Editor actions

Android Studio has features inside the editor area to improve your productivity with Jetpack Compose.

Live templates

Android Studio comes with these Compose-related live templates, which allow you to enter code snippets for fast insertion by typing the corresponding template abbreviation:

  • comp to set up a @Composable function
  • prev to create a @Preview composable function
  • paddp to add a padding Modifier in dp
  • weight to add a weight Modifier
  • W, WR, WC to surround the current composable with a Box, Row, or Columncontainer

Gutter icons

Gutter icons are contextual actions visible on the sidebar, next to the line numbers. Android Studio introduces several gutter icons specific to Jetpack Compose to ease your developer experience.

Deploy preview

You can deploy a @Preview to the emulator or physical device directly from the gutter icon:

The user clicking a preview function's deploy gutter icon, and deploying the
preview to the

Color picker

Whenever a color is defined inside or outside a composable, its preview is shown on the gutter. You can change the color via the color picker by clicking on it like this:

The user clicking a color in the gutter, bringing up a color

Image resource picker

Whenever a drawable, vector, or image is defined inside or outside a composable, its preview is shown on the gutter. You can change it via the image resource picker by clicking on it like this:

The user clicking an icon in the gutter, bringing up the resource

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