CameraX 用途有兩項輸出內容:緩衝區和轉換資訊。緩衝區為位元組陣列,轉換資訊則說明在向使用者顯示前,該如何裁剪及旋轉緩衝區。套用轉換資訊的方式視緩衝區格式而定。
如果是 ImageCapture
用途,系統會先套用裁剪矩形緩衝區,再儲存至磁碟,並將旋轉資訊儲存在 EXIF 資料中。應用程式不需採取任何額外動作。
如果是 Preview
用途,可以呼叫 SurfaceRequest.setTransformationInfoListener()
來取得轉換資訊。轉換資訊每次更新時,呼叫端都會收到新的 SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo
套用轉換資訊的方式取決於 Surface
的來源,且通常至關重要。如果目標只是要顯示預覽畫面,請使用 PreviewView
是會自動處理轉換資訊的自訂檢視畫面。如果是需要編輯預覽串流 (例如使用 OpenGL) 的進階用途,請參閱 CameraX 核心測試應用程式中的程式碼範例。
以下程式碼片段會建立矩陣,將圖像分析座標對應至 PreviewView
座標。如要使用 Matrix
轉換 (x, y) 座標,請參閱 Matrix.mapPoints()
fun getCorrectionMatrix(imageProxy: ImageProxy, previewView: PreviewView) : Matrix { val cropRect = imageProxy.cropRect val rotationDegrees = imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees val matrix = Matrix() // A float array of the source vertices (crop rect) in clockwise order. val source = floatArrayOf( cropRect.left.toFloat(),, cropRect.right.toFloat(),, cropRect.right.toFloat(), cropRect.bottom.toFloat(), cropRect.left.toFloat(), cropRect.bottom.toFloat() ) // A float array of the destination vertices in clockwise order. val destination = floatArrayOf( 0f, 0f, previewView.width.toFloat(), 0f, previewView.width.toFloat(), previewView.height.toFloat(), 0f, previewView.height.toFloat() ) // The destination vertexes need to be shifted based on rotation degrees. The // rotation degree represents the clockwise rotation needed to correct the image. // Each vertex is represented by 2 float numbers in the vertices array. val vertexSize = 2 // The destination needs to be shifted 1 vertex for every 90° rotation. val shiftOffset = rotationDegrees / 90 * vertexSize; val tempArray = destination.clone() for (toIndex in source.indices) { val fromIndex = (toIndex + shiftOffset) % source.size destination[toIndex] = tempArray[fromIndex] } matrix.setPolyToPoly(source, 0, destination, 0, 4) return matrix }
Matrix getMappingMatrix(ImageProxy imageProxy, PreviewView previewView) { Rect cropRect = imageProxy.getCropRect(); int rotationDegrees = imageProxy.getImageInfo().getRotationDegrees(); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); // A float array of the source vertices (crop rect) in clockwise order. float[] source = { cropRect.left,, cropRect.right,, cropRect.right, cropRect.bottom, cropRect.left, cropRect.bottom }; // A float array of the destination vertices in clockwise order. float[] destination = { 0f, 0f, previewView.getWidth(), 0f, previewView.getWidth(), previewView.getHeight(), 0f, previewView.getHeight() }; // The destination vertexes need to be shifted based on rotation degrees. // The rotation degree represents the clockwise rotation needed to correct // the image. // Each vertex is represented by 2 float numbers in the vertices array. int vertexSize = 2; // The destination needs to be shifted 1 vertex for every 90° rotation. int shiftOffset = rotationDegrees / 90 * vertexSize; float[] tempArray = destination.clone(); for (int toIndex = 0; toIndex < source.length; toIndex++) { int fromIndex = (toIndex + shiftOffset) % source.length; destination[toIndex] = tempArray[fromIndex]; } matrix.setPolyToPoly(source, 0, destination, 0, 4); return matrix; }