Anatomy of a theme in Compose

Themes in Jetpack Compose are made up of a number of lower-level constructs and related APIs. These can be seen in the source code of MaterialTheme and can also be applied in custom design systems.

Theme system classes

A theme is typically made up of a number of subsystems that group common visual and behavioral concepts. These systems can be modeled with classes which have theming values.

For example, MaterialTheme includes ColorScheme (color system), Typography (typography system), and Shapes (shape system).

data class ColorSystem(
    val color: Color,
    val gradient: List<Color>
    /* ... */

data class TypographySystem(
    val fontFamily: FontFamily,
    val textStyle: TextStyle
/* ... */

data class CustomSystem(
    val value1: Int,
    val value2: String
    /* ... */

/* ... */

Theme system composition locals

Theme system classes are implicitly provided to the composition tree as CompositionLocal instances. This allows theming values to be statically referenced in composable functions.

To learn more about CompositionLocal, check out the Locally scoped data with CompositionLocal guide.

val LocalColorSystem = staticCompositionLocalOf {
        color = Color.Unspecified,
        gradient = emptyList()

val LocalTypographySystem = staticCompositionLocalOf {
        fontFamily = FontFamily.Default,
        textStyle = TextStyle.Default

val LocalCustomSystem = staticCompositionLocalOf {
        value1 = 0,
        value2 = ""

/* ... */

Theme function

The theme function is the entry point and primary API. It constructs instances of the theme system CompositionLocals — using real values any logic required — that are provided to the composition tree with CompositionLocalProvider. The content parameter allows nested composables to access theming values relative to the hierarchy.

fun Theme(
    /* ... */
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val colorSystem = ColorSystem(
        color = Color(0xFF3DDC84),
        gradient = listOf(Color.White, Color(0xFFD7EFFF))
    val typographySystem = TypographySystem(
        fontFamily = FontFamily.Monospace,
        textStyle = TextStyle(fontSize = 18.sp)
    val customSystem = CustomSystem(
        value1 = 1000,
        value2 = "Custom system"
    /* ... */
        LocalColorSystem provides colorSystem,
        LocalTypographySystem provides typographySystem,
        LocalCustomSystem provides customSystem,
        /* ... */
        content = content

Theme object

Accessing theme systems is done using an object with convenience properties. For consistency, the object tends to be named the same as the theme function. The properties simply get the current composition local.

// Use with eg. Theme.colorSystem.color
object Theme {
    val colorSystem: ColorSystem
        get() = LocalColorSystem.current
    val typographySystem: TypographySystem
        get() = LocalTypographySystem.current
    val customSystem: CustomSystem
        get() = LocalCustomSystem.current
    /* ... */

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