Persistent work Part of Android Jetpack.
Work is persistent when it remains scheduled through app restarts and system reboots. WorkManager is the recommended solution for persistent work. Because most background processing is best accomplished through persistent work, WorkManager is therefore also the primary recommended API for background processing in general.
Types of persistent work
WorkManager handles three types of persistent work:
- Immediate: Tasks that must begin immediately and complete soon. May be expedited.
- Long Running: Tasks which might run for longer, potentially longer than 10 minutes.
- Deferrable: Scheduled tasks that start at a later time and can run periodically.
Figure 1 outlines how the different types of persistent work relate to one another.
Similarly, the following table outlines the various types of work.
Type | Periodicity | How to access |
Immediate | One time | OneTimeWorkRequest and Worker . For expedited work, call setExpedited() on your OneTimeWorkRequest. |
Long Running | One time or periodic | Any WorkRequest or Worker . Call setForeground() in the Worker to handle the notification. |
Deferrable | One time or periodic | PeriodicWorkRequest and Worker . |
For more information regarding how to set up WorkManager, see the Defining your WorkRequests guide.
WorkManager Features
In addition to providing a simpler and more consistent API, WorkManager has a number of other key benefits:
Work constraints
Declaratively define the optimal conditions for your work to run using work constraints. For example, run only when the device is on an unmetered network, when the device is idle, or when it has sufficient battery.
Robust scheduling
WorkManager allows you to schedule work to run one-time or repeatedly using flexible scheduling windows. Work can be tagged and named as well, allowing you to schedule unique, replaceable work and monitor or cancel groups of work together.
Scheduled work is stored in an internally managed SQLite database and WorkManager takes care of ensuring that this work persists and is rescheduled across device reboots.
In addition, WorkManager adheres to power-saving features and best practices like Doze mode, so you don't have to worry about it.
Expedited work
You can use WorkManager to schedule immediate work for execution in the background. You should use Expedited work for tasks that are important to the user and which complete within a few minutes.
Flexible retry policy
Sometimes work fails. WorkManager offers flexible retry policies, including a configurable exponential backoff policy.
Work chaining
For complex related work, chain individual work tasks together using an intuitive interface that allows you to control which pieces run sequentially and which run in parallel.
val continuation = WorkManager.getInstance(context) .beginUniqueWork( Constants.IMAGE_MANIPULATION_WORK_NAME, ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, OneTimeWorkRequest.from( ).then(OneTimeWorkRequest.from( .then(OneTimeWorkRequest.from( .then(OneTimeWorkRequest.from( .then( if (save) { workRequest<SaveImageToGalleryWorker>(tag = Constants.TAG_OUTPUT) } else /* upload */ { workRequest<UploadWorker>(tag = Constants.TAG_OUTPUT) } )
WorkManager.getInstance(...) .beginWith(Arrays.asList(workA, workB)) .then(workC) .enqueue();
For each work task, you can define input and output data for that work. When chaining work together, WorkManager automatically passes output data from one work task to the next.
Built-In threading interoperability
WorkManager integrates seamlessly with Coroutines and RxJava and provides the flexibility to plug in your own asynchronous APIs.
Use WorkManager for reliable work
WorkManager is intended for work that is required to run reliably even if the user navigates off a screen, the app exits, or the device restarts. For example:
- Sending logs or analytics to backend services.
- Periodically syncing application data with a server.
WorkManager is not intended for in-process background work that can safely be terminated if the app process goes away. It is also not a general solution for all work that requires immediate execution. Please review the background processing guide to see which solution meets your needs.
Relationship to other APIs
While coroutines are the recommended solution for certain use cases, you shouldn't use them for persistent work. It is important to note that coroutines is a concurrency framework, whereas WorkManager is a library for persistent work. Likewise, you should use AlarmManager for clocks or calendars only.
API | Recommended for | Relationship to WorkManager |
Coroutines | All asynchronous work that doesn't need to be persistent. | Coroutines are the standard means of leaving the main thread in Kotlin. However, they leave memory once the app closes. For persistent work, use WorkManager. |
AlarmManager | Alarms only. | Unlike WorkManager, AlarmManager wakes a device from Doze mode. It is therefore not efficient in terms of power and resource management. Only use it for precise alarms or notifications such as calendar events — not background work. |
Replace deprecated APIs
The WorkManager API is the recommended replacement for all previous Android
background scheduling APIs, including FirebaseJobDispatcher
, and JobScheduler
Get started
Check out the Getting started guide to start using WorkManager in your app.
Additional resources
The following sections provide some additional resources.
- Workmanager - MAD Skills, video series
- Working with WorkManager, from the 2018 Android Dev Summit
- WorkManager: Beyond the basics, from the 2019 Android Dev Summit
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