Install Relay

Relay consists of three parts, each of which must be installed separately:

  1. Relay for Figma Plugin
  2. Relay for Android Studio Plugin
  3. Relay Gradle Plugin


  • You must be signed into a Figma Account.
  • You have installed Android Studio 2022.2.1 Flamingo or later.
  • You have installed the Java Runtime.
  • You are using Jetpack Compose version 1.2 or later.
  • You are using Gradle Plugin version 8.0 or later.

Install the Relay for Figma plugin

The Relay for Figma plugin allows anyone working in Figma to annotate their designs and share it with developers who use Android Studio and Jetpack Compose.

The Relay for Figma plugin is published to Figma's community plugin marketplace. To install the plugin:

  1. Go to the Relay for Figma plugin page on Figma's website.
  2. On the top right of the page, click Try it out.

    Try it out button on Figma plugin page
  3. You may encounter a dialog asking if you want to use the plugin. In the dialog, select your organization. In rare cases, your organization may disable public plugins. If so, then select the External teams option.

    External teams option in the dialog

    This opens a Figma file with the plugin information page displayed. Click and select Save to ensure you can easily reuse the plugin.

    Save option in the plugin information page
  4. Now, click Run:

    You can view the plugin running in the Figma canvas:

    Relay for Figma

Install the Relay for Android Studio plugin

The Relay for Android Studio plugin enables developers working in Android Studio to import designs that have been annotated with design intent information using the Relay for Figma plugin. The plugin is published to the Android Studio Plugin Marketplace. To install:

  1. Open Android Studio.
  2. From the main menu:
    • For macOS, select Android Studio > Preferences.
    • For Windows and Linux, select File > Settings.
  3. Select Plugins.
  4. Select the Marketplace tab, search for: “Relay for Android Studio”, and select the plugin published by Google:

    Relay for Android Studio in the marketplace
  5. Click Install.

  6. When the installation is complete, click Restart IDE.

  7. To confirm that the installation succeeded, open Preferences or Settings, then go to Plugins. You should see Relay for Android Studio listed in the Installed section.

Install the Relay Gradle plugin

The Relay Gradle plugin ensures that designs in Figma annotated with design intent information using the Relay for Figma plugin are correctly converted to code during a build.

The Relay Gradle plugin is published to Google Maven, a server that contains many Gradle plugins. Android Studio invokes Gradle operations by default, and those operations include downloading and installing any dependencies that your project references.

To ensure that Android Studio, and by extension Gradle itself, downloads and installs the Relay Gradle plugin, you need to specify the plugin as a dependency in your project, specifically in the build.gradle file in your module’s directory. This is usually in app/build.gradle.

At the top of the app/build.gradle file is a section listing all of the plugins in use. Add the Relay Gradle plugin in this list, and Gradle handles downloading and installing it. For example:

plugins {
    id ''
    id 'kotlin-android'
    id '' version '0.3.12'

Also, make sure your settings.gradle file has the following section:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {

You can also use a Pre-Configured Project, which includes the configuration noted above.

Setup Figma access

Relay requires a Figma personal access token so that it can download your Figma designs and convert them to code. If you don’t already have one:

  1. Open Figma and log into Figma.
  2. Go to the file browser .
  3. Click your account icon and select Settings.

    Settings under the account icon
  4. Scroll down to the Personal access tokens section.

  5. Enter a token description, for example, “Relay” and type Return. A token is generated. Click Copy this token.

    Personal access tokens in the settings
  6. In Android Studio, from the main menu, select Tools > Relay Settings.

    Relay settings menu option under Tools to setup Figma access token
  7. If you have previously set up a Figma access token on macOS, you may see the following dialog. This dialog lets you know that Android Studio is using your existing Figma access token. Enter your password, and click Always Allow.

    Keychain system dialog
  8. Paste your Figma access token into the Figma Access Token input. (If this is not your first time setting up a Figma access token, you may see an Existing Figma Access Token input.)

    Figma Access Token input
  9. Click OK.

Download and setup the pre-configured project

To download and setup a pre-configured project:

  1. Download the project ZIP file.
  2. Double-click the file to unzip it, which creates a folder called HelloFigma. Move it to your home folder..
  3. Go back to Android Studio. Go to File > Open, navigate to your home folder, select HelloFigma, and click Open.
  4. When you open the project, Android Studio may ask you if you trust the project. Click Trust Project.

Running the pre-configured project

Run the app on an emulator or device. You should see "Hello, Android!" in a blank screen.

The starting state in the emulator

Next step

Now we're ready to create our first designs using Relay.

Basic Tutorial

No recommendations at this time.

Try to your Google account.