Cutouts in Compose

A display cutout is an area on some devices that extends into the display surface. It allows for an edge-to-edge experience while providing space for important sensors on the front of the device.

Cutout example in portrait mode
Figure 1. Cutout example in Portrait mode
Cutout example in landscape mode
Figure 2. Cutout example in landscape mode

Android supports display cutouts on devices running Android 9 (API level 28) and higher. However, device manufacturers can also support display cutouts on devices running Android 8.1 or lower.

This page describes how to implement support for devices with cutouts in Compose, including how to work with the cutout area— that is, the edge-to-edge rectangle on the display surface that contains the cutout.

Default case

Apps targeting API level 34 or lower, or Activities that don't call enableEdgeToEdge, won't draw into the cutout region by default unless the app draws into a system bar containing the display cutout.

Apps targeting API level 35 or higher on devices running Android 15 or higher, or Activities that call enableEdgeToEdge, draw into the cutout region.

In other words, LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_DEFAULT, LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES, and LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_NEVER are interpreted as LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_ALWAYS for non-floating windows in apps targeting API level 35 or higher on devices running Android 15 or higher.

Handle cutout information manually

You must handle cutout information to prevent the cutout area from obscuring important text, controls, or interactive elements requiring fine-touch recognition (touch sensitivity may be lower in the cutout area). While handling cutouts, don't hardcode the status bar height, as this can lead to overlapping or cut-off content. Instead, handle cutouts in any of the following ways:

For Compose, we recommend that you use displayCutout, safeContent, or safeDrawing to handle cutout insets in your composables. This approach lets you respect the display cutout padding where required, or ignore it where it is not required.

Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().windowInsetsPadding(WindowInsets.displayCutout)) {
    drawRect(Color.Red, style = Stroke(2.dp.toPx()))

Test how your content renders with cutouts

Be sure to test all of your app's screens and experiences. Test on devices with different types of cutouts, if possible. If you don't have a device with a cutout, you can simulate common cutout configurations on any device or emulator running Android 9 or higher by doing the following:

  1. Enable Developer options.
  2. In the Developer options screen, scroll down to the Drawing section and select Simulate a display with a cutout.
  3. Select the cutout type.
    simulating a display cutout in the emulator
    Figure 3. Use Developer options to test how your content renders.

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