Serve content with a MediaLibraryService

Media apps often contain collections of media items, organized in a hierarchy. For example, songs in an album or TV episodes in a playlist. This hierarchy of media items is known as a media library.

Examples of media content arranged in a hierarchy
Figure 1: Examples of media item hierarchies that form a media library.

A MediaLibraryService provides a standardized API to serve and access your media library. This can be helpful, for example, when adding support for Android Auto to your media app, which provides its own driver-safe UI for your media library.

Build a MediaLibraryService

Implementing a MediaLibraryService is similar to implementing a MediaSessionService, except that in the onGetSession() method, you should return a MediaLibrarySession instead of a MediaSession.

class PlaybackService : MediaLibraryService() {
  var mediaLibrarySession: MediaLibrarySession? = null
  var callback: MediaLibrarySession.Callback = object : MediaLibrarySession.Callback {...}

  // If desired, validate the controller before returning the media library session
  override fun onGetSession(controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo): MediaLibrarySession? =

  // Create your player and media library session in the onCreate lifecycle event
  override fun onCreate() {
    val player = ExoPlayer.Builder(this).build()
    mediaLibrarySession = MediaLibrarySession.Builder(this, player, callback).build()

  // Remember to release the player and media library session in onDestroy
  override fun onDestroy() {
    mediaLibrarySession?.run { 
      mediaLibrarySession = null
class PlaybackService extends MediaLibraryService {
  MediaLibrarySession mediaLibrarySession = null;
  MediaLibrarySession.Callback callback = new MediaLibrarySession.Callback() {...};

  public MediaLibrarySession onGetSession(MediaSession.ControllerInfo controllerInfo) {
    // If desired, validate the controller before returning the media library session
    return mediaLibrarySession;

  // Create your player and media library session in the onCreate lifecycle event
  public void onCreate() {
    ExoPlayer player = new ExoPlayer.Builder(this).build();
    mediaLibrarySession = new MediaLibrarySession.Builder(this, player, callback).build();

  // Remember to release the player and media library session in onDestroy
  public void onDestroy() {
    if (mediaLibrarySession != null) {
      mediaLibrarySession = null;

Remember to declare your Service and required permissions in the manifest file as well:

        <action android:name="androidx.media3.session.MediaSessionService"/>

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
<!-- For targetSdk 34+ -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK" />

Use a MediaLibrarySession

The MediaLibraryService API expects your media library to be structured in a tree format, with a single root node and children nodes that may be playable or further browsable.

A MediaLibrarySession extends the MediaSession API to add content browsing APIs. Compared to the MediaSession callback, the MediaLibrarySession callback adds methods such as:

  • onGetLibraryRoot() for when a client requests the root MediaItem of a content tree
  • onGetChildren() for when a client requests the children of a MediaItem in the content tree
  • onGetSearchResult() for when a client requests search results from the content tree for a given query

Relevant callback methods will include a LibraryParams object with additional signals about the type of content tree that a client app is interested in.

Command buttons for media items

A session app can declare command buttons that are supported by a MediaItem in the MediaMetadata. This allows to assign one or more CommandButton entries to a media item that a controller can display and use for sending the custom command for the item to the session in a convenient way.

Setup command buttons on the session side

When building the session, a session app declares the set of command buttons that a session can handle as custom commands:

val allCommandButtons =
      .setDisplayName("Add to playlist")
      .setSessionCommand(SessionCommand(COMMAND_PLAYLIST_ADD, Bundle.EMPTY))
      .setSessionCommand(SessionCommand(COMMAND_RADIO, Bundle.EMPTY))
    // possibly more here

// Add all command buttons for media items supported by the session.
val session =
  MediaSession.Builder(context, player)
ImmutableList<CommandButton> allCommandButtons =
        new CommandButton.Builder(CommandButton.ICON_PLAYLIST_ADD)
            .setDisplayName("Add to playlist")
            .setSessionCommand(new SessionCommand(COMMAND_PLAYLIST_ADD, Bundle.EMPTY))
        new CommandButton.Builder(CommandButton.ICON_RADIO)
            .setDisplayName("Radio station")
            .setSessionCommand(new SessionCommand(COMMAND_RADIO, Bundle.EMPTY))

// Add all command buttons for media items supported by the session.
MediaSession session =
    new MediaSession.Builder(context, player)

When building a media item, a session app can add a set of supported command IDs that reference session commands of command buttons that have been setup when building the session:

val mediaItem =
        .setSupportedCommands(listOf(COMMAND_PLAYLIST_ADD, COMMAND_RADIO))
MediaItem mediaItem =
    new MediaItem.Builder()
            new MediaMetadata.Builder()
                .setSupportedCommands(ImmutableList.of(COMMAND_PLAYLIST_ADD, COMMAND_RADIO))

When a controller or browser connects or calls another method of the session Callback, the session app can inspect the ControllerInfo passed to the callback to get the maximum number of command buttons a controller or browser can display. The ControllerInfo passed into a callback method provides a getter to access this value conveniently. By default the value is set to 0 which indicates that the browser or controller doesn't support this feature:

override fun onGetItem(
  session: MediaLibrarySession,
  browser: MediaSession.ControllerInfo,
  mediaId: String,
): ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> {

  val settableFuture = SettableFuture.create<LibraryResult<MediaItem>>()

  val maxCommandsForMediaItems = browser.maxCommandsForMediaItems
  scope.launch {
    loadMediaItem(settableFuture, mediaId, maxCommandsForMediaItems)

  return settableFuture
public ListenableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> onGetItem(
    MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession session, ControllerInfo browser, String mediaId) {

  SettableFuture<LibraryResult<MediaItem>> settableFuture = SettableFuture.create();

  int maxCommandsForMediaItems = browser.getMaxCommandsForMediaItems();
  loadMediaItemAsync(settableFuture, mediaId, maxCommandsForMediaItems);

  return settableFuture;

When handling a custom action that has been sent for a media item, the session app can get the media item ID from the arguments Bundle passed into onCustomCommand:

override fun onCustomCommand(
  session: MediaSession,
  controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo,
  customCommand: SessionCommand,
  args: Bundle,
): ListenableFuture<SessionResult> {
  val mediaItemId = args.getString(MediaConstants.EXTRA_KEY_MEDIA_ID)
  return if (mediaItemId != null)
    handleCustomCommandForMediaItem(controller, customCommand, mediaItemId, args)
  else handleCustomCommand(controller, customCommand, args)
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> onCustomCommand(
    MediaSession session,
    ControllerInfo controller,
    SessionCommand customCommand,
    Bundle args) {
  String mediaItemId = args.getString(MediaConstants.EXTRA_KEY_MEDIA_ID);
  return mediaItemId != null
      ? handleCustomCommandForMediaItem(controller, customCommand, mediaItemId, args)
      : handleCustomCommand(controller, customCommand, args);

Use command buttons as a browser or controller

On the MediaController side, an app can declare the maximum number of command buttons it supports for a media item when building the MediaController or MediaBrowser:

val browserFuture =
  MediaBrowser.Builder(context, sessionToken)
ListenableFuture<MediaBrowser> browserFuture =
    new MediaBrowser.Builder(context, sessionToken)

When connected to the session, the controller app can receive the command buttons that are supported by the media item and for which the controller has the available command granted by the session app:

val commandButtonsForMediaItem: List<CommandButton> =
ImmutableList<CommandButton> commandButtonsForMediaItem =

For convenience a MediaController can send media item specific custom commands with MediaController.sendCustomCommand(SessionCommand, MediaItem, Bundle):

controller.sendCustomCommand(addToPlaylistButton.sessionCommand!!, mediaItem, Bundle.EMPTY)
    checkNotNull(addToPlaylistButton.sessionCommand), mediaItem, Bundle.EMPTY);