


本页面假定您熟悉 Paging 库的基本用法


由于 PagingData 封装在响应式数据流中,因此您可以在加载数据之后、呈现数据之前逐步对数据执行转换操作。

为了对数据流中的每个 PagingData 对象执行转换,请将转换操作放入对数据流的 map() 操作中:

pager.flow // Type is Flow<PagingData<User>>.
  // Map the outer stream so that the transformations are applied to
  // each new generation of PagingData.
  .map { pagingData ->
    // Transformations in this block are applied to the items
    // in the paged data.
PagingRx.getFlowable(pager) // Type is Flowable<PagingData<User>>.
  // Map the outer stream so that the transformations are applied to
  // each new generation of PagingData.
  .map(pagingData -> {
    // Transformations in this block are applied to the items
    // in the paged data.
// Map the outer stream so that the transformations are applied to
// each new generation of PagingData.
  // Type is LiveData<PagingData<User>>.
  pagingData -> {
    // Transformations in this block are applied to the items
    // in the paged data.


可对数据流进行的最基本操作就是将其转换为其他类型。获得对 PagingData 对象的访问权限后,您可以对 PagingData 对象的分页列表中的每个单项执行 map() 操作。


pager.flow // Type is Flow<PagingData<User>>.
  .map { pagingData ->
    pagingData.map { user -> UiModel(user) }
// Type is Flowable<PagingData<User>>.
  .map(pagingData ->
  // Type is LiveData<PagingData<User>>.
  pagingData ->


您可以使用数据流 API 来监听查询输入。将数据流引用保留在 ViewModel 中。界面层不应直接访问该类;相反,应该定义一个函数来通知 ViewModel 相关用户查询。

private val queryFlow = MutableStateFlow("")

fun onQueryChanged(query: String) {
  queryFlow.value = query
private BehaviorSubject<String> querySubject = BehaviorSubject.create("");

public void onQueryChanged(String query) {
private MutableLiveData<String> queryLiveData = new MutableLiveData("");

public void onQueryChanged(String query) {


val querySearchResults = queryFlow.flatMapLatest { query ->
  // The database query returns a Flow which is output through
  // querySearchResults
Observable<User> querySearchResults =
  querySubject.switchMap(query -> userDatabase.searchBy(query));
LiveData<User> querySearchResults = Transformations.switchMap(
  query -> userDatabase.searchBy(query)

使用 flatMapLatestswitchMap 等操作可以确保只将最新结果返回到界面。如果用户在数据库操作结束前更改查询输入,这些操作会舍弃旧查询的结果,并立即启动新的搜索。



您需要将这些过滤操作放入 map() 调用中,因为该过滤条件适用于 PagingData 对象。数据从 PagingData 中过滤掉后,系统会将新的 PagingData 实例传递到界面层进行显示。

pager.flow // Type is Flow<PagingData<User>>.
  .map { pagingData ->
    pagingData.filter { user -> !user.hiddenFromUi }
// Type is Flowable<PagingData<User>>.
  .map(pagingData ->
    pagingData.filter(user -> !user.isHiddenFromUi())
  // Type is LiveData<PagingData<User>>.
  pagingData ->
    pagingData.filter(user -> !user.isHiddenFromUi())


Paging 库支持动态列表分隔符。您可以通过将分隔符作为 RecyclerView 列表项直接插入到数据流中来提高列表的可读性。因此,分隔符是功能完备的 ViewHolder 对象,可支持互动、无障碍功能焦点以及 View 提供的所有其他功能。


  1. 转换界面模型,以适应分隔符项。
  2. 转换数据流,以便在加载数据之后、呈现数据之前动态添加分隔符。
  3. 更新界面,以处理分隔符项。


Paging 库将列表分隔符作为实际的列表项插入到 RecyclerView 中,但分隔符必须与列表中的数据项区分开来,以便其能够绑定到具有不同界面的其他 ViewHolder 类型。解决方案是创建一个具有表示数据和分隔符的子类的 Kotlin 密封类。或者,您也可以创建一个可由您的列表项类和分隔符类扩展的基类。

假设您想要向 User 项的分页列表添加分隔符。以下代码段展示了如何创建基类,其中的实例可以是 UserModelSeparatorModel

sealed class UiModel {
  class UserModel(val id: String, val label: String) : UiModel() {
    constructor(user: User) : this(user.id, user.label)

  class SeparatorModel(val description: String) : UiModel()
class UiModel {
  private UiModel() {}

  static class UserModel extends UiModel {
    private String mId;
    private String mLabel;

    UserModel(@NonNull String id, @NonNull String label) {
      mId = id;
      mLabel = label;

    UserModel(@NonNull User user) {
      mId = user.id;
      mLabel = user.label;

    public String getId() {
      return mId;

    public String getLabel() {
      return mLabel;

    static class SeparatorModel extends UiModel {
    private String mDescription;

    SeparatorModel(@NonNull String description) {
      mDescription = description;

    public String getDescription() {
      return mDescription;
class UiModel {
  private UiModel() {}

  static class UserModel extends UiModel {
    private String mId;
    private String mLabel;

    UserModel(@NonNull String id, @NonNull String label) {
      mId = id;
      mLabel = label;

    UserModel(@NonNull User user) {
      mId = user.id;
      mLabel = user.label;

    public String getId() {
      return mId;

    public String getLabel() {
      return mLabel;

    static class SeparatorModel extends UiModel {
    private String mDescription;

    SeparatorModel(@NonNull String description) {
      mDescription = description;

    public String getDescription() {
      return mDescription;



  • 转换加载的列表项,以反映新的基本项类型。
  • 使用 PagingData.insertSeparators() 方法添加分隔符。


以下示例演示了用于将 PagingData<User> 流更新为添加了分隔符的 PagingData<UiModel> 流的转换操作:

pager.flow.map { pagingData: PagingData<User> ->
  // Map outer stream, so you can perform transformations on
  // each paging generation.
  .map { user ->
    // Convert items in stream to UiModel.UserModel.
  .insertSeparators<UiModel.UserModel, UiModel> { before, after ->
    when {
      before == null -> UiModel.SeparatorModel("HEADER")
      after == null -> UiModel.SeparatorModel("FOOTER")
      shouldSeparate(before, after) -> UiModel.SeparatorModel(
        "BETWEEN ITEMS $before AND $after"
      // Return null to avoid adding a separator between two items.
      else -> null
// Map outer stream, so you can perform transformations on each
// paging generation.
PagingRx.getFlowable(pager).map(pagingData -> {
  // First convert items in stream to UiModel.UserModel.
  PagingData<UiModel> uiModelPagingData = pagingData.map(

  // Insert UiModel.SeparatorModel, which produces PagingData of
  // generic type UiModel.
  return PagingData.insertSeparators(uiModelPagingData,
    (@Nullable UiModel before, @Nullable UiModel after) -> {
      if (before == null) {
        return new UiModel.SeparatorModel("HEADER");
      } else if (after == null) {
        return new UiModel.SeparatorModel("FOOTER");
      } else if (shouldSeparate(before, after)) {
        return new UiModel.SeparatorModel("BETWEEN ITEMS "
          + before.toString() + " AND " + after.toString());
      } else {
        // Return null to avoid adding a separator between two
        // items.
        return null;
// Map outer stream, so you can perform transformations on each
// paging generation.
  pagingData -> {
    // First convert items in stream to UiModel.UserModel.
    PagingData<UiModel> uiModelPagingData = pagingData.map(

    // Insert UiModel.SeparatorModel, which produces PagingData of
    // generic type UiModel.
    return PagingData.insertSeparators(uiModelPagingData,
      (@Nullable UiModel before, @Nullable UiModel after) -> {
        if (before == null) {
          return new UiModel.SeparatorModel("HEADER");
        } else if (after == null) {
          return new UiModel.SeparatorModel("FOOTER");
        } else if (shouldSeparate(before, after)) {
          return new UiModel.SeparatorModel("BETWEEN ITEMS "
            + before.toString() + " AND " + after.toString());
        } else {
          // Return null to avoid adding a separator between two
          // items.
          return null;


最后一步是更改界面以适应分隔符项类型。为您的分隔符项创建布局和 ViewHolder,并将列表 Adapter 更改为使用 RecyclerView.ViewHolder 作为其 ViewHolder 类型,以便 Adapter 可以处理多种类型的 ViewHolder。或者,您也可以定义项和分隔符 ViewHolder 类都可扩展的通用基类。

您还必须对列表 Adapter 进行以下更改:

  • onCreateViewHolder()onBindViewHolder() 方法添加用于分隔符列表项的用例。
  • 实现新的比较器。
class UiModelAdapter :
  PagingDataAdapter<UiModel, RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(UiModelComparator) {

  override fun onCreateViewHolder(
    parent: ViewGroup,
    viewType: Int
  ) = when (viewType) {
    R.layout.item -> UserModelViewHolder(parent)
    else -> SeparatorModelViewHolder(parent)

  override fun getItemViewType(position: Int) {
    // Use peek over getItem to avoid triggering page fetch / drops, since
    // recycling views is not indicative of the user's current scroll position.
    return when (peek(position)) {
      is UiModel.UserModel -> R.layout.item
      is UiModel.SeparatorModel -> R.layout.separator_item
      null -> throw IllegalStateException("Unknown view")

  override fun onBindViewHolder(
    holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder,
    position: Int
  ) {
    val item = getItem(position)
    if (holder is UserModelViewHolder) {
      holder.bind(item as UserModel)
    } else if (holder is SeparatorModelViewHolder) {
      holder.bind(item as SeparatorModel)

object UiModelComparator : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<UiModel>() {
  override fun areItemsTheSame(
    oldItem: UiModel,
    newItem: UiModel
  ): Boolean {
    val isSameRepoItem = oldItem is UiModel.UserModel
      && newItem is UiModel.UserModel
      && oldItem.id == newItem.id

    val isSameSeparatorItem = oldItem is UiModel.SeparatorModel
      && newItem is UiModel.SeparatorModel
      && oldItem.description == newItem.description

    return isSameRepoItem || isSameSeparatorItem

  override fun areContentsTheSame(
    oldItem: UiModel,
    newItem: UiModel
  ) = oldItem == newItem
class UiModelAdapter extends PagingDataAdapter<UiModel, RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
  UiModelAdapter() {
    super(new UiModelComparator(), Dispatchers.getMain(),

  public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent,
    int viewType) {
    if (viewType == R.layout.item) {
      return new UserModelViewHolder(parent);
    } else {
      return new SeparatorModelViewHolder(parent);

  public int getItemViewType(int position) {
    // Use peek over getItem to avoid triggering page fetch / drops, since
    // recycling views is not indicative of the user's current scroll position.
    UiModel item = peek(position);
    if (item instanceof UiModel.UserModel) {
      return R.layout.item;
    } else if (item instanceof UiModel.SeparatorModel) {
      return R.layout.separator_item;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown view");

  public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder,
    int position) {
    if (holder instanceOf UserModelViewHolder) {
      UserModel userModel = (UserModel) getItem(position);
      ((UserModelViewHolder) holder).bind(userModel);
    } else {
      SeparatorModel separatorModel = (SeparatorModel) getItem(position);
      ((SeparatorModelViewHolder) holder).bind(separatorModel);

class UiModelComparator extends DiffUtil.ItemCallback<UiModel> {
  public boolean areItemsTheSame(@NonNull UiModel oldItem,
    @NonNull UiModel newItem) {
    boolean isSameRepoItem = oldItem instanceof UserModel
      && newItem instanceof UserModel
      && ((UserModel) oldItem).getId().equals(((UserModel) newItem).getId());

    boolean isSameSeparatorItem = oldItem instanceof SeparatorModel
      && newItem instanceof SeparatorModel
      && ((SeparatorModel) oldItem).getDescription().equals(
      ((SeparatorModel) newItem).getDescription());

    return isSameRepoItem || isSameSeparatorItem;

  public boolean areContentsTheSame(@NonNull UiModel oldItem,
    @NonNull UiModel newItem) {
    return oldItem.equals(newItem);
class UiModelAdapter extends PagingDataAdapter<UiModel, RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
  UiModelAdapter() {
    super(new UiModelComparator(), Dispatchers.getMain(),

  public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent,
    int viewType) {
    if (viewType == R.layout.item) {
      return new UserModelViewHolder(parent);
    } else {
      return new SeparatorModelViewHolder(parent);

  public int getItemViewType(int position) {
    // Use peek over getItem to avoid triggering page fetch / drops, since
    // recycling views is not indicative of the user's current scroll position.
    UiModel item = peek(position);
    if (item instanceof UiModel.UserModel) {
      return R.layout.item;
    } else if (item instanceof UiModel.SeparatorModel) {
      return R.layout.separator_item;
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown view");

  public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder,
    int position) {
    if (holder instanceOf UserModelViewHolder) {
      UserModel userModel = (UserModel) getItem(position);
      ((UserModelViewHolder) holder).bind(userModel);
    } else {
      SeparatorModel separatorModel = (SeparatorModel) getItem(position);
      ((SeparatorModelViewHolder) holder).bind(separatorModel);

class UiModelComparator extends DiffUtil.ItemCallback<UiModel> {
  public boolean areItemsTheSame(@NonNull UiModel oldItem,
    @NonNull UiModel newItem) {
    boolean isSameRepoItem = oldItem instanceof UserModel
      && newItem instanceof UserModel
      && ((UserModel) oldItem).getId().equals(((UserModel) newItem).getId());

    boolean isSameSeparatorItem = oldItem instanceof SeparatorModel
      && newItem instanceof SeparatorModel
      && ((SeparatorModel) oldItem).getDescription().equals(
      ((SeparatorModel) newItem).getDescription());

    return isSameRepoItem || isSameSeparatorItem;

  public boolean areContentsTheSame(@NonNull UiModel oldItem,
    @NonNull UiModel newItem) {
    return oldItem.equals(newItem);


需要避免的一个主要问题是让应用执行不必要的工作。提取数据是一项成本高昂的操作,并且数据转换也需要花费宝贵的时间。 一旦数据加载完毕并准备好在界面中显示,系统就应该保存数据,以备在发生配置更改且需要重新创建界面时使用。

cachedIn() 操作会缓存在它执行之前发生的任何转换的结果。因此,cachedIn() 应该是 ViewModel 中的最后一次调用。

pager.flow // Type is Flow<PagingData<User>>.
  .map { pagingData ->
    pagingData.filter { user -> !user.hiddenFromUi }
      .map { user -> UiModel.UserModel(user) }
// CoroutineScope helper provided by the lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx artifact.
CoroutineScope viewModelScope = ViewModelKt.getViewModelScope(viewModel);
  // Type is Flowable<PagingData<User>>.
    .map(pagingData -> pagingData
      .filter(user -> !user.isHiddenFromUi())
// CoroutineScope helper provided by the lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx artifact.
CoroutineScope viewModelScope = ViewModelKt.getViewModelScope(viewModel);
    // Type is LiveData<PagingData<User>>.
    pagingData -> pagingData
      .filter(user -> !user.isHiddenFromUi())

如需详细了解如何将 cachedIn() 用于 PagingData 流,请参阅设置 PagingData 流


如需详细了解 Paging 库,请参阅下列其他资源:


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