You can use your favorite libraries in Compose. This section describes how to incorporate a few of the most useful libraries.
To use Compose in an activity, you must use
a subclass of Activity
that provides the appropriate LifecycleOwner
components to Compose. It also provides additional APIs that decouple your code
from overriding methods in your activity class.
Activity Compose
exposes these APIs to composables such that overriding methods outside of your
composables or retrieving an explicit Activity
instance is no longer required.
Moreover, these APIs ensure that they are only initialized once, survive
recomposition, and clean up properly if the composable is removed from the
Activity Result
API allows you to
get a result from an activity
in your composable:
@Composable fun GetContentExample() { var imageUri by remember { mutableStateOf<Uri?>(null) } val launcher = rememberLauncherForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.GetContent()) { uri: Uri? -> imageUri = uri } Column { Button(onClick = { launcher.launch("image/*") }) { Text(text = "Load Image") } Image( painter = rememberAsyncImagePainter(imageUri), contentDescription = "My Image" ) } }
This example demonstrates a simple
contract. Tapping the button launches the request. The trailing lambda for
is invoked once the user selects an image and returns to the launching activity.
This loads the selected image using Coil’s rememberImagePainter()
Any subclass of
can be used as the first argument to
This means that you can use this technique to request content from the framework
and in other common patterns. You can also create your own
custom contracts and use them with
this technique.
Requesting runtime permissions
The same Activity Result API and
explained above can be used to
request runtime permissions
using the
contract for a single permission or
contract for multiple permissions.
The Accompanist Permissions library can also be used a layer above those APIs to map the current granted state for permissions into State that your Compose UI can use.
Handling the system back button
To provide custom back navigation
and override the default behavior of the system back button from within your
composable, your composable can use a
to intercept that event:
var backHandlingEnabled by remember { mutableStateOf(true) } BackHandler(backHandlingEnabled) { // Handle back press }
The first argument controls whether the
is currently enabled; you can use this argument to temporarily disable your handler
based on the state of your component. The trailing lambda will be invoked if the
user triggers a system back event, and the
is currently enabled.
If you use the Architecture Components
ViewModel library, you can access a
from any composable by
calling the
function. Add the following dependency to your Gradle file:
dependencies { implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:2.8.5' }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:2.8.5") }
You can then use the viewModel()
function in your code.
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { /*...*/ } // import androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel.compose.viewModel @Composable fun MyScreen( viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel() ) { // use viewModel here }
returns an existing ViewModel
or creates a new one. By default,
the returned ViewModel
is scoped to the enclosing activity, fragment or
navigation destination, and is retained as long as the scope is alive.
For example, if the composable is used in an activity, viewModel()
returns the
same instance until the activity is finished or the process is killed.
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { /*...*/ } // import androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel.compose.viewModel @Composable fun MyScreen( // Returns the same instance as long as the activity is alive, // just as if you grabbed the instance from an Activity or Fragment viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel() ) { /* ... */ } @Composable fun MyScreen2( viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel() // Same instance as in MyScreen ) { /* ... */ }
Usage guidelines
You usually access ViewModel
instances at screen-level
composables, that is, close to a root composable called from an activity,
fragment, or destination of a Navigation graph. This is because ViewModel
are, by default, scoped to those screen level objects. Read more about a
lifecycle and scope here.
Try to avoid passing down
instances to other composables as this can make those composables
more difficult to test and can break
previews. Instead, pass only the data
and functions they need as parameters.
You can use ViewModel
instances to
manage state for sub screen-level composables, however, be aware of the
lifecycle and scope. If the
composable is self-contained, you may want to consider using Hilt to
inject the ViewModel
to avoid having to pass dependencies from parent
If your ViewModel
has dependencies, viewModel()
takes an optional
as a parameter.
For more information about ViewModel
in Compose and how instances are used
with the Navigation Compose library, or activities and fragments,
see the Interoperability docs.
Streams of data
Compose comes with extensions for Android's most popular stream-based solutions. Each of these extensions is provided by a different artifact:
included in theandroidx.compose.runtime:runtime-livedata:$composeVersion
doesn't require extra dependencies.Observable.subscribeAsState()
included in theandroidx.compose.runtime:runtime-rxjava2:$composeVersion
These artifacts register as a listener and represent the values as a
. Whenever a new value
is emitted, Compose recomposes those parts of the UI where that state.value
used. For example, in this code, ShowData
recomposes every time
emits a new value.
// import androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel.compose.viewModel @Composable fun MyScreen( viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel() ) { val dataExample = viewModel.exampleLiveData.observeAsState() // Because the state is read here, // MyScreen recomposes whenever dataExample changes. dataExample.value?.let { ShowData(dataExample) } }
Asynchronous operations in Compose
Jetpack Compose lets you execute asynchronous operations using coroutines from within your composables.
See the LaunchedEffect
, produceState
, and rememberCoroutineScope
APIs in
the side effects documentation for more
The Navigation component provides support for Jetpack Compose applications. See Navigating with Compose and Migrate Jetpack Navigation to Navigation Compose for more information.
Hilt is the recommended solution for dependency injection in Android apps, and works seamlessly with Compose.
The viewModel()
function mentioned in the ViewModel section
automatically uses the ViewModel that Hilt constructs with the @HiltViewModel
annotation. We've provided documentation with information about Hilt's ViewModel
@HiltViewModel class MyViewModel @Inject constructor( private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle, private val repository: ExampleRepository ) : ViewModel() { /* ... */ } // import androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel.compose.viewModel @Composable fun MyScreen( viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel() ) { /* ... */ }
Hilt and Navigation
Hilt also integrates with the Navigation Compose library. Add the following additional dependencies to your Gradle file:
dependencies { implementation 'androidx.hilt:hilt-navigation-compose:1.2.0' }
dependencies { implementation("androidx.hilt:hilt-navigation-compose:1.2.0") }
When using Navigation Compose, always use the hiltViewModel
function to obtain an instance of your @HiltViewModel
annotated ViewModel
This works with fragments or activities that are annotated with
For example, if ExampleScreen
is a destination in a navigation graph,
call hiltViewModel()
to get an instance of ExampleViewModel
to the destination as shown in the code snippet below:
// import androidx.hilt.navigation.compose.hiltViewModel @Composable fun MyApp() { val navController = rememberNavController() val startRoute = "example" NavHost(navController, startDestination = startRoute) { composable("example") { backStackEntry -> // Creates a ViewModel from the current BackStackEntry // Available in the androidx.hilt:hilt-navigation-compose artifact val viewModel = hiltViewModel<MyViewModel>() MyScreen(viewModel) } /* ... */ } }
If you need to retrieve the instance of a ViewModel
scoped to
navigation routes or the
navigation graph
instead, use the hiltViewModel
composable function and pass the corresponding
as a parameter:
// import androidx.hilt.navigation.compose.hiltViewModel // import androidx.navigation.compose.getBackStackEntry @Composable fun MyApp() { val navController = rememberNavController() val startRoute = "example" val innerStartRoute = "exampleWithRoute" NavHost(navController, startDestination = startRoute) { navigation(startDestination = innerStartRoute, route = "Parent") { // ... composable("exampleWithRoute") { backStackEntry -> val parentEntry = remember(backStackEntry) { navController.getBackStackEntry("Parent") } val parentViewModel = hiltViewModel<ParentViewModel>(parentEntry) ExampleWithRouteScreen(parentViewModel) } } } }
The Paging
makes it easier for you to load data gradually and it's supported in Compose.
The Paging release
page contains
information about the extra paging-compose
dependency that needs to be added
to the project and its version.
Here's an example of the Paging library's Compose APIs:
@Composable fun MyScreen(flow: Flow<PagingData<String>>) { val lazyPagingItems = flow.collectAsLazyPagingItems() LazyColumn { items( lazyPagingItems.itemCount, key = lazyPagingItems.itemKey { it } ) { index -> val item = lazyPagingItems[index] Text("Item is $item") } } }
Check out the Lists and grids documentation for more information about using Paging in Compose.
You can use the Maps Compose library to provide Google Maps in your app. Here's a usage example:
@Composable fun MapsExample() { val singapore = LatLng(1.35, 103.87) val cameraPositionState = rememberCameraPositionState { position = CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom(singapore, 10f) } GoogleMap( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), cameraPositionState = cameraPositionState ) { Marker( state = remember { MarkerState(position = singapore) }, title = "Singapore", snippet = "Marker in Singapore" ) } }
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