
public static interface AppBarLayout.BaseOnOffsetChangedListener<T extends>
AppBarLayout.OnOffsetChangedListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an AppBarLayout's vertical offset changes. 

Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an AppBarLayout's vertical offset changes.


Public methods

abstract void onOffsetChanged(T appBarLayout, int verticalOffset)

Called when the AppBarLayout's layout offset has been changed.

Public methods


public abstract void onOffsetChanged (T appBarLayout, 
                int verticalOffset)

Called when the AppBarLayout's layout offset has been changed. This allows child views to implement custom behavior based on the offset (for instance pinning a view at a certain y value).

appBarLayout T: the AppBarLayout which offset has changed

verticalOffset int: the vertical offset for the parent AppBarLayout, in px