Handle keyboard actions

When the user gives focus to an editable text component, such as a TextField, and the device has a hardware keyboard attached, all input is handled by the system. You can provide keyboard shortcuts by handling key events.

Default keyboard shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available out of the box.

Keyboard shortcut Action Composables supporting the shortcut
Shift+Ctrl+Left arrow/Right arrow Select text to beginning/end of word BasicTextField, TextField
Shift+Ctrl+Up arrow/Down arrow Select text to beginning/end of paragraph BasicTextField, TextField
Shift+Alt+Up arrow/Down arrow or Shift+Meta+Left arrow/Right arrow Select text to beginning/end of text BasicTextField, TextField
Shift+Left arrow/Right arrow Select characters BasicTextField, TextField
Ctrl+A Select all BasicTextField, TextField
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+V Copy/cut/paste BasicTextField, TextField
Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Shift+Z Undo/redo BasicTextField, TextField
PageDown/PageUp Scroll LazyColumn, the verticalScroll modifier, the scrollable modifier

Key events

In Compose, you can handle an individual keystroke with the onKeyEvent modifier. The modifier accepts a lambda that's called when the modified component receives a key event. A key event is described as a KeyEvent object. You can get the information of each key event by referring to the object in the lambda passed to the onKeyEvent modifier.

A keystroke sends two key events. One is triggered when the user presses the key; the other is triggered when the key is released. You can distinguish the two key events by referring to the type attribute of the KeyEvent object.

The return value of the onKeyEvent lambda indicates whether the key event is handled or not. Return true if your app handles the key event, which stops propagation of the event.

The following snippet shows how to call a doSomething() function when the user releases the S key on the Box component:

    modifier = Modifier.focusable().onKeyEvent {
            it.type == KeyEventType.KeyUp &&
            it.key == Key.S
        ) {
        } else {
)  {
    Text("Press S key")

Modifier keys

A KeyEvent object has the following attributes which indicate whether modifier keys are pressed or not:

Be specific in describing the key events your app handles. The following snippet calls a doSomething() function only if the user releases just the S key. If the user presses any modifier key, such as the Shift key, the app does not call the function.

  modifier = Modifier.focusable().onKeyEvent{
       it.type == KeyEventType.KeyUp &&
       it.key == Key.S &&
       !it.isAltPressed &&
       !it.isCtrlPressed &&
       !it.isMetaPressed &&
     ) {
     } else {
)  {
    Text("Press S key with a modifier key")

Spacebar and Enter key click events

The Spacebar and Enter key trigger click events as well. For example, users can toggle (play or pause) media playback with the Spacebar or the Enter key by handling click events as follows:

   modifier = Modifier.clickable { togglePausePlay() }

The clickable modifier intercepts key events and calls the onClick() callback when the Spacebar or Enter key is pressed. That's why the togglePausePlay() function is called by pressing the Spacebar or Enter key in the snippet.

Unconsumed key events

Unconsumed key events are propagated from the component where the event occurred to the enclosing outer component. In the example below, the InnerComponent consumes key events when the S key is released, and so the OuterComponent does not receive any key events triggered by releasing the S key. That's why the actionB() function is never called.

Other key events on InnerComponent, such as releasing the D key, can be handled by the OuterComponent. The actionC() function is called because the key event for releasing the D key is propagated to the OuterComponent.

    modifier = Modifier.onKeyEvent {
        when {
           it.type == KeyEventType.KeyUp && it.key == Key.S -> {
               actionB() // This function is never called.
           it.type == KeyEventType.KeyUp && it.key == Key.D -> {
           else -> false
) {
        modifier = Modifier.onKeyEvent {
            if(it.type == KeyEventType.KeyUp && it.key == Key.S) {
            } else {

onKeyPreviewEvent modifier

In some use cases, you want to intercept a key event before it triggers the default action. Adding custom shortcuts to a TextField is a typical one. The following snippet enables users to move to the next focusable component by pressing the tab key.

val focusManager = LocalFocusManager.current
var textFieldValue by remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue()) }

    onValueChange = {
        textFieldValue = it
    modifier = Modifier.onPreviewKeyEvent {
        if (it.type == KeyEventType.KeyUp && it.key == Key.Tab) {
        } else {

By default, the TextField component adds a tab character every time users press the Tab key, even if the key event is handled with the onKeyEvent modifier. To move the keyboard focus without adding any tab characters, handle the key event before triggering the actions associated with the key event, as in the snippet. The onKeyPreviewEvent() lambda intercepts the key event by returning true.

The parent component can intercept the key event happening on its children. In the following snippet, the previewSKey() function is called when users press the S key, instead of calling the actionForPreview() function.

  modifier = Modifier.onPreviewKeyEvent{
    if(it.key == Key.S){
) {
    modifier = Modifier
        .onPreviewKeyEvent {
        .onKeyEvent {
  ) {
    Text("Press any key")

The onPreviewKeyEvent() lambda for the Box component is not triggered when users press the Tab key either. The onPreviewKeyEvent() lambda is called on the parent component first, then onPreviewKeyEvent() in the child component is called. You can implement screen-wide keyboard shortcuts by utilizing this behavior.

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