Style text

The Text composable has multiple optional parameters to style its content. Below, we’ve listed parameters that cover the most common use cases with text. For all the parameters of Text, see the Compose Text source code.

Whenever you set one of these parameters, you’re applying the style to the whole text value. If you need to apply multiple styles within the same line or paragraphs, see the section on multiple inline styles.

Common text stylings

The following sections describe common ways to style your text.

Change text color

fun BlueText() {
    Text("Hello World", color = Color.Blue)

The words

Change text size

fun BigText() {
    Text("Hello World", fontSize = 30.sp)

The words

Make text italic

Use the fontStyle parameter to italicize text (or set another FontStyle).

fun ItalicText() {
    Text("Hello World", fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic)

The words

Make text bold

Use the fontWeight parameter to bold text (or set another FontWeight).

fun BoldText() {
    Text("Hello World", fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold)

The words

Add shadow

The style parameter lets you set an object of type TextStyle and configure multiple parameters, for example shadow. Shadow receives a color for the shadow, the offset, or where it is located in respect of the Text and the blur radius which is how blurry it looks.

fun TextShadow() {
    val offset = Offset(5.0f, 10.0f)
        text = "Hello world!",
        style = TextStyle(
            fontSize = 24.sp,
            shadow = Shadow(
                color = Color.Blue, offset = offset, blurRadius = 3f

The words

Add multiple styles in text

To set different styles within the same Text composable, use an AnnotatedString, a string that can be annotated with styles of arbitrary annotations.

AnnotatedString is a data class containing:

  • A Text value
  • A List of SpanStyleRange, equivalent to inline styling with position range within the text value
  • A List of ParagraphStyleRange, specifying text alignment, text direction, line height, and text indent styling

TextStyle is for use in the Text composable, whereas SpanStyle and ParagraphStyle is for use in AnnotatedString. For more information about multiple styles in a paragraph, see Add multiple styles in a paragraph.

AnnotatedString has a type-safe builder to make it easier to create: buildAnnotatedString.

fun MultipleStylesInText() {
        buildAnnotatedString {
            withStyle(style = SpanStyle(color = Color.Blue)) {
            append("ello ")

            withStyle(style = SpanStyle(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, color = Color.Red)) {

The words

Use AnnotatedString.fromHtml() to display HTML-formatted text with clickable links in your Jetpack Compose application. This function converts a string with HTML tags into an AnnotatedString, allowing for styling and link handling.

Example: HTML with styled link

This snippet renders HTML-formatted text with a link, applying specific styling to the link:

Key points about the code
  • AnnotatedString.fromHtml() converts the htmlText string into an AnnotatedString. The linkStyles parameter customizes link appearance.

  • TextLinkStyles defines the style for links within the HTML. SpanStyle sets text decoration, font style, and color for the links.

  • The Text composable displays the resulting AnnotatedString.


This snippet enables "Jetpack Compose" as a clickable link, styled with blue color, underlined, and italicized:

An H1 heading 'Jetpack Compose' followed by 'Build better apps with Jetpack
    Compose', where Jetpack Compose is a clickable link styled with blue color,
    underline, and italics.
Figure 2. A heading and paragraph, where 'Jetpack Compose' in the paragraph is a clickable, styled link.

Enable advanced styling with Brush

To enable more advanced text styling, you can use the Brush API with TextStyle and SpanStyle. In any place where you would typically use TextStyle or SpanStyle, you can now also use Brush.

Use a brush for text styling

Configure your text using a built-in brush within TextStyle. For example, you can configure a linearGradient brush to your text as follows:

val gradientColors = listOf(Cyan, LightBlue, Purple /*...*/)

    text = text,
    style = TextStyle(
        brush = Brush.linearGradient(
            colors = gradientColors

Using Brush API’s `linearGradient` function with a defined list of colors.
Figure 3. Using Brush API’s linearGradient function with a defined list of colors.

You are not limited to this particular color scheme or style of coloring. While we have provided a simple example to highlight, use any of the built-in brushes or even just a SolidColor to enhance your text.


Since you can use Brush alongside both TextStyle and SpanStyle, integration with TextField and buildAnnotatedString is seamless.

For more information about using the brush API within a TextField, see Style input with Brush API.

Additional styling using SpanStyle

Apply a brush to a span of text

If you only want to apply a brush to parts of your text, use buildAnnotatedString and the SpanStyle API, along with your brush and gradient of choice.

    text = buildAnnotatedString {
        append("Do not allow people to dim your shine\n")
                brush = Brush.linearGradient(
                    colors = rainbowColors
        ) {
            append("because they are blinded.")
        append("\nTell them to put some sunglasses on.")

Using a default brush with linearGradient as a style for Text.
Figure 4. Using a default brush with linearGradient as a style for Text.
Opacity in a span of text

To adjust the opacity of a particular span of text, use SpanStyle's optional alpha parameter. Use the same brush for both parts of a text, and change the alpha parameter in the corresponding span. In the code sample, the first span of text displays at half opacity (alpha =.5f) while the second displays at full opacity (alpha = 1f).

val brush = Brush.linearGradient(colors = rainbowColors)

buildAnnotatedString {
            brush = brush, alpha = .5f
    ) {
        append("Text in ")
            brush = brush, alpha = 1f
    ) {
        append("Compose ❤️")

Using buildAnnotatedString and SpanStyle’s alpha parameter, along with linearGradient to add opacity to a span of text.
Figure 5. Using buildAnnotatedString and SpanStyle’s alpha parameter, along with linearGradient to add opacity to a span of text.

Additional resources

For additional customization examples, see the Brushing Up on Compose Text Coloring blog post. If you are interested in learning more about how Brush integrates with our Animations API, see Animating brush Text coloring in Compose.

Apply marquee effect to text

You can apply the basicMarquee modifier to any composable to produce an animated scrolling effect. The marquee effect occurs if the content is too wide to fit in the available constraints. By default, basicMarquee has certain configurations (such as velocity and initial delay) set, but you can modify these parameters to customize the effect.

The following snippet implements a basic marquee effect on a Text composable:

fun BasicMarqueeSample() {
    // Marquee only animates when the content doesn't fit in the max width.
    Column(Modifier.width(400.dp)) {
            "Learn about why it's great to use Jetpack Compose",
            modifier = Modifier.basicMarquee(),
            fontSize = 50.sp

Figure 6. The basicMarquee modifier applied to text.

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