Benchmark in Continuous Integration

You can run benchmarks in Continuous Integration (CI) to track performance over time and recognize performance regressions—or improvements—before your app even releases. This page provides basic information about benchmarking in CI.

Before getting started with benchmarking in CI, consider how capturing and evaluating results differs from regular tests.

Fuzzy results

Although benchmarks are instrumented tests, results aren't just a pass or fail. Benchmarks provide timing measurements for the given device they run on. Graphing results over time lets you monitor change and observe noise in the measurement system.

Use real devices

Run benchmarks on physical Android devices. While they can run on emulators, it's strongly discouraged because it doesn't represent a realistic user experience and instead provides numbers tied to the host OS and hardware capabilities. Consider using real devices or a service that lets you run tests on real devices, such as Firebase Test Lab.

Run the benchmarks

Running the benchmarks as part of your CI pipeline may be different than running it locally from Android Studio. Locally, you typically run the Android integration tests with one Gradle connectedCheck task. This task automatically builds your APK and test APK and runs the tests on the device(s) connected to the CI server. When running in CI, this flow usually needs to be split into separate phases.


For the Microbenchmark library, run the Gradle task assemble[VariantName]AndroidTest, which creates your test APK that contains both your application code as well as your tested code.

Alternatively, Macrobenchmark library requires you to build your target APK and test APK separately. Therefore run :app:assemble[VariantName] and :macrobenchmark:assemble[VariantName] Gradle tasks.

Install and run

These steps are typically done without needing to run Gradle tasks. Note, they may be abstracted depending on whether you use a service that lets you run tests on real devices.

For installation, use the adb install command and specify the test APK or the target APK.

Run the adb shell am instrument command to run all the benchmarks:

adb shell am instrument -w com.example.benchmark/androidx.benchmark.junit4.AndroidBenchmarkRunner

When using the Macrobenchmark library, use regular androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner as instrumentation runner.

You can pass the same instrumentation arguments as in the Gradle configuration using -e argument. For all the instrumentation arguments options, see Microbenchmark Instrumentation Arguments or Add instrumentation arguments for Macrobenchmark.

For example, you can set the dryRunMode argument to run microbenchmarks as part of your pull request verification process. With this flag enabled, microbenchmarks run only in single loop, verifying they are running correctly but not taking too long to execute.

adb shell am instrument -w -e "androidx.benchmark.dryRunMode.enable" "true" com.example.benchmark/androidx.benchmark.junit4.AndroidBenchmarkRunner

For more information on how to run instrumentation tests from the command line, see Run tests with ADB.

Lock clocks

The Microbenchmark Gradle plugin provides the command ./gradlew lockClocks to lock the CPU clocks of a rooted device. This is useful for ensuring stability when you have access to rooted devices, such as "userdebug" builds. You can replicate this with the shell script, available in the library's source.

You can either run the script directly from a Linux or Mac host, or you can push to the device with a few adb commands:

adb push path/ /data/local/tmp/
adb shell /data/local/tmp/
adb shell rm /data/local/tmp/

If you run the shell script directly on a host, it dispatches these commands to a connected device.

For more information on why it is helpful to lock the CPU clocks, see how to obtain consistent benchmarks.

Collect the results

The benchmarking libraries output measurements in JSON, along with profiling traces to a directory on the Android-powered device after each benchmark run. Macrobenchmark library outputs multiple perfetto trace files: one per measured iteration of each MacrobenchmarkRule.measureRepeated loop. Microbenchmark, however, creates just one trace file for all the iterations of each BenchmarkRule.measureRepeated. Profiling trace files are also output to this same directory.

Save and locate the files

If you run the benchmarks with Gradle, these files are automatically copied to your host computer's outputs directory under build/outputs/connected_android_test_additional_output/debugAndroidTest/connected/.

If running directly with the adb command, you need to pull the files manually. By default, the reports are saved on-device in the media directory of the tested app's external storage. For convenience, the library prints the path of the file into Logcat. Note, that the output folder may be different depending on which Android version the benchmarks are running on.

Benchmark: writing results to /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.example.macrobenchmark/com.example.macrobenchmark-benchmarkData.json

You can also configure the location where benchmark reports are saved on the device using the instrumentation argument additionalTestOutputDir. This folder must be writable by your app.

adb shell am instrument -w -e additionalTestOutputDir /sdcard/Download/ com.example.benchmark/androidx.benchmark.junit4.AndroidBenchmarkRunner

On Android 10 (API level 29) and higher, your app's tests run in a storage sandbox by default which prevents your app from accessing files outside of the app-specific directory. To be able to save into a global directory, such as /sdcard/Download, pass the following instrumentation argument:

-e no-isolated-storage true

You also must explicitly allow legacy storage options in your benchmark's manifest:

<application android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" ... >

For more information, see Temporarily opt-out of scoped storage.

Retrieve the files

In order to retrieve the generated files from the device, use the adb pull command, which pulls the specified file into the current directory on your host:

adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.example.macrobenchmark/com.example.macrobenchmark-benchmarkData.json

To retrieve all of the benchmarkData from a specified folder, check the following snippet:

# The following command pulls all files ending in -benchmarkData.json from the directory
# hierarchy starting at the root /storage/emulated/0/Android.
adb shell find /sdcard/Download -name "*-benchmarkData.json" | tr -d '\r' | xargs -n1 adb pull

The trace files (.trace or .perfetto-trace) are saved in the same folder as the benchmarkData.json, thus you can collect them in the same way.

Benchmark data example

The benchmark libraries generate JSON files containing information about the device it was running the benchmarks on and the actual benchmarks it ran. The following snippet represents the generated JSON file:

    "context": {
        "build": {
            "brand": "google",
            "device": "blueline",
            "fingerprint": "google/blueline/blueline:12/SP1A.210812.015/7679548:user/release-keys",
            "model": "Pixel 3",
            "version": {
                "sdk": 31
        "cpuCoreCount": 8,
        "cpuLocked": false,
        "cpuMaxFreqHz": 2803200000,
        "memTotalBytes": 3753299968,
        "sustainedPerformanceModeEnabled": false
    "benchmarks": [
            "name": "startup",
            "params": {},
            "className": "com.example.macrobenchmark.startup.SampleStartupBenchmark",
            "totalRunTimeNs": 4975598256,
            "metrics": {
                "timeToInitialDisplayMs": {
                    "minimum": 347.881076,
                    "maximum": 347.881076,
                    "median": 347.881076,
                    "runs": [
            "sampledMetrics": {},
            "warmupIterations": 0,
            "repeatIterations": 3,
            "thermalThrottleSleepSeconds": 0

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