Advanced test setup

Test in Android Studio and Test from the command line explain how to set up and run basic test configurations. However, when your app and its test requirements get more advanced, you may need to adapt your test configurations further. For example, you might need advanced test setup when you want to do the following:

  • Run instrumented tests only for a specific build variant or override its manifest settings.
  • Change the build type your tests run against or configure its Gradle options.
  • Extract your instrumented tests into their own test module.
  • Perform more advanced testing as part of your Continuous Integration setup.

This page describes various ways to configure your tests when the default settings don't fit your needs.

Create an instrumented test for a build variant

If your project includes build variants with unique source sets, you might want to include instrumented tests that correspond to those source sets. This keeps your test code organized and lets you run only the tests that apply to a given build variant.

To link instrumented tests to a build variant, place them in their own source set, located at src/androidTestVariantName.

Instrumented tests in the src/androidTest/ source set are shared by all build variants. When building a test APK for the "MyFlavor" variant of your app, Gradle combines the src/androidTest/ and src/androidTestMyFlavor/ source sets.

To add a testing source set for your build variant in Android Studio, follow these steps:

  1. In the Project window, click the menu and select the Project view.
  2. Within the appropriate module folder, right-click the src folder and click New > Directory.
  3. For the directory name, enter "androidTestVariantName." For example, if you have a build variant called "MyFlavor," use the directory name androidTestMyFlavor.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Right-click the new directory and select New > Directory.
  6. Enter "java" as the directory name, then click OK.

Now you can add tests to this new source set by following the steps to add a new test. When you reach the Choose Destination Directory dialog, select the new variant test source set.

The following table shows an example of how instrumentation test files could reside in source sets that correspond to the app's code source sets:

Table 1. App source code and corresponding instrumentation test files

Path to app class Path to matching instrumentation test class
src/main/java/ src/androidTest/java/
src/myFlavor/java/ src/androidTestMyFlavor/java/

Just as it does for your app source sets, the Gradle build merges and overrides files from different test source sets. In this case, the file in the androidTestMyFlavor source set overrides the version in the androidTest source set. This is because the product flavor source set has priority over the main source set.

When you select different flavors in the build variants selector, the appropriate androidTest folders are displayed in the Android view to show the folders that are used:

MyFlavor variant selected and androidTestMyFlavor folder is shown
        in Android view
Figure 1. MyFlavor variant selected; the androidTestMyFlavor folder displays in the Android view.

The androidTestMyFlavor folder is not shown when a different variant is selected:

OtherFlavor variant selected and androidTestMyFlavor folder is not
            shown in Android view
Figure 2. OtherFlavor variant selected; the androidTestMyFlavor folder does not show in the Android view.

This looks slightly different if you are using the Project view, but the same principle applies:

MyFlavor variant selected and androidTestMyFlavor folder is active
        in Project view
Figure 3. MyFlavor variant selected; the androidTestMyFlavor folder is active in the Project view.

When a different variant is selected, the androidTestMyFlavor folder is still visible, but it is not shown as active:

OtherFlavor variant selected and androidTestMyFlavor folder is not
            active in Project view
Figure 4. OtherFlavor variant selected; the androidTestMyFlavor folder is not active in the Project view.

For more information about how source sets are merged, see Source sets.

Configure instrumentation manifest settings

Instrumented tests are built into a separate APK with its own AndroidManifest.xml file. When Gradle builds your test APK, it automatically generates the AndroidManifest.xml file and configures it with the <instrumentation> node. One of the reasons Gradle configures this node for you is to make sure that the targetPackage property specifies the correct package name of the app under test.

To change other settings for this node, either create another manifest file in the test source set or configure your module-level build.gradle file, as shown in the following code sample. The full list of options can be found in the BaseFlavor API reference.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        testApplicationId "com.example.test"
        testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
        testHandleProfiling true
        testFunctionalTest true
android {
    defaultConfig {
        testApplicationId = "com.example.test"
        testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
        testHandleProfiling = true
        testFunctionalTest = true

Each product flavor you configure can override properties in the defaultConfig {} block. To learn more, go to Configure product flavors.

The properties in the snippet are:

Setting Description
testApplicationId Specifies the application ID for the test APK.
testInstrumentationRunner Specifies the fully qualified class name of the test instrumentation runner.
testHandleProfiling If set to true, enables the instrumentation class to start and stop profiling.
If set to false, profiling occurs the entire time the instrumentation class is running.
testFunctionalTest If set to true, indicates that the Android system should run the instrumentation class as a functional test.
The default value is false.

Change the test build type

By default, all instrumentation tests run against the debug build type. You can change this to another build type by using the testBuildType property in your module-level build.gradle file. For example, if you want to run your tests against your staging build type, edit the file as shown in the following snippet:

android {
    testBuildType "staging"
android {
    testBuildType = "staging"

Configure Gradle test options

The Android Gradle plugin lets you specify certain options for all or just some of your tests. In the module-level build.gradle file, use the testOptions block to specify options that change how Gradle runs all your tests:

android {
    // Encapsulates options for running tests.
    testOptions {
        reportDir "$rootDir/test-reports"
        resultsDir "$rootDir/test-results"
android {
    // Encapsulates options for running tests.
    testOptions {
        reportDir "$rootDir/test-reports"
        resultsDir = "$rootDir/test-results"

The reportDir property changes the directory where Gradle saves test reports. By default, Gradle saves test reports in the path_to_your_project/module_name /build/outputs/reports/ directory. $rootDir sets the path relative to the root directory of the current project.

The resultsDir property changes the directory where Gradle saves test results. By default, Gradle saves test results in the path_to_your_project/module_name /build/outputs/test-results/ directory. $rootDir sets the path relative to the root directory of the current project.

To specify options for only local unit tests, configure the unitTests block inside testOptions.

android {
    testOptions {
        // Encapsulates options for local unit tests.
        unitTests {
            returnDefaultValues true

            all {
                jvmArgs '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m'

                if ( == 'testDebugUnitTest') {
                    systemProperty 'debug', 'true'
android {
    testOptions {
        // Encapsulates options for local unit tests.
        unitTests {
            returnDefaultValues = true

            all {
                jvmArgs = listOf("-XX:MaxPermSize=256m")

                 if ( == "testDebugUnitTest") {
                    systemProperty = mapOf("debug" to "true")

By default, local unit tests throw an exception any time the code you are testing tries to access Android platform APIs, unless you mock Android dependencies yourself or with a testing framework like Mockito. However, you can enable the returnDefaultValues property so that the test returns either null or zero when accessing platform APIs, rather than throwing an exception.

The all block encapsulates options for controlling how Gradle executes local unit tests. For a list of all the options you can specify, read Gradle's reference documentation.

The jvmArgs property sets JVM argument(s) for the test JVM(s).

You can also check the task name to apply options to only the tests you specify. In the example snippet, the debug property is set to true but only for the testDebugUnitTest task.

Use separate test modules for instrumented tests

If you want to have a dedicated module for instrumented tests, to isolate the rest of your code from your tests, create a separate test module and configure its build similar to that of a library module.

To create a test module, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a library module.
  2. In the module-level build.gradle file, apply the plugin instead of
  3. Click Sync Project .

After you create your test module, you can include your test code in the main or variant source set (for example, src/main/java or src/variant/java). If your app module defines multiple product flavors, you can re-create those flavors in your test module. Using variant-aware dependency management, the test module attempts to test the matching flavor in the target module.

By default, test modules contain and test only a debug variant. However, you can create new build types to match the tested app project. To make the test module test a different build type and not the debug one, use VariantFilter to disable the debug variant in the test project, as shown:

android {
    variantFilter { variant ->
        if ('debug')) {
android {
    variantFilter {
        if ( == "debug") {
            ignore = true

If you want a test module to target only certain flavors or build types of an app, you can use the matchingFallbacks property to target only the variants you want to test. This also prevents the test module from having to configure those variants for itself.