Audio Manager self-managed call guide

This guide covers communication applications, such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), that want to self-manage their audio and hearable device state.

Register audio callback

First, create an AudioDeviceCallback, which notifies your app when audio devices connect or disconnect from the device.

val audioDeviceCallback: AudioDeviceCallback = object : AudioDeviceCallback() {
  override fun onAudioDevicesAdded(addedDevices: Array) {}
  override fun onAudioDevicesRemoved(removedDevices: Array) {}

final AudioDeviceCallback audioDeviceCallback = new AudioDeviceCallback() {
  public void onAudioDevicesAdded(AudioDeviceInfo[] addedDevices) {

  public void onAudioDevicesRemoved(AudioDeviceInfo[] removedDevices) {
    // Handle device removal


Check for active communication device

The audio manager lets you know which communication device is currently active.

val currentCommunicationDevice: AudioDeviceInfo? = audioManager.communicationDevice
AudioDeviceInfo currentCommunicationDevice = audioManager.getCommunicationDevice();

Listening for when a communication device has changed lets your app know when routing is applied and the device that you selected is active.

val listener =
  OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener { device -> // Handle changes
    currentCommunicationDevice = device
audioManager.addOnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener(executor, listener)
AudioManager.OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener listener = 
      new AudioManager.OnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener() {
  void onCommunicationDeviceChanged(AudioDeviceInfo device) {
      // Handle changes
      currentCommunicationDevice = device;
AudioManager.addOnCommunicationDeviceChangedListener(executor, listener);

Find BLE audio device

Use getAvailableCommuncationDevices() to see which devices are available for a VoIP call. Use AudioDeviceInfo to see if the device is a BLE headset. This example looks for the first device that supports BLE Audio, but you might also consider finding all supported devices and allowing users to choose.

// Get list of currently available devices
val devices = audioManager.availableCommunicationDevices

// User choose one of the devices, let's say, TYPE_BLE_HEADSET
val userSelectedDeviceType = AudioDeviceInfo.TYPE_BLE_HEADSET

//for the device from the list
var selectedDevice: AudioDeviceInfo? = null
for (device in devices) {
if (device.type == userSelectedDeviceType) {
= device

// Get list of currently available devices

Set communication device

After you find a compatible device, use setCommunicationDevice to set the device you wish to route to. Checking the result informs your app if the audio manager is trying to set the device or if it encountered an error.

val result = audioManager.setCommunicationDevice(selectedDevice)
if (!result) {
// Handle error.
// Wait for currentCommunicationDevice to become selectedDevice with a timeout (e.g. 30s)

boolean result = audioManager.setCommunicationDevice(selectedDevice);
if (!result) {
// Handle error.
// Wait for currentCommunicationDevice to become selectedDevice with a timeout (e.g. 30s)

Now that the BLE Audio device has been set, when placing a call, the audio stream will have the correct audio routing.

End the session

After your app finishes a call or session, clear the active communication device. This helps ensure the user has a great experience when moving between different applications.

// Clear the selection, ready for next call

// Clear the selection, ready for next call