Handle input method visibility

When input focus moves in or out of an editable text field, Android shows or hides the input —such as the on-screen keyboard—as appropriate. The system also decides how your UI and the text field appear above the input method. For example, when the vertical space on the screen is constrained, the text field might fill all space above the input method.

For most apps, these default behaviors are all that's needed. In some cases, though, you might want more control over the visibility of the input method and how it impacts the layout. This lesson explains how to control and respond to the input method visibility.

Show the soft keyboard when the activity starts

Although Android gives focus to the first text field in your layout when the activity starts, it doesn't show the soft keyboard. This behavior is appropriate because entering text might not be the primary task in the activity. However, if entering text is indeed the primary task, such as in a login screen, then you probably want the soft keyboard to appear by default.

To show the input method when your activity starts, add the android:windowSoftInputMode attribute to the <activity> element with the "stateVisible" value. For example:

<application ... >
        android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible" ... >

Specify how your UI should respond

When the soft keyboard appears on the screen, it reduces the amount of space available for your app's UI. The system decides how to adjust the visible portion of your UI, but it might not get it right. To ensure the best behavior for your app, specify how you want the system to display your UI in the remaining space.

To declare your preferred treatment in an activity, use the android:windowSoftInputMode attribute in your manifest's <activity> element with one of the "adjust" values.

For example, to ensure that the system resizes your layout to the available space—which keeps all of your layout content accessible, even if it requires scrolling—use "adjustResize":

<application ... >
       android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" ... >

You can combine the adjustment specification with the initial soft keyboard visibility specification from the preceding section:

    android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustResize" ... >

Specifying "adjustResize" is important if your UI includes controls that the user might need to access immediately after or while performing text input. For example, if you use a relative layout to place a button bar at the bottom of the screen, using "adjustResize" resizes the layout so the button bar appears above the soft keyboard.

Show the soft keyboard on demand

If there is a method in your activity's lifecycle where you want to ensure the input method is visible, you can use the InputMethodManager to show it.

For example, the following method takes a View in which the user is expected to type something, calls requestFocus() to give it focus, then calls showSoftInput() to open the input method:

fun showSoftKeyboard(view: View) {
   if (view.requestFocus()) {
       val imm = getSystemService(InputMethodManager::class.java)
       imm.showSoftInput(view, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT)
public void showSoftKeyboard(View view) {
   if (view.requestFocus()) {
       InputMethodManager imm = getSystemService(InputMethodManager.class);
       imm.showSoftInput(view, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT);

Show the soft keyboard reliably

There are certain situations, such as when an activity is starting, in which using InputMethodManager.showSoftInput() to display the soft keyboard may result in the software keyboard not being visible to the user.

The visibility of the soft keyboard when using showSoftInput() is reliant on the following conditions:

  • The view must already be connected to the software keyboard. (This, in turn, requires the window to be focused and the editor view to request the view focus with View.requestFocus()).

  • The visibility can also be affected by the android:windowSoftInputMode attribute and flags used by showSoftInput().

In certain use cases, such as when an activity is starting, some of these required conditions aren't met. The system doesn't consider the view as connected to the software keyboard, ignores the showSoftInput() call, and the soft keyboard isn't visible to the user.

To make sure the software keyboard is reliably shown, you can use the following alternatives:

WindowCompat.getInsetsController(window, editText)!!.show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.ime())
WindowCompat.getInsetsController(getWindow(), editText).show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.ime());
class MyEditText : EditText() {
  override fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus: Boolean) {
    if (hasWindowFocus) {
      post {
        val imm: InputMethodManager = getSystemService(InputMethodManager::class.java)
        imm.showSoftInput(this, 0)
public class MyEditText extends EditText {
  public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
    if (hasWindowFocus) {
      post(() -> {
        InputMethodManager imm = getSystemService(InputMethodManager.class);
        imm.showSoftInput(this, 0);

Handle runtime visibility flags carefully

When toggling soft keyboard visibility at runtime, take care not to pass certain flag values into these methods. For example, if the application expects the soft keyboard shows up when calling View.getWindowInsetsController().show(ime()) in Activity.onCreate() during the activity starts, the application developers should be careful to not set SOFT_INPUT_STATE_HIDDEN or SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN flags during the initial launch in case the soft keyboard is hidden unexpectedly.

System usually hides the soft keyboard automatically

In most situations, the system handles hiding the soft keyboard. This can be any of the following cases:

  • The user finishes the task in the text field.
  • The user presses the back key or swipe gestures with the back navigation.
  • The user navigate to another app, and that other app has set SOFT_INPUT_STATE_HIDDEN or SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN flags when the view gains the focus.

Hide the soft keyboard manually based on previous system behavior

Your app must hide the soft keyboard manually in some situations—for example, when the text field loses focus in View.OnFocusChangeListener.onFocusChange. Use this technique judiciously ; closing the soft keyboard unexpectedly impairs the user experience.

If your app manually hides the soft keyboard, you need to know whether the soft keyboard was shown explicitly or implicitly:

  • The soft keyboard is considered to have been explicitly shown after a call to showSoftInput().

  • Conversely, the soft keyboard is considered to have been implicitly shown in either of the following conditions:

Normally, hideSoftInputFromWindow() hides the soft keyboard regardless of how it was requested, but with HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY it can be limited to only dismissing an implicitly requested soft keyboard.

Show a dialog or overlay view on top of the soft keyboard

In some situations, the editor activity might need to create a non-editable dialog or overlay window on top of the soft keyboard.

Your app has a few options, which the following sections describe.

In summary, make sure to correctly handle the window flags of the soft keyboard targeting the window such that it satisfies the following expectations regarding vertical (z-layer) ordering:

  • No flags (normal case): Behind the soft keyboard layer, and can receive text.
  • FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE : On top of the soft keyboard layer, but can't receive text.
  • FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM : On top of the soft keyboard layer, can be focused but isn't connected to the soft keyboard. Also blocks all views underneath it from connecting to the soft keyboard. This is useful for showing an app dialog that doesn't use text input above the soft keyboard layer.
  • FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE and FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM : Behind the soft keyboard layer, but can't receive text.
  • FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE and FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL : On top of the soft keyboard, and allow touch events to go "through" the window onto the soft keyboard.

Create a dialog

Use the FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM dialog window flag to keep the dialog on top of the soft keyboard, and to prevent the soft keyboard from gaining focus:

val content = TextView(this)
content.text = "Non-editable dialog on top of soft keyboard"
content.gravity = Gravity.CENTER
val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
  .setTitle("Soft keyboard layering demo")
mDialog = builder.create()
TextView content = new TextView(this);
content.setText("Non-editable dialog on top of soft keyboard");
final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
    .setTitle("Soft keyboard layering demo")
mDialog = builder.create();

Create an overlay view

Create an overlay view specifying TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY window type and FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM window flag by the soft keyboard targeted activity.

val params = WindowManager.LayoutParams(
  width,  /* Overlay window width */
  height,  /* Overlay window height */
  WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION, /* Overlay window type */
  WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM /* No need to allow for text input on top of the soft keyboard */
    or WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL,  /* Allow touch event send to soft keyboard behind the overlay */
params.title = "Overlay window"
mOverlayView!!.layoutParams = params
windowManager.addView(mOverlayView, params)
WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
    width, /* Overlay window width */
    height, /* Overlay window height */
    TYPE_APPLICATION, /* Overlay window type */
    FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM /* No need to allow for text input on top of the soft keyboard */
        | FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL, /* Allow touch event send to soft keyboard behind the overlay */
params.setTitle("Overlay window");
getWindowManager().addView(mOverlayView, params);

Show a dialog or view underneath the soft keyboard

Your app might need to create a dialog or a window that has the following properties:

  • Appears underneath the soft keyboard requested by an editor activity such that it's not affected by text input.
  • Remains aware of changes to the soft keyboard's inset size changes to adjust the dialog or window's layout.

In this case, your app has several options. The following sections describe these options.

Create a dialog

Create a dialog by setting both the FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE window flag and the FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM window flag:

val content = TextView(this)
content.text = "Non-editable dialog behind soft keyboard"
content.gravity = Gravity.CENTER
val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
  .setTitle("Soft keyboard layering demo")
mDialog = builder.create()
TextView content = new TextView(this);
content.setText("Non-editable dialog behind soft keyboard");
final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
    .setTitle("Soft keyboard layering demo")

mDialog = builder.create();

Create an overlay view

Create an overlay view by setting both the FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE window flag and the FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM window flag:

val params = WindowManager.LayoutParams(
  width,  /* Overlay window width */
  height,  /* Overlay window height */
  WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION,  /* Overlay window type */
      or WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM,
params.title = "Overlay window"
mOverlayView!!.layoutParams = params
windowManager.addView(mOverlayView, params)
WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
    width, /* Overlay window width */
    height, /* Overlay window height */
    TYPE_APPLICATION, /* Overlay window type */
params.setTitle("Overlay window");
getWindowManager().addView(mOverlayView, params);