Prepare your app for behavior changes in Wear OS 4

Wear OS 4 is based on Android 13 (API level 33), which is several versions higher than the version on which Wear OS 3 is based, Android 11 (API level 30). So when you prepare your Wear OS app for use on Wear OS 4, you need to handle the system behavior changes that take effect for all apps in Android 12 and Android 13.

You can further improve your app's compatibility with this version of Wear OS by targeting Android 13 (API level 33).

Changes to permissions

The following changes related to permissions are most likely to affect your Wear OS app on a device that runs Wear OS 4 or higher.

Notification permission

The allow option is the first button in the dialog
Figure 1. The system permissions dialog that asks users to let your Wear OS app post notifications. Users can choose between Allow and Don't allow.

In most cases, users must grant a notification runtime permission for your app, including when your app posts notifications of ongoing activities.

Note: The notification permission doesn't apply to bridged notifications, as well as several specific use cases that are exempt, such as those related to media sessions.

When users install your app on a device that runs Wear OS 4 or higher, your app's notifications are off by default. Before you post a local notification or launch an ongoing activity, check whether your app is allowed to post notifications by calling areNotificationsEnabled(). If this method returns true, your app can show notifications. If your app doesn't have the proper permission, these notifications silently fail without any runtime exceptions being thrown.

When you request the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission in your app, users see the system permissions dialog that appears in figure 1.

Background body sensors permission

On a device that runs Wear OS 4 or higher, users must grant your app permission to get information from common body sensors, such as heart rate, in the background.

Learn more in the guide to requesting background access to body sensor data.

Approximate location permission

On a device that runs Wear OS 4 or higher, users can request that your app retrieve only approximate location information, even when your app requests the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION runtime permission.

Check that your app can still fulfill its key use cases, such as showing a running route, if the user grants only approximate location. In particular, when using Health Services on Wear OS, take position errors into account.

Learn more about how the user can grant only approximate location.

Changes to app components and navigation

The following changes related to app components and navigation are most likely to affect your Wear OS app on a device that runs Wear OS 4 or higher.

Intent filters block non-matching intents

When your app sends an intent to an exported component of another app that targets Android 13 or higher, that intent is delivered if and only if it matches an <intent-filter> element in the receiving app.

Learn how to match intents to other apps' intent filters.

Root launcher activity behavior

A launcher activity is at the root of a task if it declares an intent filter that includes both ACTION_MAIN and CATEGORY_LAUNCHER.

If the user navigates away from this sort of launcher activity to the previous screen, the system doesn't finish the launcher activity. Instead, it places the launcher activity in the background.

Learn more about this change to root launcher activities and the activity lifecycle.

The system makes several changes to how Android App Links are verified. In particular, the system enforces a stricter intent filter syntax for demonstrating that URLs in a particular domain should open content directly in your app. These changes improve the reliability of the app-linking experience, which provides more control to app developers and end users.

To test the reliability of your declarations, manually invoke domain verification.

System alert window UI is removed

Wear OS 4 removes the system UI for granting the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission. This UI is available on some devices that run Wear OS 3 and lower.

If you use ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION to send users to a settings page, where they could display your app over other apps, update your app's logic. For example, if you rely on system alert windows to show important messages, use notifications instead.

Changes to power and data management

The following changes related to power and data management are most likely to affect your Wear OS app on a device that runs Wear OS 4.

Restricted App Standby Bucket

The system places your app in the "restricted" App Standby Bucket if it's not used for an extended period of time, or if it invokes an excessive number of broadcasts and bindings.

App hibernation

If the user doesn't interact with your app for a few months, the system places your app in a hibernation state.

Backup & Restore

Starting in Wear OS 4, if a specific Wear OS device supports cloud backup, users can back up their data to the cloud to transfer data off that device, and they can restore data from the cloud to transfer data onto a new Wear OS device.

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