VkQuality Unity engine plugin

The VkQuality plugin for the Unity engine provides launch-time recommendations of the graphics API—Vulkan or OpenGL ES—to use for your game on specific devices.

VkQuality recommends Vulkan on a more restricted set of devices than the Unity engine's default allow list. Use VkQuality to gain the performance benefits of Vulkan while limiting the use of Vulkan to newer devices with newer graphics drivers, which limits your game's exposure to driver issues. VkQuality only makes quality recommendations, not guarantees, as it's still possible to encounter driver issues on recommended devices. VkQuality supports custom lists, which gives you the ability to add or remove device recommendations for your game.

Enable Vulkan in your Unity engine game

VkQuality requires your game to have both the OpenGL ES and Vulkan renderers enabled in the Unity project settings. Enable the renderers by using the Auto Graphics API option or by manually setting the graphics APIs.

Get the VkQuality plugin for Unity engine

Download the VkQuality plugin from GitHub. The plugin is compatible with Unity 2021 and higher. Use Unity 2021 LTS or higher to enable Vulkan on Android. The plugin package contains a basic sample project that uses the plugin to set the graphics API at startup and then displays a string set to the device's active graphics API.

Manage the VkQuality Vulkan recommendation list

VkQuality includes a default recommendation list of supported devices. For information on using a custom recommendation list, see the Use a custom recommendation list section.

The recommendation list includes three categories:

  • Vulkan device allow list
  • GPU recommendation allow list
  • GPU recommendation deny list

Device allow list matches

VkQuality first checks whether the active device is included in the device allow list, and whether it's running the minimum Android version and Vulkan driver version specified in the allow list for that device. If these criteria are met, VkQuality recommends Vulkan by returning the RECOMMENDATION_VULKAN_BECAUSE_DEVICE_MATCH enum value.

If the device is on the allow list, but is running an Android version or driver version below the minimum specified for it in the allow list, VkQuality recommends OpenGL ES by returning RECOMMENDATION_GLES_BECAUSE_OLD_DRIVER.

GPU recommendation matches

If no device match is found on the device allow list, VkQuality evaluates the GPU model and driver version against the GPU recommendation allow and deny lists. If the GPU model and driver version match an entry in the GPU recommendation allow list, VkQuality recommends Vulkan by returning the RECOMMENDATION_VULKAN_BECAUSE_PREDICTION_MATCH enum constant.

If the GPU model and driver version match against an entry in the GPU recommendation deny list, VkQuality recommends OpenGL ES by returning RECOMMENDATION_GLES_BECAUSE_PREDICTION_MATCH.

Recommendations without a match

If no matches are found, VkQuality recommends Vulkan if the Android API level of the running device is equal to or higher than the Future API level in the recommendation list. The default recommendation list has a Future API level of 36, meaning on unmatched devices running API level 36 or higher, VkQuality returns the RECOMMENDATION_VULKAN_BECAUSE_FUTURE_ANDROID enum constant.

If no matches are found on the device allow list or GPU recommendation lists, and the API level of the device is below the Future API level, VkQuality recommends OpenGL ES by returning RECOMMENDATION_GLES_BECAUSE_NO_DEVICE_MATCH.

Add the VkQuality archive file to your project

The VkQuality plugin is the VkQuality-1.x.x.aar file located in the Assets/Android/Plugins directory of the downloaded package archive. The actual version number of the .aar file matches the version number of the package archive name. To install the plugin, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the .aar file to the Assets/Android/Plugins directory of your project. (Create the needed Android and Plugins subdirectories if they don't exist.)
The VkQuality .aar file in the required project directory.
Figure 1.The VkQuality .aar file in the required project directory.
  1. Select the VkQuality-1.x.x plugin file in the Unity Project hierarchy to bring up its Import Settings in the Inspector pane. Ensure the Android platform is checked.
Figure 2. The VkQuality plugin platform import settings.
Figure 2. The VkQuality plugin platform import settings.

Use a custom activity to call VkQuality

Unlike typical Unity engine plugins, VkQuality must be executed to obtain a graphics API recommendation before the Unity engine is initialized. You then use the Unity player command-line arguments feature to set the graphics API based on the VkQuality recommendation. On Android, passing command-line arguments requires overriding the default behavior of the UnityPlayerActivity by creating a custom activity.

If your game is already using a custom activity, see the Add VkQuality to an existing custom activity section. To create a new custom activity for your game, see Add a custom activity to your Unity project, which follows next.

Add a custom activity to your Unity engine project

An example custom activity that uses VkQuality is included in the plugin package in Assets/Plugins/Android/VkQualityTestActivity.java. To customize the file and use it in your game, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the VkQualityTestActivity.java file into your Assets/Plugins/Android directory.
  2. Rename it to something appropriate for your game (for example, MyGameActivity.java).
  3. Open the file in a text editor.
  4. Change the class name from VkQualityTestActivity to the name you gave the file (for example, MyGameActivity.java).
  5. Change the package name from com.google.android.games.VkQualityTest to match the value of the Package Name field in your Unity Project Settings Player category under Other Settings (for example, com.mycompany.mygame).
  6. Save and close the file.

Add a custom manifest file that references your custom activity, and tell Unity to use your custom manifest file:

  1. Copy the AndroidManifest.xml file from the Assets/Plugins/Android directory of the plugin package into your project's Asset/Plugins/Android directory.
  2. Open the file in a text editor.
  3. Change the value of the activity android:name setting from com.google.android.games.VkQualityTest.VkQualityTestActivity to the package and activity names you used in the previous steps (for example, com.mycompany.mygame.MyGameActivity).
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Open the Unity settings window and select the Player settings. Expand the Publishing Settings section, and check the Custom Main Manifest checkbox.
Figure 3.The Custom Main Manifest option in the Unity Player settings.
Figure 3.The Custom Main Manifest option in the Unity Player settings.

Your project is now set up to use the custom activity that calls VkQuality at startup and chooses Vulkan or OpenGL ES based on the VkQuality recommendation.

Add VkQuality to an existing custom activity

If your game already has a custom activity overriding the default UnityPlayerActivity, integrate VkQuality recommendations by adding the following code:

First, add the VkQuality import statement to the list of imports at the top of the custom activity file:

import com.google.android.games.vkquality.VKQuality;
import com.google.android.games.vkquality.VKQuality;

Next, create some constants in the body of your Activity class for the graphics API choices:

companion object {
  private const val OVERRIDE_NONE = 0
  private const val OVERRIDE_GLES = 1
  private const val OVERRIDE_VULKAN = 2
private static final int OVERRIDE_NONE = 0;
private static final int OVERRIDE_GLES = 1;
private static final int OVERRIDE_VULKAN = 2;

Create a variable to track the API selection:

private var apiOverride = OVERRIDE_NONE
private int apiOverride = OVERRIDE_NONE;

Add the following function to your Activity class:

private fun CheckVkQuality() {
    val vkQuality = VKQuality(this)
    val startResult = vkQuality.StartVkQuality("")
    if (startResult == VKQuality.INIT_SUCCESS) {
        // In the current release, we can assume GetVkQuality is
        // ready as soon as StartVkQuality has returned success.
        val getResult = vkQuality.GetVkQuality()
        apiOverride =
            when (getResult) {
                else -> OVERRIDE_GLES
    } else {
        Log.e("VKQUALITY", "VkQuality start failed with result: $startResult")
private void CheckVkQuality() {
  VKQuality vkQuality = new VKQuality(this);
  // An empty string specifies use of the default
  // built-in device list file.
  int startResult = vkQuality.StartVkQuality("");
  if (startResult == VKQuality.INIT_SUCCESS) {
      // In the current release, we can assume GetVkQuality is
      // ready as soon as StartVkQuality has returned success.
      int getResult = vkQuality.GetVkQuality();

      switch (getResult) {
              apiOverride = OVERRIDE_VULKAN;
              apiOverride = OVERRIDE_GLES;
  } else {
      Log.e("VKQUALITY", "VkQuality start failed with result: " + startResult);

Call the CheckVkQuality function from the top of an onCreate() override function before calling the base class implementation:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Finally, add an override of the updateUnityCommandLineArguments() function that uses the value of apiOverride to pass a command-line argument to the Unity engine specifying which graphics API to use:

override fun updateUnityCommandLineArguments(cmdLine: String): String {
  if (apiOverride == OVERRIDE_VULKAN) {
      Log.i("VKQUALITY", "Passing -force-vulkan")
      return appendCommandLineArgument(cmdLine, "-force-vulkan")
  } else if (apiOverride == OVERRIDE_GLES) {
      Log.i("VKQUALITY", "Passing -force-gles")
      return appendCommandLineArgument(cmdLine, "-force-gles")
  Log.i("VKQUALITY", "No override passed")
  // let Unity pick the Graphics API based on PlayerSettings
  return cmdLine

private fun appendCommandLineArgument(cmdLine: String, arg: String?): String {
    return if (arg == null || arg.isEmpty()) cmdLine
    else if (cmdLine == null || cmdLine.isEmpty()) arg else "$cmdLine $arg"
@Override protected String updateUnityCommandLineArguments(String cmdLine)
    if (apiOverride == OVERRIDE_VULKAN) {
        Log.i("VKQUALITY", "Passing -force-vulkan");
        return appendCommandLineArgument(cmdLine, "-force-vulkan");
    else if (apiOverride == OVERRIDE_GLES) {
        Log.i("VKQUALITY", "Passing -force-gles");
        return appendCommandLineArgument(cmdLine, "-force-gles");
    Log.i("VKQUALITY", "No override passed");
    // let Unity pick the Graphics API based on PlayerSettings
    return cmdLine;

private String appendCommandLineArgument(String cmdLine, String arg) {
    if (arg == null || arg.isEmpty())
        return cmdLine;
    else if (cmdLine == null || cmdLine.isEmpty())
        return arg;
        return cmdLine + " " + arg;

Your custom activity now calls VkQuality at startup and chooses Vulkan or OpenGL ES based on the VkQuality recommendation.

Use a custom recommendation list

Specify a custom recommendation list file by passing the name of the file containing the list to StartVkQuality() instead of passing an empty string:

val startResult = vkQuality.StartVkQuality("CUSTOM_FILE_NAME.vkq")
int startResult = vkQuality.StartVkQuality("CUSTOM_FILE_NAME.vkq");

VkQuality first looks for the file in your application's internal storage directory. If the file is not in internal storage, VkQuality tries to load the file from your app bundle's assets. If the file isn't in either location, VkQuality returns the ERROR_MISSING_DATA_FILE enum value.

To create a custom recommendation list file, use the VkQuality List Editor tool located in the GitHub repository. Documentation for the tool is located in its README.