Jetpack Compose offers an implementation of Material Design, a comprehensive design system for creating digital interfaces. The Material Design components (buttons, cards, switches, and so on) are built on top of Material Theming, which is a systematic way to customize Material Design to better reflect your product’s brand. A Material Theme contains color, typography and shape attributes. When you customize these attributes, your changes are automatically reflected in the components you use to build your app.
Jetpack Compose implements these concepts with the MaterialTheme
MaterialTheme( colors = // ... typography = // ... shapes = // ... ) { // app content }
Configure the parameters you pass to MaterialTheme
to theme your application.
Figure 1. The first screenshot shows an app that does not configure
, and so it uses default styling. The second screenshot shows
an app that passes parameters to MaterialTheme
to customize the styling.
Colors are modelled in Compose with the Color
class, a simple
data-holding class.
val Red = Color(0xffff0000) val Blue = Color(red = 0f, green = 0f, blue = 1f)
While you can organize these however you like (as top-level constants, within a singleton, or defined inline), we strongly recommend specifying colors in your theme and retrieving the colors from there. This approach makes it possible to easily support dark theme and nested themes.
Figure 2. The Material color system.
Compose provides the Colors
class to model the
Material color system. Colors
builder functions to create sets of light
or dark
private val Yellow200 = Color(0xffffeb46) private val Blue200 = Color(0xff91a4fc) // ... private val DarkColors = darkColors( primary = Yellow200, secondary = Blue200, // ... ) private val LightColors = lightColors( primary = Yellow500, primaryVariant = Yellow400, secondary = Blue700, // ... )
Once you have defined your Colors
you can pass them to a MaterialTheme
MaterialTheme( colors = if (darkTheme) DarkColors else LightColors ) { // app content }
Using theme colors
You can retrieve the Colors
provided to the MaterialTheme
composable by
using MaterialTheme.colors
Text( text = "Hello theming", color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary )
Surface and content color
Many components accept a pair of color and content color:
Surface( color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface, contentColor = contentColorFor(color), // ... ) { /* ... */ } TopAppBar( backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primarySurface, contentColor = contentColorFor(backgroundColor), // ... ) { /* ... */ }
This enables you to not only set the color of a composable, but also to provide
a default color for the content, the composables contained within it. Many
composables use this content color by default. For example, Text
bases its
color on its parent's content color, and Icon
uses that color to set its
Figure 3. Setting different background colors produces different text and icon colors.
The contentColorFor()
method retrieves the appropriate "on"
color for any theme colors. For example, if you set a primary
background color
on Surface
, it uses this function to set onPrimary
as the content
color. If you set a non-theme background color, you should also specify an
appropriate content color. Use LocalContentColor
to retrieve the preferred content color for the current background, at a
given position in the hierarchy.
Content alpha
Often you want to vary how much you emphasize content to communicate importance and provide visual hierarchy. The Material Design text legibility recommendations advise employing different levels of opacity to convey different importance levels.
Jetpack Compose implements this via LocalContentAlpha
You can specify a content alpha for a hierarchy by providing a value
for this CompositionLocal
composables can use this value to apply the alpha treatment to their content.
For example, Text
and Icon
by default use the combination of LocalContentColor
adjusted to use LocalContentAlpha
. Material specifies some standard alpha values (high
, medium
) which are modelled by the ContentAlpha
// By default, both Icon & Text use the combination of LocalContentColor & // LocalContentAlpha. De-emphasize content by setting content alpha CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) { Text( // ... ) } CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.disabled) { Icon( // ... ) Text( // ... ) }
To learn more about CompositionLocal
, check out the Locally scoped data with
CompositionLocal guide.
Figure 4. Apply different levels of emphasis to text to visually communicate
the information hierarchy. The first line of text is the title and has the
most important information, and thus uses ContentAlpha.high
. The second
line contains less-important metadata, and thus uses ContentAlpha.medium
Dark theme
In Compose, you implement light and dark themes by providing different sets of
to the MaterialTheme
@Composable fun MyTheme( darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), content: @Composable () -> Unit ) { MaterialTheme( colors = if (darkTheme) DarkColors else LightColors, /*...*/ content = content ) }
In this example, MaterialTheme
is wrapped in its own composable function,
which accepts a parameter that specifies whether to use a dark theme or not. In
this case, the function gets the default value for darkTheme
by querying the
device theme setting.
You can use code like this to check if the current Colors
are light or dark:
val isLightTheme = MaterialTheme.colors.isLight Icon( painterResource( id = if (isLightTheme) { R.drawable.ic_sun_24 } else { R.drawable.ic_moon_24 } ), contentDescription = "Theme" )
Elevation overlays
In Material, surfaces in dark themes with higher elevations receive elevation overlays, which lightens their background. The higher a surface's elevation (raising it closer to an implied light source), the lighter that surface becomes.
These overlays are applied automatically by the Surface
composable when using
dark colors, and for any other Material composable which uses a surface:
Surface( elevation = 2.dp, color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface, // color will be adjusted for elevation /*...*/ ) { /*...*/ }
Figure 5. The cards and bottom navigation are both using the surface
as their background. Since the cards and bottom navigation are at different
elevation levels above the background, they have slightly different
colors–the cards are lighter than the background and the bottom navigation is
lighter than the cards.
For custom scenarios that don’t involve a Surface
, use
a CompositionLocal
containing the
used by
// Elevation overlays // Implemented in Surface (and any components that use it) val color = MaterialTheme.colors.surface val elevation = 4.dp val overlaidColor = LocalElevationOverlay.current?.apply( color, elevation )
To disable elevation overlays, provide null
at the desired point in a
composable hierarchy:
MyTheme { CompositionLocalProvider(LocalElevationOverlay provides null) { // Content without elevation overlays } }
Limited color accents
Material recommends applying limited color
accents for dark
themes by preferring the use of the surface
color over the primary
color in
most cases. Material composables like TopAppBar
and BottomNavigation
implement this behavior by default.
Figure 6. Material dark theme with limited color accents. The top app bar uses the primary color in light theme, and surface color in dark theme.
For custom scenarios, use the primarySurface
extension property:
Surface( // Switches between primary in light theme and surface in dark theme color = MaterialTheme.colors.primarySurface, /*...*/ ) { /*...*/ }
Material defines a type system, encouraging you to use a small number of semantically-named styles.
Figure 7. The Material type system.
Compose implements the type system with the Typography
, TextStyle
, and font-related classes. The Typography
constructor offers defaults for each style so you can omit any you don’t want to customize:
val raleway = FontFamily( Font(R.font.raleway_regular), Font(R.font.raleway_medium, FontWeight.W500), Font(R.font.raleway_semibold, FontWeight.SemiBold) ) val myTypography = Typography( h1 = TextStyle( fontFamily = raleway, fontWeight = FontWeight.W300, fontSize = 96.sp ), body1 = TextStyle( fontFamily = raleway, fontWeight = FontWeight.W600, fontSize = 16.sp ) /*...*/ ) MaterialTheme(typography = myTypography, /*...*/) { /*...*/ }
If you want to use the same typeface throughout, specify the
defaultFontFamily parameter
and omit the fontFamily
of any TextStyle
val typography = Typography(defaultFontFamily = raleway) MaterialTheme(typography = typography, /*...*/) { /*...*/ }
Using text styles
s are accessed via MaterialTheme.typography
. Retrieve the
s like so:
Text( text = "Subtitle2 styled", style = MaterialTheme.typography.subtitle2 )
Figure 8. Use a selection of typefaces and styles to express your brand.
Material defines a shape system, allowing you to define shapes for large, medium, and small components.
Figure 9. The Material shape system.
Compose implements the shape system with the
class, which lets
you specify a
for each size category:
val shapes = Shapes( small = RoundedCornerShape(percent = 50), medium = RoundedCornerShape(0f), large = CutCornerShape( topStart = 16.dp, topEnd = 0.dp, bottomEnd = 0.dp, bottomStart = 16.dp ) ) MaterialTheme(shapes = shapes, /*...*/) { /*...*/ }
Many components use these shapes by default. For example,
, and
default to small,
defaults to medium, and
defaults to large — see the
shape scheme reference
for the complete mapping.
Using shapes
s are accessed via MaterialTheme.shapes
. Retrieve the Shape
s with
code like this:
Surface( shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.medium, /*...*/ ) { /*...*/ }
Figure 10. Use shapes to express brand or state.
Default styles
There is no equivalent concept in Compose of default styles from Android Views. You can provide similar functionality by creating your own ‘overload’ composable functions that wrap Material components. For example, to create a style of button, wrap a button in your own composable function, directly setting the parameters you wish to alter, and exposing others as parameters to the containing composable.
@Composable fun MyButton( onClick: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit ) { Button( colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors( backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary ), onClick = onClick, modifier = modifier, content = content ) }
Theme overlays
You can achieve the equivalent of
theme overlays from Android Views in Compose, by nesting
composables. Because
defaults the colors, typography, and shapes to the current theme value, if a theme only sets one of those parameters, the other parameters keep their default values.
Furthermore, when migrating View-based screens to Compose, watch out for usages of the android:theme
attribute. It's likely you need a new
in that part of the Compose UI tree.
In this example, the details screen uses a PinkTheme
for most of the screen, and then a BlueTheme
for the related section. See screenshot and code below.
Figure 11. Nested themes.
@Composable fun DetailsScreen(/* ... */) { PinkTheme { // other content RelatedSection() } } @Composable fun RelatedSection(/* ... */) { BlueTheme { // content } }
Component states
Material components that can be interacted with (clicked, toggled, etc.) can be in different visual states. States include enabled, disabled, pressed, etc.
Composables often have an enabled
parameter. Setting it to false
interaction, and changes properties like color and elevation to visually convey
the component state.
Figure 12. Button with enabled = true
(left) and enabled = false
In most cases you can rely on defaults for values like color and elevation. Should you wish to configure values used in different states, there are classes and convenience functions available. See the button example below:
Button( onClick = { /* ... */ }, enabled = true, // Custom colors for different states colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors( backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary, disabledBackgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.onBackground .copy(alpha = 0.2f) .compositeOver(MaterialTheme.colors.background) // Also contentColor and disabledContentColor ), // Custom elevation for different states elevation = ButtonDefaults.elevation( defaultElevation = 8.dp, disabledElevation = 2.dp, // Also pressedElevation ) ) { /* ... */ }
Figure 13. Button with enabled = true
(left) and enabled = false
(right), with adjusted color and elevation values.
Material components use ripples to indicate they're being interacted with. If
you’re using MaterialTheme
in your hierarchy, a Ripple
will be used as the
inside modifiers such as
In most cases you can rely on the default Ripple
. Should you wish to configure
their appearance, you can use
to change properties like color and alpha.
You can extend RippleTheme
and make use of the
utility functions. You can then provide your custom ripple theme in your hierarchy using
@Composable fun MyApp() { MaterialTheme { CompositionLocalProvider( LocalRippleTheme provides SecondaryRippleTheme ) { // App content } } } @Immutable private object SecondaryRippleTheme : RippleTheme { @Composable override fun defaultColor() = RippleTheme.defaultRippleColor( contentColor = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary, lightTheme = MaterialTheme.colors.isLight ) @Composable override fun rippleAlpha() = RippleTheme.defaultRippleAlpha( contentColor = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary, lightTheme = MaterialTheme.colors.isLight ) }
Figure 14. Buttons with different ripple values provided via RippleTheme
Learn more
To learn more about Material Theming in Compose, consult the following additional resources.
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