It is often desirable to play media while an app is not in the foreground. For example, a music player generally keeps playing music when the user has locked their device or is using another app. The Media3 library provides a series of interfaces that allow you to support background playback.
Use a MediaSessionService
To enable background playback, you should contain the Player
inside a separate Service.
This allows the device to continue serving media even while your app is not in
the foreground.

allows the media
session to run separately from the app's activityWhen hosting a player inside a Service, you should use a MediaSessionService
To do this, create a class that extends MediaSessionService
and create your
media session inside of it.
Using MediaSessionService
makes it possible for external clients like Google
Assistant, system media controls, or companion devices like Wear OS to discover
your service, connect to it, and control playback, all without accessing your
app's UI activity at all. In fact, there can be multiple client apps connected
to the same MediaSessionService
at the same time, each app with its own
Implement the service lifecycle
You need to implement three lifecycle methods of your service:
is called when the first controller is about to connect and the service is instantiated and started. It's the best place to buildPlayer
is called when the user dismisses the app from the recent tasks. If playback is ongoing, you can choose to keep the service running in the foreground, otherwise the service needs to be stopped.onDestroy()
is called when the service is being stopped. All resources including player and session need to be released.
class PlaybackService : MediaSessionService() { private var mediaSession: MediaSession? = null // Create your player and media session in the onCreate lifecycle event override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() val player = ExoPlayer.Builder(this).build() mediaSession = MediaSession.Builder(this, player).build() } // Remember to release the player and media session in onDestroy override fun onDestroy() { mediaSession?.run { player.release() release() mediaSession = null } super.onDestroy() } }
public class PlaybackService extends MediaSessionService { private MediaSession mediaSession = null; // Create your Player and MediaSession in the onCreate lifecycle event @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); ExoPlayer player = new ExoPlayer.Builder(this).build(); mediaSession = new MediaSession.Builder(this, player).build(); } // Remember to release the player and media session in onDestroy @Override public void onDestroy() { mediaSession.getPlayer().release(); mediaSession.release(); mediaSession = null; super.onDestroy(); } }
As an alternative of keeping playback ongoing in the background, you can stop the service in any case when the user dismisses the app:
override fun onTaskRemoved(rootIntent: Intent?) { pauseAllPlayersAndStopSelf() }
@Override public void onTaskRemoved(@Nullable Intent rootIntent) { pauseAllPlayersAndStopSelf(); }
For any other manual implementation of onTaskRemoved
, you can use
to check if the playback is considered ongoing and the
foreground service is started.
Provide access to the media session
Override the onGetSession()
method to give other clients access to your media
session that was built when the service was created.
class PlaybackService : MediaSessionService() { private var mediaSession: MediaSession? = null // [...] lifecycle methods omitted override fun onGetSession(controllerInfo: MediaSession.ControllerInfo): MediaSession? = mediaSession }
public class PlaybackService extends MediaSessionService { private MediaSession mediaSession = null; // [...] lifecycle methods omitted @Override public MediaSession onGetSession(MediaSession.ControllerInfo controllerInfo) { return mediaSession; } }
Declare the service in the manifest
An app requires permission to run a foreground service. Add the
permission to the manifest, and if you target API 34 and
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK" />
You must also declare your Service
class in the manifest with an intent filter
of MediaSessionService
<action android:name="androidx.media3.session.MediaSessionService"/>
You must define a
that includes mediaPlayback
when your app is running on a device with Android
10 (API level 29) and higher.
Control playback using a MediaController
In the Activity or Fragment containing your player UI, you can establish a link
between the UI and your media session using a MediaController
. Your UI uses
the media controller to send commands from your UI to the player within the
session. See the
Create a MediaController
guide for details on creating and using a MediaController
Handle UI commands
The MediaSession
receives commands from the controller through its
. Initializing a MediaSession
creates a default
implementation of MediaSession.Callback
that automatically handles all
commands a MediaController
sends to your player.
A MediaSessionService
automatically creates a MediaNotification
for you that
should work in most cases. By default, the published notification is a
that stays updated with the latest information
from your media session and displays playback controls. The MediaNotification
is aware of your session and can be used to control playback for any other apps
that are connected to the same session.
For example, a music streaming app using a MediaSessionService
would create a
that displays the title, artist, and album art for the
current media item being played alongside playback controls based on your
The required metadata can be provided in the media or declared as part of the media item as in the following snippet:
val mediaItem = MediaItem.Builder() .setMediaId("media-1") .setUri(mediaUri) .setMediaMetadata( MediaMetadata.Builder() .setArtist("David Bowie") .setTitle("Heroes") .setArtworkUri(artworkUri) .build() ) .build() mediaController.setMediaItem(mediaItem) mediaController.prepare()
MediaItem mediaItem = new MediaItem.Builder() .setMediaId("media-1") .setUri(mediaUri) .setMediaMetadata( new MediaMetadata.Builder() .setArtist("David Bowie") .setTitle("Heroes") .setArtworkUri(artworkUri) .build()) .build(); mediaController.setMediaItem(mediaItem); mediaController.prepare();;
Apps can customize the command buttons of Android Media controls. Read more about customizing Android Media controls.
Notification customization
To customize the notification, create a
with DefaultMediaNotificationProvider.Builder
or by creating a custom implementation of the provider interface. Add your
provider to your MediaSessionService
Playback resumption
Media buttons are hardware buttons found on Android devices and other peripheral devices, such as the play or pause button on a Bluetooth headset. Media3 handles media button inputs for you when the service is running.
Declare the Media3 media button receiver
Media3 includes an API to enable users to resume
playback after an app has terminated and even after the device has been
restarted. By default, playback resumption is turned off. This means the user
can't resume playback when your service isn't running. To opt-in, start by
declaring the MediaButtonReceiver
in your manifest:
<receiver android:name="androidx.media3.session.MediaButtonReceiver"
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON" />
Implement playback resumption callback
When playback resumption is requested by either a Bluetooth device or the
Android System UI resumption feature,
the onPlaybackResumption()
callback method is called.
override fun onPlaybackResumption( mediaSession: MediaSession, controller: ControllerInfo ): ListenableFuture<MediaItemsWithStartPosition> { val settable = SettableFuture.create<MediaItemsWithStartPosition>() scope.launch { // Your app is responsible for storing the playlist and the start position // to use here val resumptionPlaylist = restorePlaylist() settable.set(resumptionPlaylist) } return settable }
@Override public ListenableFuture<MediaItemsWithStartPosition> onPlaybackResumption( MediaSession mediaSession, ControllerInfo controller ) { SettableFuture<MediaItemsWithStartPosition> settableFuture = SettableFuture.create(); settableFuture.addListener(() -> { // Your app is responsible for storing the playlist and the start position // to use here MediaItemsWithStartPosition resumptionPlaylist = restorePlaylist(); settableFuture.set(resumptionPlaylist); }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); return settableFuture; }
If you've stored other parameters such as playback speed, repeat mode, or
shuffle mode, onPlaybackResumption()
is a good place to configure the player
with these parameters before Media3 prepares the player and starts playback when
the callback completes.
Advanced controller configuration and backward compatibility
A common scenario is using a MediaController
in the app UI for controlling
playback and displaying the playlist. At the same time, the session is exposed
to external clients like Android media controls and Assistant on mobile or TV,
Wear OS for watches and Android Auto in cars. The Media3 session demo app
is an example of an app that implements such a scenario.
These external clients may use APIs like MediaControllerCompat
of the legacy
AndroidX library or
of the Android
framework. Media3 is fully backward compatible with the legacy library and
provides interoperability with the Android framework API.
Use the media notification controller
It's important to understand that these legacy or framework controllers read the
same values from the framework PlaybackState.getActions()
. To determine actions and custom actions of
the framework session, an app can use the media notification controller
and set its available commands and custom layout. The service connects the media
notification controller to your session, and the session uses the
returned by your callback's onConnect()
to configure
actions and custom actions of the framework session.
Given a mobile-only scenario, an app can provide an implementation of
to set available commands and
custom layout specifically for the framework session as follows:
override fun onConnect( session: MediaSession, controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo ): ConnectionResult { if (session.isMediaNotificationController(controller)) { val sessionCommands = ConnectionResult.DEFAULT_SESSION_COMMANDS.buildUpon() .add(customCommandSeekBackward) .add(customCommandSeekForward) .build() val playerCommands = ConnectionResult.DEFAULT_PLAYER_COMMANDS.buildUpon() .remove(COMMAND_SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS) .remove(COMMAND_SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS_MEDIA_ITEM) .remove(COMMAND_SEEK_TO_NEXT) .remove(COMMAND_SEEK_TO_NEXT_MEDIA_ITEM) .build() // Custom layout and available commands to configure the legacy/framework session. return AcceptedResultBuilder(session) .setCustomLayout( ImmutableList.of( createSeekBackwardButton(customCommandSeekBackward), createSeekForwardButton(customCommandSeekForward)) ) .setAvailablePlayerCommands(playerCommands) .setAvailableSessionCommands(sessionCommands) .build() } // Default commands with default custom layout for all other controllers. return AcceptedResultBuilder(session).build() }
@Override public ConnectionResult onConnect( MediaSession session, MediaSession.ControllerInfo controller) { if (session.isMediaNotificationController(controller)) { SessionCommands sessionCommands = ConnectionResult.DEFAULT_SESSION_COMMANDS .buildUpon() .add(customCommandSeekBackward) .add(customCommandSeekForward) .build(); Player.Commands playerCommands = ConnectionResult.DEFAULT_PLAYER_COMMANDS .buildUpon() .remove(COMMAND_SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS) .remove(COMMAND_SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS_MEDIA_ITEM) .remove(COMMAND_SEEK_TO_NEXT) .remove(COMMAND_SEEK_TO_NEXT_MEDIA_ITEM) .build(); // Custom layout and available commands to configure the legacy/framework session. return new AcceptedResultBuilder(session) .setCustomLayout( ImmutableList.of( createSeekBackwardButton(customCommandSeekBackward), createSeekForwardButton(customCommandSeekForward))) .setAvailablePlayerCommands(playerCommands) .setAvailableSessionCommands(sessionCommands) .build(); } // Default commands without default custom layout for all other controllers. return new AcceptedResultBuilder(session).build(); }
Authorize Android Auto to send custom commands
When using a MediaLibraryService
and to support Android Auto with the mobile app, the Android Auto controller
requires appropriate available commands, otherwise Media3 would deny
incoming custom commands from that controller:
override fun onConnect( session: MediaSession, controller: MediaSession.ControllerInfo ): ConnectionResult { val sessionCommands = ConnectionResult.DEFAULT_SESSION_AND_LIBRARY_COMMANDS.buildUpon() .add(customCommandSeekBackward) .add(customCommandSeekForward) .build() if (session.isMediaNotificationController(controller)) { // [...] See above. } else if (session.isAutoCompanionController(controller)) { // Available session commands to accept incoming custom commands from Auto. return AcceptedResultBuilder(session) .setAvailableSessionCommands(sessionCommands) .build() } // Default commands with default custom layout for all other controllers. return AcceptedResultBuilder(session).build() }
@Override public ConnectionResult onConnect( MediaSession session, MediaSession.ControllerInfo controller) { SessionCommands sessionCommands = ConnectionResult.DEFAULT_SESSION_COMMANDS .buildUpon() .add(customCommandSeekBackward) .add(customCommandSeekForward) .build(); if (session.isMediaNotificationController(controller)) { // [...] See above. } else if (session.isAutoCompanionController(controller)) { // Available commands to accept incoming custom commands from Auto. return new AcceptedResultBuilder(session) .setAvailableSessionCommands(sessionCommands) .build(); } // Default commands without default custom layout for all other controllers. return new AcceptedResultBuilder(session).build(); }
The session demo app has an automotive module, that demonstrates support for Automotive OS that requires a separate APK.