
Try the Compose way
Jetpack Compose is the recommended UI toolkit for Android. Learn how to use text in Compose.

Spans are powerful markup objects that you can use to style text at the character or paragraph level. By attaching spans to text objects, you can change text in a variety of ways, including adding color, making the text clickable, scaling the text size, and drawing text in a customized way. Spans can also change TextPaint properties, draw on a Canvas, and change text layout.

Android provides several types of spans that cover a variety of common text styling patterns. You can also create your own spans to apply custom styling.

Create and apply a span

To create a span, you can use one of the classes listed in the following table. The classes differ based on whether the text itself is mutable, whether the text markup is mutable, and what underlying data structure contains the span data.

Class Mutable text Mutable markup Data structure
SpannedString No No Linear array
SpannableString No Yes Linear array
SpannableStringBuilder Yes Yes Interval tree

All three classes extend the Spanned interface. SpannableString and SpannableStringBuilder also extend the Spannable interface.

Here's how to decide which one to use:

  • If you aren't modifying the text or markup after creation, use SpannedString.
  • If you need to attach a small number of spans to a single text object and the text itself is read-only, use SpannableString.
  • If you need to modify text after creation and you need to attach spans to the text, use SpannableStringBuilder.
  • If you need to attach a large number of spans to a text object, regardless of whether the text itself is read-only, use SpannableStringBuilder.

To apply a span, call setSpan(Object _what_, int _start_, int _end_, int _flags_) on a Spannable object. The what parameter refers to the span you are applying to the text, and the start and end parameters indicate the portion of the text you are applying the span to.

If you insert text inside a span's boundaries, the span automatically expands to include the inserted text. When inserting text at the span boundaries—that is, at the start or end indices—the flags parameter determines whether the span expands to include the inserted text. Use the Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE flag to include inserted text, and use Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE to exclude the inserted text.

The following example shows how to attach a ForegroundColorSpan to a string:

val spannable = SpannableStringBuilder("Text is spantastic!")
    8, // start
    12, // end
SpannableStringBuilder spannable = new SpannableStringBuilder("Text is spantastic!");
    new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED),
    8, // start
    12, // end
An image showing a grey text, partially red.
Figure 1. Text styled with a ForegroundColorSpan.

Because the span is set using Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE, the span expands to include inserted text at the span boundaries, as shown in the following example:

val spannable = SpannableStringBuilder("Text is spantastic!")
    8, // start
    12, // end
spannable.insert(12, "(& fon)")
SpannableStringBuilder spannable = new SpannableStringBuilder("Text is spantastic!");
    new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED),
    8, // start
    12, // end
spannable.insert(12, "(& fon)");
An image showing how the span include more text when SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE is used.
Figure 2. The span expands to include additional text when using Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE.

You can attach multiple spans to the same text. The following example shows how to create text that is bold and red:

val spannable = SpannableString("Text is spantastic!")
spannable.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), 8, 12, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString("Text is spantastic!");
    new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED),
    8, 12,
    new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD),
    8, spannable.length(),
An image showing a text with multiple spans: `ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED)` and `StyleSpan(BOLD)`
Figure 3. Text with multiple spans: ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED) and StyleSpan(BOLD).

Android span types

Android provides over 20 span types in the package. Android categorizes spans in two primary ways:

  • How the span affects text: a span can affect text appearance or text metrics.
  • Span scope: some spans can be applied to individual characters, while others must be applied to an entire paragraph.
An image showing different span categories
Figure 4. Categories of Android spans.

The following sections describe these categories in more detail.

Spans that affect text appearance

Some spans that apply at the character level affect text appearance, such as changing text or background color and adding underlines or strikethroughs. These spans extend the CharacterStyle class.

The following code example shows how to apply an UnderlineSpan to underline the text:

val string = SpannableString("Text with underline span")
string.setSpan(UnderlineSpan(), 10, 19, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
SpannableString string = new SpannableString("Text with underline span");
string.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), 10, 19, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
An image showing how to underline text using an `UnderlineSpan`
Figure 5. Text underlined using an UnderlineSpan.

Spans that affect only text appearance trigger a redraw of the text without triggering a recalculation of the layout. These spans implement UpdateAppearance and extend CharacterStyle. CharacterStyle subclasses define how to draw text by providing access to update the TextPaint.

Spans that affect text metrics

Other spans that apply at the character level affect text metrics, such as line height and text size. These spans extend the MetricAffectingSpan class.

The following code example creates a RelativeSizeSpan that increases text size by 50%:

val string = SpannableString("Text with relative size span")
string.setSpan(RelativeSizeSpan(1.5f), 10, 24, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
SpannableString string = new SpannableString("Text with relative size span");
string.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(1.5f), 10, 24, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
An image showing the usage of RelativeSizeSpan
Figure 6. Text made larger using a RelativeSizeSpan.

Applying a span that affects text metrics causes an observing object to re-measure the text for correct layout and rendering—for example, changing text size might cause words to appear on different lines. Applying the preceding span triggers a remeasure, recalculation of the text layout, and redrawing of the text.

Spans that affect text metrics extend the MetricAffectingSpan class, an abstract class that lets subclasses define how the span affects text measurement by providing access to the TextPaint. Since MetricAffectingSpan extends CharacterSpan, subclasses affect the appearance of the text at the character level.

Spans that affect paragraphs

A span can also affect text at the paragraph level, such as changing the alignment or the margin of a block of text. Spans that affect entire paragraphs implement ParagraphStyle. To use these spans, you attach them to the entire paragraph, excluding the ending new line character. If you try to apply a paragraph span to something other than a whole paragraph, Android doesn't apply the span at all.

Figure 8 shows how Android separates paragraphs in text.

Figure 7. In Android, paragraphs end with a new line (\n) character.

The following code example applies a QuoteSpan to a paragraph. Note that if you attach the span to any position other than the beginning or end of a paragraph, Android doesn't apply the style at all.

spannable.setSpan(QuoteSpan(color), 8, text.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
spannable.setSpan(new QuoteSpan(color), 8, text.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
An image showing an example of QuoteSpan
Figure 8. A QuoteSpan applied to a paragraph.

Create custom spans

If you need more functionality than what is provided in the existing Android spans, you can implement a custom span. When implementing your own span, decide whether your span affects text at the character level or the paragraph level and also whether it affects the layout or appearance of the text. This helps you determine which base classes you can extend and which interfaces you might need to implement. Use the following table for reference:

Scenario Class or interface
Your span affects text at the character level. CharacterStyle
Your span affects text appearance. UpdateAppearance
Your span affects text metrics. UpdateLayout
Your span affects text at the paragraph level. ParagraphStyle

For example, if you need to implement a custom span that modifies text size and color, extend RelativeSizeSpan. Through inheritance, RelativeSizeSpan extends CharacterStyle and implements the two Update interfaces. Since this class already provides callbacks for updateDrawState and updateMeasureState, you can override these callbacks to implement your custom behavior. The following code creates a custom span that extends RelativeSizeSpan and overrides the updateDrawState callback to set the color of the TextPaint:

class RelativeSizeColorSpan(
    size: Float,
    @ColorInt private val color: Int
) : RelativeSizeSpan(size) {
    override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) {
        textPaint.color = color
public class RelativeSizeColorSpan extends RelativeSizeSpan {
    private int color;
    public RelativeSizeColorSpan(float spanSize, int spanColor) {
        color = spanColor;
    public void updateDrawState(TextPaint textPaint) {

This example illustrates how to create a custom span. You can achieve the same effect by applying a RelativeSizeSpan and ForegroundColorSpan to the text.

Test span usage

The Spanned interface lets you both set spans and also retrieve spans from text. When testing, implement an Android JUnit test to verify that the correct spans are added at the correct locations. The Text Styling sample app contains a span that applies markup to bullet points by attaching BulletPointSpan to the text. The following code example shows how to test whether the bullet points appear as expected:

@Test fun textWithBulletPoints() {
   val result = builder.markdownToSpans("Points\n* one\n+ two")

   // Check whether the markup tags are removed.
   assertEquals("Points\none\ntwo", result.toString())

   // Get all the spans attached to the SpannedString.
   val spans = result.getSpans<Any>(0, result.length,

   // Check whether the correct number of spans are created.
   assertEquals(2, spans.size.toLong())

   // Check whether the spans are instances of BulletPointSpan.
   val bulletSpan1 = spans[0] as BulletPointSpan
   val bulletSpan2 = spans[1] as BulletPointSpan

   // Check whether the start and end indices are the expected ones.
   assertEquals(7, result.getSpanStart(bulletSpan1).toLong())
   assertEquals(11, result.getSpanEnd(bulletSpan1).toLong())
   assertEquals(11, result.getSpanStart(bulletSpan2).toLong())
   assertEquals(14, result.getSpanEnd(bulletSpan2).toLong())
public void textWithBulletPoints() {
    SpannedString result = builder.markdownToSpans("Points\n* one\n+ two");

    // Check whether the markup tags are removed.
    assertEquals("Points\none\ntwo", result.toString());

    // Get all the spans attached to the SpannedString.
    Object[] spans = result.getSpans(0, result.length(), Object.class);

    // Check whether the correct number of spans are created.
    assertEquals(2, spans.length);

    // Check whether the spans are instances of BulletPointSpan.
    BulletPointSpan bulletSpan1 = (BulletPointSpan) spans[0];
    BulletPointSpan bulletSpan2 = (BulletPointSpan) spans[1];

    // Check whether the start and end indices are the expected ones.
    assertEquals(7, result.getSpanStart(bulletSpan1));
    assertEquals(11, result.getSpanEnd(bulletSpan1));
    assertEquals(11, result.getSpanStart(bulletSpan2));
    assertEquals(14, result.getSpanEnd(bulletSpan2));

For more test examples, see MarkdownBuilderTest on GitHub.

Test custom spans

When testing spans, verify that the TextPaint contains the expected modifications and that the correct elements appear on your Canvas. For example, consider a custom span implementation that prepends a bullet point to some text. The bullet point has a specified size and color, and there is a gap between the left margin of the drawable area and the bullet point.

You can test the behavior of this class by implementing an AndroidJUnit test, checking for the following:

  • If you correctly apply the span, a bullet point of the specified size and color appears on the canvas, and the proper space exists between the left margin and the bullet point.
  • If you don't apply the span, none of the custom behavior appears.

You can see the implementation of these tests in the TextStyling sample on GitHub.

You can test Canvas interactions by mocking the canvas, passing the mocked object to the drawLeadingMargin() method, and verifying that the correct methods are called with the correct parameters.

You can find more span test samples in BulletPointSpanTest.

Best practices for using spans

There are several memory-efficient ways to set text in a TextView, depending on your needs.

Attach or detach a span without changing the underlying text

TextView.setText() contains multiple overloads that handle spans differently. For example, you can set a Spannable text object with the following code:


When calling this overload of setText(), the TextView creates a copy of your Spannable as a SpannedString and keeps it in memory as a CharSequence. This means that your text and the spans are immutable, so when you need to update the text or the spans, create a new Spannable object and call setText() again, which also triggers a re-measuring and re-drawing of the layout.

To indicate that the spans must be mutable, you can instead use setText(CharSequence text, TextView.BufferType type), as shown in the following example:

textView.setText(spannable, BufferType.SPANNABLE)
val spannableText = textView.text as Spannable
     8, spannableText.length,
textView.setText(spannable, BufferType.SPANNABLE);
Spannable spannableText = (Spannable) textView.getText();
     new ForegroundColorSpan(color),
     8, spannableText.getLength(),

In this example, the BufferType.SPANNABLE parameter causes the TextView to create a SpannableString, and the CharSequence object kept by the TextView now has mutable markup and immutable text. To update the span, retrieve the text as a Spannable and then update the spans as needed.

When you attach, detach, or reposition spans, the TextView automatically updates to reflect the change to the text. If you change an internal attribute of an existing span, call invalidate() to make appearance-related changes or requestLayout() to make metric-related changes.

Set text in a TextView multiple times

In some cases, such as when using a RecyclerView.ViewHolder, you might want to reuse a TextView and set the text multiple times. By default, regardless of whether you set the BufferType, the TextView creates a copy of the CharSequence object and holds it in memory. This makes all TextView updates intentional—you can't update the original CharSequence object to update the text. This means every time you set new text, the TextView creates a new object.

If want to take more control over this process and avoid the extra object creation, you can implement your own Spannable.Factory and override newSpannable(). Instead of creating a new text object, you can cast and return the existing CharSequence as a Spannable, as demonstrated in the following example:

val spannableFactory = object : Spannable.Factory() {
    override fun newSpannable(source: CharSequence?): Spannable {
        return source as Spannable
Spannable.Factory spannableFactory = new Spannable.Factory(){
    public Spannable newSpannable(CharSequence source) {
        return (Spannable) source;

You must use textView.setText(spannableObject, BufferType.SPANNABLE) when setting the text. Otherwise, the source CharSequence is created as a Spanned instance and can't be cast to Spannable, causing newSpannable() to throw a ClassCastException.

After overriding newSpannable(), tell the TextView to use the new Factory:


Set the Spannable.Factory object once, right after you get a reference to your TextView. If you're using a RecyclerView, set the Factory object when you first inflate your views. This avoids extra object creation when your RecyclerView binds a new item to your ViewHolder.

Change internal span attributes

If you need to change only an internal attribute of a mutable span, such as the bullet color in a custom bullet span, you can avoid the overhead from calling setText() multiple times by keeping a reference to the span as it's created. When you need to modify the span, you can modify the reference and then call invalidate() or requestLayout() on the TextView, depending on the type of attribute you changed.

In the following code example, a custom bullet point implementation has a default color of red that changes to gray when a button is tapped:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    // Keeping the span as a field.
    val bulletSpan = BulletPointSpan(color = Color.RED)

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val spannable = SpannableString("Text is spantastic")
        // Setting the span to the bulletSpan field.
            0, 4,
        button.setOnClickListener {
            // Change the color of the mutable span.
            bulletSpan.color = Color.GRAY
            // Color doesn't change until invalidate is called.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private BulletPointSpan bulletSpan = new BulletPointSpan(Color.RED);

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString("Text is spantastic");
        // Setting the span to the bulletSpan field.
        spannable.setSpan(bulletSpan, 0, 4, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                // Change the color of the mutable span.
                // Color doesn't change until invalidate is called.

Use Android KTX extension functions

Android KTX also contains extension functions that make working with spans easier. To learn more, see the documentation for the androidx.core.text package.