Save UI state in Compose

Depending on where your state is hoisted to and the logic that is required, you can use different APIs to store and restore your UI state. Every app uses a combination of APIs to best achieve this.

Any Android app could lose its UI state due to activity or process recreation. This loss of state can occur because of the following events:

Preserving the state after these events is essential for a positive user experience. Selecting which state to persist depends on your app's unique user flows. As a best practice, you should at least preserve user input and navigation-related state. Examples of this include the scroll position of a list, the ID of the item the user wants more detail about, the in-progress selection of user preferences, or input in text fields.

This page summarizes the APIs available to store UI state depending on where your state is hoisted to and the logic that needs it.

UI logic

If your state is hoisted in the UI, either in composable functions or plain state holder classes scoped to the Composition, you can use rememberSaveable to retain state across activity and process recreation.

In the following snippet, rememberSaveable is used to store a single boolean UI element state:

fun ChatBubble(
    message: Message
) {
    var showDetails by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }

        text = AnnotatedString(message.content),
        onClick = { showDetails = !showDetails }

    if (showDetails) {

Figure 1. Chat message bubble expands and collapses when tapped.

showDetails is a boolean variable that stores if the chat bubble is collapsed or expanded.

rememberSaveable stores UI element state in a Bundle through the saved instance state mechanism.

It is able to store primitive types to the bundle automatically. If your state is held in a type that is not primitive, like a data class, you can use different storing mechanisms, such as using the Parcelize annotation, using Compose APIs like listSaver and mapSaver, or implementing a custom saver class extending Compose runtime Saver class. See the Ways to store state documentation to learn more about these methods.

In the following snippet, the rememberLazyListState Compose API stores LazyListState, which consists of the scroll state of a LazyColumn or LazyRow, using rememberSaveable. It uses a LazyListState.Saver, which is a custom saver that is able to store and restore the scroll state. After an activity or process recreation (for example, after a configuration change like changing device orientation), the scroll state is preserved.

fun rememberLazyListState(
    initialFirstVisibleItemIndex: Int = 0,
    initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset: Int = 0
): LazyListState {
    return rememberSaveable(saver = LazyListState.Saver) {
            initialFirstVisibleItemIndex, initialFirstVisibleItemScrollOffset

Best practice

rememberSaveable uses a Bundle to store UI state, which is shared by other APIs that also write to it, like onSaveInstanceState() calls in your activity. However, the size of this Bundle is limited, and storing large objects could lead to TransactionTooLarge exceptions in runtime. This can be particularly problematic in single Activity apps where the same Bundle is being used across the app.

To avoid this type of crash, you should not store large complex objects or lists of objects in the bundle.

Instead, store the minimum state required, like IDs or keys, and use these to delegate restoring more complex UI state to other mechanisms, like persistent storage.

These design choices depend on the specific use cases for your app and how your users expect it to behave.

Verify state restoration

You can verify that the state stored with rememberSaveable in your Compose elements is correctly restored when the activity or process is recreated. There are specific APIs to achieve this, such as StateRestorationTester. Check out the Testing documentation to learn more.

Business logic

If your UI element state is hoisted to the ViewModel because it is required by business logic, you can use ViewModel's APIs.

One of the main benefits of using a ViewModel in your Android application is that it handles configuration changes for free. When there is a configuration change, and the activity is destroyed and recreated, the UI state hoisted to the ViewModel is kept in memory. After the recreation, the old ViewModel instance is attached to the new activity instance.

However, a ViewModel instance does not survive system-initiated process death. To have the UI state survive this, use the Saved State module for ViewModel, which contains the SavedStateHandle API.

Best practice

SavedStateHandle also uses the Bundle mechanism to store UI state, so you should only use it to store simple UI element state.

Screen UI state, which is produced by applying business rules and accessing layers of your application other than UI, should not be stored in SavedStateHandle due to its potential complexity and size. You can use different mechanisms to store complex or large data, like local persistent storage. After a process recreation, the screen is recreated with the restored transient state that was stored in SavedStateHandle (if any), and the screen UI state is produced again from the data layer.

SavedStateHandle APIs

SavedStateHandle has different APIs to store UI element state, most notably:

Compose State

Use the saveable API of SavedStateHandle to read and write UI element state as MutableState, so it survives activity and process recreation with minimal code setup.

The saveable API supports primitive types out of the box and receives a stateSaver parameter to use custom savers, just like rememberSaveable().

In the following snippet, message stores the user input types into a TextField:

class ConversationViewModel(
    savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {

    var message by savedStateHandle.saveable(stateSaver = TextFieldValue.Saver) {
        private set

    fun update(newMessage: TextFieldValue) {
        message = newMessage


val viewModel = ConversationViewModel(SavedStateHandle())

fun UserInput(/*...*/) {
        value = viewModel.message,
        onValueChange = { viewModel.update(it) }

See the SavedStateHandle documentation for more information on using the saveable API.


Use getStateFlow() to store UI element state and consume it as a flow from the SavedStateHandle. The StateFlow is read only, and the API requires you to specify a key so you can replace the flow to emit a new value. With the key you configured, you can retrieve the StateFlow and collect the latest value.

In the following snippet, savedFilterType is a StateFlow variable that stores a filter type applied to a list of chat channels in a chat app:

private const val CHANNEL_FILTER_SAVED_STATE_KEY = "ChannelFilterKey"

class ChannelViewModel(
    channelsRepository: ChannelsRepository,
    private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {

    private val savedFilterType: StateFlow<ChannelsFilterType> = savedStateHandle.getStateFlow(
        key = CHANNEL_FILTER_SAVED_STATE_KEY, initialValue = ChannelsFilterType.ALL_CHANNELS

    private val filteredChannels: Flow<List<Channel>> =
        combine(channelsRepository.getAll(), savedFilterType) { channels, type ->
            filter(channels, type)
        }.onStart { emit(emptyList()) }

    fun setFiltering(requestType: ChannelsFilterType) {
        savedStateHandle[CHANNEL_FILTER_SAVED_STATE_KEY] = requestType


enum class ChannelsFilterType {

Every time the user selects a new filter type, setFiltering is called. This saves a new value in SavedStateHandle stored with the key _CHANNEL_FILTER_SAVED_STATE_KEY_. savedFilterType is a flow emitting the latest value stored to the key. filteredChannels is subscribed to the flow to perform the channel filtering.

See the SavedStateHandle documentation for more information on the getStateFlow() API.


The following table summarizes the APIs covered in this section, and when to use each to save UI state:

Event UI logic Business logic in a ViewModel
Configuration changes rememberSaveable Automatic
System-initiated process death rememberSaveable SavedStateHandle

The API to use depends on where the state is held and the logic that it requires. For state that is used in UI logic, use rememberSaveable. For state that is used in business logic, if you hold it in a ViewModel, save it using SavedStateHandle.

You should use the bundle APIs (rememberSaveable and SavedStateHandle) to store small amounts of UI state. This data is the minimum necessary to restore the UI back to its previous state, together with other storing mechanisms. For example, if you store the ID of a profile the user was looking at in the bundle, you can fetch heavy data, like profile details, from the data layer.

For more information on the different ways of saving UI state, see the general Saving UI State documentation and the data layer page of the architecture guide.

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