
public class MotionUtils
extends Object


A utility class for motion system functions.


Public methods

static int resolveThemeDuration(Context context, int attrResId, int defaultDuration)

Resolve a duration from a material duration theme attribute.

static TimeInterpolator resolveThemeInterpolator(Context context, int attrResId, TimeInterpolator defaultInterpolator)

Load an interpolator from a material easing theme attribute.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()

Public methods


public static int resolveThemeDuration (Context context, 
                int attrResId, 
                int defaultDuration)

Resolve a duration from a material duration theme attribute.

context Context: the context from where the theme attribute will be resolved.

attrResId int: the motionDuration* theme attribute to resolve

defaultDuration int: the duration to be returned if unable to resolve attrResId

int the resolved int duration which attrResId points to or the defaultDuration if resolution was unsuccessful.


public static TimeInterpolator resolveThemeInterpolator (Context context, 
                int attrResId, 
                TimeInterpolator defaultInterpolator)

Load an interpolator from a material easing theme attribute.

context Context: context from where the theme attribute will be resolved

attrResId int: the motionEasing* theme attribute to resolve

defaultInterpolator TimeInterpolator: the interpolator to be returned if unable to resolve attrResId.

TimeInterpolator the resolved TimeInterpolator which attrResId points to or the defaultInterpolator if resolution was unsuccessful.