• Common/All
  • Android/JVM

IndicationNodeFactory is an Indication that creates Modifier.Node instances to render visual effects that occur when certain interactions happens.

Indication represents visual effects that occur when certain interactions happens. For example: showing a ripple effect when a component is pressed, or a highlight when a component is focused.

To implement your own Indication, see IndicationNodeFactory - an optimized Indication that allows for more efficient implementations than the deprecated rememberUpdatedInstance.

Indication is typically provided throughout the hierarchy through LocalIndication - you can provide a custom Indication to LocalIndication to change the default Indication used for components such as clickable.


Public functions

open IndicationInstance

This function is deprecated. rememberUpdatedInstance has been deprecated - implementers should instead implement IndicationNodeFactory#create for improved performance and efficiency.


Public functions


open fun rememberUpdatedInstance(interactionSource: InteractionSource): IndicationInstance

remembers a new IndicationInstance, and updates its state based on Interactions emitted via interactionSource . Typically this will be called by indication, so one IndicationInstance will be used for one component that draws Indication, such as a button.

Implementations of this function should observe Interactions using interactionSource, using them to launch animations / state changes inside IndicationInstance that will then be reflected inside IndicationInstance.drawIndication.

interactionSource: InteractionSource

the InteractionSource representing the stream of Interactions the returned IndicationInstance should represent


an IndicationInstance that represents the stream of Interactions emitted by interactionSource