
public class ColorContrast
extends Object


Utility for applying contrast colors to application/activities.

Please note that if you are already using dynamic colors, contrast will be applied automatically on Android U+. This is only needed if you have a branded or custom theme and want to support contrast.


Public methods

static void applyToActivitiesIfAvailable(Application application, ColorContrastOptions colorContrastOptions)

Applies contrast to all activities by registering a Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks to your application.

static void applyToActivityIfAvailable(Activity activity, ColorContrastOptions colorContrastOptions)

Applies contrast to the given activity.

static boolean isContrastAvailable()

Returns true if contrast control is available on the current SDK level.

static Context wrapContextIfAvailable(Context context, ColorContrastOptions colorContrastOptions)

Wraps the given context with the theme overlay where color resources are updated.

Inherited methods

Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()

Public methods


public static void applyToActivitiesIfAvailable (Application application, 
                ColorContrastOptions colorContrastOptions)

Applies contrast to all activities by registering a Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks to your application.

A normal usage of this method should happen only once in Application.onCreate() or any methods that run before any of your activities are created. For example:

 public class YourApplication extends Application {
   public void onCreate() {

This method will try to apply a theme overlay in every activity's Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.onActivityPreCreated(Activity, Bundle) callback.

application Application: The target application.

colorContrastOptions ColorContrastOptions: The color contrast options object that specifies the theme overlay resource IDs for medium and high contrast mode.


public static void applyToActivityIfAvailable (Activity activity, 
                ColorContrastOptions colorContrastOptions)

Applies contrast to the given activity.

Note that this method does not guarantee the consistency of contrast throughout the app. If you want contrast to be updated automatically when a different contrast level is selected in the system, please use #applyToActivitiesIfAvailable(Application, ColorContrastOptions).

activity Activity: The target activity.

colorContrastOptions ColorContrastOptions: The color contrast options object that specifies the theme overlay resource IDs for medium and high contrast mode.


public static boolean isContrastAvailable ()

Returns true if contrast control is available on the current SDK level.



public static Context wrapContextIfAvailable (Context context, 
                ColorContrastOptions colorContrastOptions)

Wraps the given context with the theme overlay where color resources are updated. The returned context can be used to create views with contrast support.

Note that this method does not guarantee the consistency of contrast throughout the app. If you want contrast to be updated automatically when a different contrast level is selected in the system, please use #applyToActivitiesIfAvailable(Application, ColorContrastOptions).

context Context: The target context.

colorContrastOptions ColorContrastOptions: The color contrast options object that specifies the theme overlay resource IDs for medium and high contrast mode.
