
试试 Compose 方式
Jetpack Compose 是推荐用于 Android 的界面工具包。了解如何在 Compose 中下拉刷新。




如需响应应用中的刷新手势,请实现 SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener 接口及其 onRefresh() 方法。当用户做出滑动手势时,系统会调用 onRefresh() 方法。

将实际更新操作的代码放在单独的方法中(最好是 ViewModel 中),并通过 onRefresh() 实现调用该更新方法。这样,当用户从操作栏触发刷新时,您可以使用相同的更新方法执行更新。

在更新方法中,在完成数据更新后调用 setRefreshing(false)。调用此方法可指示 SwipeRefreshLayout 移除进度指示器并更新视图内容。

例如,以下代码会实现 onRefresh() 并调用 myUpdateOperation() 方法来更新 ListView 显示的数据:

// Sets up a SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener that invokes when
// the user performs a swipe-to-refresh gesture.

mySwipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener {
    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onRefresh called from SwipeRefreshLayout")

    // This method performs the actual data-refresh operation and calls
    // setRefreshing(false) when it finishes.
// Sets up a SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener that is invoked when
// the user performs a swipe-to-refresh gesture.

mySwipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener(() -> {
    Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onRefresh called from SwipeRefreshLayout");

    // This method performs the actual data-refresh operation and calls
    // setRefreshing(false) when it finishes.


如果用户使用操作栏请求刷新,则系统会调用 onOptionsItemSelected() 方法。您的应用通过显示进度指示器并刷新应用数据来响应此调用。

如需响应刷新操作,请替换 onOptionsItemSelected()。在替换方法中,使用值 true,通过调用 setRefreshing() 触发 SwipeRefreshLayout 进度指示器,然后执行更新操作。在单独的方法中执行实际更新,这样无论用户是通过滑动手势还是使用操作栏触发更新,都会调用相同的方法。更新完成后,调用 setRefreshing(false) 以移除刷新进度指示器。


// Listen for option item selections to receive a notification when the user
// requests a refresh by selecting the refresh action bar item.

override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
    when (item.itemId) {

        // Check whether the user triggers a refresh:
        R.id.menu_refresh -> {
            Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Refresh menu item selected")

            // Signal SwipeRefreshLayout to start the progress indicator.
            mySwipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = true

            // Start the refresh background task. This method calls
            // setRefreshing(false) when it finishes.

            return true

    // User doesn't trigger a refresh. Let the superclass handle this action.
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
// Listen for option item selections to receive a notification when the user
// requests a refresh by selecting the refresh action bar item.

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    switch (item.getItemId()) {

        // Check whether the user triggers a refresh:
        case R.id.menu_refresh:
            Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Refresh menu item selected");

            // Signal SwipeRefreshLayout to start the progress indicator.

            // Start the refresh background task. This method calls
            // setRefreshing(false) when it finishes.

            return true;

    // User doesn't trigger a refresh. Let the superclass handle this action.
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);