Once your app targets SDK 35 or later, edge-to-edge is enforced. The system
status bar and gesture navigation bars are transparent, but the three-button
navigation bar is translucent. Call enableEdgeToEdge
to make this backward
However, the system defaults might not work for all use cases. Consult the Android system bars design guidance and edge-to-edge design guidance for an overview of when to consider having transparent or translucent system bars.
Create transparent system bars
Create a transparent gesture navigation bar by targeting Android 15 or later or
by calling enableEdgeToEdge()
with default arguments for earlier versions. For
three-button navigation bar, set Window.setNavigationBarContrastEnforced
to false
otherwise there will be a translucent scrim applied.
Create translucent system bars
To create a translucent status bar, create a custom composable that overlaps the main content and draws a gradient in the area covered by insets.
class SystemBarProtectionSnippets : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // enableEdgeToEdge sets window.isNavigationBarContrastEnforced = true // which is used to add a translucent scrim to three-button navigation enableEdgeToEdge() setContent { MyTheme { // Main content MyContent() // After drawing main content, draw status bar protection StatusBarProtection() } } } } @Composable private fun StatusBarProtection( color: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surfaceContainer, heightProvider: () -> Float = calculateGradientHeight(), ) { Canvas(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) { val calculatedHeight = heightProvider() val gradient = Brush.verticalGradient( colors = listOf( color.copy(alpha = 1f), color.copy(alpha = .8f), Color.Transparent ), startY = 0f, endY = calculatedHeight ) drawRect( brush = gradient, size = Size(size.width, calculatedHeight), ) } } @Composable fun calculateGradientHeight(): () -> Float { val statusBars = WindowInsets.statusBars val density = LocalDensity.current return { statusBars.getTop(density).times(1.2f) } }
For adaptive apps, insert a custom composable that matches the colors of each
pane, as seen in the Edge-to–edge design. To create a translucent
navigation bar, set Window.setNavigationBarContrastEnforced
to true.