Display content edge-to-edge in your app

Try the Compose way
Jetpack Compose is the recommended UI toolkit for Android. Learn how to work with edge-to-edge in Compose.

Once you target SDK 35 or higher on a device running Android 15 or higher, your app is displayed edge-to-edge. The window spans the entire width and height of the display by drawing behind the system bars. System bars include the status bar, caption bar, and navigation bar.

Many apps have a top app bar. The top app bar should stretch to the top edge of the screen and display behind the status bar. Optionally, the top app bar can shrink to the height of the status bar when the content scrolls.

Many apps also have a bottom app bar or bottom navigation bar. These bars should also stretch to the bottom edge of the screen and display behind the navigation bar. Otherwise, apps should show scrolling content behind the navigation bar.

Figure 1. System bars in an edge-to-edge layout.

When implementing an edge-to-edge layout in your app, keep the following in mind:

  1. Enable an edge-to-edge display
  2. Handle any visual overlaps.
  3. Consider showing scrims behind the system bars.
an example of imagery behind the status bar
Figure 2. Example of imagery behind the status bar.

Enable edge-to-edge display

If your app targets SDK 35 or later, edge-to-edge is automatically enabled for Android 15 devices or later.

To enable edge-to-edge on previous Android versions, do the following:

  1. Add a dependency to the androidx.activity library in the build.gradle file of your app or module:

    dependencies {
        val activity_version = activity_version
        // Java language implementation
        // Kotlin
    dependencies {
        def activity_version = activity_version
        // Java language implementation
        implementation 'androidx.activity:activity:$activity_version'
        // Kotlin
        implementation 'androidx.activity:activity-ktx:$activity_version'
  2. Import the enableEdgeToEdge extension function into your app:

Manually enable edge-to-edge by calling enableEdgeToEdge in onCreate of your Activity. It should be called before setContentView.

     override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
     protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

By default, enableEdgeToEdge() makes the system bars transparent, except on 3-button navigation mode where the status bar gets a translucent scrim. The colors of the system icons and the scrim are adjusted based on the system light or dark theme.

The enableEdgeToEdge() function automatically declares that the app should be laid out edge-to-edge and adjusts the colors of the system bars.

To enable edge-to-edge display in your app without using the enableEdgeToEdge() function, see Manually set up the edge-to-edge display.

Handle overlaps using insets

Some of your app's views might draw behind the system bars, as shown in figure 3.

You can address overlaps by reacting to insets, which specify which parts of the screen intersect with system UI such as the navigation bar or the status bar. Intersecting can mean displaying above the content, but it can also inform your app about system gestures.

The types of insets that apply to displaying your app edge-to-edge are:

  • System bars insets: best for views that are tappable and that must not be visually obscured by the system bars.

  • Display cutout insets: for areas where there may be a screen cutout due to the shape of the device.

  • System gesture insets: for gesture-navigational areas used by the system that take priority over your app.

System bars insets

System bar insets are the most commonly used type of insets. They represent the area where the system UI displays in the Z-axis above your app. They are best used to move or pad views in your app that are tappable and that must not be visually obscured by the system bars.

For example, the floating action button (FAB) in figure 3 is partially obscured by the navigation bar:

an example of edge-to-edge implemented, but the nav bar is covering the FAB
Figure 3. Navigation bar overlapping an FAB in an edge-to-edge layout.

To avoid this kind of visual overlap in either gesture mode or button mode, you can increase the view's margins using getInsets(int) with WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars().

The following code example shows how to implement system bar insets:

ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(fab) { v, windowInsets ->
  val insets = windowInsets.getInsets(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars())
  // Apply the insets as a margin to the view. This solution sets
  // only the bottom, left, and right dimensions, but you can apply whichever
  // insets are appropriate to your layout. You can also update the view padding
  // if that's more appropriate.
  v.updateLayoutParams<MarginLayoutParams> {
      leftMargin = insets.left
      bottomMargin = insets.bottom
      rightMargin = insets.right

  // Return CONSUMED if you don't want want the window insets to keep passing
  // down to descendant views.
ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(fab, (v, windowInsets) -> {
  Insets insets = windowInsets.getInsets(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars());
  // Apply the insets as a margin to the view. This solution sets only the
  // bottom, left, and right dimensions, but you can apply whichever insets are
  // appropriate to your layout. You can also update the view padding if that's
  // more appropriate.
  MarginLayoutParams mlp = (MarginLayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams();
  mlp.leftMargin = insets.left;
  mlp.bottomMargin = insets.bottom;
  mlp.rightMargin = insets.right;

  // Return CONSUMED if you don't want want the window insets to keep passing
  // down to descendant views.
    return WindowInsetsCompat.CONSUMED;

If you apply this solution to the example shown in figure 3, it results in no visual overlap in button mode, as shown in figure 4:

a translucent nav bar not covering the FAB
Figure 4. Resolving visual overlap in button mode.

The same applies to gesture navigation mode, as shown in figure 5:

edge-to-edge with gesture navigation
Figure 5. Resolving visual overlap in gesture navigation mode.

Display cutout insets

Some devices have display cutouts. Typically, the cutout is at the top of the screen and included in the status bar. When the device screen is in landscape mode, the cutout may be on the vertical edge. Depending on the content your app shows on the screen, you should implement padding to avoid display cutouts, as by default, apps will draw in the display cutout.

For example, many app screens show a list of items. Don't obscure list items with the display cutout or the system bars.

ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(binding.recyclerView) { v, insets ->
  val bars = insets.getInsets(
      or WindowInsetsCompat.Type.displayCutout()
    left = bars.left,
    top = bars.top,
    right = bars.right,
    bottom = bars.bottom,
ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(mBinding.recyclerView, (v, insets) -> {
  Insets bars = insets.getInsets(
    | WindowInsetsCompat.Type.displayCutout()
  v.setPadding(bars.left, bars.top, bars.right, bars.bottom);
  return WindowInsetsCompat.CONSUMED;

Determine the value of WindowInsetsCompat by taking the logical or of the system bars and the display cutout types.

Set clipToPadding to the RecyclerView so that the padding scrolls with the list items. This allows the items to go behind the system bars when the user scrolls, as shown in the following example.

    app:layoutManager="androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager" />

System gesture insets

System gesture insets represent the areas of the window where system gestures take priority over your app. These areas are shown in orange in figure 6:

An example of system gesture insets
Figure 6. System gesture insets.

Like the system bar insets, you can avoid overlapping the system gesture insets using getInsets(int) with WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemGestures().

Use these insets to move or pad swipeable views away from the edges. Common use cases include bottom sheets, swiping in games, and carousels implemented using ViewPager2.

On Android 10 or later, system gesture insets contain a bottom inset for the home gesture, and a left and right inset for the back gestures:

an example of system gesture inset measurements
Figure 7. System gesture inset measurements.

The following code example shows how to implement system gesture insets:

ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(view) { view, windowInsets ->
    val insets = windowInsets.getInsets(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemGestures())
    // Apply the insets as padding to the view. Here, set all the dimensions
    // as appropriate to your layout. You can also update the view's margin if
    // more appropriate.
    view.updatePadding(insets.left, insets.top, insets.right, insets.bottom)

    // Return CONSUMED if you don't want the window insets to keep passing down
    // to descendant views.
ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(view, (v, windowInsets) -> {
    Insets insets = windowInsets.getInsets(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemGestures());
    // Apply the insets as padding to the view. Here, set all the dimensions
    // as appropriate to your layout. You can also update the view's margin if
    // more appropriate.
    view.setPadding(insets.left, insets.top, insets.right, insets.bottom);

    // Return CONSUMED if you don't want the window insets to keep passing down
    // to descendant views.
    return WindowInsetsCompat.CONSUMED;

Material Components

Many views-based Android Material Components (com.google.android.material) automatically handle insets, including BottomAppBar, BottomNavigationView, NavigationRailView and NavigationView

However, AppBarLayout doesn't automatically handle insets. Add android:fitsSystemWindows="true" to handle top insets.

Read how to handle insets with Material Components in Compose.

Backward compatible inset dispatching

To stop insets dispatching to children views and avoid over-padding, you can consume insets using the WindowInsetsCompat.CONSUMED constant. However, on devices that run Android 10 (API level 29 and earlier), insets aren't dispatched to siblings after calling WindowInsetsCompat.CONSUMED, which can cause unintended visual overlap.

Broken inset dispatching example
Figure 8. Broken inset dispatching example. Insets don't dispatch to sibling views after ViewGroup 1 consumes insets on Android 10 (API level 29) and earlier, causing TextView 2 to overlap with the system navigation bar. However, insets are dispatched to sibling views on Android 11 (API level 30) and higher, as expected.

To confirm that insets are dispatched to siblings for all supported Android versions, use ViewGroupCompat#installCompatInsetsDispatch before consuming insets, available on AndroidX Core and Core-ktx 1.16.0-alpha01 and higher.

// Use the i.d. assigned to your layout's root view, e.g. R.id.main
val rootView = findViewById(R.id.main)
// Call before consuming insets
// Use the i.d. assigned to your layout's root view, e.g. R.id.main
LinearLayout rootView = findViewById(R.id.main);
// Call before consuming insets
Fixed inset dispatching example
Figure 9. Fixed inset dispatching after calling ViewGroupCompat#installCompatInsetsDispatch.

Immersive mode

Some content is best experienced in full screen, giving the user a more immersive experience. You can hide the system bars an for immersive mode using the WindowInsetsController and WindowInsetsControllerCompat libraries:

val windowInsetsController =
      WindowCompat.getInsetsController(window, window.decorView)

// Hide the system bars.

// Show the system bars.
Window window = getWindow();
WindowInsetsControllerCompat windowInsetsController =
      WindowCompat.getInsetsController(window, window.getDecorView());
if (windowInsetsController == null) {
// Hide the system bars.

// Show the system bars.

Refer to Hide system bars for immersive mode for more information about implementing this feature.

System bar icons

Calling enableEdgeToEdge ensures system bar icon colors update when the device theme changes.

While going edge-to-edge, you might need to manually update the system bar icon colors so they contrast with your app's background. For example, to create light status bar icons:

WindowCompat.getInsetsController(window, window.decorView)
    .isAppearanceLightStatusBars = false
WindowCompat.getInsetsController(window, window.getDecorView())

System bar protection

Once your app targets SDK 35 or later, edge-to-edge is enforced. The system status bar and gesture navigation bars are transparent, but the three-button navigation bar is translucent.

To remove the default translucent three-button navigation background protection, set Window.setNavigationBarContrastEnforced to false.

Other tips

Check that the last list item isn't obscured by the system bars in your RecyclerView or NestedScrollView by handling insets and setting clipToPadding to false.

The following video shows a RecyclerView with edge-to-edge display disabled (left) and enabled (right):

See the code snippets in the Create dynamic lists with RecyclerView section for a code sample.

Additional resources

See the following references for more information about WindowInsets, gesture navigation, and how insets work: