Class Index

These are the API classes. See all API packages.


AbsoluteCornerSize A CornerSize that always uses the provided size and ignores the bounds. 
AnimatableView Represents a View that provides animation callbacks. 
AnimatableView.Listener Represents a callback for an AnimatableView
AppBarLayout AppBarLayout is a vertical LinearLayout which implements many of the features of material designs app bar concept, namely scrolling gestures. 
AppBarLayout.BaseBehavior<T extends AppBarLayout> The default AppBarLayout.Behavior for AppBarLayout
AppBarLayout.BaseBehavior.BaseDragCallback<T extends AppBarLayout> Callback to allow control over any AppBarLayout dragging. 
AppBarLayout.BaseBehavior.SavedState A Parcelable implementation for AppBarLayout
AppBarLayout.BaseOnOffsetChangedListener<T extends AppBarLayout> Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an AppBarLayout's vertical offset changes. 
AppBarLayout.Behavior The default AppBarLayout.Behavior for AppBarLayout
AppBarLayout.Behavior.DragCallback Callback to allow control over any AppBarLayout dragging. 
AppBarLayout.ChildScrollEffect An effect class that should be implemented and used by AppBarLayout children to be given effects when the AppBarLayout's offset changes. 
AppBarLayout.CompressChildScrollEffect A class which handles updating an AppBarLayout child, if marked with the app:layout_scrollEffect compress, at each step in the AppBarLayout's offset animation. 
AppBarLayout.LayoutParams A ViewGroup.LayoutParams implementation for AppBarLayout
AppBarLayout.LiftOnScrollListener Definition for a callback to be invoked when the lift on scroll elevation and background color change. 
AppBarLayout.OnOffsetChangedListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an AppBarLayout's vertical offset changes. 
AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior Behavior which should be used by Views which can scroll vertically and support nested scrolling to automatically scroll any AppBarLayout siblings. 
ArgbEvaluatorCompat This evaluator can be used to perform type interpolation between integer values that represent ARGB colors. 


BadgeDrawable BadgeDrawable contains all the layout and draw logic for a badge. 
BadgeDrawable.BadgeGravity Position the badge can be set to. 
BadgeUtils Utility class for BadgeDrawable
BaseProgressIndicator<S extends BaseProgressIndicatorSpec> This class contains the common functions shared in different types of progress indicators. 
BaseProgressIndicatorSpec This class contains the parameters shared between linear type and circular type. 
BaseTransientBottomBar<B extends BaseTransientBottomBar<B>> Base class for lightweight transient bars that are displayed along the bottom edge of the application window. 
BaseTransientBottomBar.BaseCallback<B> Base class for BaseTransientBottomBar callbacks. 
BaseTransientBottomBar.Behavior Behavior for BaseTransientBottomBar
BaseTransientBottomBar.ContentViewCallback This interface is deprecated. Use ContentViewCallback instead.  
BasicLabelFormatter A simple implementation of the LabelFormatter interface, that limits the number displayed inside a discrete slider's bubble to three digits, and a single-character suffix that denotes magnitude (e.g.: 1.5K, 2.2M, 1.3B, 2T). 
BottomAppBar The Bottom App Bar is an extension of Toolbar that supports a shaped background that "cradles" an attached FloatingActionButton
BottomAppBar.Behavior Behavior designed for use with BottomAppBar instances. 
BottomAppBar.FabAlignmentMode The fabAlignmentMode determines the horizontal positioning of the cradle and the FAB which can be centered or aligned to the end. 
BottomAppBar.FabAnimationMode The fabAnimationMode determines the animation used to move the FAB between different alignment modes. 
BottomAppBarTopEdgeTreatment Top edge treatment for the bottom app bar which "cradles" a circular FloatingActionButton
BottomNavigationView Represents a standard bottom navigation bar for application. 
BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemReselectedListener This interface is deprecated. Use NavigationBarView.OnItemReselectedListener instead.  
BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener This interface is deprecated. Use NavigationBarView.OnItemSelectedListener instead.  
BottomSheetBehavior<V extends View> An interaction behavior plugin for a child view of CoordinatorLayout to make it work as a bottom sheet. 
BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback Callback for monitoring events about bottom sheets. 
BottomSheetBehavior.SavedState State persisted across instances  
BottomSheetDialog Base class for Dialogs styled as a bottom sheet. 
BottomSheetDialogFragment Modal bottom sheet. 
BottomSheetDragHandleView A drag handle view that can be added to bottom sheets associated with BottomSheetBehavior


CalendarConstraints Used to limit the display range of the calendar and set an openAt month. 
CalendarConstraints.Builder Builder for CalendarConstraints
CalendarConstraints.DateValidator Used to determine whether calendar days are enabled. 
CarouselLayoutManager A RecyclerView.LayoutManager that can mask and offset items along the scrolling axis, creating a unique list optimized for a stylized viewing experience. 
CarouselSnapHelper Implementation of the SnapHelper that supports snapping items to the carousel keylines according to the strategy. 
CarouselStrategy A class responsible for creating a model used by a carousel to mask and offset views as they move along a scrolling axis. 
ChildrenAlphaProperty A Property for the alpha of a ViewGroup's children. 
Chip Chips are compact elements that represent an attribute, text, entity, or action. 
ChipDrawable ChipDrawable contains all the layout and draw logic for Chip
ChipDrawable.Delegate Delegate interface to be implemented by Views that own a ChipDrawable. 
ChipGroup A ChipGroup is used to hold multiple Chips. 
ChipGroup.LayoutParams A ChipGroup.LayoutParams implementation for ChipGroup
ChipGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener This interface is deprecated. Use ChipGroup.OnCheckedStateChangeListener instead.  
ChipGroup.OnCheckedStateChangeListener Interface definition for a callback which supports multiple checked IDs to be invoked when the checked chips changed in this group. 
CircularProgressIndicator This class implements the circular type progress indicators. 
CircularProgressIndicatorSpec This class contains the parameters for drawing a circular type progress indicator. 
CircularRevealCardView A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for MaterialCardView
CircularRevealCompat Defines compat implementations of circular reveal animations. 
CircularRevealCoordinatorLayout A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for CoordinatorLayout
CircularRevealFrameLayout A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for FrameLayout
CircularRevealGridLayout A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for GridLayout
CircularRevealHelper Helper class to implement circular reveal functionality. 
CircularRevealHelper.Delegate Delegate interface to be implemented by the CircularRevealWidget that owns this helper. 
CircularRevealHelper.Strategy Which strategy this view should use to create the circular reveal effect. 
CircularRevealLinearLayout A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for LinearLayout
CircularRevealRelativeLayout A CircularRevealWidget wrapper for RelativeLayout
CircularRevealWidget Interface which denotes that a View supports a circular clip and scrim color, even for pre-L APIs. 
CircularRevealWidget.CircularRevealEvaluator A TypeEvaluator that performs type interpolation between two CircularRevealWidget.RevealInfos. 
CircularRevealWidget.CircularRevealProperty A Property wrapper around the compound circularReveal functionality on a CircularRevealWidget
CircularRevealWidget.CircularRevealScrimColorProperty A Property wrapper around the circularRevealScrimColor functionality on a CircularRevealWidget
CircularRevealWidget.RevealInfo RevealInfo holds three values for a circular reveal. 
CollapsingToolbarLayout CollapsingToolbarLayout is a wrapper for Toolbar which implements a collapsing app bar. 
ColorContrast Utility for applying contrast colors to application/activities. 
ColorContrastOptions Wrapper class for specifying color contrast options when applying contrast to branded and custom themes. 
ColorContrastOptions.Builder Builder class for specifying options when applying contrast. 
ColorRoles Each accent color (primary, secondary and tertiary), is provided as a group of four supplementary color roles with different luminance which can be used in the UI to define emphasis and to provide a greater flexibility in expression. 
CompositeDateValidator A CalendarConstraints.DateValidator that accepts a list of Date Validators. 
ContentViewCallback Interface that defines the behavior of the main content of a transient bottom bar. 
CornerFamily CornerFamily enum that holds which family to be used to create a CornerTreatment

The corner family determines which family to use to create a CornerTreatment

CornerSize Allows clients to describe the size of a corner independently from a CornerTreatment
CornerTreatment A basic corner treatment (a single point which does not affect the shape). 
CutCornerTreatment A corner treatment which cuts or clips the original corner of a shape with a straight line. 


DateValidatorPointBackward A CalendarConstraints.DateValidator that enables only dates before a given point. 
DateValidatorPointForward A CalendarConstraints.DateValidator that enables dates from a given point forward. 
DayViewDecorator A decorator which allows customizing the day of month views within a MaterialDatePicker
DeterminateDrawable<S extends BaseProgressIndicatorSpec> This class draws the graphics for determinate mode. 
DrawableAlphaProperty Compat property for Drawable.getAlpha() and Drawable.setAlpha(int) for pre-K devices. 
DynamicColors Utility for applying dynamic colors to application/activities. 
DynamicColors.OnAppliedCallback The interface that provides a callback method after dynamic colors have been applied. 
DynamicColors.Precondition The interface that provides a precondition to decide if dynamic colors should be applied. 
DynamicColorsOptions Wrapper class for specifying dynamic colors options when applying dynamic colors. 
DynamicColorsOptions.Builder Builder class for specifying options when applying dynamic colors. 


EdgeTreatment A basic edge treatment (a single straight line). 
ElevationOverlayProvider Utility for calculating elevation overlay alpha values and colors. 
ExpandableBehavior This class is deprecated. Use MaterialContainerTransform instead.  
ExpandableTransformationBehavior This class is deprecated. Use MaterialContainerTransform instead.  
ExpandableTransformationWidget An ExpandableWidget that visually transforms into another component when expanded. 
ExpandableWidget A widget that has expanded/collapsed state. 
ExpandableWidgetHelper ExpandableWidgetHelper is a helper class for writing custom ExpandableWidgets and ExpandableTransformationWidget
ExperimentalBadgeUtils Annotation denoting this class is experimental  
ExtendableSavedState SavedState for widgets that want to save and restore their own state in View.onSaveInstanceState()
ExtendedFloatingActionButton Extended floating action buttons are used for a special type of promoted action. 
ExtendedFloatingActionButton.ExtendedFloatingActionButtonBehavior<T extends ExtendedFloatingActionButton> Behavior designed for use with ExtendedFloatingActionButton instances. 
ExtendedFloatingActionButton.OnChangedCallback Callback to be invoked when the visibility or the state of an ExtendedFloatingActionButton changes. 


FabTransformationBehavior This class is deprecated. Use MaterialContainerTransform instead.  
FabTransformationBehavior.FabTransformationSpec Motion spec for a FAB transformation. 
FabTransformationScrimBehavior This class is deprecated. Use MaterialContainerTransform instead.  
FabTransformationSheetBehavior This class is deprecated. Use MaterialContainerTransform instead.  
FadeProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades a view. 
FadeProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades a view. 
FadeThroughProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades out or in a view. 
FadeThroughProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that fades out or in a view. 
FloatingActionButton Floating action buttons are used for a special type of promoted action. 
FloatingActionButton.BaseBehavior<T extends FloatingActionButton> Behavior designed for use with FloatingActionButton instances. 
FloatingActionButton.Behavior Behavior designed for use with FloatingActionButton instances. 
FloatingActionButton.OnVisibilityChangedListener Callback to be invoked when the visibility of a FloatingActionButton changes. 
FullScreenCarouselStrategy A CarouselStrategy that fits one full-width or full-height item into a container to create a layout to browse one item at a time. 


HarmonizedColorAttributes A class for specifying color attributes for harmonization, which contains an array of color attributes, with the option to specify a custom theme overlay. 
HarmonizedColors A class for harmonizing color resources and attributes. 
HarmonizedColorsOptions Wrapper class for specifying harmonization options, whether to harmonize an array of color resources, or a HarmonizedColorAttributes, along with the color attribute provided to harmonize with. 
HarmonizedColorsOptions.Builder Builder class for specifying options when harmonizing colors. 
HeroCarouselStrategy A CarouselStrategy that knows how to size and fit one large item and one small item into a container to create a layout to browse one 'hero' item at a time with a preview item. 
HideBottomViewOnScrollBehavior<V extends View> The CoordinatorLayout.Behavior for a View within a CoordinatorLayout to hide the view off the bottom of the screen when scrolling down, and show it when scrolling up. 
HideBottomViewOnScrollBehavior.OnScrollStateChangedListener Interface definition for a listener to be notified when the bottom view scroll state changes. 
Hold A Visibility Transition that does nothing to the target views, which can be useful for preserving a scene on screen during a Fragment transition. 
Hold A Visibility Transition that does nothing to the target views, which can be useful for preserving a scene on screen during a Fragment transition. 


ImageMatrixProperty Property wrapper for ImageView.getImageMatrix() and ImageView.setImageMatrix(Matrix)
IndeterminateDrawable<S extends BaseProgressIndicatorSpec> This class draws the graphics for indeterminate mode. 
InterpolateOnScrollPositionChangeHelper Helper class to handle shape interpolation when shaped views enter or exit the window. 


LabelFormatter Interface definition for applying custom formatting to the text displayed inside the bubble shown when a slider is used in discrete mode. 
LabelVisibilityMode This @interface is deprecated. Please use instead.  
LinearProgressIndicator This class implements the linear type progress indicators. 
LinearProgressIndicatorSpec This class contains the parameters for drawing a linear type progress indicator. 


MarkerEdgeTreatment Draws an arrow on the edge given the radius of a circle. 
MaskableFrameLayout A FrameLayout than is able to mask itself and all children. 
MaterialAlertDialogBuilder An extension of AlertDialog.Builder for use with a Material theme (e.g., Theme.MaterialComponents). 
MaterialArcMotion A Material PathMotion that results in a more dramatic curve than ArcMotion
MaterialArcMotion A Material PathMotion that results in a more dramatic curve than ArcMotion
MaterialAutoCompleteTextView A special sub-class of AutoCompleteTextView that is auto-inflated so that auto-complete text fields (e.g., for an Exposed Dropdown Menu) are accessible when being interacted through a screen reader. 
MaterialButton A convenience class for creating a new Material button. 
MaterialButton.IconGravity Positions the icon can be set to. 
MaterialButton.OnCheckedChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the button checked state changes. 
MaterialButtonToggleGroup A common container for a set of related, toggleable MaterialButtons. 
MaterialButtonToggleGroup.OnButtonCheckedListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a MaterialButton is checked or unchecked in this group. 
MaterialCardView Provides a Material card. 
MaterialCardView.CheckedIconGravity Positions the icon can be set to. 
MaterialCardView.OnCheckedChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the card checked state changes. 
MaterialCheckBox A class that creates a Material Themed CheckBox. 
MaterialCheckBox.OnCheckedStateChangedListener Callback interface invoked when one of three independent checkbox states change. 
MaterialCheckBox.OnErrorChangedListener Callback interface invoked when the checkbox error state changes. 
MaterialColors A utility class for common color variants used in Material themes. 
MaterialComponentsViewInflater An extension of AppCompatViewInflater that replaces some framework widgets with Material Components ones at inflation time, provided a Material Components theme is in use. 
MaterialContainerTransform A shared element Transition that transforms one container to another. 
MaterialContainerTransform A shared element Transition that transforms one container to another. 
MaterialContainerTransform.ProgressThresholds A class which holds a start and end value which represent a range within 0.0 - 1.0. 
MaterialContainerTransform.ProgressThresholds A class which holds a start and end value which represent a range within 0.0 - 1.0. 
MaterialContainerTransformSharedElementCallback A SharedElementCallback to be used for MaterialContainerTransform transitions. 
MaterialContainerTransformSharedElementCallback.ShapeableViewShapeProvider A MaterialContainerTransformSharedElementCallback.ShapeProvider that provides the view's ShapeAppearanceModel if the view implements the Shapeable interface. 
MaterialContainerTransformSharedElementCallback.ShapeProvider Allows providing a ShapeAppearanceModel for the shared element view. 
MaterialDatePicker<S> A Dialog with a header, MaterialCalendar, and set of actions. 
MaterialDatePicker.Builder<S> Used to create MaterialDatePicker instances with default and overridden settings  
MaterialDivider A Material divider view. 
MaterialDividerItemDecoration MaterialDividerItemDecoration is a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration, similar to a DividerItemDecoration, that can be used as a divider between items of a LinearLayoutManager
MaterialElevationScale A Visibility transition that scales the size of a surface up or down to emphasize elevation changes. 
MaterialElevationScale A Visibility transition that scales the size of a surface up or down to emphasize elevation changes. 
MaterialFade A Visibility transition that is composed of a fade and scale of incoming content and a simple fade of outgoing content. 
MaterialFade A Visibility transition that is composed of a fade and scale of incoming content and a simple fade of outgoing content. 
MaterialFadeThrough A Visibility transition that, by default, provides a fade in and scale out when appearing and a fade out and scale out when disappearing. 
MaterialFadeThrough A Visibility transition that, by default, provides a fade in and scale out when appearing and a fade out and scale out when disappearing. 
MaterialPickerOnPositiveButtonClickListener<S> Listener that provides the current MaterialCalendar<S> selection. 
MaterialRadioButton A class that creates a Material Themed RadioButton. 
MaterialShapeDrawable Base drawable class for Material Shapes that handles shadows, elevation, scale and color for a generated path. 
MaterialShapeDrawable.CompatibilityShadowMode Determines when compatibility shadow is drawn vs. 
MaterialShapeUtils Utility methods for MaterialShapeDrawable and related classes. 
MaterialSharedAxis A Visibility transition that provides shared motion along an axis. 
MaterialSharedAxis A Visibility transition that provides shared motion along an axis. 
MaterialSwitch A class that creates a Material Themed Switch. 
MaterialTextView A MaterialTextView is a derivative of AppCompatTextView that displays text to the user. 
MaterialThemeOverlay Utility to apply a theme overlay to any Context
MaterialTimePicker A Dialog with a clock display and a clock face to choose the time. 
MaterialTimePicker.Builder Used to create MaterialTimePicker instances. 
MaterialToolbar MaterialToolbar is a Toolbar that implements certain Material features, such as elevation overlays for Dark Themes and centered titles. 
MathUtils A class that contains utility methods related to numbers. 
MatrixEvaluator Type evaluator for Matrix interpolation. 
MotionSpec A motion spec contains multiple named motion timings
MotionTiming A representation of timing for an animation. 
MotionUtils A utility class for motion system functions. 
MultiBrowseCarouselStrategy A CarouselStrategy that knows how to size and fit large, medium and small items into a container to create a layout for quick browsing of multiple items at once. 


NavigationBarView Provides an abstract implementation of a navigation bar that can be used to implementation such as Bottom Navigation or Navigation rail
NavigationBarView.OnItemReselectedListener Listener for handling reselection events on navigation items. 
NavigationBarView.OnItemSelectedListener Listener for handling selection events on navigation items. 
NavigationRailView Represents a standard navigation rail view for application. 
NavigationView Represents a standard navigation menu for application. 
NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener Listener for handling events on navigation items. 
NavigationView.SavedState User interface state that is stored by NavigationView for implementing onSaveInstanceState(). 


OffsetEdgeTreatment Offsets a different edge treatment by the given amount. 
OnMaskChangedListener An interface that reports changes in mask values. 
OnSelectionChangedListener<S> Listener that provides selection. 


Positioning A representation of the positioning of a view relative to another. 


RangeSlider A range slider can be used to select from either a continuous or a discrete set of values. 
RangeSlider.OnChangeListener Interface definition for a callback invoked when a slider's value is changed. 
RangeSlider.OnSliderTouchListener Interface definition for a callback invoked when a slider's value is changed. 
RelativeCornerSize A CornerSize that takes a percent and computes the size used based on the length of the shortest edge adjacent to the corner. 
RippleDrawableCompat A compat Drawable that is used to provide an overlay for pressed, focused, and hovered states (only when in enabled). 
RoundedCornerTreatment A corner treatment which rounds a corner of a shape. 


ScaledDrawableWrapper An extension of DrawableWrapperCompat that will take a given Drawable and scale it by the specified width and height. 
ScaleProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that scales a view. 
ScaleProvider A class that configures and is able to provide an Animator that scales a view. 
SearchBar The SearchBar represents a floating search field with affordances for search and navigation. 
SearchBar.OnLoadAnimationCallback Callback for the animation started and stopped via SearchBar.startOnLoadAnimation() and SearchBar.stopOnLoadAnimation()
SearchBar.ScrollingViewBehavior Behavior that sets up the scroll-away mode for an SearchBar
SearchView Layout that provides a full screen search view and can be used with SearchBar
SearchView.Behavior Behavior that sets up an SearchView with an SearchBar
SearchView.TransitionListener Callback interface that provides important transition events for a SearchView
SearchView.TransitionState Enum that defines the possible transition states of an SearchView
ShadowDrawableWrapper This class is deprecated. Use MaterialShapeDrawable instead.  
ShadowViewDelegate Delegate interface that can be used to facilitate rendering of shadows pre-lollipop. 
Shapeable Provides a mechanism to uniformly modify the ShapeAppearanceModel that backs a component or Drawable's shape. 
ShapeableImageView An ImageView that draws the bitmap with the provided Shape. 
ShapeAppearanceModel This class models the edges and corners of a shape, which are used by MaterialShapeDrawable to generate and render the shape for a view's background. 
ShapeAppearanceModel.Builder Builder to create instances of ShapeAppearanceModels. 
ShapeAppearancePathProvider A class to convert a ShapeAppearanceModel to a Path
ShapeAppearancePathProvider.PathListener Listener called every time a ShapePath is created for a corner or an edge treatment. 
ShapePath Represents the descriptive path of a shape. 
ShapePath.PathArcOperation Path arc operation. 
ShapePath.PathCubicOperation Path cubic operation. 
ShapePath.PathLineOperation Straight line operation. 
ShapePath.PathOperation Interface for a path operation to be appended to the operations list. 
ShapePath.PathQuadOperation Path quad operation. 
ShapePathModel This class is deprecated. Use ShapeAppearanceModel instead.  
SideSheetBehavior<V extends View> An interaction behavior plugin for a child view of CoordinatorLayout to make it work as a side sheet. 
SideSheetBehavior.SavedState State persisted across instances  
SideSheetCallback Callback that monitors side sheet events. 
SideSheetDialog Base class for Dialogs styled as a side sheet. 
SingleLineItemViewHolder A simple single line list item. 
SlideDistanceProvider A class that can configure and create an Animator that slides a view vertically or horizontally slide over a specific distance. 
SlideDistanceProvider A class that can configure and create an Animator that slides a view vertically or horizontally slide over a specific distance. 
Slider A widget that allows picking a value within a given range by sliding a thumb along a horizontal line. 
Slider.OnChangeListener Interface definition for a callback invoked when a slider's value is changed. 
Slider.OnSliderTouchListener Interface definition for callbacks invoked when a slider's touch event is being started/stopped. 
Snackbar Snackbars provide lightweight feedback about an operation. 
Snackbar.Callback Callback class for Snackbar instances. 
SurfaceColors Provides a convenient way to get color values of tonal variations of R.attr.colorSurface
SwipeDismissBehavior<V extends View> An interaction behavior plugin for child views of CoordinatorLayout to provide support for the 'swipe-to-dismiss' gesture. 
SwipeDismissBehavior.OnDismissListener Callback interface used to notify the application that the view has been dismissed. 
SwitchMaterial A class that creates a Material Themed Switch. 


TabItem TabItem is a special 'view' which allows you to declare tab items for a TabLayout within a layout. 
TabLayout TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs. 
TabLayout.BaseOnTabSelectedListener<T extends TabLayout.Tab> This interface is deprecated. Use TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener instead.  
TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener Callback interface invoked when a tab's selection state changes. 
TabLayout.Tab A tab in this layout. 
TabLayout.TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener A ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener class which contains the necessary calls back to the provided TabLayout so that the tab position is kept in sync. 
TabLayout.TabView A LinearLayout containing TabLayout.Tab instances for use with TabLayout
TabLayout.ViewPagerOnTabSelectedListener A TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener class which contains the necessary calls back to the provided ViewPager so that the tab position is kept in sync. 
TabLayoutMediator A mediator to link a TabLayout with a ViewPager2. 
TabLayoutMediator.TabConfigurationStrategy A callback interface that must be implemented to set the text and styling of newly created tabs. 
TextAppearanceConfig This class is deprecated. The class is no longer needed because TextAppearance checks internally whether the desired typeface has already been fetched and cached.  
TextInputEditText A special sub-class of EditText designed for use as a child of TextInputLayout
TextInputLayout Layout which wraps a TextInputEditText, EditText, or descendant to show a floating label when the hint is hidden while the user inputs text. 
TextInputLayout.AccessibilityDelegate An TextInputLayout.AccessibilityDelegate intended to be set on an EditText or TextInputEditText with TextInputLayout.setTextInputAccessibilityDelegate(TextInputLayout.AccessibilityDelegate) to provide attributes for accessibility that are managed by TextInputLayout
TextInputLayout.BoxBackgroundMode Values for box background mode. 
TextInputLayout.LengthCounter Interface definition for a length counter. 
TextInputLayout.OnEditTextAttachedListener Callback interface invoked when the view's EditText is attached, or from TextInputLayout.addOnEditTextAttachedListener(OnEditTextAttachedListener) if the edit text is already present. 
TextInputLayout.OnEndIconChangedListener Callback interface invoked when the view's end icon changes. 
ThreeLineItemViewHolder A simple three line list item. 
TimeFormat Types of formats for the time picker  
TransformationCallback<T extends View> Callback to be invoked when the view undergoes a transformation (e.g., translation or scale). 
TransformationChildCard This class is deprecated. Use MaterialContainerTransform instead.  
TransformationChildLayout This class is deprecated. Use MaterialContainerTransform instead.  
TriangleEdgeTreatment An edge treatment which draws triangles at the midpoint of an edge, facing into or out of the shape. 
TwoLineItemViewHolder A simple two line list item. 


UncontainedCarouselStrategy A CarouselStrategy that does not resize the original item width and fits as many as it can into the container, cutting off the rest. 


VisibilityAnimatorProvider An interface which is able to provide an Animator to be supplied to a Visibility transition when a target view is appearing or disappearing. 
VisibilityAnimatorProvider An interface which is able to provide an Animator to be supplied to a Visibility transition when a target view is appearing or disappearing.