Load an image from the disk
Use the Image
composable to display a graphic on screen. To load an image
(for example: PNG, JPEG, WEBP) or vector resource from the disk, use the
API with your image reference. You don't need to know the type
of the asset, just use painterResource
in Image
or paint
Image( painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.dog), contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.dog_content_description) )
To ensure that your app is accessible, supply a contentDescription
visual elements on screen. TalkBack reads out the content description, so you
must ensure that the text is meaningful if read out loud and translated. In the
above example, a stringResource()
is used to load up the translated content
description from the strings.xml
file. If your visual element on screen is
purely for visual decoration, set your contentDescription
to null
for the
screen reader to ignore it.
If you need lower-level ImageBitmap
specific functionality, you can use
to load up a Bitmap. For more information on
ImageBitmaps, read the ImageBitmap versus ImageVector section.
Drawable support
currently supports the following drawable types:
(PNG, JPG, WEBP)ColorDrawable
Load an image from the internet
To load an image from the internet, there are several third-party libraries available to help you handle the process. Image loading libraries do a lot of the heavy lifting for you; they handle both caching (so you don't download the image multiple times) and networking logic to download the image and display it on screen.
For example, to load an image with Coil
from Instacart, add the library to your gradle file, and use an AsyncImage
to load an image from a URL:
AsyncImage( model = "https://example.com/image.jpg", contentDescription = "Translated description of what the image contains" )
An image loading library backed by Kotlin Coroutines (Instacart).
A fast and efficient image loading library for Android focused on smooth scrolling (Google).
No recommendations at this time.
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