
public interface VisibilityAnimatorProvider
FadeProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades a view. 
FadeThroughProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades out or in a view. 
ScaleProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that scales a view. 
SlideDistanceProvider A class that can configure and create an Animator that slides a view vertically or horizontally slide over a specific distance. 

An interface which is able to provide an Animator to be supplied to a Visibility transition when a target view is appearing or disappearing.


Public methods

abstract Animator createAppear(ViewGroup sceneRoot, View view)

Should return an Animator that animates in the appearing target view.

abstract Animator createDisappear(ViewGroup sceneRoot, View view)

Should return an Animator that animates out the disappearing target view.

Public methods


public abstract Animator createAppear (ViewGroup sceneRoot, 
                View view)

Should return an Animator that animates in the appearing target view.

sceneRoot ViewGroup: The root of the transition hierarchy, which can be useful for checking configurations such as RTL

view View: The view that is appearing



public abstract Animator createDisappear (ViewGroup sceneRoot, 
                View view)

Should return an Animator that animates out the disappearing target view.

sceneRoot ViewGroup: The root of the transition hierarchy, which can be useful for checking configurations such as RTL

view View: The view that is disappearing
