Class Index
These are the API classes. See all API packages.
AbsoluteCornerSize |
A CornerSize that always uses the provided size and ignores the bounds.
AnimatableView |
Represents a View that provides animation callbacks.
AnimatableView.Listener |
Represents a callback for an AnimatableView .
AppBarLayout |
AppBarLayout is a vertical LinearLayout which implements many of the features of material
designs app bar concept, namely scrolling gestures.
AppBarLayout.BaseBehavior<T extends AppBarLayout> |
The default AppBarLayout.Behavior for AppBarLayout .
AppBarLayout.BaseBehavior.BaseDragCallback<T extends AppBarLayout> |
Callback to allow control over any AppBarLayout dragging.
AppBarLayout.BaseBehavior.SavedState |
A Parcelable implementation for AppBarLayout .
AppBarLayout.BaseOnOffsetChangedListener<T extends AppBarLayout> |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an AppBarLayout 's vertical
offset changes.
AppBarLayout.Behavior |
The default AppBarLayout.Behavior for AppBarLayout .
AppBarLayout.Behavior.DragCallback |
Callback to allow control over any AppBarLayout dragging.
AppBarLayout.ChildScrollEffect | An effect class that should be implemented and used by AppBarLayout children to be given effects when the AppBarLayout's offset changes. |
AppBarLayout.CompressChildScrollEffect |
A class which handles updating an AppBarLayout child, if marked with the app:layout_scrollEffect compress , at each step in the AppBarLayout 's offset
AppBarLayout.LayoutParams |
A ViewGroup.LayoutParams implementation for AppBarLayout .
AppBarLayout.LiftOnScrollListener | Definition for a callback to be invoked when the lift on scroll elevation and background color change. |
AppBarLayout.OnOffsetChangedListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an AppBarLayout 's vertical
offset changes.
AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior |
Behavior which should be used by View s which can scroll vertically and support nested
scrolling to automatically scroll any AppBarLayout siblings.
ArgbEvaluatorCompat | This evaluator can be used to perform type interpolation between integer values that represent ARGB colors. |
BadgeDrawable |
BadgeDrawable contains all the layout and draw logic for a badge.
BadgeDrawable.BadgeGravity | Position the badge can be set to. |
BadgeUtils |
Utility class for BadgeDrawable .
BaseProgressIndicator<S extends BaseProgressIndicatorSpec> | This class contains the common functions shared in different types of progress indicators. |
BaseProgressIndicatorSpec | This class contains the parameters shared between linear type and circular type. |
BaseTransientBottomBar<B extends BaseTransientBottomBar<B>> | Base class for lightweight transient bars that are displayed along the bottom edge of the application window. |
BaseTransientBottomBar.BaseCallback<B> |
Base class for BaseTransientBottomBar callbacks.
BaseTransientBottomBar.Behavior |
Behavior for BaseTransientBottomBar .
BaseTransientBottomBar.ContentViewCallback |
This interface is deprecated.
Use ContentViewCallback instead.
BasicLabelFormatter |
A simple implementation of the LabelFormatter interface, that limits the number
displayed inside a discrete slider's bubble to three digits, and a single-character suffix that
denotes magnitude (e.g.: 1.5K, 2.2M, 1.3B, 2T).
BottomAppBar |
The Bottom App Bar is an extension of Toolbar that supports a shaped background that "cradles" an
attached FloatingActionButton .
BottomAppBar.Behavior |
Behavior designed for use with BottomAppBar instances.
BottomAppBar.FabAlignmentMode | The fabAlignmentMode determines the horizontal positioning of the cradle and the FAB which can be centered or aligned to the end. |
BottomAppBar.FabAnimationMode | The fabAnimationMode determines the animation used to move the FAB between different alignment modes. |
BottomAppBarTopEdgeTreatment |
Top edge treatment for the bottom app bar which "cradles" a circular FloatingActionButton .
BottomNavigationView | Represents a standard bottom navigation bar for application. |
BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemReselectedListener |
This interface is deprecated.
Use NavigationBarView.OnItemReselectedListener instead.
BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener |
This interface is deprecated.
Use NavigationBarView.OnItemSelectedListener instead.
BottomSheetBehavior<V extends View> |
An interaction behavior plugin for a child view of CoordinatorLayout to make it work as a
bottom sheet.
BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback | Callback for monitoring events about bottom sheets. |
BottomSheetBehavior.SavedState | State persisted across instances |
BottomSheetDialog |
Base class for Dialog s styled as a bottom sheet.
BottomSheetDialogFragment | Modal bottom sheet. |
BottomSheetDragHandleView |
A drag handle view that can be added to bottom sheets associated with BottomSheetBehavior .
CalendarConstraints | Used to limit the display range of the calendar and set an openAt month. |
CalendarConstraints.Builder |
Builder for CalendarConstraints .
CalendarConstraints.DateValidator | Used to determine whether calendar days are enabled. |
CarouselLayoutManager |
A RecyclerView.LayoutManager that can mask and offset items along the scrolling axis, creating a
unique list optimized for a stylized viewing experience.
CarouselSnapHelper |
Implementation of the SnapHelper that supports snapping items to the carousel keylines
according to the strategy.
CarouselStrategy | A class responsible for creating a model used by a carousel to mask and offset views as they move along a scrolling axis. |
ChildrenAlphaProperty | A Property for the alpha of a ViewGroup's children. |
Chip | Chips are compact elements that represent an attribute, text, entity, or action. |
ChipDrawable |
ChipDrawable contains all the layout and draw logic for Chip .
ChipDrawable.Delegate | Delegate interface to be implemented by Views that own a ChipDrawable. |
ChipGroup |
A ChipGroup is used to hold multiple Chip s.
ChipGroup.LayoutParams |
A ChipGroup.LayoutParams implementation for ChipGroup .
ChipGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener |
This interface is deprecated.
Use ChipGroup.OnCheckedStateChangeListener instead.
ChipGroup.OnCheckedStateChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback which supports multiple checked IDs to be invoked when the checked chips changed in this group. |
CircularProgressIndicator | This class implements the circular type progress indicators. |
CircularProgressIndicatorSpec | This class contains the parameters for drawing a circular type progress indicator. |
CircularRevealCardView |
A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for MaterialCardView .
CircularRevealCompat | Defines compat implementations of circular reveal animations. |
CircularRevealCoordinatorLayout |
A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for CoordinatorLayout .
CircularRevealFrameLayout |
A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for FrameLayout .
CircularRevealGridLayout |
A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for GridLayout .
CircularRevealHelper | Helper class to implement circular reveal functionality. |
CircularRevealHelper.Delegate |
Delegate interface to be implemented by the CircularRevealWidget that owns this helper.
CircularRevealHelper.Strategy | Which strategy this view should use to create the circular reveal effect. |
CircularRevealLinearLayout |
A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for LinearLayout .
CircularRevealRelativeLayout |
A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for RelativeLayout .
CircularRevealWidget |
Interface which denotes that a View supports a circular clip and scrim color, even for
pre-L APIs.
CircularRevealWidget.CircularRevealEvaluator |
A TypeEvaluator that performs type interpolation between two CircularRevealWidget.RevealInfo s.
CircularRevealWidget.CircularRevealProperty |
A Property wrapper around the compound circularReveal functionality on a CircularRevealWidget .
CircularRevealWidget.CircularRevealScrimColorProperty |
A Property wrapper around the circularRevealScrimColor functionality on a CircularRevealWidget .
CircularRevealWidget.RevealInfo | RevealInfo holds three values for a circular reveal. |
CollapsingToolbarLayout |
CollapsingToolbarLayout is a wrapper for Toolbar which implements a collapsing app bar.
CollapsingToolbarLayout.LayoutParams | |
ColorContrast | Utility for applying contrast colors to application/activities. |
ColorContrastOptions | Wrapper class for specifying color contrast options when applying contrast to branded and custom themes. |
ColorContrastOptions.Builder | Builder class for specifying options when applying contrast. |
ColorRoles | Each accent color (primary, secondary and tertiary), is provided as a group of four supplementary color roles with different luminance which can be used in the UI to define emphasis and to provide a greater flexibility in expression. |
CompositeDateValidator |
A CalendarConstraints.DateValidator that accepts a list of Date Validators.
ContentViewCallback | Interface that defines the behavior of the main content of a transient bottom bar. |
CornerFamily |
CornerFamily enum that holds which family to be used to create a CornerTreatment
The corner family determines which family to use to create a |
CornerSize |
Allows clients to describe the size of a corner independently from a CornerTreatment .
CornerTreatment | A basic corner treatment (a single point which does not affect the shape). |
CutCornerTreatment | A corner treatment which cuts or clips the original corner of a shape with a straight line. |
DateValidatorPointBackward |
A CalendarConstraints.DateValidator that enables only dates before a given point.
DateValidatorPointForward |
A CalendarConstraints.DateValidator that enables dates from a given point forward.
DayViewDecorator |
A decorator which allows customizing the day of month views within a MaterialDatePicker .
DeterminateDrawable<S extends BaseProgressIndicatorSpec> | This class draws the graphics for determinate mode. |
DrawableAlphaProperty |
Compat property for Drawable.getAlpha() and Drawable.setAlpha(int) for pre-K
DynamicColors | Utility for applying dynamic colors to application/activities. |
DynamicColors.OnAppliedCallback | The interface that provides a callback method after dynamic colors have been applied. |
DynamicColors.Precondition | The interface that provides a precondition to decide if dynamic colors should be applied. |
DynamicColorsOptions | Wrapper class for specifying dynamic colors options when applying dynamic colors. |
DynamicColorsOptions.Builder | Builder class for specifying options when applying dynamic colors. |
EdgeTreatment | A basic edge treatment (a single straight line). |
ElevationOverlayProvider | Utility for calculating elevation overlay alpha values and colors. |
ExpandableBehavior |
This class is deprecated.
Use MaterialContainerTransform
ExpandableTransformationBehavior |
This class is deprecated.
Use MaterialContainerTransform
ExpandableTransformationWidget | An ExpandableWidget that visually transforms into another component when expanded. |
ExpandableWidget | A widget that has expanded/collapsed state. |
ExpandableWidgetHelper |
ExpandableWidgetHelper is a helper class for writing custom ExpandableWidget s and ExpandableTransformationWidget .
ExperimentalBadgeUtils | Annotation denoting this class is experimental |
ExtendableSavedState |
SavedState for widgets that want to save and restore their own state in View.onSaveInstanceState() .
ExtendedFloatingActionButton | Extended floating action buttons are used for a special type of promoted action. |
ExtendedFloatingActionButton.ExtendedFloatingActionButtonBehavior<T extends ExtendedFloatingActionButton> |
Behavior designed for use with ExtendedFloatingActionButton instances.
ExtendedFloatingActionButton.OnChangedCallback | Callback to be invoked when the visibility or the state of an ExtendedFloatingActionButton changes. |
FabTransformationBehavior |
This class is deprecated.
Use MaterialContainerTransform
FabTransformationBehavior.FabTransformationSpec | Motion spec for a FAB transformation. |
FabTransformationScrimBehavior |
This class is deprecated.
Use MaterialContainerTransform
FabTransformationSheetBehavior |
This class is deprecated.
Use MaterialContainerTransform
FadeProvider |
A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades a view.
FadeProvider |
A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades a view.
FadeThroughProvider |
A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades out or in a view.
FadeThroughProvider |
A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades out or in a view.
FloatingActionButton | Floating action buttons are used for a special type of promoted action. |
FloatingActionButton.BaseBehavior<T extends FloatingActionButton> |
Behavior designed for use with FloatingActionButton instances.
FloatingActionButton.Behavior |
Behavior designed for use with FloatingActionButton instances.
FloatingActionButton.OnVisibilityChangedListener | Callback to be invoked when the visibility of a FloatingActionButton changes. |
FullScreenCarouselStrategy |
A CarouselStrategy that fits one full-width or full-height item into a container to
create a layout to browse one item at a time.
HarmonizedColorAttributes | A class for specifying color attributes for harmonization, which contains an array of color attributes, with the option to specify a custom theme overlay. |
HarmonizedColors | A class for harmonizing color resources and attributes. |
HarmonizedColorsOptions |
Wrapper class for specifying harmonization options, whether to harmonize an array of color
resources, or a HarmonizedColorAttributes , along with the color attribute provided to
harmonize with.
HarmonizedColorsOptions.Builder | Builder class for specifying options when harmonizing colors. |
HeroCarouselStrategy |
A CarouselStrategy that knows how to size and fit one large item and one small item into
a container to create a layout to browse one 'hero' item at a time with a preview item.
HideBottomViewOnScrollBehavior<V extends View> |
The CoordinatorLayout.Behavior for a View within a CoordinatorLayout to hide the view off the
bottom of the screen when scrolling down, and show it when scrolling up.
HideBottomViewOnScrollBehavior.OnScrollStateChangedListener | Interface definition for a listener to be notified when the bottom view scroll state changes. |
Hold |
A Visibility Transition that does nothing to the target
views, which can be useful for preserving a scene on screen during a Fragment transition.
Hold |
A Visibility Transition that does nothing to the target
views, which can be useful for preserving a scene on screen during a Fragment transition.
ImageMatrixProperty |
Property wrapper for ImageView.getImageMatrix() and ImageView.setImageMatrix(Matrix) .
IndeterminateDrawable<S extends BaseProgressIndicatorSpec> | This class draws the graphics for indeterminate mode. |
InterpolateOnScrollPositionChangeHelper | Helper class to handle shape interpolation when shaped views enter or exit the window. |
LabelFormatter | Interface definition for applying custom formatting to the text displayed inside the bubble shown when a slider is used in discrete mode. |
LabelVisibilityMode | This @interface is deprecated. Please use instead. |
LinearProgressIndicator | This class implements the linear type progress indicators. |
LinearProgressIndicatorSpec | This class contains the parameters for drawing a linear type progress indicator. |
MarkerEdgeTreatment | Draws an arrow on the edge given the radius of a circle. |
MaskableFrameLayout |
A FrameLayout than is able to mask itself and all children.
MaterialAlertDialogBuilder |
An extension of AlertDialog.Builder for use with a Material theme (e.g.,
MaterialArcMotion |
A Material PathMotion that results in a more dramatic curve than ArcMotion .
MaterialArcMotion |
A Material PathMotion that results in a more dramatic curve than ArcMotion .
MaterialAutoCompleteTextView |
A special sub-class of AutoCompleteTextView that is auto-inflated so that
auto-complete text fields (e.g., for an Exposed Dropdown Menu) are accessible when being
interacted through a screen reader.
MaterialButton | A convenience class for creating a new Material button. |
MaterialButton.IconGravity | Positions the icon can be set to. |
MaterialButton.OnCheckedChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the button checked state changes. |
MaterialButtonToggleGroup |
A common container for a set of related, toggleable MaterialButton s.
MaterialButtonToggleGroup.OnButtonCheckedListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a MaterialButton is checked or
unchecked in this group.
MaterialCardView | Provides a Material card. |
MaterialCardView.CheckedIconGravity | Positions the icon can be set to. |
MaterialCardView.OnCheckedChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the card checked state changes. |
MaterialCheckBox | A class that creates a Material Themed CheckBox. |
MaterialCheckBox.OnCheckedStateChangedListener | Callback interface invoked when one of three independent checkbox states change. |
MaterialCheckBox.OnErrorChangedListener | Callback interface invoked when the checkbox error state changes. |
MaterialColors | A utility class for common color variants used in Material themes. |
MaterialComponentsViewInflater |
An extension of AppCompatViewInflater that replaces some framework widgets with Material
Components ones at inflation time, provided a Material Components theme is in use.
MaterialContainerTransform |
A shared element Transition that transforms one container to another.
MaterialContainerTransform |
A shared element Transition that transforms one container to another.
MaterialContainerTransform.ProgressThresholds | A class which holds a start and end value which represent a range within 0.0 - 1.0. |
MaterialContainerTransform.ProgressThresholds | A class which holds a start and end value which represent a range within 0.0 - 1.0. |
MaterialContainerTransformSharedElementCallback |
A SharedElementCallback to be used for MaterialContainerTransform transitions.
MaterialContainerTransformSharedElementCallback.ShapeableViewShapeProvider |
A MaterialContainerTransformSharedElementCallback.ShapeProvider that provides the view's ShapeAppearanceModel if the view
implements the Shapeable interface.
MaterialContainerTransformSharedElementCallback.ShapeProvider |
Allows providing a ShapeAppearanceModel for the shared element view.
MaterialDatePicker<S> |
A Dialog with a header, MaterialCalendar, and set of actions.
MaterialDatePicker.Builder<S> | Used to create MaterialDatePicker instances with default and overridden settings |
MaterialDivider | A Material divider view. |
MaterialDividerItemDecoration |
MaterialDividerItemDecoration is a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration , similar to a DividerItemDecoration , that can be used as a divider between items of
a LinearLayoutManager .
MaterialElevationScale |
A Visibility transition that scales the size of a surface up or down
to emphasize elevation changes.
MaterialElevationScale |
A Visibility transition that scales the size of a surface up or down
to emphasize elevation changes.
MaterialFade |
A Visibility transition that is composed of a fade and scale of
incoming content and a simple fade of outgoing content.
MaterialFade |
A Visibility transition that is composed of a fade and scale of
incoming content and a simple fade of outgoing content.
MaterialFadeThrough |
A Visibility transition that, by default, provides a fade in and
scale out when appearing and a fade out and scale out when disappearing.
MaterialFadeThrough |
A Visibility transition that, by default, provides a fade in and
scale out when appearing and a fade out and scale out when disappearing.
MaterialPickerOnPositiveButtonClickListener<S> |
Listener that provides the current MaterialCalendar<S> selection.
MaterialRadioButton | A class that creates a Material Themed RadioButton. |
MaterialShapeDrawable | Base drawable class for Material Shapes that handles shadows, elevation, scale and color for a generated path. |
MaterialShapeDrawable.CompatibilityShadowMode | Determines when compatibility shadow is drawn vs. |
MaterialShapeUtils |
Utility methods for MaterialShapeDrawable and related classes.
MaterialSharedAxis |
A Visibility transition that provides shared motion along an axis.
MaterialSharedAxis |
A Visibility transition that provides shared motion along an axis.
MaterialSwitch | A class that creates a Material Themed Switch. |
MaterialTextView |
A MaterialTextView is a derivative of AppCompatTextView that displays text to the user.
MaterialThemeOverlay |
Utility to apply a theme overlay to any Context .
MaterialTimePicker |
A Dialog with a clock display and a clock face to choose the time.
MaterialTimePicker.Builder |
Used to create MaterialTimePicker instances.
MaterialToolbar |
MaterialToolbar is a Toolbar that implements certain Material features, such as
elevation overlays for Dark Themes and centered titles.
MathUtils | A class that contains utility methods related to numbers. |
MatrixEvaluator |
Type evaluator for Matrix interpolation.
MotionSpec |
A motion spec contains multiple named motion timings .
MotionTiming | A representation of timing for an animation. |
MotionUtils | A utility class for motion system functions. |
MultiBrowseCarouselStrategy |
A CarouselStrategy that knows how to size and fit large, medium and small items into a
container to create a layout for quick browsing of multiple items at once.
NavigationBarView | Provides an abstract implementation of a navigation bar that can be used to implementation such as Bottom Navigation or Navigation rail. |
NavigationBarView.OnItemReselectedListener | Listener for handling reselection events on navigation items. |
NavigationBarView.OnItemSelectedListener | Listener for handling selection events on navigation items. |
NavigationRailView | Represents a standard navigation rail view for application. |
NavigationView | Represents a standard navigation menu for application. |
NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener | Listener for handling events on navigation items. |
NavigationView.SavedState | User interface state that is stored by NavigationView for implementing onSaveInstanceState(). |
OffsetEdgeTreatment | Offsets a different edge treatment by the given amount. |
OnMaskChangedListener | An interface that reports changes in mask values. |
OnSelectionChangedListener<S> | Listener that provides selection. |
Positioning | A representation of the positioning of a view relative to another. |
RangeSlider | A range slider can be used to select from either a continuous or a discrete set of values. |
RangeSlider.OnChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback invoked when a slider's value is changed. |
RangeSlider.OnSliderTouchListener | Interface definition for a callback invoked when a slider's value is changed. |
RelativeCornerSize |
A CornerSize that takes a percent and computes the size used based on the length of the
shortest edge adjacent to the corner.
RippleDrawableCompat |
A compat Drawable that is used to provide an overlay for pressed, focused, and hovered
states (only when in enabled).
RoundedCornerTreatment | A corner treatment which rounds a corner of a shape. |
ScaledDrawableWrapper |
An extension of DrawableWrapperCompat that will take a given Drawable and scale it by the
specified width and height.
ScaleProvider |
A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that scales a view.
ScaleProvider |
A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that scales a view.
SearchBar |
The SearchBar represents a floating search field with affordances for search and
SearchBar.OnLoadAnimationCallback |
Callback for the animation started and stopped via SearchBar.startOnLoadAnimation() and SearchBar.stopOnLoadAnimation() .
SearchBar.ScrollingViewBehavior |
Behavior that sets up the scroll-away mode for an SearchBar .
SearchView |
Layout that provides a full screen search view and can be used with SearchBar .
SearchView.Behavior |
Behavior that sets up an SearchView with an SearchBar .
SearchView.TransitionListener |
Callback interface that provides important transition events for a SearchView .
SearchView.TransitionState |
Enum that defines the possible transition states of an SearchView .
ShadowDrawableWrapper |
This class is deprecated.
Use MaterialShapeDrawable instead.
ShadowViewDelegate | Delegate interface that can be used to facilitate rendering of shadows pre-lollipop. |
Shapeable |
Provides a mechanism to uniformly modify the ShapeAppearanceModel that backs a
component or Drawable 's shape.
ShapeableImageView | An ImageView that draws the bitmap with the provided Shape. |
ShapeAppearanceModel |
This class models the edges and corners of a shape, which are used by MaterialShapeDrawable to generate and render the shape for a view's background.
ShapeAppearanceModel.Builder |
Builder to create instances of ShapeAppearanceModel s.
ShapeAppearancePathProvider |
A class to convert a ShapeAppearanceModel to a Path .
ShapeAppearancePathProvider.PathListener |
Listener called every time a ShapePath is created for a corner or an edge treatment.
ShapePath | Represents the descriptive path of a shape. |
ShapePath.PathArcOperation | Path arc operation. |
ShapePath.PathCubicOperation | Path cubic operation. |
ShapePath.PathLineOperation | Straight line operation. |
ShapePath.PathOperation | Interface for a path operation to be appended to the operations list. |
ShapePath.PathQuadOperation | Path quad operation. |
ShapePathModel |
This class is deprecated.
Use ShapeAppearanceModel instead.
SideSheetBehavior<V extends View> |
An interaction behavior plugin for a child view of CoordinatorLayout to make it work as a
side sheet.
SideSheetBehavior.SavedState | State persisted across instances |
SideSheetCallback | Callback that monitors side sheet events. |
SideSheetDialog |
Base class for Dialog s styled as a side sheet.
SingleLineItemViewHolder | A simple single line list item. |
SlideDistanceProvider |
A class that can configure and create an Animator that slides a view vertically or
horizontally slide over a specific distance.
SlideDistanceProvider |
A class that can configure and create an Animator that slides a view vertically or
horizontally slide over a specific distance.
Slider | A widget that allows picking a value within a given range by sliding a thumb along a horizontal line. |
Slider.OnChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback invoked when a slider's value is changed. |
Slider.OnSliderTouchListener | Interface definition for callbacks invoked when a slider's touch event is being started/stopped. |
Snackbar | Snackbars provide lightweight feedback about an operation. |
Snackbar.Callback |
Callback class for Snackbar instances.
SurfaceColors |
Provides a convenient way to get color values of tonal variations of R.attr.colorSurface .
SwipeDismissBehavior<V extends View> |
An interaction behavior plugin for child views of CoordinatorLayout to provide support
for the 'swipe-to-dismiss' gesture.
SwipeDismissBehavior.OnDismissListener | Callback interface used to notify the application that the view has been dismissed. |
SwitchMaterial | A class that creates a Material Themed Switch. |
TabItem |
TabItem is a special 'view' which allows you to declare tab items for a TabLayout within
a layout.
TabLayout | TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs. |
TabLayout.BaseOnTabSelectedListener<T extends TabLayout.Tab> |
This interface is deprecated.
Use TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener instead.
TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener | Callback interface invoked when a tab's selection state changes. |
TabLayout.Tab | A tab in this layout. |
TabLayout.TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener |
A ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener class which contains the necessary calls back to the
provided TabLayout so that the tab position is kept in sync.
TabLayout.TabView |
A LinearLayout containing TabLayout.Tab instances for use with TabLayout .
TabLayout.ViewPagerOnTabSelectedListener |
A TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener class which contains the necessary calls back to the
provided ViewPager so that the tab position is kept in sync.
TabLayoutMediator | A mediator to link a TabLayout with a ViewPager2. |
TabLayoutMediator.TabConfigurationStrategy | A callback interface that must be implemented to set the text and styling of newly created tabs. |
TextAppearanceConfig | This class is deprecated. The class is no longer needed because TextAppearance checks internally whether the desired typeface has already been fetched and cached. |
TextInputEditText |
A special sub-class of EditText designed for use as a child of TextInputLayout .
TextInputLayout |
Layout which wraps a TextInputEditText , EditText , or descendant to
show a floating label when the hint is hidden while the user inputs text.
TextInputLayout.AccessibilityDelegate |
An TextInputLayout.AccessibilityDelegate intended to be set on an EditText or TextInputEditText with TextInputLayout.setTextInputAccessibilityDelegate(TextInputLayout.AccessibilityDelegate) to
provide attributes for accessibility that are managed by TextInputLayout .
TextInputLayout.BoxBackgroundMode | Values for box background mode. |
TextInputLayout.LengthCounter | Interface definition for a length counter. |
TextInputLayout.OnEditTextAttachedListener |
Callback interface invoked when the view's EditText is attached, or from TextInputLayout.addOnEditTextAttachedListener(OnEditTextAttachedListener) if the edit text is already
TextInputLayout.OnEndIconChangedListener | Callback interface invoked when the view's end icon changes. |
ThreeLineItemViewHolder | A simple three line list item. |
TimeFormat | Types of formats for the time picker |
TransformationCallback<T extends View> | Callback to be invoked when the view undergoes a transformation (e.g., translation or scale). |
TransformationChildCard |
This class is deprecated.
Use MaterialContainerTransform
TransformationChildLayout |
This class is deprecated.
Use MaterialContainerTransform
TriangleEdgeTreatment | An edge treatment which draws triangles at the midpoint of an edge, facing into or out of the shape. |
TwoLineItemViewHolder | A simple two line list item. |
UncontainedCarouselStrategy |
A CarouselStrategy that does not resize the original item width and fits as many as it
can into the container, cutting off the rest.
VisibilityAnimatorProvider |
An interface which is able to provide an Animator to be supplied to a Visibility transition when a target view is appearing or disappearing.
VisibilityAnimatorProvider |
An interface which is able to provide an Animator to be supplied to a Visibility transition when a target view is appearing or disappearing.