Relay for Figma detects issues that might cause problems in generated code, like naming collisions or using unsupported Figma properties. As you work with UI Packages, warnings and blocking issues are displayed in the bottom of the plugin window.

Click the red message to view more information about the issues.

Blocking issues must be resolved before sharing UI Packages with developers. Warnings pose a risk of causing blocking issues, but generally do not prevent designers from sharing their designs with developers.
As blocking issues and warnings are addressed, they disappear from the issues panel. After all blocking issues and warnings are resolved, the error message disappears.
See Figma and Translation Limitations for the details of supported and unsupported features.
The following UI Package has a name collision between the parent and child package: “direction.” Disambiguating these two names prevents errors in the generated code.

Checking error from "Share with developer" screen
The Share with developer screen shows any blocking errors that may cause import or build errors from the developer.

If accessed from the UI package screen, this shows you all of the blocking errors on all of the UI packages on the page.