Many composables have built-in support for taps or clicks and include an
lambda. For example, you can create a clickable Surface
includes all Material Design behavior appropriate for interaction with surfaces:
Surface(onClick = { /* handle click */ }) { Text("Click me!", Modifier.padding(24.dp)) }
But clicks are not the only way a user can interact with composables. This page focuses on gestures that involve a single pointer, where the position of that pointer is not significant for the handling of that event. The following table lists these types of gestures:
Gesture |
Description |
Tap (or click) |
Pointer goes down and then up |
Double tap |
Pointer goes down, up, down, up |
Long-press |
Pointer goes down, and is held for a longer time |
Press |
Pointer goes down |
Respond to tap or click
is a commonly used modifier that makes a composable react to
taps or clicks. This modifier also adds additional features, such as support for
focus, mouse and stylus hovering, and a customizable visual indication when
pressed. The modifier responds to "clicks" in the widest sense of the word-- not
only with mouse or finger, but also click events through keyboard input or when
using accessibility services.
Imagine a grid of images, where an image shows full-screen when a user clicks on it:
You can add the clickable
modifier to each item in the grid to implement this
@Composable private fun ImageGrid(photos: List<Photo>) { var activePhotoId by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf<Int?>(null) } LazyVerticalGrid(columns = GridCells.Adaptive(minSize = 128.dp)) { items(photos, { }) { photo -> ImageItem( photo, Modifier.clickable { activePhotoId = } ) } } if (activePhotoId != null) { FullScreenImage( photo = photos.first { == activePhotoId }, onDismiss = { activePhotoId = null } ) } }
The clickable
modifier also adds additional behavior:
, which draw a ripple by default when a user taps the composable. Learn how to customize these on the Handling user interactions page.- Allows accessibility services to interact with the element by setting the semantics information.
- Supports keyboard or joystick interaction by allowing focus and pressing
or the center of the d-pad to interact. - Make the element hoverable, so it responds to the mouse or stylus hovering over it.
Long-press to show a contextual context menu
lets you add double tap or long-press behavior in
addition to normal click behavior. You can use combinedClickable
to show a
context menu when a user touches and holds a grid image:
var contextMenuPhotoId by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf<Int?>(null) } val haptics = LocalHapticFeedback.current LazyVerticalGrid(columns = GridCells.Adaptive(minSize = 128.dp)) { items(photos, { }) { photo -> ImageItem( photo, Modifier .combinedClickable( onClick = { activePhotoId = }, onLongClick = { haptics.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackType.LongPress) contextMenuPhotoId = }, onLongClickLabel = stringResource(R.string.open_context_menu) ) ) } } if (contextMenuPhotoId != null) { PhotoActionsSheet( photo = photos.first { == contextMenuPhotoId }, onDismissSheet = { contextMenuPhotoId = null } ) }
As a best practice, you should include haptic feedback when the user
long-presses elements, which is why the snippet includes the
Dismiss a composable by tapping a scrim
In the examples above, clickable
and combinedClickable
add useful
functionality to your composables. They show a visual indication on interaction,
respond to hovering, and include focus, keyboard, and accessibility support. But
this extra behavior is not always desirable.
Let's look at the image detail screen. The background should be semi-transparent and the user should be able to tap that background to dismiss the detail screen:
In this case, that background should not have any visual indication on
interaction, should not respond to hovering, should not be focusable, and its
response to keyboard and accessibility events differ from that of a typical
composable. Instead of trying to adapt the clickable
behavior, you can drop
down to a lower abstraction level and directly use the pointerInput
in combination with the detectTapGestures
@Composable private fun Scrim(onClose: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) { val strClose = stringResource(R.string.close) Box( modifier // handle pointer input .pointerInput(onClose) { detectTapGestures { onClose() } } // handle accessibility services .semantics(mergeDescendants = true) { contentDescription = strClose onClick { onClose() true } } // handle physical keyboard input .onKeyEvent { if (it.key == Key.Escape) { onClose() true } else { false } } // draw scrim .background(Color.DarkGray.copy(alpha = 0.75f)) ) }
As the key of the pointerInput
modifier you pass the onClose
lambda. This
automatically re-executes the lambda, making sure the right callback is called
when the user taps the scrim.
Double tap to zoom
Sometimes clickable
and combinedClickable
do not include enough information
to respond to the interaction in the correct way. For example, composables might
need access to the position within the composable's bounds where the interaction
took place.
Let's look at the image detail screen again. A best practice is to make it possible to zoom in on the image by double tapping:
As you can see in the video, zooming in occurs around the position of the tap
event. The result is different when we zoom in on the left part of the image
versus the right part. We can use the pointerInput
modifier in combination
with the detectTapGestures
to incorporate the tap position into our
var zoomed by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } var zoomOffset by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset.Zero) } Image( painter = rememberAsyncImagePainter(model = photo.highResUrl), contentDescription = null, modifier = modifier .pointerInput(Unit) { detectTapGestures( onDoubleTap = { tapOffset -> zoomOffset = if (zoomed) Offset.Zero else calculateOffset(tapOffset, size) zoomed = !zoomed } ) } .graphicsLayer { scaleX = if (zoomed) 2f else 1f scaleY = if (zoomed) 2f else 1f translationX = zoomOffset.x translationY = zoomOffset.y } )
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