In Compose, a Painter
object is used to represent something that can be drawn
(a replacement to the Drawable
APIs defined in Android) and influence
measurement and layout of the corresponding composable that is using it . A
takes an ImageBitmap
that can draw a Bitmap
on screen.
For most use cases, using the painterResource()
above returns the correct
painter for the asset (i.e. BitmapPainter
or VectorPainter
). For more
information on the differences between the two - read the ImageBitmap vs ImageVector section.
A Painter
is different from a DrawModifier
, which strictly draws within the
bounds that are given to it and has no influence on the measurement or layout of
the composable.
To create a custom painter, extend the Painter
class, and implement the
method, which allows access to the DrawScope
to draw custom
graphics. You can also override the intrinsicSize
, which will be used to
influence the Composable that it is contained in:
class OverlayImagePainter constructor( private val image: ImageBitmap, private val imageOverlay: ImageBitmap, private val srcOffset: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero, private val srcSize: IntSize = IntSize(image.width, image.height), private val overlaySize: IntSize = IntSize(imageOverlay.width, imageOverlay.height) ) : Painter() { private val size: IntSize = validateSize(srcOffset, srcSize) override fun DrawScope.onDraw() { // draw the first image without any blend mode drawImage( image, srcOffset, srcSize, dstSize = IntSize( this@onDraw.size.width.roundToInt(), this@onDraw.size.height.roundToInt() ) ) // draw the second image with an Overlay blend mode to blend the two together drawImage( imageOverlay, srcOffset, overlaySize, dstSize = IntSize( this@onDraw.size.width.roundToInt(), this@onDraw.size.height.roundToInt() ), blendMode = BlendMode.Overlay ) } /** * Return the dimension of the underlying [ImageBitmap] as it's intrinsic width and height */ override val intrinsicSize: Size get() = size.toSize() private fun validateSize(srcOffset: IntOffset, srcSize: IntSize): IntSize { require( srcOffset.x >= 0 && srcOffset.y >= 0 && srcSize.width >= 0 && srcSize.height >= 0 && srcSize.width <= image.width && srcSize.height <= image.height ) return srcSize } }
Now that we have our custom Painter
, we can overlay any image on top of our
source image as follows:
val rainbowImage = ImageBitmap.imageResource(id = R.drawable.rainbow) val dogImage = ImageBitmap.imageResource(id = val customPainter = remember { OverlayImagePainter(dogImage, rainbowImage) } Image( painter = customPainter, contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.dog_content_description), contentScale = ContentScale.Crop, modifier = Modifier.wrapContentSize() )
The output of combining the two images with a custom painter can be seen below:

A custom painter can also be used with the Modifier.paint(customPainter)
to draw the content to a composable as follows:
val rainbowImage = ImageBitmap.imageResource(id = R.drawable.rainbow) val dogImage = ImageBitmap.imageResource(id = val customPainter = remember { OverlayImagePainter(dogImage, rainbowImage) } Box( modifier = Modifier.background(color = Color.Gray) .padding(30.dp) .background(color = Color.Yellow) .paint(customPainter) ) { /** intentionally empty **/ }
Recommended for you
- Note: link text is displayed when JavaScript is off
- ImageBitmap vs ImageVector {:#bitmap-vs-vector}
- Graphics in Compose
- Loading images {:#loading-images}