Create a new Compose project
Android Studio projects need configuration to work with Relay. To start, create a project that supports Jetpack Compose version 1.2 or newer.
- In Android Studio, create a new project (File > New > New Project…).
Select Empty Compose Activity and click Next.
Give your project a name. Accept all other defaults, including the language as Kotlin and the minimum SDK as API 21: Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and click Finish.
Edit module-level Gradle build file
Set up the module-level Gradle build file to use the Relay Gradle plugin.
— This can vary based on the name you entered above). This is the module-level Gradle build file.Add the Relay plugin in the module's Gradle file as shown below, changing the version number as appropriate. Save the file.
Click Sync Now.
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