
  • Common/All
  • Android/JVM

An ElevationOverlay is an overlay applied to the background color of Surface components, used to emphasize elevation in dark theme, where shadows are not as visible. An ElevationOverlay does not replace the shadows drawn by a Surface, but is used as an additional representation of elevation.

The default ElevationOverlay only applies in dark theme (!Colors.isLight), in accordance with the Material specification for Dark Theme.

See LocalElevationOverlay to provide your own ElevationOverlay. You can provide null to have no ElevationOverlay applied.


Public functions

apply(color: Color, elevation: Dp)

Returns the new background Color to use, representing the original background color with an overlay corresponding to elevation applied.


Public functions


fun apply(color: Color, elevation: Dp): Color

Returns the new background Color to use, representing the original background color with an overlay corresponding to elevation applied. Typically this should only be applied to Colors.surface.