Using AGSL in your Android app

This page covers AGSL basics, and different ways to use AGSL in your Android app.

A simple AGSL shader

Your shader code is called for each drawn pixel, and returns the color the pixel should be painted with. An extremely simple shader is one that always returns a single color; this example uses red. The shader is defined inside of a String.

private const val COLOR_SHADER_SRC =
   """half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {
      return half4(1,0,0,1);
private static final String COLOR_SHADER_SRC =
   "half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {\n" +
      "return half4(1,0,0,1);\n" +

The next step is to create a RuntimeShader object initialized with your shader string. This also compiles the shader.

val fixedColorShader = RuntimeShader(COLOR_SHADER_SRC)
RuntimeShader fixedColorShader = new RuntimeShader(COLOR_SHADER_SRC);

Your RuntimeShader can be used anywhere a standard Android shader can. As an example, you can use it to draw into a custom View using a Canvas.

val paint = Paint()
paint.shader = fixedColorShader
override fun onDrawForeground(canvas: Canvas?) {
   canvas?.let {
      canvas.drawPaint(paint) // fill the Canvas with the shader
Paint paint = new Paint();
public void onDrawForeground(@Nullable Canvas canvas) {
   if (canvas != null) {
      canvas.drawPaint(paint); // fill the Canvas with the shader

This draws a red View. You can use a uniform to pass a color parameter into the shader to be drawn. First, add the color uniform to the shader:

private const val COLOR_SHADER_SRC =
"""layout(color) uniform half4 iColor;
   half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {
      return iColor;
private static final String COLOR_SHADER_SRC =
   "layout(color) uniform half4 iColor;\n"+
      "half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {\n" +
      "return iColor;\n" +

Then, call setColorUniform from your custom View to pass the desired color into the AGSL shader.

fixedColorShader.setColorUniform("iColor", Color.GREEN )
fixedColorShader.setColorUniform("iColor", Color.GREEN );

Now, you get a green View; the View color is controlled using a parameter from code in your custom View instead of being embedded in the shader.

You can create a color gradient effect instead. You'll first need to change the shader to accept the View resolution as input:

private const val COLOR_SHADER_SRC =
"""uniform float2 iResolution;
   half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {
      float2 scaled = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
      return half4(scaled, 0, 1);
private static final String COLOR_SHADER_SRC =
   "uniform float2 iResolution;\n" +
      "half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {\n" +
      "float2 scaled = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;\n" +
      "return half4(scaled, 0, 1);\n" +

Drawing the gradient

This shader does something slightly fancy. For each pixel, it creates a float2 vector that contains the x and y coordinates divided by the resolution, which will create a value between zero and one. It then uses that scaled vector to construct the red and green components of the return color.

You pass the resolution of the View into an AGSL shader uniform by calling setFloatUniform.

val paint = Paint()
paint.shader = fixedColorShader
override fun onDrawForeground(canvas: Canvas?) {
   canvas?.let {
      fixedColorShader.setFloatUniform("iResolution", width.toFloat(), height.toFloat())
Paint paint = new Paint();
public void onDrawForeground(@Nullable Canvas canvas) {
   if (canvas != null) {
      fixedColorShader.setFloatUniform("iResolution", (float)getWidth(), (float()getHeight()));
Red and Green gradient
Red and green gradient

Animating the shader

You can use a similar technique to animate the shader by modifying it to receive iTime and iDuration uniforms. The shader will use these values to create a triangular wave for the colors, causing them to cycle back and forth across their gradient values.

private const val DURATION = 4000f
private const val COLOR_SHADER_SRC = """
   uniform float2 iResolution;
   uniform float iTime;
   uniform float iDuration;
   half4 main(in float2 fragCoord) {
      float2 scaled = abs(1.0-mod(fragCoord/iResolution.xy+iTime/(iDuration/2.0),2.0));
      return half4(scaled, 0, 1.0);
private static final float DURATION = 4000f;
private static final String COLOR_SHADER_SRC =
   "uniform float2 iResolution;\n"+
   "uniform float iTime;\n"+
   "uniform float iDuration;\n"+
   "half4 main(in float2 fragCoord) {\n"+
      "float2 scaled = abs(1.0-mod(fragCoord/iResolution.xy+iTime/(iDuration/2.0),2.0));\n"+
      "return half4(scaled, 0, 1.0);\n"+

From the custom view source code, a ValueAnimator updates the iTime uniform.

// declare the ValueAnimator
private val shaderAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, DURATION)

// use it to animate the time uniform
shaderAnimator.duration = DURATION.toLong()
shaderAnimator.repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE
shaderAnimator.repeatMode = ValueAnimator.RESTART
shaderAnimator.interpolator = LinearInterpolator()

animatedShader.setFloatUniform("iDuration", DURATION )
shaderAnimator.addUpdateListener { animation ->
    animatedShader.setFloatUniform("iTime", animation.animatedValue as Float )
// declare the ValueAnimator
private final ValueAnimator shaderAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, DURATION);

// use it to animate the time uniform
shaderAnimator.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());

animatedShader.setFloatUniform("iDuration", DURATION );
shaderAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
   public final void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
      animatedShader.setFloatUniform("iTime", (float)animation.getAnimatedValue());
Red and Green animated gradient
Red and Green animated gradient

Painting complex objects

You don't have to draw the shader to fill the background; it can be used in any place that accepts a Paint object, such as drawText.

canvas.drawText(ANIMATED_TEXT, TEXT_MARGIN_DP, TEXT_MARGIN_DP + bounds.height(),
canvas.drawText(ANIMATED_TEXT, TEXT_MARGIN_DP, TEXT_MARGIN_DP + bounds.height(),
Red and Green animated gradient text
Red and Green animated gradient text

Shading and Canvas transformations

You can apply additional Canvas transformations on your shaded text, such as rotation. In the ValueAnimator, you can update a matrix for 3D rotations using the built-in class.

// in the ValueAnimator
camera.rotate(0.0f, animation.animatedValue as Float / DURATION * 360f, 0.0f)
// in the ValueAnimator
camera.rotate(0.0f, (Float)animation.getAnimatedValue() / DURATION * 360f, 0.0f);

Since you want to rotate the text from the center axis rather than from the corner, get the text bounds and then use preTranslate and postTranslate to alter the matrix to translate the text so that 0,0 is the center of the rotation without changing the position the text is drawn on the screen.

linearColorPaint.getTextBounds(ANIMATED_TEXT, 0, ANIMATED_TEXT.length, bounds)
val centerX = (bounds.width().toFloat())/2
val centerY = (bounds.height().toFloat())/2
rotationMatrix.preTranslate(-centerX, -centerY)
rotationMatrix.postTranslate(centerX, centerY)
canvas.drawText(ANIMATED_TEXT, 0f, 0f + bounds.height(), paint)
linearColorPaint.getTextBounds(ANIMATED_TEXT, 0, ANIMATED_TEXT.length(), bounds);
float centerX = (float)bounds.width()/2.0f;
float centerY = (float)bounds.height()/2.0f;
rotationMatrix.preTranslate(-centerX, -centerY);
rotationMatrix.postTranslate(centerX, centerY);;
canvas.drawText(ANIMATED_TEXT, 0f, 0f + bounds.height(), paint);
Red and Green rotating animated gradient text
Red and Green rotating animated gradient text

Using RuntimeShader with Jetpack Compose

It's even easier to use RuntimeShader if you're rendering your UI using Jetpack Compose. Starting with the same gradient shader from before:

private const val COLOR_SHADER_SRC =
    """uniform float2 iResolution;
   half4 main(float2 fragCoord) {
   float2 scaled = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
   return half4(scaled, 0, 1);

You can apply that shader to a ShaderBrush. You then use the ShaderBrush as a parameter to the drawing commands within your Canvas's draw scope.

// created as top level constants
val colorShader = RuntimeShader(COLOR_SHADER_SRC)
val shaderBrush = ShaderBrush(colorShader)

   modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {
   size.width, size.height)
   drawCircle(brush = shaderBrush)
AGSL Compose gradient circle
Red and green gradient circle

Using RuntimeShader with RenderEffect

You can use RenderEffect to apply a RuntimeShader to a parent View and all child views. This is more expensive than drawing a custom View. but it allows you to easily create an effect that incorporates what would have originally been drawn using createRuntimeShaderEffect.

view.setRenderEffect(RenderEffect.createRuntimeShaderEffect(myShader, "background"))
view.setRenderEffect(RenderEffect.createRuntimeShaderEffect(myShader, "background"));

The second parameter is the name of a shader uniform that you can eval with a coordinate parameter (such as the passed in fragCoord) to get the original color of the RenderNode (the View and its child views), allowing you to perform all sorts of effects.

uniform shader background;       // Root node of View tree to be altered
return mix(returnColor, background.eval(fragCoord), 0.5);
Grid blended over button
AGSL grid blended over button

A grid effect mixed over a button, but underneath a floating action button (since it's in a different View hierarchy).