
public abstract class DayViewDecorator
extends Object implements Parcelable


A decorator which allows customizing the day of month views within a MaterialDatePicker.


Inherited constants



Public constructors


Public methods

ColorStateList getBackgroundColor(Context context, int year, int month, int day, boolean valid, boolean selected)

Override this method to return a custom color to be applied to the background drawable of the day view corresponding to the provided date.

Drawable getCompoundDrawableBottom(Context context, int year, int month, int day, boolean valid, boolean selected)

Override this method to return a bottom compound drawable for the day view corresponding to the provided date.

Drawable getCompoundDrawableLeft(Context context, int year, int month, int day, boolean valid, boolean selected)

Override this method to return a left compound drawable for the day view corresponding to the provided date.

Drawable getCompoundDrawableRight(Context context, int year, int month, int day, boolean valid, boolean selected)

Override this method to return a right compound drawable for the day view corresponding to the provided date.

Drawable getCompoundDrawableTop(Context context, int year, int month, int day, boolean valid, boolean selected)

Override this method to return a top compound drawable for the day view corresponding to the provided date.

CharSequence getContentDescription(Context context, int year, int month, int day, boolean valid, boolean selected, CharSequence originalContentDescription)

Override this method to return the day view's content description.

ColorStateList getTextColor(Context context, int year, int month, int day, boolean valid, boolean selected)

Override this method to return a custom color to be applied to the text of the day view corresponding to the provided date.

void initialize(Context context)

Optionally override this method to do any initializing for your DayViewDecorator instance.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()
abstract int describeContents()
abstract void writeToParcel(Parcel arg0, int arg1)

Public constructors


public DayViewDecorator ()

Public methods


public ColorStateList getBackgroundColor (Context context, 
                int year, 
                int month, 
                int day, 
                boolean valid, 
                boolean selected)

Override this method to return a custom color to be applied to the background drawable of the day view corresponding to the provided date.

context Context: The context of the day view

year int: The year number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.YEAR))

month int: The month number (0-11) corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.MONTH))

day int: The day of month number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))

valid boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a valid state (if not valid, the day view will likely look and behave disabled)

selected boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a selected state (if selected, the day view will likely have a filled color background)

ColorStateList The background color ColorStateList or null


public Drawable getCompoundDrawableBottom (Context context, 
                int year, 
                int month, 
                int day, 
                boolean valid, 
                boolean selected)

Override this method to return a bottom compound drawable for the day view corresponding to the provided date.

context Context: The context of the day view

year int: The year number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.YEAR))

month int: The month number (0-11) corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.MONTH))

day int: The day of month number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))

valid boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a valid state (if not valid, the day view will likely look and behave disabled)

selected boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a selected state (if selected, the day view will likely have a filled color background)

Drawable The bottom compound drawable or null


public Drawable getCompoundDrawableLeft (Context context, 
                int year, 
                int month, 
                int day, 
                boolean valid, 
                boolean selected)

Override this method to return a left compound drawable for the day view corresponding to the provided date.

context Context: The context of the day view

year int: The year number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.YEAR))

month int: The month number (0-11) corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.MONTH))

day int: The day of month number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))

valid boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a valid state (if not valid, the day view will likely look and behave disabled)

selected boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a selected state (if selected, the day view will likely have a filled color background)

Drawable The left compound drawable or null


public Drawable getCompoundDrawableRight (Context context, 
                int year, 
                int month, 
                int day, 
                boolean valid, 
                boolean selected)

Override this method to return a right compound drawable for the day view corresponding to the provided date.

context Context: The context of the day view

year int: The year number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.YEAR))

month int: The month number (0-11) corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.MONTH))

day int: The day of month number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))

valid boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a valid state (if not valid, the day view will likely look and behave disabled)

selected boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a selected state (if selected, the day view will likely have a filled color background)

Drawable The right compound drawable or null


public Drawable getCompoundDrawableTop (Context context, 
                int year, 
                int month, 
                int day, 
                boolean valid, 
                boolean selected)

Override this method to return a top compound drawable for the day view corresponding to the provided date.

context Context: The context of the day view

year int: The year number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.YEAR))

month int: The month number (0-11) corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.MONTH))

day int: The day of month number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))

valid boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a valid state (if not valid, the day view will likely look and behave disabled)

selected boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a selected state (if selected, the day view will likely have a filled color background)

Drawable The top compound drawable or null


public CharSequence getContentDescription (Context context, 
                int year, 
                int month, 
                int day, 
                boolean valid, 
                boolean selected, 
                CharSequence originalContentDescription)

Override this method to return the day view's content description.

context Context: The context of the day view

year int: The year number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.YEAR))

month int: The month number (0-11) corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.MONTH))

day int: The day of month number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))

valid boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a valid state (if not valid, the day view will likely look and behave disabled)

selected boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a selected state (if selected, the day view will likely have a filled color background)

originalContentDescription CharSequence: The original day view's content description

CharSequence The content description


public ColorStateList getTextColor (Context context, 
                int year, 
                int month, 
                int day, 
                boolean valid, 
                boolean selected)

Override this method to return a custom color to be applied to the text of the day view corresponding to the provided date.

context Context: The context of the day view

year int: The year number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.YEAR))

month int: The month number (0-11) corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.MONTH))

day int: The day of month number corresponding to the day view (see ERROR(/java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))

valid boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a valid state (if not valid, the day view will likely look and behave disabled)

selected boolean: Boolean for whether the day view is in a selected state (if selected, the day view will likely have a filled color background)

ColorStateList The text color ColorStateList or null


public void initialize (Context context)

Optionally override this method to do any initializing for your DayViewDecorator instance.

This method will be called whenever the date picker view is created, which can be important if, e.g., your decorator's compound drawables are dependent on configurations such as screen orientation.

context Context