Basé à Varsovie, en Pologne, le développeur de jeux CD Projekt RED (CDPR) a réinventé le mini-jeu introduit dans The Witcher 3 avec GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, lancé en mars 2020 en tant que jeu individuel disponible sans frais sur Google Play. Avec une taille de fichier initiale importante et des mises à jour régulières nécessitant un espace de stockage supplémentaire sur l'appareil, les utilisateurs étaient souvent contraints de réinstaller le jeu complet pour recevoir une version mise à jour. This was the most prominent point of frustration among the game’s community. In an effort to help with differential patching, CDPR has seen great success by implementing Play Asset Delivery.

Ce qu'ils ont fait
CDPR was an early partner to implement Play Asset Delivery (PAD). With three different delivery modes available, they initially implemented on-demand, allowing for asset packs to be installed while the game is running. CDPR then adopted fast-follow delivery, automatically serving over 40 asset packs that ranged in size from 4 MB to 160 MB each, as soon as the game was installed. The benefit of using fast-follow is it permits downloads to happen in the background, even if the user has not opened the game. Upon the next open, the game is updated and ready to be played right away. “It’s the only reliable solution that provides us with all key features: delta patching, in-game and in-store downloading, and dynamic updates,” said Maciej Włodarkiewicz, Lead Producer.
CDPR was particularly pleased with the way PAD helped streamline app updates. They saw major improvement in update rates and reduction in reinstalls thanks to Play Asset Delivery auto-updates and delta patching. With this, CDPR was able to reduce their update size by 90%. An update that used to require download and extra storage space of more than 2GB now only takes a couple hundred MB.
Almost immediately after implementing PAD, CDPR saw a reduction of reinstalls and an increase in the speed of players updating to the latest app version. Entre les versions 7.0 et 7.1 de l'application, le pourcentage d'appareils actifs mis à jour vers la dernière version de l'application a augmenté de près de 10 %, et le nombre d'utilisateurs qui ont désinstallé l'application a diminué de 4,8 fois le premier jour de la sortie de la nouvelle version. Using fast-follow and background downloads, GWENT was able to save users an average of 8 minutes of idle wait time, compared to using a content delivery network.
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