Immagini del produttore per Google Pixel

Se sei uno sviluppatore con un dispositivo Google Pixel supportato, puoi aggiornare manualmente il dispositivo all'ultima build a scopo di test e sviluppo. L'esecuzione del flashing di un'immagine di fabbrica richiede un ripristino completo del dispositivo, quindi assicurati innanzitutto di eseguire il backup dei dati. Le build sono disponibili per i seguenti dispositivi Pixel:

  • Pixel 6 e 6 Pro
  • Pixel 6a
  • Pixel 7 e 7 Pro
  • Pixel 7a
  • Pixel Fold
  • Pixel Tablet
  • Pixel 8 e 8 Pro
Dopo aver eseguito il flashing di una build beta sul tuo dispositivo Pixel, quest'ultimo viene registrato automaticamente al programma Android Beta per Pixel e offre aggiornamenti over-the-air (OTA) continui alle ultime build beta (incluse le QPR) fino a quando non scegli di annullare la registrazione del dispositivo al programma. Per ogni punto saliente, pubblichiamo anche immagini flash, in modo che tu possa scegliere l'approccio più adatto al tuo ambiente di test.

Utilizza i link e le istruzioni riportati di seguito per aggiornare il dispositivo supportato alla build più recente. Scopri Android 15 per scoprire altri modi per ottenere Android 15 per i test e lo sviluppo.

Esegui il flashing del dispositivo utilizzando lo strumento Flash di Android

Lo strumento Flash di Android ti consente di eseguire il flashing di un'immagine di sistema in modo sicuro sul tuo dispositivo Pixel supportato. Android Flash Tool funziona con qualsiasi browser web che supporta WebUSB, ad esempio Chrome o Edge 79 e versioni successive.

Lo strumento Android Flash Tool ti guida passo passo nella procedura di flash del dispositivo. Non è necessario installare strumenti, ma devi sbloccare il dispositivo e attivare il debug USB nelle Opzioni sviluppatore. Per istruzioni complete, consulta la documentazione di Android Flash Tool.

Collega il dispositivo tramite USB, quindi vai ad Android Flash Tool utilizzando il seguente link e segui le indicazioni sullo schermo:

Fai lampeggiare il dispositivo manualmente

Logo del brand Android

Puoi anche scaricare l'ultima immagine di sistema e eseguirne manualmente il flashing sul dispositivo. Consulta la seguente tabella per scaricare l'immagine di sistema per il tuo dispositivo di test. Il flashing manuale di un dispositivo è utile se hai bisogno di un controllo preciso sull'ambiente di test o se devi reinstallarlo spesso, ad esempio durante i test automatici.

Dopo aver eseguito il backup dei dati del dispositivo e aver scaricato l'immagine di sistema corrispondente, puoi eseguire il flash dell'immagine sul dispositivo.

Puoi decidere di tornare all'ultima build pubblica in qualsiasi momento.

Immagini di fabbrica del dispositivo

Dispositivo Link di download e checksum SHA-256
Pixel 6
Pixel 6 Pro
Pixel 6a
Pixel 7
Pixel 7 Pro
Pixel 7a
Pixel Fold
Pixel Tablet
Pixel 8
Pixel 8 Pro

Torna a una build pubblica

Puoi utilizzare lo strumento Flash di Android per eseguire il flashing dell'immagine di fabbrica oppure ottenere un'immagine del sistema con le specifiche di fabbrica dalla pagina Immagini del produttore per dispositivi Nexus e Pixel e poi eseguirla manualmente sul dispositivo.

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Scarica Android 15 factory system image

Prima di eseguire il download, devi accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni.

Termini e condizioni

By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the following: All use of this development version SDK will be governed by the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement (available at and such URL may be updated or changed by Google from time to time), which will terminate when Google issues a final release version. Your testing and feedback are important part of the development process and by using the SDK, you acknowledge that (i) implementation of some features are still under development, (ii) you should not rely on the SDK having the full functionality of a stable release; (iii) you agree not to publicly distribute or ship any application using this SDK as this SDK will no longer be supported after the official Android SDK is released; and (iv) you agree that Google may deliver elements of the SDK to your devices via auto-update (OTA or otherwise, in each case as determined by Google). WITHOUT LIMITING SECTION 10 OF THE ANDROID SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT A DEVELOPMENT VERSION OF A SDK IS NOT A STABLE RELEASE AND MAY CONTAIN ERRORS, DEFECTS AND SECURITY VULNERABILITIES THAT CAN RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE, INCLUDING THE COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF USE OF YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE.
Scarica Android 15 factory system image