搭載 Android 7.0 (API 級別 24) 以上版本的裝置支援多視窗模式 模式,可讓使用者 以拖曳方式在不同應用程式間移動資料
作業啟動時的「來源應用程式」會提供資料。 作業結束的「目標應用程式」會接收資料。
由於資料會在應用程式邊界間移動,因此應用程式會共用資料存取權 就可以透過內容 URI這需要下列項目:
- 來源應用程式必須設定
。 標記,取決於來源應用程式的資料讀取或寫入權限 。 - 目標應用程式必須呼叫
敬上 之後,系統就會立即處理使用者拖曳到應用程式的資料。如果 目標應用程式不再需要存取拖曳的資料, 然後撥打release()
已開啟 從requestDragAndDropPermissions()
傳回的物件。 否則,當內含的活動發生時,權限就會發布 已刪除。 如果實作程序需要啟動新的活動,以處理 已捨棄的 URI,您必須使用相同的權限給新活動。 您必須設定剪輯片段資料和旗標:
下列程式碼片段示範如何發布唯讀存取權 使用者放下作業後立即拖曳的資料,詳情請參閱 「拖曳」示範 查看更完整的範例
// Drag a file stored in an images/ directory in internal storage. val internalImagesDir = File(context.filesDir, "images") val imageFile = File(internalImagesDir, imageFilename) val uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, contentAuthority, imageFile) val listener = OnDragStartListener@{ view: View, _: DragStartHelper -> val clipData = ClipData(ClipDescription("Image Description", arrayOf("image/*")), ClipData.Item(uri)) // Must include DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL to permit dragging data between apps. // This example provides read-only access to the data. val flags = View.DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL or View.DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_READ return@OnDragStartListener view.startDragAndDrop(clipData, View.DragShadowBuilder(view), null, flags) } // Container where the image originally appears in the source app. val srcImageView = findViewById<ImageView>(R.id.imageView) // Detect and start the drag event. DragStartHelper(srcImageView, listener).apply { attach() }
// Drag a file stored in an images/ directory in internal storage. File internalImagesDir = new File(context.getFilesDir(), "images"); File imageFile = new File(internalImagesDir, imageFilename); final Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, contentAuthority, imageFile); // Container where the image originally appears in the source app. ImageView srcImageView = findViewById(R.id.imageView); // Enable the view to detect and start the drag event. new DragStartHelper(srcImageView, (view, helper) -> { ClipData clipData = new ClipData(new ClipDescription("Image Description", new String[] {"image/*"}), new ClipData.Item(uri)); // Must include DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL to permit dragging data between apps. // This example provides read-only access to the data. int flags = View.DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL | View.DRAG_FLAG_GLOBAL_URI_READ; return view.startDragAndDrop(clipData, new View.DragShadowBuilder(view), null, flags); }).attach();
// Container where the image is to be dropped in the target app. val targetImageView = findViewById<ImageView>(R.id.imageView) targetImageView.setOnDragListener { view, event -> when (event.action) { ACTION_DROP -> { val imageItem: ClipData.Item = event.clipData.getItemAt(0) val uri = imageItem.uri // Request permission to access the image data being dragged into // the target activity's ImageView element. val dropPermissions = requestDragAndDropPermissions(event) (view as ImageView).setImageURI(uri) // Release the permission immediately afterward because it's no // longer needed. dropPermissions.release() return@setOnDragListener true } // Implement logic for other DragEvent cases here. // An unknown action type is received. else -> { Log.e("DragDrop Example", "Unknown action type received by View.OnDragListener.") return@setOnDragListener false } } }
// Container where the image is to be dropped in the target app. ImageView targetImageView = findViewById(R.id.imageView); targetImageView.setOnDragListener( (view, event) -> { switch (event.getAction()) { case ACTION_DROP: ClipData.Item imageItem = event.getClipData().getItemAt(0); Uri uri = imageItem.getUri(); // Request permission to access the image data being dragged into // the target activity's ImageView element. DragAndDropPermissions dropPermissions = requestDragAndDropPermissions(event); ((ImageView)view).setImageURI(uri); // Release the permission immediately afterward because it's no // longer needed. dropPermissions.release(); return true; // Implement logic for other DragEvent cases here. // An unknown action type was received. default: Log.e("DragDrop Example","Unknown action type received by View.OnDragListener."); break; } return false; });