коммиты.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where the
of theNavBackStackEntry
would not be properly updated after process death. ( b/155218371 ) -
instances registered before callingsetGraph()
are now properly sent the restored destination after a process death. ( b/155218371 ) - When using
, theNavBackStackEntry
now correctly has its arguments updated and the updated arguments are sent to allOnDestinationChangeListener
instances. ( b/156545508 )
Обновления зависимости
- The
artifact now depends on CustomView1.1.0-rc01
and DrawerLayout1.1.0-rc01
. ( aosp/1309696 )
Version 2.3.0-alpha06
April 29, 2020
is released. ( Version 2.3.0-alpha06 contains these commits. )
Новые возможности
- Deep linking has been expanded to support
in addition to theapp:uri
previously available. NavController now supports navigating by any combination of these fields via the newNavDeepLinkRequest
class. ( b/136573074 , b/135334841 )
Изменения API
- Greatly expanded the Kotlin DSL support for Dynamic Navigation destinations. ( b/148969800 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where deep link Intents would be ignored when using a nested start destination. ( b/154532067 )
Версия 2.3.0-альфа05
15 апреля 2020 г.
is released. Версия 2.3.0-alpha05 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- For dynamic graph includes using
, you no longer need to specifyapp:graphPackage
and a default one will be used by addingmoduleName
suffix to theapplicationId
after a dot. If you do need to customize yourgraphPackage
, an${applicationId}
placeholder is now supported. ( b/152696768 ) - The Navigation Graph Kotlin DSL now exposes a
for actions, mirroring the ability to set default values on<action>
elements in Navigation XML files. ( b/150345605 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation 2.2.2 : Fixed an
when deep linking to the start destination of your graph when you have multipleNavHostFragment
instances in your Activity. ( b/147378752 )
Обновления зависимостей
- Navigation now depends on Fragment
. ( aosp/1277325 ) - Dynamic Navigation now depends on Play Core
. ( aosp/1282257 )
Версия 2.3.0-альфа04
18 марта 2020 г.
is released. Версия 2.3.0-alpha04 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- Added support for feature module activity and fragment destinations in the Navigation Kotlin DSL. ( b/148969800 )
Изменения API
- The
class no longer uses a builder pattern and can now be constructed directly. ( aosp/1253671 ) -
now takes aContext
in its constructor rather than anActivity
. ( aosp/1250252 )
Исправления ошибок
no longer ignores empty labels (ie, a destination withandroid:label=””
) and now correctly sets the title to an empty string. ( b/148679860 )
Обновления зависимости
- The Navigation Dynamic Features artifacts now depend on Play Core
. ( b/149556401 )
Версия 2.3.0-альфа03
March 4, 2020
is released. Версия 2.3.0-alpha03 содержит эти коммиты.
Изменения API
- Instead of relying on the concrete
now uses theOpenable
interface introduced in CustomView1.1.0-alpha02
implements as of DrawerLayout1.1.0-alpha04
), allowing you to use custom implementations ofOpenable
. ( b/129030452 )
Исправления ошибок
- The
ProGuard rules now correctly only keep theNavArgs
classes that are used rather than allNavArgs
instances. ( b/150213558 )
Dependency changes
- Navigation has reverted its dependency on Core
and now depends on Core1.1.0
to avoid forcing developers to move to a newer dependency when Navigation does not depend on any new APIs in Core1.2.0
Версия 2.3.0-альфа02
19 февраля 2020 г.
is released. Версия 2.3.0-alpha02 содержит эти коммиты.
Новые возможности
- The
now allows you to access aSavedStateHandle
suitable for storing small amounts of saved state that should be associated with a particular back stack entry. See Returning a result for an example use case. ( b/79672220 )
Изменения API
- Convenience methods of
have been added to make it easier to retrieve aNavBackStackEntry
for the current and previous destinations. ( b/79672220 )
Исправления ошибок
now passes the current destination's arguments and theKEY_DEEP_LINK_INTENT
to the previous destination when launching your app on your own task stack. ( b/147456890 )
Dependency changes
- Navigation now depends on Core
Версия 2.3.0-альфа01
5 февраля 2020 года
is released. Version 2.3.0-alpha01 contains these commits .
Новые функции
- The new
artifact provides aTestNavHostController
class. This class provides an alternative to using a mockNavController
when testing Navigation that allows you to set the current destination and verify the back stack after navigation operations. ( b/140884273 ) - The new
(and its transitive dependency,navigation-dynamic-features-runtime
) allows you to include destinations or entire navigation graphs (via<include-dynamic>
) from feature modules , providing seamless installation of on-demand feature modules when navigating to those destinations. See Navigate with feature modules for more information. ( b/132170186 )
Исправления ошибок
- From Navigation
: Deep links without query parameters now correctly ignore any query parameters rather than appending them to trailing{argument}
elements or not matching the deep link. ( b/147447512 ) - From Navigation
: Thenavigation-ui
ProGuard rules forDrawerArrowDrawable
have been updated to ensure thatandroid.enableJetifier=true
is not required. ( b/147610424 ) - From Navigation
: Thenavigation-common-ktx
module now has a unique manifest package name instead of sharing the same manifest package name asnavigation-runtime-ktx
. ( aosp/1141947 )
Обновления зависимостей
- From Navigation
: Navigation2.2.1
now depends on Lifecycle ViewModel SavedState2.2.0
and Fragment1.2.1
Version 2.2.2
Version 2.2.2
15 апреля 2020 г.
are released. Version 2.2.2 contains these commits.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an
when deep linking to the start destination of your graph when you have multipleNavHostFragment
instances in your Activity. ( b/147378752 ) -
no longer ignores empty labels (ie, a destination withandroid:label=””
) and now correctly sets the title to an empty string. This was previously released in Navigation 2.3.0-alpha04 . ( b/148679860 ) - The
ProGuard rules now correctly only keep theNavArgs
classes that are used rather than allNavArgs
instances. This was previously released in Navigation 2.3.0-alpha03 . ( b/150213558
Обновления зависимостей
- Navigation now depends on Fragment
. ( aosp/1277325 )
Версия 2.2.1
Версия 2.2.1
5 февраля 2020 года
is released. Version 2.2.1 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Deep links without query parameters now correctly ignore any query parameters rather than appending them to trailing
elements or not matching the deep link. ( b/147447512 ) - The
ProGuard rules forDrawerArrowDrawable
have been updated to ensure thatandroid.enableJetifier=true
is not required. ( b/147610424 ) - The
module now has a unique manifest package name instead of sharing the same manifest package name asnavigation-runtime-ktx
. ( aosp/1141947 )
Обновления зависимостей
- Navigation
now depends on Lifecycle ViewModel SavedState2.2.0
and Fragment1.2.1
Версия 2.2.0
Версия 2.2.0
22 января 2020 г.
is released. Version 2.2.0 contains these commits .
Важные изменения с версии 2.1.0
- NavBackStackEntry : You can now call
, passing in the ID of a destination or navigation graph on the back stack. The returnedNavBackStackEntry
provides a Navigation-drivenLifecycleOwner
(the same returned byNavController.getViewModelStoreOwner()
), andSavedStateRegistryOwner
, in addition to providing the arguments used to start that destination. - Lifecycle ViewModel SavedState Integration :
is now the default factory used when usingby navGraphViewModels()
or theViewModelProvider
constructor with aViewModelStoreOwner
returned byNavController.getBackStackEntry()
. - Query Parameter Support for Deep Links : Deep links with query parameters now support reordered query parameters; arguments that have a default value or are nullable are now optional when matching deep links.
- Improved Animation Support :
now usesFragmentContainerView
from Fragment 1.2.0 , fixing animation z-ordering issues and window insets dispatching to Fragments.
Version 2.2.0-rc04
18 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 2.2.0-rc04 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Adjusted the default fade animations used by
to match the adjusted fade animations in Fragment1.2.0-rc04
. ( b/145769814 )
Version 2.2.0-rc03
4 декабря 2019 г.
is released. Version 2.2.0-rc03 contains these commits .
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue with deep link parsing when using query parameters and an argument as the last part of the path that prevented more than one character of the final path argument from being parsed. ( b/144554689 )
- Fixed an issue with deep link parsing where optional parameters would receive
instead ofnull
. ( b/141613546 ) -
now correctly restores the graph after a configuration change when used withFragmentContainerView
. ( b/143752103 )
Dependency changes
- Navigation now depends on Lifecycle
, Lifecycle ViewModel SavedState1.0.0-rc03
, Activity1.1.0-rc03
, and Fragment1.2.0-rc03
where appropriate.
Version 2.2.0-rc02
7 ноября 2019 г.
is released. Version 2.2.0-rc02 contains these commits .
Dependency changes
- Navigation now depends on androidx.lifecycle
Версия 2.2.0-rc01
23 октября 2019 года
is released with no changes since 2.2.0-beta01
. Version 2.2.0-rc01 contains these commits .
Версия 2.2.0-бета01
9 октября 2019 года
is released. Version 2.2.0-beta01 contains these commits .
Новые функции
and its subclasses now overridetoString()
to provide more helpful information when debugging. ( b/141264986 )
Изменения в поведении
- Extra query parameters are now ignored when matching deep links rather than causing the match to fail. ( b/141482822 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where arguments in a deep link's path would be ignored if query parameters were also specified. ( b/141505755 )
- The
Kotlin extension onActivity
now has a better error message when there are no extras. ( b/141408999 ) - Safe Args generated
Java classes now contain default values. ( b/141099045 ) - Safe Args generated
Java classes now contain default values. ( b/140123727 ) - When using a
no longer animates the text change when moving between two top level destinations. ( b/140848160 )
Version 2.2.0-alpha03
September 18, 2019
is released. Version 2.2.0-alpha03 contains these commits .
Изменения в поведении
- Calling
after callingsetGraph
now results in anIllegalStateException
. This should always be set by theNavHost
as part of the initial setup to ensure that allNavBackStackEntry
instances have a consistent storage forViewModel
instances. ( aosp/1111821 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a
when usingViewModel
instances attached to multiple different navigation graph scopedViewModelStore
instances. ( aosp/1112257 )
Версия 2.2.0-альфа02
September 5, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые функции
- Deep links with query parameters now support reordered query parameters; arguments that have a default value or are nullable are now optional when matching deep links. ( b/133273839 )
- You can now call
, passing in the ID of a destination or navigation graph on the back stack. The returnedNavBackStackEntry
provides a Navigation-drivenLifecycleOwner
(the same returned byNavController.getViewModelStoreOwner()
), andSavedStateRegistryOwner
, in addition to providing the arguments used to start that destination. ( aosp/1101691 , aosp/1101710 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where adding a
failed with anIllegalArgumentException
. ( b/133640271 ) -
now avoids callinggetResourceName()
unnecessarily, speeding up inflation time by up to 40%. ( b/139213740 )
Версия 2.2.0-альфа01
August 7, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые функции
is now the default factory used when usingby navGraphViewModels()
or theViewModelProvider
constructor with aViewModelStoreOwner
returned byNavController.getViewModelStoreOwner()
. ( b/135716331 )
Изменения API
- From Navigation
: The deprecatedgetViewModelStore()
API onNavController
introduced in2.1.0-alpha02
has been removed. ( aosp/1091021 )
Исправления ошибок
now usesFragmentContainerView
, fixing animation z-ordering issues and window insets dispatching to Fragments. ( b/137310379 )
Версия 2.1.0
Версия 2.1.0
September 5, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Important changes since 2.0.0
- Scoping ViewModels to a navigation graph : You can now create ViewModels that are scoped at the navigation graph level using the
by navGraphViewModels()
property delegate for Kotlin users using the-ktx
libraries or by using thegetViewModelStoreOwner()
API added toNavController
. See Share UI-related data between destinations for more information. - Dialog destinations : You can now create
destinations that will show aDialogFragment
when younavigate
to them.NavHostFragment
supports dialog destinations by default. See Create a destination from a DialogFragment for more information. - Navigating by Uri : You can now
using aUri
, which uses the<deepLink>
you've added to a destination to navigate there. See Navigate using Uri for more information. - NavHostController : APIs used specifically for constructing a custom
have been moved toNavHostController
, allowing implementations to connect theirNavController
to the hostingLifecycleOwner
, andViewModelStore
Версия 2.1.0-rc01
August 7, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Изменения API
- The deprecated
API onNavController
introduced in2.1.0-alpha02
has been removed. ( aosp/1091021 )
Version 2.1.0-beta02
July 19, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Исправления ошибок
- Removed unintentional jacoco dependency that was introduced in
. ( b/137782950 )
Версия 2.1.0-бета01
17 июля 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые функции
now animates the removal of the Up button when usingsetupWithNavController()
with aToolbar
. ( b/131403621 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed a timing issue when using multiple NavHostFragments with the same container with
. ( b/136021571 )
Version 2.1.0-alpha06
2 июля 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые функции
- The
attribute used by NavHostFragment has now been moved to thenavigation-runtime
artifact. Custom navigators that can be added via XML should use this attribute to gain integration with the Navigation Editor's Host panel. ( b/133880955 )
Изменения API
- The
API onNavController
has been deprecated in favor of the newgetViewModelStoreOwner()
method that returns aViewModelStoreOwner
. ( aosp/987010 ) - The implementation of floating window destinations, such as
destinations, has been generalized into a marker interface,FloatingWindow
, that all<dialog>
destinations now implement. NavigationUI methods for interacting with the top app bar now ignoreFloatingWindow
destinations. ( b/133600763 )
Изменения в поведении
- Navigation now correctly keeps its state in sync with what is seen on the screen when using a
destination. As a consequence, Navigation now automatically pops<dialog>
destinations when you navigate to a non-dialog and non-activity destination, such as a<fragment>
destination. ( b/134089818 )
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation now suppresses the animation that occurs when recreating the activity when handling a deep link, fixing a visual flash. ( b/130362979 )
- Fixed a bug where the Navigation back stack would be out of sync when popping a Fragment as the initial fragment is being added. ( b/133832218 )
Version 2.1.0-alpha05
5 июня 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Изменения API
- Host related APIs on
have been renamed and moved to a new subclass ofNavController
. ( aosp/966091 ) - The
method has been replaced withNavHostController
method and now requires that you callsetLifecycleOwner()
prior to calling it. ( aosp/965409 ) -
now contains aenableOnBackPressed(boolean)
method that replaces theNavHostOnBackPressedManager
class that was previously returned bysetHostOnBackPressedDispatcherOwner()
. ( aosp/966091 )
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where the back stack was not correct after navigating by URI. ( b/132509387 )
- Deep links automatically handled by NavController now only trigger once. ( b/132754763 )
Version 2.1.0-alpha04
May 16, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Исправления ошибок
correctly respectsapp:defaultNavHost
when intercepting the system Back button events, fixing a regression in Navigation2.1.0-alpha03
. b/132077777 -
now correctly handlespopBackStack()
operations. b/132576764 - Fixed an
IllegalStateException: unknown destination during restore
issue when repeatedly navigating between nested graphs. b/131733658
Version 2.1.0-alpha03
7 мая 2019 г.
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Известные проблемы
- NavHostFragment continues to intercept the system Back button despite using
Новые функции
- You can now create
destinations that will show aDialogFragment
when younavigate
to them.NavHostFragment
supports dialog destinations by default. b/80267254 - In addition to calling
with a resource id or aNavDirections
instance, you can now navigate via aUri
, which uses the<deepLink>
you've added to a destination to navigate to the correct destination. b/110412864
Изменения в поведении
- The default animations provided by NavigationUI have been sped up from 400ms to 220ms to match the default animation speed of activities and fragments. b/130055522
Изменения API
- The
method ofNavHostFragment
has been deprecated and its functionality moved to the newonCreateNavController()
method to make it more clear that this is the correct entry point of adding custom Navigators when subclassingNavHostFragment
. b/122802849 - A
method has been added toNavDestination
to allow you to check if a givenUri
can be handled by that destination or, in the case of aNavGraph
, any destination in the navigation graph. b/117437718
Исправления ошибок
- Default arguments are now correctly passed to
instances. b/130630686 -
now intercepts system Back events using theOnBackPressedDispatcher
, fixing an issue when doing conditional navigation in Fragment lifecycle methods upon returning to a Fragment. b/111598096 - For Safe Args, an
with an unspecifiedapp:argType
is now properly inferred as astring
argument. b/129629192
Version 2.1.0-alpha02
April 3, 2019
is released. The commits included in this version can be found here .
Новые функции
- You can now create ViewModels that are scoped at a navigation graph level via the
by navGraphViewModels()
property delegate for Kotlin users or by using thegetViewModelStore()
API added toNavController
. b/111614463
Изменения API
- You can now add an
to an<activity>
destination to limit the matching package name. It supportsapp:targetPackage="${applicationId}"
for restricting the package to your own application id. b/110975456
Исправления ошибок
- The
destinations is no longer parsed into a Class at inflation time, preventing ClassNotFoundExceptions when using dynamic features. b/124538597
Версия 2.1.0-альфа01
March 19, 2019
This is the first alpha release of Navigation 2.1.0
Dependency changes
- Navigation now depends on
. This release also removes the dependency onandroidx.legacy:legacy-support-core-utils:1.0.0
. b/128632612
Изменения API
- A new
method has been added as an alternative to creating a click listener with a resource ID and Bundle. b/127631752 -
is now deprecated. The default implementation now usesFragmentFactory
to instantiate Fragments. b/119054429
Исправления ошибок
- Navigation no longer sends a null
when there are arguments attached to a destination, fixing an issue when usingandroid:defaultValue="@null"
. b/128531879 - Safe Args now depends on KotlinPoet 1.1.0, fixing an issue with extremely long package names. b/123654948
Версия 2.0.0
Версия 2.0.0
14 марта 2019 года
Navigation 2.0.0
is released with no changes from 2.0.0-rc02
Version 2.0.0-rc02
March 6, 2019
Navigation 2.0.0-rc02 provides new artifacts with the androidx.navigation
group ID and changes its dependencies to the AndroidX equivalents.
The behavior of 2.0.0-rc02 is identical to behavior to Navigation 1.0.0-rc02 and no changes to your code should be required to update from 1.0.0-rc02 besides updating your dependencies to match the new dependencies .
Your project must have migrated to AndroidX to use 2.X releases of Navigation. Navigation 1.0 stable will be the last release using the Support Library dependencies; all future development beyond 1.0 will be based on AndroidX and build upon the 2.0 stable release.
Pre-AndroidX Dependencies
For the pre-AndroidX versions of Navigation, include these dependencies:
dependencies {
def nav_version = "1.0.0"
implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment:$nav_version" // For Kotlin use navigation-fragment-ktx
implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-ui:$nav_version" // For Kotlin use navigation-ui-ktx
For Safe args , add the following classpath in your top level build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "android.arch.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:1.0.0"
Версия 1.0.0
Версия 1.0.0
14 марта 2019 года
Navigation 1.0.0
is released with no changes from 1.0.0-rc02
Version 1.0.0-rc02
February 26, 2019
This is the second release candidate for Navigation's 1.0.0 stable release. This release contains a number of bug fixes.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue where
would be ignored if the root graph did not have an ID b/126251695 -
now correctly handles navigating back to your app's task when called after handling a deep link withoutFLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
b/126082008 - Fixed an issue with
not applying the correct pop exit animation b/126237567 - Kotlin code generated by Safe Args now properly escapes Kotlin keywords such as
in the package name associated with theR
class. b/126020455
Version 1.0.0-rc01
February 21, 2019
This is a release candidate for Navigation's 1.0.0 stable release. This release contains one bug fix.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue when using Fragments and
navigation operations b/124294805
Version 1.0.0-beta02
February 12, 2019
This release includes a number of minor improvements and important bug fixes.
Новые возможности
- You can now use
as anandroid:defaultValue
arguments. b/124248602
Изменения в поведении
- Exact deep link matches are now prioritized over deep links with
or argument matches. b/123969518
Исправления ошибок
now correctly returnfalse
when popping the last destination on the back stack, fixing a regression introduced in1.0.0-beta01
. b/123933201 - Navigation now correctly sets the
during restoration of saved instance state, avoiding issues when using custom classes inNavigator
saved state or in arguments sent to aNavDestination
. b/123893858 - Safe Args generated NavArgs classes no longer crash when restoring a
argument from saved instance state. b/123963545 - Safe Args now properly cleans up unnecessary generated Kotlin classes. b/124120883
Version 1.0.0-beta01
February 4, 2019
This is the first beta release of Navigation; moving forward, the Navigation API is expected to stay stable until the next version unless there is a critical problem. This release contains some bug fixes and behavior changes.
Изменения в поведении
- Navigation now ensures that argument default values are treated identically at runtime and through Safe Args. As a consequence, only arguments with an
can have a default value point to another resource (for example,@color/colorPrimary
). Attempting to use a reference default value with a differentapp:argType
will result in an exception when parsing the navigation XML. b/123551990 - Safe Args now depends on Android Gradle Plugin 3.3.0 aosp/888413
- Safe Args now depends on Kotlin 1.3.20 aosp/888414
Исправления ошибок
- Safe Args can now be used in library and feature modules on all versions of the Android Gradle Plugin. b/121304903
- Fixed a regression that would cause a single
operation to pop all copies of a destination off the top of the back stack, rather than just a single destination at a time. b/123552990 - Fixed an issue where the
state would desynchronize with theNavController
's state, causing anIllegalStateException
when attempting to restore the back stack. b/123803044 - Fixed an issue where the
handled back arrow would not appear when using ProGuard with obfuscation. b/123449431 - The code generated by Safe Args now properly handles using an
pointing to a static inner class in the format.OuterClass$InnerClass
. b/123736741 - The Java code generated by Safe Args now properly handles global actions and deeply nested destinations. b/123347762
Версия 1.0.0-Альфа11
January 23, 2019
This is a hotfix release of 1.0.0-alpha10
that fixes an issue with Safe Args.
Исправления ошибок
- Fixes an issue where Safe Args would fail to import the Directions class associated with global actions. b/123307342
Версия 1.0.0-Alpha10
January 23, 2019
Известные проблемы
- Safe Args fails to import the Directions class associated with global actions. b/123307342
This release contains breaking API changes; please see the Breaking Changes section below.
Новые возможности
- Kotlin users can now use the
by navArgs()
property delegate to lazily get a reference to a Safe Args generatedNavArgs
class in anActivity
. b/122603367 - Safe Args now allows you to generate Kotlin code by applying the
plugin. The Kotlin code is built specifically for Kotlin only modules, using default arguments and immutable classes over the builder pattern that is still available via the previousandroidx.navigation.safeargs
plugin. b/110263087
Behavior Changes
- Matching deep links are now biased towards the deep link that has the most matching arguments. b/118393029
- Calling
on aNavController
will now reset the back stack. b/111450672 - Unknown deep links no longer throw an
, but are ignored, fixing issues with nested or multipleNavHostFragment
s. b/121340440
Критические изменения
- The
method for applying pop animations to an Activity has been moved toActivityNavigator
. b/122413117 - Safe Args now avoids duplicating identical classes for actions without arguments. The return type for no argument methods in generated NavDirections classes is now
. b/123233147 - Safe Args generated Directions classes no longer have a public constructor - you should only be interacting with the generated static methods. b/123031660
- Safe Args generated
classes no longer have a public constructor - they should only be generated via the static methods in the generated Directions classes. b/122963206 - The returned
is now marked as@NonNull
rather than@Nullable
. b/123243957
Исправления ошибок
now correctly handles multiple simultaneousPendingIntent
s to the same destination by using the arguments you pass in to determine the uniqueness. b/120042732 -
now correctly handlespopBackStack()
operations when using a nestedNavHostFragment
or other child Fragments with a back stack. b/122770335 -
now correctly sets the content description of the Up button. b/120395362 - Safe Args generated Directions classes now correctly handle global actions that have the same id as an action on a destination. b/122962504
- Safe Args generated
classes now correctly have equalhashCode()
values whenequals()
would return true. b/123043662 -
now throws a better error message if you attempt to do customFragmentTransactions
on theNavHostFragment
. You should always usegetChildFragmentManager()
. b/112927148
Версия 1.0.0-Alpha09
December 18, 2018
This release contains breaking API changes; please see the Breaking Changes section below.
We have chosen not to continue development of the android.arch.navigation:navigation-testing
artifact. While it has proven helpful for internal testing of NavController
, we strongly recommend alternate testing strategies, such as mocking the NavController
instance in order to verify that the correct navigate()
calls are being done. This approach is discussed in detail in the Single Activity talk at AndroidDevSummit 2018 and we'll be working on additional documentation specifically around testing with Navigation.
Новые возможности
s withmenuCategory="secondary"
will no longer pop the back stack when used withNavigationUI
methods. b/120104424 -
now allows you to set a fallbackOnNavigateUpListener
instance which will be called whennavController.navigateUp()
. b/79993862 b/120690961
Критические изменения
- When using an
with anargType="reference"
, Navigation no longer parses the reference, instead providing the raw resource ID itself. b/111736515 -
now pops back to the start destination of your navigation graph by default, making them consistent with thesetup
methods. AddmenuCategory="secondary"
to yourMenuItem
to avoid popping the back stack. aosp/852869 - The
methods of generatedArgs
classes now take a non-nullBundle
instead of a nullableBundle
Исправления ошибок
- Arguments are now properly parsed from deep links as the correct
instead of always as strings b/110273284 - Navigation now correctly exports its public resources b/121059552
- Safe Args is now compatible with Android Gradle Plugin 3.4 Canary 4 and higher b/119662045
Версия 1.0.0-альфа08
December 6, 2018
This release contains breaking API changes; please see the Breaking Changes section below.
Новые возможности
- Destination labels, when used with
methods, will now automatically replace{argName}
instances in yourandroid:label
with the correct argument b/80267266 - Navigation now depends on Support Library 28.0.0 b/120293333
Критические изменения
has been renamed toOnDestinationChangedListener
b/118670572 -
now also passes theBundle
of arguments aosp/837142 - The
attributes and their associated methods have been removed. Useapp:popUpTo
with the root of your graph to remove all destinations from your back stack. b/119628354 -
now uses aBuilder
pattern and adds the ability to set anyIntent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_
flags aosp/828140 -
has been renamed tohandleDeepLink
aosp/836063 - Many classes and methods not meant for subclassing, such as
, andAppBarConfiguration
, have been madefinal
aosp/835681 - The deprecated
method has been removed aosp/835684 - The deprecated
NavigationUI.navigateUp(DrawerLayout, NavController)
method has been removed. aosp/835684 - Fragment creation has been moved to
, making it easier to delegate Fragment creation to aFragmentFactory
. b/119054429 - The constructor for
no longer takes aContext
aosp/835340 - NavigatorProvider is now a class, rather than an interface. The
returned bygetNavigatorProvider()
has not changed its functionality. aosp/830660 -
has been removed. Callnavigate()
on theNavigator
instead. aosp/830663 - Significant refactoring of
, removing the need forOnNavigatorNavigatedListener
and instead havingnavigate
return theNavDestination
that was navigated to. -
instances can no longer send pop events to theNavController
. Consider using aOnBackPressedCallback
to intercept back button presses and callnavController.popBackStack()
. aosp/833716
Исправления ошибок
now works consistently when the destination is a<navigation>
element b/116831650 - Fixed a number of bugs that resulted in an
when using nested graphs b/118713731 b/113611083 b/113346925 b/113305559 - The
attribute of<activity>
destinations will now populate arguments from non-String arguments by callingtoString()
Safe Args
- Safe Args supports Serializable objects, including Enum values. Enum types can set a default value by using the enum literal without the class name (eg
) b/111316353 - Safe Args supports arrays of all supported types b/111487504
- Safe Args now ignores subfolders of resource directories b/117893516
- Safe Args adds
annotations where appropriate b/117145301
Версия 1.0.0-альфа07
October 29, 2018
Новые возможности
- A new AppBarConfiguration class allows you to customize which destinations are considered top-level destinations. See the updated documentation for details. b/117333663
- You can now pass arguments to the start destination of your graph b/110300470
- Deep links now support custom schemes with periods, hyphens, and plus signs. b/112806402
Критические изменения
- The
module has been folded into thenavigation-testing artifact
and will no longer be published. - The
artifact now has a dependency on the Kotlin standard library. The API has been changed to be more consistent with Kotlin conventions, but you can continue to use it for tests written in Java. - Metadata manifest registered navigation graphs are no longer supported. b/118355937
- Actions can no longer be attached to <activity> destinations. aosp/785539
Исправления ошибок
- Deep links now correctly parse query parameters. b/110057514
- Activity destinations now correctly apply all enter and exit animations. b/117145284
- Fixed crash that occurs after configuration changes when using custom Navigators. b/110763345
Safe Args
- Safe args now have a fixed dependency on Android Gradle Plugin 3.2.1. b/113167627
- Directions can now be generated for inner classes. b/117407555
- Fixed an issue with generating Directions to an <include> graph. b/116542123
Версия 1.0.0-альфа06
September 20, 2018
Новые возможности
- Shared Element Transitions for Fragment and Activity destinations are now supported b/79665225 . For more information, see Implement navigation with the Navigation Architecture Component
- Selecting an item in
will now close any containing bottom sheet b/112158843
Изменения API
- Breaking Change: The Navigator
method now takes aNavigator.Extras
parameter. - NavController's
method is nowNonNull
Исправления ошибок
no longer leaks views if used with views from individual destinations b/111961977 - Navigator
is now only called once b/112627079
Safe Args
- Navigation destination Directions classes now extend their parent's Directions class if it exists b/79871405
- Directions and Args classes now have a useful
implementation b/111843389
Версия 1.0.0-альфа05
August 10, 2018
Исправления ошибок
- Fix a bug which cause incorrect backstack behavior. b/111907708
- Fix a bug in
of Generated Args classes. b/111450897 - Fix a build failure in Safe Args. b/109409713
- Fix a conversion from resource identifiers to java names b/111602491
- Fix error messages about nullability in Safe Args plugin.
- Add missing nullability annotations.
Версия 1.0.0-альфа04
July 19, 2018
Navigation 1.0.0-alpha04
and the associated Safe Args gradle plugin contains a number of API changes, behavior changes, and bug fixes.
API / Behavior Changes
- NavHostFragment will always set the current Fragment as the primary navigation fragment, ensuring that child fragment managers are popped before the outer NavController is popped b/111345778
Safe Args
- Breaking Change:
has been changed toapp:argType
to avoid conflicts with other libraries such as ConstraintLayout 2.0.0-alpha1 b/111110548 - Error messages from Safe Args are now clickable b/111534438
- Args classes now confirms that
attributes are actually not null b/111451769 - Additional
annotations have been added to NavDirections and Args generated classes b/111455455 b/111455456
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed an issue with the system back button after deep linking to a fragment destination b/111515685
Версия 1.0.0-альфа03
July 12, 2018
Navigation 1.0.0-alpha03
and the associated Safe Args gradle plugin contains a number of API changes, behavior changes, and bug fixes.
API / Behavior Changes
- A NavigationUI.setupWithNavController method for Toolbar has been added b/109868820
- A NavigationUI.setupWithNavController method for CollapsingToolbarLayout has been added b/110887183
- popBackStack() now returns false when the back stack is empty or when the given destination ID is not in the back stack b/110893637
- FragmentNavigator now ignores navigation operations after FragmentManager has saved state, avoiding “Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” exceptions b/110987825
Safe Args
- Breaking Change: Non-alphanumeric characters in action and argument names will be replaced by camel casing in the respective NavDirections method names
- Eg
will becomesetDemoControllerIndex
b/79995048 - Eg
will becomeactionShowSettings
- Eg
- Breaking Change: Arguments are now considered non-null by default. To allow null values on string and parcelable arguments, add
b/79642307 - You can now use
with defaultValues in the form of “123L” b/79563966 - Parcelable arguments are now supported, using a fully qualified class name for
. The only default value supported is"@null"
b/79563966 - Args classes now implement
b/79642246 - The Safe Args plugin can now be applied to library projects b/80036553
- The Safe Args plugin can now be applied to feature projects b/110011752
Исправления ошибок
- Fixed issues when navigating during Fragment lifecycle methods b/109916080
- Fixed issues when navigating through nested graphs multiple times b/110178671
- Fixed issues when using
with the first destination in the graph b/109909461 - Fixed issue where all
values were being passed as Strings b/110710788 - aapt2 bundled with Android Gradle Plugin 3.2 Beta 01 now adds keep rules for every
attribute in Navigation XML files b/79874119 - Fixed memory leak when replacing the default FragmentNavigator b/110900142
Версия 1.0.0-альфа02
June 7, 2018
Behavior Changes
now usessetReorderingAllowed(true)
. b/109826220Navigation now URLDecodes arguments parsed from deep links URLs. b/79982454
Исправления ошибок
Fixed an
when calling navigate from Fragment lifecycle methods. b/79632233Navigation now depends on Support Library 27.1.1 to fix flickering when using animations. b/80160903
Fixed an
when using defaultNavHost="true" as a child fragment. b/79656847Fixed a
when using NavDeepLinkBuilder. b/109653065Fixed an
when navigating back to a nested graph. b/80453447Fixed an issue with overlapping Fragments when using
. b/79407969Navigation now builds the correct synthetic back stack for nested graphs. b/79734195
NavigationUI will now highlight the correct item when using a nested graph as a
. b/109675998
Изменения API
attribute for actions and the associated API inNavOptions
has been deprecated. b/80338878The
attribute for actions and the associated API inNavOptions
has been deprecated. b/109806636
Версия 1.0.0-альфа01
May 8, 2018
Navigation provides a framework for building in-app navigation. This initial release is 1.0.0-alpha01