Sync data items with the Data Layer API

A DataItem defines the interface that the system uses to synchronize data between handhelds and wearables. A DataItem generally consists of the following components:

  • Payload: A byte array that you can set with data, letting you do your own object serialization and deserialization. The size of the payload is limited to 100 KB.
  • Path: A unique string that must start with a forward slash, such as "/path/to/data".

Note: The Data Layer API can only send messages and synchronize data with Android phones or Wear OS watches. If your Wear OS device is paired with an iOS device, the Data Layer API won't work.

For this reason, don't use the Data Layer API as the primary way to communicate with a network. Instead, follow the same pattern as a mobile app, with some minor differences.

You normally don't implement DataItem directly. Instead, you do the following:

  1. Create a PutDataRequest object, specifying a string path to uniquely identify the item.
  2. Call setData() to set the payload.
  3. If a delay in syncing would negatively impact user experience, call setUrgent().
  4. Use the putDataItem method of the DataClient class to request that the system create the data item.

When requesting data items, the system returns objects that properly implement the DataItem interface. However, instead of working with raw bytes using setData(), we recommend that you use a data map, which exposes a data item with a Bundle-like interface.

For more information, see the DataLayer Sample app.

Sync data with a data map

When possible, use the DataMap class. This approach lets you work with data items in the form of an Android Bundle, so the system does object serialization and deserialization for you, and you can manipulate data with key-value pairs.

To use a data map:

  1. Create a PutDataMapRequest object, setting the path of the data item.

    Note: The path string is a unique identifier for the data item that lets you access it from either side of the connection. The path must begin with a forward slash. If you're using hierarchical data in your app, create a path scheme that matches the structure of the data.

  2. Call PutDataMapRequest.getDataMap() to obtain a data map that you can set values on.
  3. Set values for the data map using the put...() methods, such as putString().
  4. If a delay in syncing would negatively impact user experience, call setUrgent().
  5. Call PutDataMapRequest.asPutDataRequest() to obtain a PutDataRequest object.
  6. Use the putDataItem method of the DataClient class to request that the system create the data item.

    Note: If the handset and wearable devices are disconnected, the data is buffered and synced when the connection is re-established.

The increaseCounter() method in the following example shows how to create a data map and put data in it:

private const val COUNT_KEY = "com.example.key.count"

class MainActivity : Activity() {

    private lateinit var dataClient: DataClient
    private var count = 0
    // Create a data map and put data in it
    private fun increaseCounter() {
        val putDataReq: PutDataRequest = PutDataMapRequest.create("/count").run {
            dataMap.putInt(COUNT_KEY, count++)
        val putDataTask: Task<DataItem> = dataClient.putDataItem(putDataReq)
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
    private static final String COUNT_KEY = "com.example.key.count";
    private DataClient dataClient;
    private int count = 0;
    // Create a data map and put data in it
    private void increaseCounter() {
        PutDataMapRequest putDataMapReq = PutDataMapRequest.create("/count");
        putDataMapReq.getDataMap().putInt(COUNT_KEY, count++);
        PutDataRequest putDataReq = putDataMapReq.asPutDataRequest();
        Task<DataItem> putDataTask = dataClient.putDataItem(putDataReq);

For more information about handling Tasks, see the reference documentation.

Set DataItem priority

The DataClient API allows urgent requests for syncing of DataItem objects. Normally, the system delays delivery of data items to the Wear OS network to improve battery life for user devices, but if a delay in syncing data items negatively impacts user experience, you can mark them as urgent. For example, in a remote control app where the user expects their actions to be reflected immediately, you can have the system sync your data items immediately by calling setUrgent().

If you don't call setUrgent(), the system might delay up to 30 minutes before syncing non-urgent data items, though you can usually expect the delay to be only a few minutes. The default urgency is non-urgent, so you must use setUrgent() if you need to retain the immediate-sync behavior from previous versions of the Wear OS API.

Listen for data item events

If one side of the data layer connection changes a data item, notify the user of any changes on the other side of the connection. You can do this by implementing a listener for data item events.

The code snippet in the following example notifies the app when the value of the counter defined in the previous example changes:

private const val COUNT_KEY = "com.example.key.count"

class MainActivity : Activity(), DataClient.OnDataChangedListener {

    private var count = 0

    override fun onResume() {

    override fun onPause() {

    override fun onDataChanged(dataEvents: DataEventBuffer) {
        dataEvents.forEach { event ->
            // DataItem changed
            if (event.type == DataEvent.TYPE_CHANGED) {
                event.dataItem.also { item ->
                    if (item.uri.path.compareTo("/count") == 0) {
                        DataMapItem.fromDataItem(item).dataMap.apply {
            } else if (event.type == DataEvent.TYPE_DELETED) {
                // DataItem deleted

    // Method to update the count
    private fun updateCount(int: Int) { ... }
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements DataClient.OnDataChangedListener {
    private static final String COUNT_KEY = "com.example.key.count";
    private int count = 0;

    protected void onResume() {

    protected void onPause() {

    public void onDataChanged(DataEventBuffer dataEvents) {
        for (DataEvent event : dataEvents) {
            if (event.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_CHANGED) {
                // DataItem changed
                DataItem item = event.getDataItem();
                if (item.getUri().getPath().compareTo("/count") == 0) {
                    DataMap dataMap = DataMapItem.fromDataItem(item).getDataMap();
            } else if (event.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_DELETED) {
                // DataItem deleted

    // Method to update the count
    private void updateCount(int c) { ... }

This activity implements the DataClient.OnDataChangedListener interface. The activity adds itself as a listener for data item events inside the onResume() method and removes the listener in the onPause() method. To see an implementation using images, view models, and services, see the DataLayer Sample app.

You can also implement the listener as a service. For more information, see Listen for Data Layer events.