Ampliar uma visualização usando uma animação de zoom

Testar o Compose
O Jetpack Compose é o kit de ferramentas de interface recomendado para Android. Aprenda a usar animações no Compose.

Este guia demonstra como implementar uma animação de tocar para aplicar zoom. O recurso "Tocar para aplicar zoom" permite que apps, como galerias de fotos, animem uma visualização de uma miniatura para preencher a tela.

Confira como fica uma animação de tocar para aplicar zoom quando ela expande uma miniatura para preencher a tela:

Para um exemplo completo de trabalho, consulte a classe UIAnimation do projeto WearSpeakerSample no GitHub (link em inglês).

Criar as visualizações

Crie um arquivo de layout que contenha a versão pequena e grande do conteúdo em que você quer aplicar zoom. O exemplo abaixo cria um ImageButton para uma miniatura de imagem tocável e um ImageView que exibe a visualização ampliada da imagem:

<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""

    <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent"

            android:contentDescription="@string/description_image_1" />


    <!-- This initially hidden ImageView holds the zoomed version of
         the preceding images. Without transformations applied, it fills the entire
         screen. To achieve the zoom animation, this view's bounds are animated
         from the bounds of the preceding thumbnail button to its final laid-out

        android:contentDescription="@string/description_zoom_touch_close" />


Configurar a animação de zoom

Depois de aplicar o layout, configure os manipuladores de eventos que acionam a animação de zoom. O exemplo a seguir adiciona um View.OnClickListener ao ImageButton para executar a animação de zoom quando o usuário tocar no botão de imagem:

class ZoomActivity : FragmentActivity() {

    // Hold a reference to the current animator so that it can be canceled
    // midway.
    private var currentAnimator: Animator? = null

    // The system "short" animation time duration in milliseconds. This duration
    // is ideal for subtle animations or animations that occur frequently.
    private var shortAnimationDuration: Int = 0

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // Hook up taps on the thumbnail views.

        binding.thumbButton1.setOnClickListener {
            zoomImageFromThumb(thumb1View, R.drawable.image1)

        // Retrieve and cache the system's default "short" animation time.
        shortAnimationDuration = resources.getInteger(android.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime)
public class ZoomActivity extends FragmentActivity {
    // Hold a reference to the current animator so that it can be canceled
    // mid-way.
    private Animator currentAnimator;

    // The system "short" animation time duration in milliseconds. This duration
    // is ideal for subtle animations or animations that occur frequently.
    private int shortAnimationDuration;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Hook up taps on the thumbnail views.

        binding.thumbButton1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                zoomImageFromThumb(thumb1View, R.drawable.image1);

        // Retrieve and cache the system's default "short" animation time.
        shortAnimationDuration = getResources().getInteger(

Ampliar a visualização

Anime da visualização de tamanho normal para a com zoom quando apropriado. Em geral, você precisa animar dos limites da visualização de tamanho normal para os limites da visualização de tamanho maior. Os métodos a seguir mostram como implementar uma animação de zoom que amplia uma miniatura para uma visualização ampliada. Para fazer isso, atribua a imagem de alta resolução ao ImageView "com zoom" (ampliado) oculto.

O exemplo a seguir carrega um recurso de imagem grande na linha de execução de IU para simplificar. Carregue-o em uma linha de execução separada para evitar o bloqueio na linha de execução de interface e defina o bitmap na linha de execução de interface. Geralmente, o bitmap não pode ser maior do que o tamanho da tela. Em seguida, calcule os limites inicial e final de ImageView.

    private fun zoomImageFromThumb(thumbView: View, imageResId: Int) {
        // If there's an animation in progress, cancel it immediately and
        // proceed with this one.

        // Load the high-resolution "zoomed-in" image.

        // Calculate the starting and ending bounds for the zoomed-in image.
        val startBoundsInt = Rect()
        val finalBoundsInt = Rect()
        val globalOffset = Point()

        // The start bounds are the global visible rectangle of the thumbnail,
        // and the final bounds are the global visible rectangle of the
        // container view. Set the container view's offset as the origin for the
        // bounds, since that's the origin for the positioning animation
        // properties (X, Y).
        binding.container.getGlobalVisibleRect(finalBoundsInt, globalOffset)
        startBoundsInt.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y)
        finalBoundsInt.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y)

        val startBounds = RectF(startBoundsInt)
        val finalBounds = RectF(finalBoundsInt)

        // Using the "center crop" technique, adjust the start bounds to be the
        // same aspect ratio as the final bounds. This prevents unwanted
        // stretching during the animation. Calculate the start scaling factor.
        // The end scaling factor is always 1.0.
        val startScale: Float
        if ((finalBounds.width() / finalBounds.height() > startBounds.width() / startBounds.height())) {
            // Extend start bounds horizontally.
            startScale = startBounds.height() / finalBounds.height()
            val startWidth: Float = startScale * finalBounds.width()
            val deltaWidth: Float = (startWidth - startBounds.width()) / 2
            startBounds.left -= deltaWidth.toInt()
            startBounds.right += deltaWidth.toInt()
        } else {
            // Extend start bounds vertically.
            startScale = startBounds.width() / finalBounds.width()
            val startHeight: Float = startScale * finalBounds.height()
            val deltaHeight: Float = (startHeight - startBounds.height()) / 2f
   -= deltaHeight.toInt()
            startBounds.bottom += deltaHeight.toInt()

        // Hide the thumbnail and show the zoomed-in view. When the animation
        // begins, it positions the zoomed-in view in the place of the
        // thumbnail.
        thumbView.alpha = 0f

        animateZoomToLargeImage(startBounds, finalBounds, startScale)

        setDismissLargeImageAnimation(thumbView, startBounds, startScale)
    private void zoomImageFromThumb(final View thumbView, int imageResId) {
        // If there's an animation in progress, cancel it immediately and
        // proceed with this one.
        if (currentAnimator != null) {

        // Load the high-resolution "zoomed-in" image.

        // Calculate the starting and ending bounds for the zoomed-in image.
        final Rect startBounds = new Rect();
        final Rect finalBounds = new Rect();
        final Point globalOffset = new Point();

        // The start bounds are the global visible rectangle of the thumbnail,
        // and the final bounds are the global visible rectangle of the
        // container view. Set the container view's offset as the origin for the
        // bounds, since that's the origin for the positioning animation
        // properties (X, Y).
                .getGlobalVisibleRect(finalBounds, globalOffset);
        startBounds.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y);
        finalBounds.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y);

        // Using the "center crop" technique, adjust the start bounds to be the
        // same aspect ratio as the final bounds. This prevents unwanted
        // stretching during the animation. Calculate the start scaling factor.
        // The end scaling factor is always 1.0.
        float startScale;
        if ((float) finalBounds.width() / finalBounds.height()
                > (float) startBounds.width() / startBounds.height()) {
            // Extend start bounds horizontally.
            startScale = (float) startBounds.height() / finalBounds.height();
            float startWidth = startScale * finalBounds.width();
            float deltaWidth = (startWidth - startBounds.width()) / 2;
            startBounds.left -= deltaWidth;
            startBounds.right += deltaWidth;
        } else {
            // Extend start bounds vertically.
            startScale = (float) startBounds.width() / finalBounds.width();
            float startHeight = startScale * finalBounds.height();
            float deltaHeight = (startHeight - startBounds.height()) / 2;
   -= deltaHeight;
            startBounds.bottom += deltaHeight;

        // Hide the thumbnail and show the zoomed-in view. When the animation
        // begins, it positions the zoomed-in view in the place of the
        // thumbnail.

        animateZoomToLargeImage(startBounds, finalBounds, startScale);

        setDismissLargeImageAnimation(thumbView, startBounds, startScale);

Anime as quatro propriedades de posicionamento e dimensionamento (X, Y, SCALE_X e SCALE_Y) simultaneamente, dos limites iniciais para os finais. Adicione essas quatro animações a um AnimatorSet para que elas comecem ao mesmo tempo.

    private fun animateZoomToLargeImage(startBounds: RectF, finalBounds: RectF, startScale: Float) {
        binding.expandedImage.visibility = View.VISIBLE

        // Set the pivot point for SCALE_X and SCALE_Y transformations to the
        // top-left corner of the zoomed-in view. The default is the center of
        // the view.
        binding.expandedImage.pivotX = 0f
        binding.expandedImage.pivotY = 0f

        // Construct and run the parallel animation of the four translation and
        // scale properties: X, Y, SCALE_X, and SCALE_Y.
        currentAnimator = AnimatorSet().apply {
            ).apply {
                with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.Y,,
                with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.SCALE_X, startScale, 1f))
                with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.SCALE_Y, startScale, 1f))
            duration = shortAnimationDuration.toLong()
            interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator()
            addListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

                override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) {
                    currentAnimator = null

                override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator) {
                    currentAnimator = null
    private void animateZoomToLargeImage(Rect startBounds, Rect finalBounds, Float startScale) {


        // Set the pivot point for SCALE_X and SCALE_Y transformations to the
        // top-left corner of the zoomed-in view. The default is the center of
        // the view.

        // Construct and run the parallel animation of the four translation and
        // scale properties: X, Y, SCALE_X, and SCALE_Y.
        AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet();
                .play(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.X,
                        startBounds.left, finalBounds.left))
                .with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.Y,
                .with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.SCALE_X,
                        startScale, 1f))
                        View.SCALE_Y, startScale, 1f));
        set.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
        set.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                currentAnimator = null;

            public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
                currentAnimator = null;
        currentAnimator = set;

Diminua o zoom executando uma animação semelhante invertida quando o usuário tocar na tela enquanto a imagem estiver ampliada. Adicione um View.OnClickListener ao ImageView. Quando tocado, o ImageView é minimizado para o tamanho da miniatura da imagem e define a visibilidade como GONE para ocultá-la.

    private fun setDismissLargeImageAnimation(thumbView: View, startBounds: RectF, startScale: Float) {
        // When the zoomed-in image is tapped, it zooms down to the original
        // bounds and shows the thumbnail instead of the expanded image.
        binding.expandedImage.setOnClickListener {

            // Animate the four positioning and sizing properties in parallel,
            // back to their original values.
            currentAnimator = AnimatorSet().apply {
                play(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.X, startBounds.left)).apply {
                    with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.Y,
                    with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.SCALE_X, startScale))
                    with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.SCALE_Y, startScale))
                duration = shortAnimationDuration.toLong()
                interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator()
                addListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

                    override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) {
                        thumbView.alpha = 1f
                        binding.expandedImage.visibility = View.GONE
                        currentAnimator = null

                    override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator) {
                        thumbView.alpha = 1f
                        binding.expandedImage.visibility = View.GONE
                        currentAnimator = null
    private void setDismissLargeImageAnimation(View thumbView, Rect startBounds, Float startScale) {
        // When the zoomed-in image is tapped, it zooms down to the original
        // bounds and shows the thumbnail instead of the expanded image.
        final float startScaleFinal = startScale;
        binding.expandedImage.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                if (currentAnimator != null) {

                // Animate the four positioning and sizing properties in
                // parallel, back to their original values.
                AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet();
                                .ofFloat(binding.expandedImage, View.X, startBounds.left))
                                        View.SCALE_X, startScaleFinal))
                                        View.SCALE_Y, startScaleFinal));
                set.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
                set.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
                    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                        currentAnimator = null;

                    public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
                        currentAnimator = null;
                currentAnimator = set;