Unlike most Android UI tests, Macrobenchmark tests run in a separate process from the app itself. This is necessary to enable things like stopping the app process and compiling from DEX bytecode to machine code.
You can drive your app's state using the UIAutomator library or other
mechanisms that can control the target app from the test process.
You can't use Espresso or ActivityScenario
Macrobenchmark because they expect to run in a shared process with the app.
The following example finds a RecyclerView
using its resource ID and
scrolls down several times:
fun scrollList() {
// ...
setupBlock = {
// Before starting to measure, navigate to the UI to be measured
val intent = Intent("$packageName.RECYCLER_VIEW_ACTIVITY")
) {
val recycler = device.findObject(By.res(packageName, "recycler"))
// Set gesture margin to avoid triggering gesture navigation
// with input events from automation.
recycler.setGestureMargin(device.displayWidth / 5)
// Scroll down several times
repeat(3) { recycler.fling(Direction.DOWN) }
public void scrollList() {
// ...
/* setupBlock */ scope -> {
// Before measuring, navigate to the UI to be measured.
val intent = Intent("$packageName.RECYCLER_VIEW_ACTIVITY")
return Unit.INSTANCE;
/* measureBlock */ scope -> {
UiDevice device = scope.getDevice();
UiObject2 recycler = device.findObject(By.res(scope.getPackageName(), "recycler"));
// Set gesture margin to avoid triggering gesture navigation
// with input events from automation.
recycler.setGestureMargin(device.getDisplayWidth() / 5);
// Fling the recycler several times.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
return Unit.INSTANCE;
Your benchmark doesn't have to scroll the UI. Instead, it can run an animation, for example. It also doesn't need to use UI Automator specifically. It collects performance metrics as long as frames are being produced by the view system, including frames produced by Jetpack Compose.
Navigate to internal parts of the app
Sometimes you want to benchmark parts of your app that aren't directly
accessible from outside. This might be, for example, accessing inner Activities
that are marked with exported=false
, navigating to a Fragment
, or swiping
some part of your UI away. The benchmarks need to manually navigate to these
parts of the app like a user.
To manually navigate, change the code inside setupBlock{}
to contain the
effect you want, such as button tap or swipe. Your measureBlock{}
only the UI manipulation you want to actually benchmark:
fun nonExportedActivityScrollList() {
// ...
setupBlock = setupBenchmark()
) {
// ...
private fun setupBenchmark(): MacrobenchmarkScope.() -> Unit = {
// Before starting to measure, navigate to the UI to be measured
// click a button to launch the target activity.
// While we use button text here to find the button, you could also use
// accessibility info or resourceId.
val selector = By.text("RecyclerView")
if (!device.wait(Until.hasObject(selector), 5_500)) {
fail("Could not find resource in time")
val launchRecyclerActivity = device.findObject(selector)
// wait until the activity is shown
public void scrollList() {
// ...
/* setupBlock */ scope -> {
// Before measuring, navigate to the default activity.
// Click a button to launch the target activity.
// While you use resourceId here to find the button, you can also
// use accessibility info or button text content.
UiObject2 launchRecyclerActivity = scope.getDevice().findObject(
By.res(packageName, "launchRecyclerActivity")
// Wait until activity is shown.
return Unit.INSTANCE;
/* measureBlock */ scope -> {
// ...
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