Las devoluciones de llamada de sesiones multimedia llaman a métodos en varias APIs para controlar el reproductor, administrar el foco de audio
y comunicarse con la sesión multimedia
y el servicio de navegador multimedia. Ten en cuenta que
La lógica de MediaSession
que responde a las devoluciones de llamada debe ser coherente. El comportamiento
de la devolución de llamada no debe depender de la identidad del emisor, que podría
una actividad en la misma app que ejecuta MediaSession
o cualquier otra app con una
se conectó a MediaSession
En la siguiente tabla, se resume la forma en la que se distribuyen estas tareas entre las devoluciones de llamada.
onPlay() | onPause() | onStop() | |
Foco de audio | requestFocus() y pasa tu OnAudioFocusChangeListener .Siempre llama a requestFocus() primero y procede solo si se otorga el foco.
Servicio | startService()
Sesión multimedia | setActive(true)
- Actualiza los metadatos y el estado |
- Actualiza los metadatos y el estado | setActive(false)
- Actualiza los metadatos y el estado |
Implementación del reproductor | Inicia el reproductor | Pausar el reproductor | Detén el reproductor |
Demasiado ruidoso | Registra tu BroadcastReceiver
Cancela el registro de tu BroadcastReceiver
Notificaciones | startForeground(notification)
A continuación, se detalla un ejemplo de marco de trabajo para la devolución de llamada:
private val intentFilter = IntentFilter(ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY) // Defined elsewhere... private lateinit var afChangeListener: AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener private val myNoisyAudioStreamReceiver = BecomingNoisyReceiver() private lateinit var myPlayerNotification: MediaStyleNotification private lateinit var mediaSession: MediaSessionCompat private lateinit var service: MediaBrowserService private lateinit var player: SomeKindOfPlayer private lateinit var audioFocusRequest: AudioFocusRequest private val callback = object: MediaSessionCompat.Callback() { override fun onPlay() { val am = context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) as AudioManager // Request audio focus for playback, this registers the afChangeListener audioFocusRequest = AudioFocusRequest.Builder(AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN).run { setOnAudioFocusChangeListener(afChangeListener) setAudioAttributes(AudioAttributes.Builder().run { setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC) build() }) build() } val result = am.requestAudioFocus(audioFocusRequest) if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) { // Start the service startService(Intent(context, // Set the session active (and update metadata and state) mediaSession.isActive = true // start the player (custom call) player.start() // Register BECOME_NOISY BroadcastReceiver registerReceiver(myNoisyAudioStreamReceiver, intentFilter) // Put the service in the foreground, post notification service.startForeground(id, myPlayerNotification) } } public override fun onStop() { val am = context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) as AudioManager // Abandon audio focus am.abandonAudioFocusRequest(audioFocusRequest) unregisterReceiver(myNoisyAudioStreamReceiver) // Stop the service service.stopSelf() // Set the session inactive (and update metadata and state) mediaSession.isActive = false // stop the player (custom call) player.stop() // Take the service out of the foreground service.stopForeground(false) } public override fun onPause() { val am = context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) as AudioManager // Update metadata and state // pause the player (custom call) player.pause() // unregister BECOME_NOISY BroadcastReceiver unregisterReceiver(myNoisyAudioStreamReceiver) // Take the service out of the foreground, retain the notification service.stopForeground(false) } }
private IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY); // Defined elsewhere... private AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener afChangeListener; private BecomingNoisyReceiver myNoisyAudioStreamReceiver = new BecomingNoisyReceiver(); private MediaStyleNotification myPlayerNotification; private MediaSessionCompat mediaSession; private MediaBrowserService service; private SomeKindOfPlayer player; private AudioFocusRequest audioFocusRequest; MediaSessionCompat.Callback callback = new MediaSessionCompat.Callback() { @Override public void onPlay() { AudioManager am = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); // Request audio focus for playback, this registers the afChangeListener AudioAttributes attrs = new AudioAttributes.Builder() .setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC) .build(); audioFocusRequest = new AudioFocusRequest.Builder(AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) .setOnAudioFocusChangeListener(afChangeListener) .setAudioAttributes(attrs) .build(); int result = am.requestAudioFocus(audioFocusRequest); if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) { // Start the service startService(new Intent(context, MediaBrowserService.class)); // Set the session active (and update metadata and state) mediaSession.setActive(true); // start the player (custom call) player.start(); // Register BECOME_NOISY BroadcastReceiver registerReceiver(myNoisyAudioStreamReceiver, intentFilter); // Put the service in the foreground, post notification service.startForeground(id, myPlayerNotification); } } @Override public void onStop() { AudioManager am = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); // Abandon audio focus am.abandonAudioFocusRequest(audioFocusRequest); unregisterReceiver(myNoisyAudioStreamReceiver); // Stop the service service.stopSelf(); // Set the session inactive (and update metadata and state) mediaSession.setActive(false); // stop the player (custom call) player.stop(); // Take the service out of the foreground service.stopForeground(false); } @Override public void onPause() { AudioManager am = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); // Update metadata and state // pause the player (custom call) player.pause(); // unregister BECOME_NOISY BroadcastReceiver unregisterReceiver(myNoisyAudioStreamReceiver); // Take the service out of the foreground, retain the notification service.stopForeground(false); } };