TV Provider

Provide Android TV channels.
Latest Update Stable Release Release Candidate Beta Release Alpha Release
August 19, 2020 - - - 1.1.0-alpha01

Declaring dependencies

To add a dependency on TVProvider, you must add the Google Maven repository to your project. Read Google's Maven repository for more information.

Add the dependencies for the artifacts you need in the build.gradle file for your app or module:

dependencies {
    implementation "androidx.tvprovider:tvprovider:"
dependencies {

For more information about dependencies, see Add build dependencies.


Your feedback helps make Jetpack better. Let us know if you discover new issues or have ideas for improving this library. Please take a look at the existing issues in this library before you create a new one. You can add your vote to an existing issue by clicking the star button.

Create a new issue

See the Issue Tracker documentation for more information.

Version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0-alpha01

August 19, 2020

androidx.tvprovider:tvprovider:1.1.0-alpha01 is released. Version 1.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.

Bug Fixes

  • PreviewChannelHelper was made backward compatible with older Android API versions (<26) by doing a no-op now. (aosp/1310579, b/136123939)
  • PreviewChannel now handles the nullability in the setDescription method. (aosp/1310577, b/119800858)