There are several things we have to take into consideration when we are working with touch events and animations, compared to when we are working with animations alone. First of all, we might need to interrupt an ongoing animation when touch events begin as user interaction should have the highest priority.
In the example below, we use an Animatable
to represent the offset position of
a circle component. Touch events are processed with the
modifier. When we detect a new tap event, we call animateTo
to animate the
offset value to the tap position. A tap event can happen during the animation
too, and in that case, animateTo
interrupts the ongoing animation and starts
the animation to the new target position while maintaining the velocity of the
interrupted animation.
@Composable fun Gesture() { val offset = remember { Animatable(Offset(0f, 0f), Offset.VectorConverter) } Box( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxSize() .pointerInput(Unit) { coroutineScope { while (true) { // Detect a tap event and obtain its position. awaitPointerEventScope { val position = awaitFirstDown().position launch { // Animate to the tap position. offset.animateTo(position) } } } } } ) { Circle(modifier = Modifier.offset { offset.value.toIntOffset() }) } } private fun Offset.toIntOffset() = IntOffset(x.roundToInt(), y.roundToInt())
Another frequent pattern is we need to synchronize animation values with values
coming from touch events, such as drag. In the example below, we see "swipe to
dismiss" implemented as a Modifier
(rather than using the
composable). The horizontal offset of the element is represented as an
. This API has a characteristic useful in gesture animation. Its
value can be changed by touch events as well as the animation. When we receive a
touch down event, we stop the Animatable
by the stop
method so that any
ongoing animation is intercepted.
During a drag event, we use snapTo
to update the Animatable
value with the
value calculated from touch events. For fling, Compose provides
to record drag events and calculate velocity. The velocity can
be fed directly to animateDecay
for the fling animation. When we want to slide
the offset value back to the original position, we specify the target offset
value of 0f
with the animateTo
fun Modifier.swipeToDismiss( onDismissed: () -> Unit ): Modifier = composed { val offsetX = remember { Animatable(0f) } pointerInput(Unit) { // Used to calculate fling decay. val decay = splineBasedDecay<Float>(this) // Use suspend functions for touch events and the Animatable. coroutineScope { while (true) { val velocityTracker = VelocityTracker() // Stop any ongoing animation. offsetX.stop() awaitPointerEventScope { // Detect a touch down event. val pointerId = awaitFirstDown().id horizontalDrag(pointerId) { change -> // Update the animation value with touch events. launch { offsetX.snapTo( offsetX.value + change.positionChange().x ) } velocityTracker.addPosition( change.uptimeMillis, change.position ) } } // No longer receiving touch events. Prepare the animation. val velocity = velocityTracker.calculateVelocity().x val targetOffsetX = decay.calculateTargetValue( offsetX.value, velocity ) // The animation stops when it reaches the bounds. offsetX.updateBounds( lowerBound = -size.width.toFloat(), upperBound = size.width.toFloat() ) launch { if (targetOffsetX.absoluteValue <= size.width) { // Not enough velocity; Slide back. offsetX.animateTo( targetValue = 0f, initialVelocity = velocity ) } else { // The element was swiped away. offsetX.animateDecay(velocity, decay) onDismissed() } } } } } .offset { IntOffset(offsetX.value.roundToInt(), 0) } }
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